Chapter 391
As Lorenzo said, Porto Rendona is a city where light and darkness coexist, they are completely mixed together, and sometimes there may be only a thin line between you and the "downtown".
The carriage slowly stopped on the noisy street. Looking out the window, the Blue Whale Hotel was at the other end of the street. Several security guards were waiting outside the door. Judging from the obvious bulges on their waists, everyone All were armed with handguns.
"These are just on the surface. As a black and white transaction point, its security must be more than that."
Lorenzo withdrew his gaze and said to the guys sitting opposite him.
"So just do as I say, got it?"
The remaining two people in the carriage nodded in affirmation, and at this moment the partition was opened, and Kestrel's eyes peeked in from outside the carriage.
"So what's going on? What do I do next? Shoot those guys? I'm pretty good at that."
Since it cannot be changed, it is better to enjoy it.
After understanding this, Kestrel began to work hard, but it may be that he was overstimulated. Seeing him so enthusiastic about his work, several people present were a little uneasy.
"Ah, it's yours! We will get back to the car in a while, Kestrel. When I tell you to run, you will run to your death. There will be many people chasing us. We have to find a way to get rid of them."
"Oh... wait!"
Kestrel nodded while listening, but he soon felt something was wrong. Lorenzo did not wait for him to ask questions and directly pulled up the partition.
"So let's start! Hibold, this is the first time we have cooperated. I hope that neither of us will disappoint the other too much."
Lorenzo picked up Eve and pushed the car door open while speaking to Haybold.
Heibald smiled at Lorenzo with difficulty. He was also looking forward to what this first cooperation would be like. However, due to the narrowness of the carriage, he was sitting in a very uncomfortable position, as if he had stuffed a bear into the closet. inside.
The cool air fills the mouth and nose, with a slight sea flavor. If you taste it carefully, the taste becomes strange, coal, fishy and blood.
Lorenzo stood on the street and sorted out his clothes. He took a deep breath, feeling the chaos and harmony here.
There are endless exquisite buildings, but there are people wailing in the shadowed alleys. This is a large downtown area, and Lorenzo likes this atmosphere.
"Then let's go."
Lorenzo looked elegant and took Eve's hand. Eve was also used to this way of sneaking in and cooperated with Lorenzo to move forward.
They just walked towards the Blue Whale Hotel, ignoring the cry of the kestrel on the carriage behind them.
Unlike these luxuriously dressed guys, Kestrel barely wore some clothes that were still visible, holding the reins with both hands. He looked desolate on the slightly cold street, and the guy at the end of his sight was holding the girl's hand and walking towards That exquisite hotel.
Kestrel had mixed feelings for a while. He thought he would be a surprise soldier from heaven, but in Lorenzo's plan, he turned out to be just a coachman.
"Come on, my friend, our lives and deaths depend on you."
The carriage shook. Shortly after Lorenzo left, Haybold looked at the watch on his wrist, calculated the time and stepped out of the carriage.
He was also wearing shabby clothes, and he was holding a sealed box with a note written on it.
"My role this time is a courier, what do you think?"
Heybold tucked the box under his arm. It was a heavy thing, and he didn't know what Lorenzo had put in it.
"is acceptable."
Kestrel took a look at Hebold. He did look like a courier. The only thing that caught his attention was that the courier was a little too strong, as if someone would come to snatch his goods on his way. Same.
"You're not bad, groom."
Highbould smiled at Kestrel, and then walked to the Blue Whale Hotel, leaving the groom alone. After a brief daze, he cursed loudly.
"So what do you want to do this time? I don't have a chance to hide weapons this time."
Eve was wearing a relatively close-fitting dress this time, and there was no room to hide weapons. From her previous observations, Lorenzo did not carry a weapon, and the two of them came here bare-handed.
She never doubted Lorenzo's fighting ability. This guy could easily choke a bull to death even with his bare hands, and maybe even wring off its neck as well.
"We don't need to bring weapons. It's too easy to deal with an ordinary woman with bare hands. Moreover, Haybold also said that there are many people watching us. If possible, don't bleed or alert anyone."
Lorenzo looked forward and said softly.
This is the trickier part of this operation. Before being completely exposed to the enemy's view, Lorenzo must try to reduce the impact of the operation as much as possible. After all, if you think about the worst, this incident may become a conflict between the two countries. The trigger for war.
Troublesome but interesting, Lorenzo was curious about what the answer would be and whether it was really what he suspected.
"Remember when we went to meet Sabo? Looking back at the feeling back then, this place is actually no different from the underground palace at that time. They are both gathering places for evil forces, but the environment here may be much better than then... least it's on the ground."
Lorenzo raised his head and looked at the tall building.
"It can be seen that Eileen was somewhat desperate under the pursuit of the Viking countries. In the end, only this kind of place could temporarily shelter her, and this is also temporary..."
"It doesn't look like they're going to search us for weapons."
Eve kept paying attention to the security guards guarding the door. Some of their eyes briefly fell on the two of them, but they took no more action until they entered the hall, and no one came up to search for their weapons. .
"This is natural. Black and white are mixed here, and there is no fighting and killing every day. People also need some normal customers to make a living."
Lorenzo said and laughed.
"It may disillusion you a little, but when I was working for people, I didn't get any assassination commissions every day. After all, we have a harmonious society. Everyone likes to chop at the negotiation table with bloody flesh instead of real swords. It’s a real fight, so this industry is in decline now, and I basically do it once and take a month off.”
Eve felt a little strange. She had never been exposed to such a world, so naturally she didn't know about it.
"Hello, we need to book a room."
Lorenzo started talking at the front desk, and Eve was not idle, but observed the surroundings with the corner of her eyes.
