Embers of Embers

Chapter 394 Iron Law Bureau

Chapter 394 Iron Law Bureau
The air was humid, and no light could be seen in the blurred vision. The stench of fish filled the nose. It was nauseating and at the same time, the sound of rushing water could be heard not far away.
The killer gasped in pain. Although he had been trained, he was still a mortal in essence. The pain caused by the continuous heavy blows almost tore his will apart.
He was thrown heavily to the ground, and his vision became slightly clearer. He was surrounded by thick darkness, with only a little firelight in the nearby corner.
The killer tried to move himself, but the previous fall had broken his bones, not to mention the gunshot wounds on his body, and the blood loss had robbed him of all strength.
"Wake up, you still have a chance to live."
A hand was stretched out in the darkness to help him up. Irene squatted down, holding a sharp dagger in her hand.
"Where is Ivar?"
Erin asked directly without talking nonsense.
The killer looked at her, his mouth wide open, and you could see blood in his mouth. In order to prevent him from committing suicide, Irene pulled out his teeth.
The smell of blood rushed to his face, the killer smirked, but then the smile twitched due to the severe pain.
The dagger stabbed into his arm. The wound was not deep, but in order to cause more severe pain, Irene twisted her wrist slightly.
The woman had no expression on her face, as if she was used to such cruel things.
Blood gushed out from the killer's wounds, and his complexion was pale, as if all the blood in his body was about to drain out.
"Irene, you can't escape, you know the end of people like us very well."
The killer's voice was blurry, but he could still barely distinguish it.
He looked at Irene as if he were looking at a dead person, a corpse that could still move.
"Gaspard won't let you go."
The killer closed his mouth, still keeping that weird smile on his face, his eyes bulging, staring at Irene like some kind of evil thing.
Irene felt a little cold for a moment and couldn't help shivering. After that, she became angry. She repeatedly used the dagger to bring pain to the killer, but he no longer made any sound, not even a painful whine.
He was like a broken doll, his bloodshot pupils staring intently at Irene.
This kind of torture did not last long. Irene knew very well that she would get nothing by doing this, and she was just venting her anger.
She stood up and was silent for a long time, holding a cigarette in her mouth. A faint firelight rose in the darkness. The burning firelight briefly illuminated her face. She looked a little tired and her eyes were dull.
"Forget it, I don't want to be like you."
Erin wiped the dagger and put it away. She was not a pervert. Killing others like this would not bring her happiness.
She dragged the killer's body towards the light, and after taking one last look at the bloody face, Irene broke his neck and kicked the body into the ditch.
The water flow carried the killer's body to the depths of darkness. Irene took off her clothes and walked out of the dark sewer.
Under the cleaner's clothes were the formal clothes she had worn long ago. After taking off the cotton wool stuck to the clothes, she finished changing and strolled through the streets of Rendona as if nothing had happened.
After walking for an unknown amount of time, Erin stopped and looked at the sea not far away.
The night is already dark, but this port city seems to be unable to sleep. Huge cruise ships and fishing boats are straddling it, and the lights on them are bright, like stars falling to the ground, reflecting the colorful colors on the sea.
Prosperity and beauty, or cruelty and darkness, none of this has anything to do with her. She is like an outsider walking alone in this strange land.
The cigarette went out, and she lit another one, puffing away with worry in her eyes.
In the living room, everyone who has just finished the task is sitting in it. Lorenzo is still the same as before, slumped on the sofa, and beside him is a dull-looking Kestrel, who is still mechanically tapping the iron triangle to send out bursts. burst of noise.
Eve sat on the chair on the other side. Compared to these two crooked guys, she looked much more reliable. As for Haybold, he stood not far away from a few people like a butler, with his eyes downcast. , as if preparing a speech.
"What shall we do next?"
Unlike the two guys who were passive and slow at work, Eve was very concerned about the results of her internship.
