Embers of Embers

Chapter 395 Nightfall

Chapter 395 Nightfall
It's a good moment in the dead of night. The noise outside the window gradually disappears, leaving only monotonous tranquility.
Kestrel was lying on the soft bed. He had just taken a shower and felt that he smelled delicious.
A corner of the dark room was illuminated by the soft moonlight. He was sleepy before, but Kestrel couldn't sleep. He turned over and looked at another bed. Heybold was lying there, but he was located at the end of the room. It was a dark place, not even the moonlight could shine through, and Kestrel didn't know whether he was sleeping or not.
Now that he has calmed down, Kestrel realizes that this job is actually not that bad. He is just assisting in the work. More specifically, he is responsible for evaluating Eve, and Hebold is responsible for the detailed information of the work, and the real execution from beginning to end. There was only Lorenzo.
In other words, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, the first one to go up is the invincible Lorenzo Holmes, which has nothing to do with him, a mortal.
Kestrel couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed when he thought of this. Thinking about it again, aside from all these jobs, this was actually a work-expense trip. You must know that Kestrel had never been to Gallonaro.
Kestrel is an Invergian who comes from an unknown corner and hangs out in the lower town of Old Dunling. By some chance, he is recruited by Shrike and becomes a member of the purge agency. As everyone is familiar with it, it has developed to this day.
In essence, Kestrel's life is actually quite monotonous. Although in the eyes of others, serving a secret agency is a cool thing, but when cool things become daily work, then it is not Nothing special.
Sometimes Kestrel feels that life is bleak. He wakes up early every day and stays late just to kill monsters and prepare to kill monsters. The mortality rate of this job is ridiculously high. Although the salary is not bad, the money earned is somewhat shocking. Fearful.
But Kestrel is also a person who is easily satisfied, or in other words, he easily finds fun for himself and kills boring time. He is extremely optimistic.
It is probably this mentality that has helped Kestrel survive one disaster after another.
Kestrel opened his eyes tiredly.
Can't sleep.
He crawled to the bed, opened his luggage, took out a few books from it, and then turned on the desk lamp. Fortunately, the light was not very bright. If Heibald woke up, Kestrel would feel a little uncomfortable. Sorry.
He sat up, picked up a book, opened it along the bookmarks, and continued reading.
"Falcon Under the Night", this is a knightly novel secretly circulated in old Dunling.
Kestrel had vaguely heard about the circulation of this kind of novel. Because it was not recognized by the public, it was only spread secretly through some channels. It felt like a secret gathering. The first time Kestrel came into contact with it was when he was visiting Shrike. , Shrike discovered that someone had recently set up a printing factory in Xiacheng District to print these things.
Maybe it had something to do with his code name "Kestrel". He was quite interested in this book, so he took a few copies back to read to pass the time.
The story is also quite interesting. It tells that there are bad guys in the city, and when night falls, the protagonist will come out wearing a mask to punish evil and promote good. No one knows who he is, but his deeds are sought after by everyone, and every girl I want to marry him...
It's strange that Kestrel resonates with this kind of story. After all, if you think about it carefully, what the purification agency does is probably what the story tells, but it is a little less romantic and more cruel and realistic.
"What are you looking at?"
The voice sounded, startling Kestrel.
Heybold woke up at some point. He looked at the kestrel, wondering what this guy was looking at when he was not sleeping.
"It's just a novel...did it wake you up?"
Kestrel closed the book and asked.
"Not really, I can't sleep either."
Heybold stood up as he spoke, and went to the side to get a glass of water to drink.
The pajamas here are too small for him, standing by the window gazing at the end of the sea level.
"I was thinking about why Irene was hunted down by the Iron Law Bureau. They were originally in the same group. Could it be that there was some civil strife?"
"Irene Adler."
Kestrel whispered the name, and before going to bed, Lorenzo finally found the files he had thrown away under the sofa, and Kestrel finally understood the ins and outs of everything.
"What kind of person is she?"
"what kind of person?"
Heybold looked at the Kestrel curiously, not knowing why he suddenly became interested in Irene.
