Embers of Embers

Chapter 393 The Spoiler

Chapter 393 The Spoiler
"What should I do next?"
Eve picked up the killer's firearm. She leaned against the door and watched for the chaotic footsteps.
After the gunshots sounded, many people were leaning towards here. Although everything happened very quickly, this time was enough to mobilize their strength.
Whether it's the assassin or the security guards of the Blue Whale Hotel, everyone is approaching here.
It's like a stage play here. As Lorenzo exerts force, the spotlight shines here, attracting everyone's attention.
"Buy me some time."
Lorenzo said as he dragged the dying killer up. The bullet shot into his thigh, and blood gushed out uncontrollably. His face was pale, and he looked like he was about to die from blood loss.
"Who are you? Why did you kill Irene?"
For Lorenzo, the appearance of these killers was purely accidental. He never expected that more than just his own side would be targeting Irene.
Fortunately, Heibald was very skilled and Lorenzo had reminded him of this before, otherwise it would have been really difficult for others to solve this unexpected situation.
But then again, this Viking seems pretty reliable.
Back in front of him, the killer made no sound except the painful groan. He was not prepared to say anything to Lorenzo at all, and seemed to be ready to welcome death.
"Is that so..."
Looking at the killer who would rather die than obey, Lorenzo laughed. He was not good at extracting confessions, but he was good at instilling fear in others.
He pressed his hand on the killer's arm, and as he clenched his palm little by little, he could clearly hear the sound of bones breaking.
Pain, death, despair.
Heavy negative emotions echoed in the killer's mind. The killer's eyes were filled with extreme panic, but when the panic reached the extreme, he calmed down.
"You're like them, a...monster."
He smiled at Lorenzo and died.
Instead of dying from blood loss, Lorenzo could smell the poison of death coming from the killer's mouth.
He committed suicide.
"The other side is also a group of experts..."
Lorenzo frowned.
In Lorenzo's perception, he roughly divides killers into three categories. The first category is rookies, who took over the job for some reason. They may not have killed a few people, or even the first time. Killing people, holding a gun for the first time.
This kind of rookie is a disaster at work. He will pull the trigger tremblingly, kill the target, run away in confusion, and then have nightmares for several days.
The second type of killer is a person like Lorenzo, who is already familiar with the industry process and dares to shoot anyone as long as he is paid. However, such killers are not loyal to any organization. They are only loyal to themselves. As long as the benefits are sufficient, It's not impossible to become a teenager by jumping back and forth.
Before returning to his old business and cooperating with the cleanup agency, Lorenzo had thought, was there anyone willing to pay him to kill the shrike?As long as the price is enough, Lorenzo might actually take action. After all, once Shrike dies, Lorenzo will owe him nothing. For this reason, Lorenzo may even give the client a discount.
Unfortunately, until Lorenzo behaved and cooperated with the cleanup agency, no one was willing to bid, or the price was ridiculously low and not worth Lorenzo's action.
As for the killer who just died in front of me, he is the third type of killer. In terms of the workplace, the first type of killer is the newcomer who knows nothing, and the second type is the veteran who is ready to change jobs at any time. This third type is A dedicated person who is loyal to the company and has professional ethics.
Different from the first two types of killers, they are professional and systematic. Most of them are trained by the organization and are very loyal warriors who will commit suicide directly if their mission fails.
Then the problem is coming.
It was known that Irene was wanted by the Viking countries, and these guys in front of her were definitely not from the Viking countries. As the imperial minister, Heibald would never make such a ridiculous mistake.
Since the beginning of the operation, the identities of Lorenzo and his group have been perfectly hidden with the help of the purge agency and Nordero. Judging from Irene's meager strength, she has no ability to find out Lorenzo's information. , in Eileen's view, Lorenzo and others do not exist.
In other words, this trap was not prepared for Lorenzo and others, but for these killers. Irene deliberately released her whereabouts probably for these people.
Another organization is also eyeing Erin.
What also caught Lorenzo's attention was the killer's words before he died.
Who is the "them" he refers to?
"How's my guess? Detective!"
Eve yelled at Lorenzo as she fired down the hallway.
The bullet accurately hit a security guard who stuck his head out, and blood exploded and covered the wall. Judging from Eve's mentality, she had successfully broken away from the first type of killer and became a second type of killer with good quality.
Probably due to Lorenzo's influence, she didn't feel scared at this critical moment, but her mind was thinking about other things.
