Embers of Embers

Chapter 390 Blue Whale Hotel

Chapter 390 Blue Whale Hotel
As the largest port in Inverg, there are countless ships moored at the Port of Rendona. The sea breeze blows into the cities along the coast, and the raging steam rises from one chimney after another. Like an outstretched arm slowly touching the sky.
The sea surface was slightly rippled, and the ships were swaying slightly. People were shouting and blowing high whistles. Some ships were sailing into the port, while others were slowly leaving.
The smell here is not good, all kinds of strange smells are mixed together, and it has become the unique smell of Rendona Port. This place is like another old Dunling, where countless strangers arrived by boat. Trade is carried out here, and many strange and strange faces can be seen in the streets.
The train stopped slowly, and then the door opened. After the steam dissipated, the crowd underneath was revealed.
The leader is a very strong man. Although he smiles as much as possible, his face that seems to have been carved by the wind still makes those who look at him feel a slight sharp pain. Behind him is a man carrying a cello on his back. The guy with the box looked casual, his eyes swept back and forth around, full of the novelty of seeing new things. Behind him was a girl with impressive red hair and a stiff face. , like a very unfriendly sharp knife.
Finally, under the threat of Shrike, the last member walked away in great pain.
He looked like he had eaten something he shouldn't have, and the expression on his face had become distorted. He might still have some good expectations, but when he stepped out of the car completely and stepped on the land, he understood that everything It's all over.
"I'll just send you here. Just follow Haybold's command for the next actions."
Shrike had no intention of getting out of the car. After kicking Kestrel out of the car, he shrank back again.
Soon after, the train left again, and Kestrel still stood in the same twisted appearance, holding a triangle in his hand.
"I said, are you homesick?"
Lorenzo patted Kestrel on the shoulder seriously and said to Kestrel while suppressing a smile.
Looking at Lorenzo with empty eyes, Kestrel took a deep breath. After going back and forth for countless times, he finally accepted the status quo and followed the team with a decadent look on his face. At the same time, the triangle in his hand still made sounds from time to time. Clear sound, a sad look.
There was nothing that could be done about it. After all, he had come this far after doing what he did and loving what he did. Kestrel knew very well that he had no chance to look back and could only follow the path of a few lunatics until the end.
"What are you doing!"
Kestrel suddenly screamed.
I saw Lorenzo wandering around the station carrying the piano case. Unexpectedly, he already had a bunch of souvenirs in his hands. Eve was also a little overwhelmed and reached out after him, and even helped Lorenzo carry a few souvenirs. What a so-called local product.
Aren't you here to perform a mission?Isn’t it related to the international situation?How do you make it look like you are here for shopping?
Speaking of traveling and shopping, Kestrel felt a pectoris for a moment. He covered his chest with one hand and wanted to curse something more, but he couldn't say anything.
"Yo! Hibald! Do you Viking countries have such a thing?"
Lorenzo carried a big bag and walked to Hebold's side, took out a piece of fruit, wiped it with his clothes and started to eat it.
"I haven't seen it, probably not."
Haybold looked at the fruit and said with some regret.
The Viking kingdoms were remote and shrouded in cold winters all year round. Many crops could not survive in this environment, let alone fruits. For these reasons, during the thousands of years of development, the Vikings The countries in Beijing became countries that plundered foreign countries.
But times have changed, this is not an era where a tomahawk can plunder everything, they need to make a change.
"Then give it a try and take some specialties back with you when you're done."
Lorenzo stuffed the bag to Heybold, and took out a piece of fruit from the bag Eve was carrying and started to eat it.
The kestrel swayed and followed the three people. He really wanted to have the mentality of seeing hell like Lorenzo.
The purification agency and Nordero have already arranged everything. A temporary residence has been prepared for them in Rendona Port. After opening the door, you will see a vast living room with a huge floor-to-ceiling window on the other side. From here you can see directly over the harbor.
After stacking the luggage aside, Lorenzo collapsed directly on the sofa. Eve walked back and forth between the rooms, observing the surrounding situation. Kestrel and Lorenzo collapsed together, and Haybold Then he picked up some documents and sat on the other side of the two.
"This is Irene Adler's safe house. According to valid intelligence, she should be staying here."
Haybold spread out the map, with a red pen marking Irene's location.
Lorenzo narrowed his eyes slightly. He looked at the map. Based on the direction, he looked out the window. The buildings not far away and within sight were the places marked on the map.
It seems that this temporary residence is not randomly arranged, it is all part of Haybold's plan.
This guy is not like a messenger, he is also an expert like Lorenzo.
"She stayed in a hotel called the Blue Whale, and the room number was B524. This is probably the case here at the port. On the surface, it is a flow of trade, but privately there is a large amount of smuggling. This hotel is for these smugglers. It is a 'black shop' that provides a place for people to live, and only such a black shop does not require any identification and can allow Irene to check in."
"We will stay here for two days, and the same goes for Irene. From what I know about her, she is very cunning. We only have one chance to capture her. If we fail, we will lose her trace. Then we will only I will be able to follow the orchestra directly to Gallo Nalo in two days."
Lorenzo nodded, sat up straight with his paralyzed body, and asked.
"So it seems you already have a plan?"
"Yes, this is also a way for us to understand each other. After all, I have never seen your strength, Mr. Holmes, with my own eyes, right?"
Haybold looked into Lorenzo's gray-blue eyes and said.
The two looked at each other briefly, and then Highbould continued to talk about the plan.
"The plan is very simple. Although the Viking countries have launched a secret wanted search for Eileen, this is Yin Erweg's territory. We, the Viking countries, cannot act directly here. This will make her relax her vigilance. You have to All you do is get to this location and grab her.”