"According to the normal plan, we will make corrections here for a day, board the ship the day after tomorrow, and go to Gaulnaro... Anyway, this action against Irene is just a temporary move."
Haybold said that he was not surprised that the operation failed. If Irene was really so easy to catch, he would not have allowed her to successfully escape from the Viking countries.
Lorenzo said nothing. He looked at the ceiling and thought about the connection between the killer and Irene.
"Haibald, do you have any thoughts about those killers? According to my speculation, Irene actually leaked her whereabouts on purpose. She had already prepared a trap in the Blue Whale Hotel. What she was planning to hunt was not We, but the group of killers, are the spoilers who accidentally got involved."
Lorenzo analyzed.
"Is Erin still involved with any organization?"
Facing this question, Haibold became silent, and after thinking for a while, he said.
"Iron Law Bureau."
This was an unfamiliar word. Lorenzo had never heard of it before, and Eve also showed a puzzled expression. But at this moment, Kestrel, who looked decadent, sat up instead, looking in disbelief.
"What did you say? Iron Law Bureau?"
Looks like this guy knows what the word means.
"Irene is affiliated with the Iron Law Bureau, and thanks to her, Ivar was kidnapped by the Iron Law Bureau. If there is any connection, it must be them... I remember I mentioned it in the action file Got through this.”
Haybold felt something was wrong while he was talking. He looked at the team members suspiciously... To be honest, when the Viking's resolute face showed a puzzled expression, Lorenzo really thought it was so funny, just like A bear is staring at you.
But Lorenzo didn't dare to laugh, because he was not sure whether the bear would eat him in a fit of anger.
"I'm just an intern, I don't have that much authority."
Eve spread her hands, it's true, she didn't know the whole picture of the operation until she set off.Kestrel had the same expression as her, this guy was completely tricked.
As for Lorenzo, he smiled awkwardly,
"Is this...is that so?"
Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Lorenzo stuttered and fumbled with his hands on the sofa. He remembered that the file was left here.
God Odin is above.
Seeing Lorenzo's damn look, Haybold's eyes darkened.
He had just felt that Lorenzo was a reliable guy, but now he was thinking whether he had been deceived by the purge agency and Nordero. This guy looked outrageous no matter how he looked at it.
"Iron Law Bureau, the intelligence agency of Gallo Narro, our corresponding agency is the Scavenger. Although the Scavenger is affiliated with the purification agency, with the control of the antimemetic power, the Scavenger itself and' Due to the relevance of information, it has gradually become our intelligence agency in Erweg in recent years. Coupled with its own particularity as a 'backhand', it has gradually become an independent purification agency.
The two sides fight openly and secretly, and sometimes even need to use the power of the purification agency. I have urgently undertaken such a task before when I was killing monsters, and I have some understanding of it. "
Kestrel explained to Lorenzo, but the more he spoke, the more distorted his expression became. He rushed over and grabbed Lorenzo's collar.
"So how come we have anything to do with this thing!"
It was already painful to be tricked into working overtime, but after working half of the overtime, he suddenly found that he had to deal with a hugely difficult project. Kestrel felt that his world was about to collapse.
Why do you do this job yourself?
But when I think about it carefully, it seems that only I can take on this big responsibility.
Joey's life and death are still unknown, but judging from what the doctors said, Kestrel, his colleague, is definitely dead. Even if he doesn't die, he will become a walking corpse like many patients in Black Mountain Hospital.
To be honest, Kestrel was sad for a while knowing this, because of work, he didn’t have many friends outside of work, fishing was barely a hobby, and because of the damn water quality of the Thames River, he never caught anything ...A living thing, to be precise.
Because of these abominable monsters at work, he often changes colleagues. Sometimes before he recognizes his face, his colleagues will change again.
He has the feeling of a smooth colleague and an iron-clad kestrel. Even Lan Jade sometimes praises him, saying that he is not dead yet and that he is so lucky.
But in the end... Joey was the only friend he had.
As for several other colleagues, they all have their own work to do, and only Kestrel is on vacation at this critical moment.