For example, Eve was wondering if Arthur would smile with relief when he saw this scene, pat his shoulders, and talk about how his daughter had finally grown up and he could shoot other people's heads off with ease... ...What the hell, how is that possible!
A steady stream of enemies came from around the corner. This time they were not killers, but the security guards of the Blue Whale Hotel. As a black shop, they also had their own armed forces.
At this moment, the place was in chaos, and the roaring gunshots could be heard all over the place.
The damn thing is that not only Eve is firing at this moment, but also a few guys who are not part of the plan are also opening the door. They are wearing pajamas and firing randomly. Each one looks fierce and looks like a desperate man with a life on his hands. only.
Eve remembered her previous introduction to this hotel. As a hotel with a mix of black and white, it wouldn't be surprising to have a few killers staying there, right?
These desperadoes thought that their enemies were on their doorstep and that no one was trustworthy, so the melee began.
"It's almost time, we should go."
Lorenzo came over, and now he had enough information. He was sure that Irene was not dead, and that new forces had joined the fight.
Taking back his folding knife from Eve, Lorenzo stuck his head out of the door, and a bullet grazed his scalp, bringing a sense of coolness.
"Let let!"
Eve said, pulling Lorenzo back, ducked out, and took away an enemy's life with a bullet.
"In your plan, have you written down how we should retreat?"
"Of course there is, anyway, it must not be killed directly."
Before setting off, those guys had repeatedly warned Lorenzo to keep a low profile or a low profile. Considering Lorenzo's various previous behaviors, their worries were correct. Lorenzo would always use some weird ways to tell the story. Pushing in the worst direction.
Because of the sensitivity of this operation, Lorenzo was trying to control himself as much as possible. Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked inside the room. Several people were already dead, and the floor was soaked with blood.
There was no other way, Lorenzo tried his best.
"In my plan, Haybold will trigger Irene's trap. When Irene thinks she is safe, I will come out to catch her, but obviously, we are being disrupted... No, we are the disruptor. The one."
Lorenzo felt dizzy.
"So?" Eve shouted.
This is the territory of the Blue Whale Hotel. They have enough firepower to deal with these uninvited guests. Now these people are about to advance in front of them.
"So! So what else is there to plan for?"
Lorenzo grabbed Eve, the power of the witcher was outrageous, not to mention that Lorenzo's body was still fused with the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail.
Eve only felt that the things in her field of vision were changing rapidly, and then the sound of a broken window was heard.
Lorenzo rushed out of the Blue Whale Hotel along Hebold's escape route. Although the height was a bit bad, he was still a demon hunter after all, and had a physique far superior to Hebold.
For example, Haybold climbed down little by little, while Lorenzo directly swung his folding knife and stabbed it heavily into the wall. The long and narrow knife marks were cut on the surface of the building as Lorenzo fell.
Finally landed slowly.
Like a dance coming to an end, with all the gunfire behind him, Lorenzo put Eve down and made an elegant salute.
Eve looked at him with an outrageous look on her face, wondering what this guy was having.
The sound of hooves sounded, accompanied by a surging wind. The carriage stopped beside the two of them. The door was pushed open. Inside was Haybold in courier clothes. In front of the carriage was Kestrel holding the reins.
"It looks like the mission failed." Kestrel said, looking at the two of them.
"Irene isn't here. Even if she was here she would have escaped long ago."
Lorenzo boarded the carriage. Haybold's description was correct. That woman was indeed very smart. Rather than catching her, Lorenzo was more curious about how Irene could deal with these enemies without him disrupting the situation.
The carriage began to drive away from here, and the chaotic gunshots had attracted the attention of the surrounding areas. Although this is a large lower town, there is order here, and those who maintain order should be on the way here, Loren Zuo had already heard the iron whistle echoing in the night sky.
The blazing fire light illuminated the night sky for an instant, and the light penetrated into the carriage. Just when everyone was confused, a roaring explosion came and violently hit the carriage.
Lorenzo turned around and saw that in the Blue Whale Hotel, a raging fire had broken out on the floor where Lorenzo had just fought. The impact of the explosion threw the dead bodies out and slapped them on the street, with blood flowing everywhere.
a few minutes ago.
Just as planned, a fierce battle broke out in B524, and the door of B523 opened quietly at this time.