"Yes, in your terms, Ivar is a weird guy. Even his brothers find it difficult to get close to him. So what kind of magic power does Irene have? Even Ivar can easily conquer it, even saying that Designed to have him captured.”
Kestrel is very curious. It can be said that the biggest suspicion in the entire incident is this woman named Irene Adler, who promoted the development of the entire incident.
One of the reasons why the Viking nations did not protect Ivar was that they did not expect that this woman would approach Ivar so easily to achieve all this.
"A very special woman. You have never seen her. If you can see her, you will understand...she has an indescribable magic."
Haybold didn't know how to describe this woman. His expression was very complicated, and it seemed that Irene had left him with unforgettable memories.
"You don't sound like a good guy."
Kestrel felt a little scared. Speaking of living so old, Kestrel has never been in love. After all, he belongs to the purification agency, but he has no channels to contact women of the same age. Speaking of female colleagues at work...
Liu Shui's colleague, the iron kestrel.
Kestrel was a little overwhelmed.
"Indeed, he is a bad guy, a guy who is difficult to control. It may be because of Irene's uncontrollability that the Iron Law Bureau started to hunt her down."
Haybold speculated that this kind of thing was common, and that Eileen had so many dark secrets in her mind that it would be better for everyone if she died.
"Just like Lorenzo."
Hearing Heybold's comment, Kestrel couldn't help thinking of Lorenzo who was sleeping next door.
"Lorenzo Holmes?"
This time it was Hebold who had doubts.
"How much do you know about him? I'm curious why both the Purification Agency and Beidro respect him so much, obviously his behavior is so bad..."
This operation was very urgent, and there was not much time for Hebold to select personnel. In addition, he needed Yin Erweg's support, and he had no right to choose.
Haybold thought he would follow an elite team, but when they actually set off, Lorenzo was actually the only one, and the remaining Kestrel and Eve were just here for internship assessment.
"Like you, I can't describe him very well," Kestrel said, feeling a little headache. "He is like a naughty kid sometimes, yes! A naughty kid!"
"bad boy?"
Haybold's expression became even more confused.
"That kind of naughty kid who is very troublesome. What's more terrible is that this naughty kid has the ability to kill everyone easily. Sometimes he will listen to the big principles you tell, but most of the time he is just open-minded. The most frustrating thing about being unrepentant is that sometimes he makes many obvious mistakes...and he himself knows they are wrong, but he is like a stubborn donkey."
"for example?"
"It fits his character and ideas, but objectively speaking it is wrong."
Like the Reichenbach pendant.
Lorenzo could have escaped, but in the end he chose to use it as a battlefield and risked his life to kill all the enemies. He didn't think about the consequences. He only cared about the present.
"Comparatively speaking, he is more troublesome than Irene. After all, no matter what I say, Irene can't beat him. He is the ceiling of our combat power." Kestrel said.
"The power of the witcher? I've heard about it, but I haven't seen it yet."
Haybold still knew this part of Lorenzo's origin.
"Have you seen the monster?" Kestrel asked.
"I have seen that this kind of thing exists all over the world, and our Viking countries are no exception, but unlike you Inlveg and the Holy Evangelical Papal State, we do not have a complete confrontation system."
Due to its corrosive nature, studying demons is a technical job. In some less powerful countries, fighting demons is a very difficult task. This is also a major reason why the Evangelical Church was able to control various countries hundreds of years ago. They Has extremely complete power against demons.
"Then you should understand him as a demon who specializes in killing demons."
Kestrel added.
Hebold was stunned. This description was more detailed than that of a naughty child, but it also made him feel a little uneasy.
"In short, this is destined to be a difficult journey. You will have a lot of opportunities to witness Lorenzo's ability. Don't be too surprised when the time comes."
Kestrel said, lowering his head and continuing to read.
There was something strange in the silence. After a while, Kestrel raised his head stiffly and saw Haybold still standing by the window, but this time his eyes fell on Kestrel.
Being stared at by this gaze, Kestrel felt a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.
"What... what's wrong?"
"I can't sleep too. Those guys from the Iron Law Bureau are very troublesome."
Haybold said, and then he stretched out his hand and pointed at the book Kestrel was reading.
"Can you give me a copy?"
