Embers of Embers

Chapter 392 Cicada, Mantis and Oriole

Chapter 392 Cicada, Mantis and Oriole
Hebold turned his wrist gently, and the sound of mechanical bites in the silence was so clear. He unscrewed the door, revealing a dark corner.
Nothing happened.
Heibald thought that the moment he opened the door, the battle would begin, but he didn't expect that nothing happened. He did not relax his vigilance because of this, but instead became more nervous.
If Erin's counterattack wasn't here, where would it be?
Haybold walked into the room quietly without turning on the lights. Everything seemed extremely dark. He could only see gloomy silhouettes one after another, outlining a warm room.
He wanted to continue moving forward, but as if he sensed something, Hebold leaned to the other side and hid in the shadows.
Hasty footsteps sounded, the voice was weak and depressing, but it was still keenly captured by Heybold.
Someone walked in along the open door. They were dressed in dark clothes and had pure black masks on their faces. Their appearance could not be seen clearly.
There was a strong smell of blood in the air. On the ascending stairwell, the security guard who was following him had fallen into a pool of blood. His throat had been brutally cut open, and there were bloody footprints on the ground one after another.
Highbould held his breath.
Sure enough, Lorenzo was right.
Haybold began to trust the unscrupulous detective. Although he seemed unreliable, he was really professional in doing things.
Irene is not a simple woman. She is cared for by many forces. Lorenzo guesses that such a woman must have her own conspiracy to live for so long. She will weave traps one after another in place, waiting for those who People with bad intentions.
This is also the reason why it is not Lorenzo himself who takes action. Hibold is Lorenzo's stick, vigorously disturbing the poisonous snakes hiding in the grass, and then Lorenzo, the real hunter, will solve everything.
Heybold remembered what Lorenzo had said in that strange tone.
The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.
The killers seemed to be in a hurry. The two of them spread out to search the room. The two of them headed directly towards the bedroom. Everything was moving in parallel, and the sounds in the silent space became chaotic.
In the bedroom, there was a vague human figure on the bed. The killers did not hesitate and pierced the bedding directly with their sharp knives. In order to completely kill the target, they stabbed it several times.
But no blood came out.
When he opened the quilt, there was a pile of punctured pillows with pure white stuffing flying.
Where's Erin?
The killers exchanged information with their eyes and carefully checked the room. On the opposite side of the bed, a half-hidden wardrobe attracted their attention.
One killer pointed his gun at the closet, while the other approached quietly.
Something seemed to be peeping at him in the dark gap. He opened the closet and gunshots rang out.
As the wardrobe was opened, the preset mechanism was triggered, the rope pulled the trigger, and the pistol above the wardrobe fired at this moment. The bullets shot down from the top. The killer had no time to retreat and was directly hit by the bullets.
The darkness covered these, and at the same time, the burst of gunshots made the woman in the closet whimper in fear. The sound attracted the killers, chaotic gunshots rang out, and bullets repeatedly penetrated the closet until blood could not stop pouring out of it.
The woman died, her body lost its support, and her broken corpse fell out of the closet and lay in a pool of blood.
The lights in the room were not turned on, and they couldn't confirm the identity of the woman for a while, but in the eyes of the killers, this was Irene.
She deliberately set up a disguise on the bed to deceive the killers, and she hid in the closet and waited to fight back, but she was too hasty. If she didn't shoot, the killers would not be ready to kill her. There are also many valuable secrets.
The mission is over, all that remains is to confirm the identity of the body.
The suppressed breathing became smoother, the killer gasped, and the shot killer also let out bursts of painful moans.
The killer stretched out his hand to pick up his fallen colleague, but he suddenly realized something.
Something is not right.
He looked at the dead female body, and he still remembered what those people said about Irene, and now this deceitful woman died so easily.
No, what about the others?
The killer suddenly turned around and looked at the other people checking the room, but all he saw was a majestic figure with the cold muzzle of the gun pointed directly at his head.