The cleaner came out of the house. In order not to attract other people's attention, Irene dressed up as much as possible. The clothes were stuffed with stuffing to make her body look more like a man. As for this piece of clothing The original owner, Eileen, hoped that he could have a good sleep in B523.
The poor cleaner just happened to be passing by her room.
With the sound of fighting gunfire, Irene quickly left in the opposite direction.
The Blue Whale Hotel looks beautiful, but behind the building, there is a lot of room for maneuver in the dark alleys.
In the past, they would greet powerful guests in luxurious halls, and then deliver dirty things to those people's rooms in dark alleys, through fire escapes and cleaning tunnels.
At the end of the corridor was a hidden cleaning passage. She wanted to leave from there, but unfortunately, behind the corner were two killers with guns.
Erin immediately murmured in panic and raised her hands, like a citizen who mistakenly entered the battlefield.
The killers did not hesitate. They were not prepared to let anyone know. Even if she was just a cleaner, Irene's disguise still had an effect. They did not pay attention to the poor dying person in front of them, so the poor person raised his hands. At the same time, he pulled out a pistol from his waist and fired.
There was a loud sound of gunfire, and the bullet shot one of the killers first, directly piercing his throat. While firing, Irene was also moving, but it had no effect. The other party was a professional killer, and this was a narrow corridor. , she killed one killer with a surprise attack, but was unable to avoid another killer's gunfire.
The bullet hit Irene's waist and abdomen and penetrated her clothes, but what came out was not blood, but cotton padding.
"The importance of staying in shape!"
Erin cheered, shooting the killer through the leg.
The pain made him unbalanced. At the same time, Irene approached and held down his hand holding the gun. Several shots hit the wall. Then Irene hit his wound hard, and the killer was exposed in the severe pain. He found a flaw, and was hit on the temple by a heavy fist from Irene.
After fainting, this was not the end. Erin pushed open the corridor window, and there were several large trash cans in the darkness below.
The killer had no time to resist. He had just regained consciousness for a few minutes before Irene pushed him out of the window. A few seconds later, there was a dull crashing sound from below.
After doing all this, more footsteps sounded from all around, and the subsequent killers were arriving here. Irene did not stop and ran quickly.
This was Erin's counterattack. After realizing that she could not escape from these people, she chose to resist.
She had been planning this operation for a long time. This attack would not only defeat the pursuers, but also temporarily cover her whereabouts. If the female corpse performed well, she might be able to enter suspended animation in the enemy's sight.
Of course, all this was too good to be true. Irene knew very well that the situation would not develop like this, and she did not want to run away.
Descending all the way down the stairs, when she kicked open the door, a figure fell from the sky with a sharp friction sound.
It's Lorenzo.
Unlike Irene who was full of disguises, Lorenzo was uncovered and his body was still stained with blood. He did not notice Irene in the shadow, but Irene saw his face clearly.
Eileen did not expect that this operation would go so smoothly. In her opinion, it was all thanks to those guys who disrupted the situation. Otherwise, in Eileen's plan, she would directly confront these killers, and she was not sure whether she could Survive.
What surprised her even more was the figure in front of her.
It looks like he's the troublemaker.
"Mr. Holmes..."
Irene's thinking was very quick. Looking at the carriage carrying Lorenzo gradually away, she vaguely guessed the identities of these troublemakers, and an unspeakable smile appeared in the shadows.
Now was not the time to think about this, Erin moved. Taking advantage of the current chaotic scene, she walked directly to the large trash can piled in the corner. She opened the lid, and inside lay a killer with multiple fractures.
The successive traumas made the killer somewhat suspicious of life. He had just broken free from the unbearable pain, but then he saw Irene's face.
Before he could do anything, the barrel of the gun was fiercely thrust into his mouth, preventing his teeth from biting. Irene seemed to be very familiar with this group of people. She smashed the killer's teeth hard and used the bullet to commit suicide. The poison was knocked down hard, and then he was dragged out of the trash can like a dead dog.
"I suggest you tell us everything you know. After all, it's still some time before we set sail. During this time, we have plenty of time to get to know each other."
Erin smiled, and at the same time, a roaring explosion sounded, and the fire light illuminated the shadows and illuminated the beautiful face.
Following the explosion came a burning fire, as if it had been planned. The traces of the battle just now were covered by the fire. The street corner was filled with people who had escaped from the hotel. Everyone was panicking. In a corner where no one was paying attention, the cleaner pushed a trolley filled with garbage into the darkness.
(End of this chapter)

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