So is it my fault for taking the vacation?
Or are you saying that you performed too well during the Black Mountain Hospital incident?Attention from above?
But it was because he was about to die at that time. Kestrel felt that he was going to die anyway, so it was better to be a tough guy and chop him up before he died. But who would have thought that he actually survived with only minor injuries.
All kinds of strange thoughts came out, and there seemed to be a dozen little kestrels screaming in his own head, chirping and shouting endlessly.
Lorenzo once again realized the complexity of human expressions, and had no idea what the kestrel in front of him was thinking. He could carefully observe the rapid changes in the kestrel's expression, from anger to sadness to confusion and A little bit of a mean smile.
Kestrel slowly let go of his hand and collapsed on the sofa again.
Fortunately, he also knew that he had already boarded the pirate ship. Nothing he said could change the situation. So what if he captured Lorenzo?He couldn't beat him.
"Does that mean that Ivar was captured by the Iron Law Bureau? And we have to find a way to snatch him back from the Iron Law Bureau on the mainland of Gaul Naluo?" Kestrel's voice was full of pessimism.
"Is this Iron Law Bureau so scary?"
Lorenzo asked with some confusion. If the group of killers he just fought were the troops of the Iron Law Bureau, then they would be too weak. He did not understand Kestrel's pessimism.
"Those are just peripheral members, a group of cannon fodder used at will... maybe they are outsourced killers. The only ones who are truly capable and can be considered official members are people like Irene."
Recalling the previous actions, Kestrel spoke slowly.
"Although they are a group of mortals, you have to know, Lorenzo, not everyone is a hunk like you. We are also mortals."
The corner of his vision caught Eve, and Kestrel continued.
"You count as half."
"In short, it is a very difficult organization. If we fight in Yin Erweg, we still have an advantage. If we pull out the Original Sin Armor, no matter how many times they come, they will not be able to defeat us. But this time it is different. This time we have to sneak into the The enemy’s base camp, compete with these guys in a battle of wits and courage.”
Kestrel once again laments the fragility of mankind.
"You can understand that we are a group of Gaulonalo killers. Under the guard of the purification agency, we are going to find a way to sneak into the Platinum Palace and kill Queen Victoria! Then we have to find a way to escape."
As he spoke, he made a beheading gesture with a fierce expression.
Perhaps noticing the strange looks from others, Kestrel coughed and added.
"I respect the Queen very much, that's just a description."
"Is that so..."
Lorenzo thought again, and finally came to a conclusion.
"So you are the burden!"
Looking at it this way, Lorenzo can definitely push him all the way through the sky, and maybe he can directly blow up the iron law bureau. Although the consequences of such a high-profile act will be very serious, thinking about the worst, maybe it will become a conflict between both parties. The trigger for the war directly started the Second Glorious War.
Kestrel looked disdainful at this.
"Lorenzo, you are very powerful, but sometimes there are many things that cannot be solved by force."
"What about?" Lorenzo asked.
"for example……"
Kestrel was speechless for a moment.
Well, if you think about it carefully, the detective in front of you is really outrageous. It seems that there is nothing he can't do. Although he looks casual, when faced with danger, this unreliable guy is the most reliable.
"But you are right, Kestrel, force cannot solve everything."
Lorenzo suddenly began to reflect again. He never thought that this arrogant guy would actually reflect.
Indeed, if force could solve everything, the world would not be so complicated.
Based on Lorenzo's experience, he also knew very well that when he forgets fear and humility towards the unknown, death will be approaching.
"Well, at least we know who we will meet next. It seems that the plan has to be rearranged. I remember that we have to spend some time at sea, right? That's enough time."
Lorenzo's words were full of confidence.
"Then let's talk about...the next question."
Lorenzo looked at the people in the room. Lorenzo was more concerned about the matter in front of him than the things he said.
he asked.
"So we're going to have four of us sleeping in this room?"
(End of this chapter)

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