When people are nervous and full of pressure, they will concentrate all their attention on the things in front of them. This is good, and they will keenly observe any abnormalities in the target, but this is also bad, because too much concentration will make them ignore other things. .
Just like now.
When the gunfire rang out, Haybold started his action. He rushed out from the shadows and punched the killer's throat fiercely. His whole head was weirdly tilted with Hebold's heavy punch. After twisting, the sound of falling was perfectly covered by the sound of gunshots, and then came the next one...the one in the hands of Haybold.
Haybold let go of his other hand, and under his broad mind, the killer was directly strangled to death. His body seemed to have had its spine removed, and he fell limply to the ground.
"Put the gun down."
Haybold pointed his gun at the standing killer. The killer did not speak, but gave his answer with actions.
The killer slowly placed the pistol on the ground, and the next moment a gunshot rang out.
Heybold observed all the actions of the killers. A total of four killers sneaked into the room, two checked the room, and two assassinated Irene.
The killer who was injured by the machine gun looked at Haybold in horror. His hand was on the gun, but he didn't dare to lift it up. The killer who was ordered by Haybold to put down the gun was with the female corpse. He fell into a pool of blood.
"I only need one alive...or half."
Haybold walked directly towards the injured killer. This operation was both successful and unsuccessful. He captured a living victim, but his main target, Irene, seemed to be dead.
He dragged the injured killer up, but at this moment, more rapid footsteps sounded, and his fighting instinct warned Haibold. He lifted up the injured killer and blocked it like a shield. In front of him, chaotic gunshots rang out, and countless bullets were shot into the killer's body. Some even penetrated his body and bruised Haibold.
Throwing away the body, Haybold ducked into a nearby bunker, while not forgetting to fire back at the door.
There are more than just these killers. It was Heibald who was careless, but it doesn't matter. He has completed the task.
Irene is the cicada, Haybold is the mantis, and Lorenzo is the oriole guarding the back. Haybold has caused enough chaos, and all the enemies hidden behind the scenes have emerged at this moment.
He smashed the window with his kick, which was a bad height, but not an obstacle for Haybold.
Lorenzo needs a mantis that can fight. This mantis must be vigilant and powerful enough. At the same time, it must arouse so many enemies and find a way to escape unscathed.
Haybold jumped directly from the window, grabbing the bulge on the wall as he fell, as agile as an ape.
The killers rushed into the room, and they were about to chase Haybold, but at this moment the door opened...another door.
The door of B521 was pushed open, and Lorenzo walked openly in the corridor, holding a water glass in his hand.
The killers guarding the door noticed Lorenzo's arrival, but before they could shoot, Lorenzo ferociously threw the water glass and hit him hard in the face.
The gunfire started, but it was deflected. Lorenzo's figure quickly approached him and then punched to finish the enemy in front of him.
A heavy punch hit the killer's face, and a slight sound could be heard, which seemed to be the sound of bones breaking. He grabbed the body that was about to collapse, grabbed the killer's hand with his hand, and controlled his arm towards the other side. A killer opens fire.
Interlaced gunshots rang out, and neither of them had room to hide at such a close range, but in front of Lorenzo was a unconscious killer.
The bullet passed by, killing the killer in front of Lorenzo, and Lorenzo's fire also killed the enemy in front of him.
Everything happened so quickly. When the killer in the room reacted, Lorenzo was already standing in front of the door. He lowered himself down and picked up the courier box that Heybold had left in front of the door of room B524.
There were weapons inside, weapons for Lorenzo, and when Highbould had disturbed everyone, it was up to Lorenzo to finish it all off.
"That's funny, it looks like we're not the only ones looking for Erin."
With the swing of the arm, the metal popped out one by one, and there was a cold glow on the jackknife, reflecting the frightened faces in the darkness.
Irene would not sit still and wait for death. She would definitely leave traps to fight against these pursuers. Lorenzo's original intention was to use Hebold to detect these traps and then do it himself, but he did not expect that he would attract another group of people.