"Sounds easy," Lorenzo said.
"But it's also very difficult. She is a cunning woman who will trick everyone, otherwise we would not have let her escape from the Viking countries."
"Do you have a photo?"
"No, I know it's a bit unbelievable, but this is what we discovered later. This woman hid her identity very well. She dressed up differently every time and didn't leave any recordable images. She even said that Irene... The name Adler may also be fake.”
Haybold's expression became serious.
"Sometimes I feel like she doesn't exist."
"Is that so..."
Lorenzo found things interesting.
He stood up directly and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking this magnificent port.
Dense boats covered the sea, and countless people shuttled back and forth between the boats, speaking different languages ​​and looking different... For a moment, Lorenzo felt that this place was like a downtown, where fish and dragons were mixed together, but he kept There is a tacit order.
No one knows how many ulterior secrets are hidden here.
Lorenzo looked at the buildings in the distance, and combined with the map in Hebold's hand, a rough plan was conceived bit by bit.
"I said, Heibald, this operation is for the purpose of secrecy. In other words, except for those at the very top, no one knows our specific identities, right?"
Haybold replied that he even cut off his beloved beard for this operation. In fact, for Lorenzo, he looked pretty good. He looked several years younger after cutting off his beard.
"Then if we cause a riot here, I think the mounted police will arrest us without discrimination and even fire at us, right? After all, in their eyes, we are not imperial envoys, but a group of rebellious officials and thieves."
"Rebellious ministers and traitors? I like it, almost. The people in charge here don't know this at all. After all, the enemy will also have spies planted here. No one is trustworthy."
"Is that so... Then I need to change my thinking."
Lorenzo said and took off his clothes. He walked aside and opened the wardrobe. As expected, the pre-arranged wardrobe was already full of clothes, including the changes Lorenzo needed.
"We are not a rescue team now, but a group of desperadoes who smuggle goods. Because of an operation, a traitor appeared among us, and the traitor was hiding in the Blue Whale Hotel with the goods... What do you think of this plot?"
Lorenzo put on a neat black dress, with an inexplicable sense of nobility. At the same time, he also took out a dress and threw it to Eve.
"Kestrel, can you drive a carriage?"
Kestrel tilted his head slightly and nodded briefly. He still knew how to do this kind of work. When he was hanging out in the lower city, he often drove a carriage on exciting life-and-death speeds.
"So Hebold, can you fight?"
"If I die, I will definitely drink in the Hall of Valor."
Hybord smiled at Lorenzo. His muscles were bigger than Lorenzo's, like a giant humanoid bear.
Lorenzo thought it was pretty good. It felt good to have helpers. If he came alone, he would not only have to chase Irene, but he might also have to fight with all the passers-by who were involved.
"Get ready for action. We're in a hurry. We'll start tonight."
Lorenzo opened the piano case, and there was an icy cold light inside, and one deadly weapon after another was hung in it.
Blue Whale Hotel.
The woman woke up from the bed leisurely. She didn't like the feeling of being hungover. Every time she woke up with a hangover, her head hurt, as if someone had hit her with a hammer.
But I have to admit that the hangover is also good. During that blurred time, she forgot all the pain, just like a numb corpse.
A whimpering sound sounded, and Erin looked to the other side.
"Ah? I'm sorry, don't you feel bad? I'm really sorry, I slept for a long time this time."
Irene kept apologizing, but in the other corner, a woman was being tied up with five flowers, with fear in her eyes and a lot of blood on her body.
She climbed out of bed, wearing loose underwear, and the light slightly penetrated the clothes to outline a beautiful arc.
Erin picked up the pistol that was placed on the cabinet, and then put the muzzle of the gun to the woman's head. As long as she pulled the trigger, the woman would die tragically in front of her eyes.
She is not worried that the sound of gunfire will attract other people's attention. After all, this is the Blue Whale Hotel. Let alone shooting and killing a woman here, no matter how many people die, as long as Irene calls the front desk service, she will be there soon. An attendant knocked on her door and disposed of the corpses.
Yes, the Blue Whale Hotel itself is a part of a series of crimes. As the largest trading port in Inverg, if they smuggled only a tiny, miniscule part, it would still be an extremely huge wealth, enough to make anyone Take risks out of desperation.
Inverg's official attitude towards all this is also very cold. They seem to want to try the same treatment method as old Dunling and create a separate lower town area dedicated to dumping garbage. Unfortunately, the flow of people at Rendona Port It's really too big. Due to various factors, the city and downtown are mixed together, turning into another weird but functioning port city.
The woman's horrified eyes reflected Irene's somewhat dazed expression, but then Irene laughed, she put away the gun, kissed the woman's forehead, and whispered in her ear.
"Don't worry, I won't kill you. You have better uses."
Irene picked up a cigarette and dragged the tied woman out of the room. The glass was broken and there were several bullet holes in the wall. The living room was in a mess, as if someone had just fought here.
"How much am I worth now in Gallonalo?"
Erin asked as she walked. After she finished speaking, she shook her head somewhat self-deprecatingly. How could a woman reply?She had been gagged by Irene and could only make meaningless sounds.
"Okay, please take a short sleep now. Of course, I don't know if you can wake up."
Irene took out a shot of medicine from the woman's bag, which seemed to be a sedative. With the injection, the woman's struggle gradually became weaker, and finally she fell into a deep sleep. Irene put on the clothes of a waiter and put her He stuffed it under the cart and then came to the corridor.
The door number behind her said B523. In this deserted corridor, Irene stopped after walking a few steps. She looked at another door. The door number said B524.
Her voice was brisk, as if she was speaking to the woman who had fallen asleep under the cart.
(End of this chapter)

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