Under the guidance of the waiter, Lorenzo and Eve settled in B521, which was one room away from Irene's room. It was neither close nor far. Lorenzo liked this location.
"I said, wouldn't we be exposed?"
After entering the room, Eve couldn't help asking.
She wanted to talk about it from just now. The two of them checked into the hotel but didn't bring any luggage. Wouldn't this make people suspicious?
"I know what you want to ask, so I only booked it for one night and we will only stay here for one night."
"so what?"
Eve didn't understand.
Lorenzo sighed. Some things were really difficult to explain to Eve. After all, she might have a few properties in Old Dunling. After all, she was also the daughter of a duke, right.
"For example, we had a good time at the casino next door and got to know each other. No one wanted to go home, so we slept here all night. But after one night we found that we were not suitable for each other, and we went our separate ways after dawn... This kind of thing is quite common. , I often encounter mistresses when I catch them. Some guys even only booked for a few hours. Once I arrived late, they all left.
Anything could happen, and it would make sense if it happened, let alone in this messy place. "
Looking at Eve who was gradually becoming silent, Lorenzo walked to the door and sat down without any intention of taking action.
"The most important thing is that we didn't bring anything with us so that the guys wouldn't notice us too much."
Eve walked to the opposite side of Lorenzo. She untied her cuffs, which were tight and hindered her movement.
"what are you doing?"
She looked at Lorenzo sitting on the ground with suspicion. He was leaning against the door, his waist straight. This was not something Lorenzo would do. Judging from this guy's character, he should be right now. Slumped on the sofa.
Lorenzo was talking nonsense, but Eve, already used to him like this, asked next.
"What's next?"
Lorenzo had a peaceful look on his face, and he felt a wicked sense of pleasure when he thought about the kestrel waiting alone in the cold wind while he enjoyed the softness and warmth here.
"Yes, be patient, Eve. As a hunter, what we need most is patience."
Lorenzo slowly closed his eyes, and the invisible tide surged out of his body, filling the whole room little by little. He could hear Eve's steady heartbeat and breathing.
The tide was still spreading out little by little, it seeped through the crack of the door, and stirred back and forth in the corridor, the vague footsteps gradually became clearer.
"An express delivery requires Miss Irene Adler's personal signature."
Haybold stood at the front desk and said.
"Leave it to us, and we will hand it over to her."
"Really? This thing is very 'expensive'."
Hybold raised his head slightly, his face was covered by the hat he was wearing, although he was tall, no one could see his face clearly.
Now the man saw that Hebold's expression under the shadow of the hat brim was extremely ferocious, like a monster that chooses people to eat. As a Viking, it is too easy for him to act ferocious.
The man's heart suddenly became cold. The Blue Whale Hotel runs a lot of shady businesses, and often they also have many shady guests. With many years of experience in the industry, the man directly judged Haibold as "shameful". "people" type.
He gave a stiff smile. There was no need to say anything to such a person. He directly acquiesced to Haibold's actions.
Haybold didn't say much, and walked directly upstairs with the express. But as soon as he left, the man's face darkened. He signaled, and several security guards pulled out their pistols and followed him.
The man dialed the phone and paused for a long time, but no one answered, and he did not do any extra operations. From the moment he dialed the phone, he and Eileen were already inseparable.
In the long silence, the faint ringing of the bell broke the silence, and a slight smile appeared on the face of Lorenzo, who closed his eyes and meditated.
Judging from the time, Haybold has already entered the hotel. According to the "script" given to him by Lorenzo, he will shout Irene's name like a stupid teenager. Lorenzo can be sure that he has been exposed. In the sight of all concerned people.
If Irene is really as deceitful as Heibald said, then she must have some means to warn against this, instead of sleeping here openly. As a woman wanted by the Viking countries, Lorenzo does not think that she will Make such a stupid mistake.
But Lorenzo wasn't sure what this "early warning" would be, so he could only get as close to the corridor as possible to sense all the fluctuations.
The corridor was in a harmonious state until the "early warning" broke the harmony.
For example...the ringing tone of the phone.
The woman had regained some consciousness, but due to the medicine, her body still refused to obey her control. She heard the ringing of the phone. She didn't know why the phone rang and who was calling, but she She only felt uneasy, as if the god of death was knocking on her door.
Her eyes were covered and she couldn't see anything. She tried to move her body, but she couldn't do it. She didn't know where she was. She just felt like a thinking corpse at the moment, waiting for what would happen next. The change.
Eileen moved her ears away from the wall, and after confirming the ringing, she dressed and picked up her pistol.
Just like Lorenzo, she then stood in front of the door, leaning her body against the door as much as possible, using her hearing to observe the situation outside the door, and pressing one hand on the door handle, ready to jump out at any time. .
Hibold stepped on one step after another, and the courier box in his hand had already been opened by him during the ascent process.
His broad body concealed his movements. At some point, he had taken out a pistol from the express box, and the gun was glowing with an icy cold light.
The door of B524 is just around the corner, so close...until it's right in front of you.
Haybold put the express box at his feet and stood in front of the door of B524. The gun he held in one hand was pressed against the door.
He remembered Irene's appearance and her size. If Irene was hiding behind the door and was about to attack him, the shot would go into her stomach.
The other hand grasped the door handle tightly and unscrewed it little by little.
Time ticks forward, and when it reaches a certain right place, it is like a song reaching its climax, and all the music rises and rises like the sunrise.
B524's door was pushed open, and the sound of gunfire detonated all the peace. At the same time, several heartbeats roared.
Lorenzo opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a loud noise outside the door.
(End of this chapter)

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