The silence only lasted for a few seconds, and messy gunshots rang out again. The bullets penetrated the furniture and the door, heading towards Lorenzo, but these things were really not a threat to the demon hunter.
Lorenzo started to move. His speed was astonishing. The killers couldn't see his figure clearly. They could only see a flash of approaching sword light. The bullets were easily split and shattered, bursting out bursts of sparks.
The flesh and blood body was so fragile, and the folding knife easily dismembered the killer. The blood and minced meat intensified the intrusion of fear, and death had already arrived in front of them in the darkness.
"I only need one alive, or half."
The jackknife slashed horizontally, and some killers tried to resist, but in the face of the absolute power, their arms, waists, necks... everything was so fragile, like a crazy slaughterhouse, cut by the sharp light of the knife. Fragmented.
The eyes of the remaining killer were dull. He never imagined that human beings still had such power. The blood evenly covered the entire room, and the air was warm and filled with a disgusting stench.
Eve's shout sounded, and Lorenzo turned around and saw that there was another killer at the door. He seemed to be staying downstairs and ran up when he heard the strange movement. At this moment, the gun was aimed at Lorenzo.
But he failed to pull the trigger.
Eve rushed out from the other side, very fast, and her physique was amazing after releasing her wild nature. The killer didn't pay much attention to this fierce-looking girl. She seemed to have no threat except for the angry look, but the next moment Eve Jumped up.
In a sense, Eve is the most perfect Ranger. She jumped up high, and the killer wanted to turn his gun on her, but it was too late, and he hit him in the face with a knee. , this is not the end, at the same time as the impact, Eve grabbed Sha Hou's collar, and turned over him with the momentum.
Landing on the ground, he grasped the collar tightly and threw the killer over with force.
Severe pain and fainting.
The internship at the purification agency was not long, but Eve did learn a lot from those guys. Eve quickly turned around and ended it all with an elbow to the face.
She walked in slowly, without even breathing. Behind her was the fallen killer. His face was bloody and bloody, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.
"Is she dead?"
Eve stood in a pool of blood and saw the dead woman among the broken corpses on the ground.
Lorenzo didn't answer Eve's question for a while. His eyes were strange, but fortunately Eve couldn't see him clearly in the darkness.
He still remembered Eve's appearance when he and she had to deal with the demon for the first time. She was like a frightened lamb, barking and running around.
No one knows what she has been through these days, her attacks have become vicious and cruel, and the broken corpses and pools of blood in this place cannot interfere with her judgment.
Ah this...
Should we say that like father, like daughter?
Lorenzo adjusted his mentality. The jerky policewoman was gone, and now what he saw in front of him was the old Dunling King.
"That should be it...look at that guy."
Lorenzo approached the woman's body, and Eve took the jackknife he handed over, and the sharp knife head rested on the neck of the only surviving killer.
"You better hurry up, Lorenzo, we need to stay hidden."
As Eve said, she herself didn't believe this sentence. It was as if a pig had just been killed in the room, and the amount of bleeding was astonishing. However, based on her understanding of Lorenzo, he was probably planning to kill all the people who knew it. By.
Thinking of this, Eve looked at the half-lived person under her knife with a look of regret.
"No...this isn't Erin."
Lorenzo squatted beside the woman's body and said seriously.
"You haven't seen her before."
"I know, but she was tied up and blindfolded, and the mechanism installed here...when someone opens the cabinet, they will be shot."
Lorenzo can already imagine that scene. The killers will find this place when they search the room after evacuating the air. The woman in the cabinet will attract all their attention, and at this moment...this is Operation Irene. Start.
Haybold is Lorenzo's mantis, and this woman is Irene's mantis. Irene herself is both the hunted cicada and the oriole at the end, and she uses herself to create this trap.
"So she expected that someone would come to kill her from the beginning, right? She even revealed our whereabouts on purpose during this operation?"
Lorenzo smiled and things got interesting.
So what are you going to do now?
More footsteps sounded around, and they were heading towards B524. Next door, at some point, the door of B523 had been pushed open, and there was no one in the room.
(End of this chapter)

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