There are not enough rooms, or the wrong room is booked, so that men and women can live together. This is used in many story plots, giving shy men and women a chance to get closer to each other. Maybe too much force can directly lead to marriage. Palaces and the like.
Of course, the reasons this time are definitely not those that have been used to death by previous people. In Hebold's words, this operation has already included the troublesome existence of the Iron Law Bureau, so everyone should not disperse.
If you sleep alone, you might die in your sleep, but sleeping with four people together is a bit too crowded. Although Lorenzo and Kestrel both said that they can sleep on the sofa and bathtub, they can't even imagine the atmosphere. So right.
When being assigned a room, Kestrel resolutely chose to sleep in a room with Heibald in order not to be inexplicably assigned to a strange job again, and the honor of sharing a room with a lady was given to Loren. Zo, when he said these words, he deliberately looked at Lorenzo with a look of reluctance.
Lorenzo wanted to scold Kestrel like that.
"What are you doing, Lorenzo?"
Eve leaned against the bed and looked at Lorenzo with confusion.
Lorenzo was seen using the quilt to make a vague human shape on the bed, and then he walked to the bathroom in his pajamas and holding a pillow.
"Go to sleep."
Lorenzo answered from the doorway.
To understand it from Lorenzo's point of view, even if someone rushes in and shoots at the bed, the first thing they will kill is the disguise made by Eve and himself. Then Lorenzo will appear from the bathroom and kill everyone. Kill all enemies.
"You're making me look like a man-eating monster."
Eve smiled uncharacteristically, stretched out her hand and patted the bed.
She was suddenly curious about how Lorenzo would react to teasing him like this.
This smile made Lorenzo tremble for a while, but soon Lorenzo had a countermeasure. He first lowered his head and hid his face in the shadows, and after a while he poked his face out of the shadows.
The great detective made a coy look and showed an expression of excessive force, which made him look extremely disgusting. Then he hugged the pillow with one hand and held the door frame with the other, speaking in an unparalleled low voice.
"The girl can't do it."
Eve was stunned at first, and then she covered her eyes. It seemed that she was really disgusted by Lorenzo, and she coughed hard several times, as if she was choked.
"Tch, who can't do something disgusting?"
Lorenzo looked like he had won a great victory. The competition was about who could break through first. Compared with Lorenzo, a shameless bastard, Eve still couldn't let go.
"Sometimes I don't know whether to admire you or despise you, Lorenzo."
Even with her eyes closed, that damn expression still echoed in her mind, and Eve suspected that she was going to have a nightmare tonight.
"It is recommended that you admire me."
Lorenzo duly made the suggestion.
"Have you always been like this?"
Eve has always believed that there are many factors that affect a person's personality. You can deduce his past based on his performance, but this is the first time she has seen a guy like Lorenzo, and it is not possible to speculate backwards. Possibly, his goddamned personality is only oriented towards a severely divided world.
"Yeah, life is already bad, people have to find some fun for themselves."
Lorenzo said as he twisted his waist and touched his thigh. Under the pretense of sexiness, there were clear leg hairs.
No, Eve can't stand it anymore, this guy Lorenzo is too disgusting.
"Tsk, young man."
Lorenzo said disdainfully.
Looking at Eve, who was so quickly overwhelmed, Lorenzo felt extremely boring. He thought he was a match, but turned out to be just a passerby.
"Sleep, Eve, we are not traveling, we are working." Lorenzo said.
"Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to sleep in a bathtub?" Eve asked something else.
"You have to ask Arthur. This bastard is really troublesome," Lorenzo cursed. "If he knew the current situation, he would find a way to punch me."
"Shouldn't I kill you? I heard them say that often."
As a second-generation official, Eve is quite clear about her position in the purge agency.
"He has realized the reality. It is more practical to give me a punch than to kill me."
Lorenzo was very pleased with Arthur's pragmatism, but then he thought of something else and looked at Eve.
"By the way, how did you convince Arthur?"
What Eve said about being influenced was just nonsense. If Arthur could be so easily influenced, Lorenzo would have fooled him long ago. Something must have happened, something Lorenzo didn't know about.
He was so curious.
(End of this chapter)

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