Embers of Embers

Chapter 399 Mr. Moon

Chapter 399 Mr. Moon
Since the Evangelical Church appeared on this land, Gaul Naluo has been a loyal believer. The power of faith has almost completely penetrated this country. During the period when the Evangelical Church was at its strongest, the coronation of kings required the approval of the Pope.
However, there have been examples of royal power challenging divine power in this land. The king no longer wanted to be dominated by the evangelical church and wore the crown without the consent of the Pope. He wanted to organize an army to resist, but the angry people rushed into his palace. The palace strangled him on the throne.
Then came the changes of the times, the decline of faith and the rise of industry.
Ignorant religion retreated steadily in the face of rational technology, and finally became what it is today.
"At that time, I just felt that this group of people were crazy. The example of Mad King Olim is before them. How dare they support Orthodoxy, even if there are cardinals from the Evangelical Church among them."
Hercule was slightly panicked by the events he anticipated.
"Mad King Olim..."
Lorenzo whispered the name, and Eve on the side looked even more confused. She was somewhat familiar with the name, but couldn't remember it.
"Mad King Olim, the king of Gaulnaro, the most famous event related to him is the death of the Mad King."
Lorenzo told the story as he knew it.
Although everyone did not believe it, Lorenzo had actually been a pastor for a short time. During his years of living in the evangelical church, he loved reading and was familiar with most of the books in the library, including There are books that tell the history of the church.
"Mad King Olim was seduced by the devil. He organized an evil army to invade the holy church, but fortunately he was stopped by the hero Olivier Garrel, who led the people into the palace. , killing the Mad King on his throne.
Although the war did not start, such blasphemous atrocities still angered the Evangelical Church. The Templar Knights settled in Nalo, Gaul. After examination, they found that not only the Mad King was infested by the devil, but also his family.
In order to purge the evil, all members of the Mad King's family were executed under the watchful eyes of the people, and the new king ascended the throne under the cheers of the people and the watchful eyes of the priests. "
This is a heavy piece of history. Lorenzo changed his posture, crossed his legs, and there was a little contempt in his voice.
"And that new king is Olivier Garrel, who is regarded as a hero who slays demons."
"Sounds like a fantasy novel."
Under Lorenzo's narration, Eve recalled these.
"Indeed, for what holiness and faith, the writings in the Evangelical Church are all blasphemous, but the people still like this. The actual story is completely different. The Evangelical Church secretly incited the believers to riot, and then created a A new hero, or figurehead, to end it all.”
Lorenzo felt sorry for the "mad king" in history.
"Olim did not want to be dominated by the evangelical church. During his short reign, he issued many decrees to eliminate ignorance, hoping that people would get rid of the dominance of faith, but in the end he was killed by the very people he wanted to save. Dead, that's so ironic."
"Fortunately, times have changed. With the rise of industry, the evangelical church has become older and older. It can be seen from Gaul Nalu's support of the Orthodox Church that they have declined to the point that even Gaul Nalu can't influence... At that time, Gaul Nalu was How did you call yourself here?"
Hercule continued Lorenzo's words.
"God's most faithful believer," Lorenzo reminded.
"Yes, that's it, but now the most loyal believer has also rebelled." Hercule laughed.
"Religion is just a tool. Back then, the Evangelical Church could declare Olim to be the mad king. Now Gaul Naluo can also use the orthodox religion to declare that the Evangelical Church has been corrupted by evil."
Lorenzo frowned, thinking about the worst possibilities.
Gaulonaluo is also forming an organization to fight against demons, and now that these cardinals have joined, it is obvious that they want to replicate another demon-hunting sect to achieve their own goals in the name of these beliefs.
"It seems that the purification agency will also have competitors." Hercule said.
"There is a competitive relationship between Yin Erweg and Gaul Naluo, isn't it?" Lorenzo only felt a headache.
The work this time was extremely sensitive, and the relationship between the two countries was once again full of gunpowder. Lorenzo couldn't help but think of the words he had seen in books.
The history of mankind is the history of war. With development, conflict is inevitable, and when it is the most intense, it is an unavoidable war.
"Do you want to investigate the Orthodoxy more deeply?" Hercule asked. Judging from his expression, more in-depth information seems to be paid content.
"Arthur should be the one to deal with this kind of trouble, and it's not my turn. After all, I'm just a detective. Saving the world should be left to others."
Lorenzo waved his hand, maybe because he was a little thirsty after talking, he picked up the glass of "Su Yuan" that Eve hadn't finished, drank it in one gulp, and then burped.
This time Hercule's eyes became the same as Eve's, but then Hercule seemed to have discovered a new world. He secretly considered whether to add something else, anyway, from Lorenzo Judging from this reaction, it can't poison him to death.
"I only care about Ivar, and the content of my work is also very simple. After arriving in Gaulnaro, I need you as my intelligence network to assist me."
"I have almost no manpower there. Besides, the timeliness of things like intelligence is very important. After passing through one hand after another, there will be a big delay when it reaches you."
When it comes to intelligence, Hercule is a professional.
But Lorenzo didn't care about this. He moved closer to Hercule with a smile on his face.
"This problem is easy to solve, as long as you come with us, right?"
"Together? Gaul Nalo?"
Hercule's face turned pale. He had been walking on the edge of danger, but only on the edge.
He is very self-aware. In the final analysis, he is just a little smarter than others. Hercule is not good at any weapons. In terms of combat effectiveness, a drunkard who drinks too much might be able to kill him.
Not to mention working with Lorenzo and heading to Nalo in Gaul.
The detective in front of him was a demon hunter, a warrior who could kill a group of people with a spoon. How could Hercule Hod work with such a being?
"No, no."
Hercule waved his hand quickly.
"Believe me, Hercule, there will be many benefits after it is done."
Lorenzo was smiling, but his smile didn't really look kind.
This was a trap, a trap for Hercule, and he shouldn't have come.
"If you have a life, you won't have to spend it!"
The corner of his vision was looking for an escape route, but at this moment Hercule found Eve standing in front of the kitchen door.
Although Eve couldn't quite understand what the two were talking about, from the words she could understand, she understood that this "new friend" named Hercule would be a very useful tool.
"Come on, Hercule, this will be an unforgettable journey."
Lorenzo grabbed Hercule and kicked open the back door of the tavern.
Hercule let Lorenzo pull him as if he had lost his bones.For a moment, his mood was a little complicated. He still remembered the last unforgettable journey, which was the damn shipwreck.
Eve trotted after the two men, holding Poirot in her arms.
The afternoon sun is so warm and harmonious, and the fresh sea breeze blows in your face.
The kestrel was lying on the deck chair, with the fishing rod set up in front of him. On the small table beside him were "The Falcon at Night" and a few bottles of ice-cold beer.
so good.
This place is located on the edge of the port. It took Kestrel a whole morning to find such a comfortable place. There are no noisy crowds and no strong smell of fish. It is as beautiful as heaven.
Kestrel felt that he had not been so relaxed for a long time, and felt that his soul was about to slip out of this heavy skin.
This is a perfect day. If there are any regrets, Kestrel would like to have a wonderful encounter here.
Indeed, he has reached the age of marriage, but there is no suitable opposite sex around him. If he goes on a blind date, it feels very troublesome. After all, when it comes to work, Kestrel can't say that his profession is to kill monsters. Well, then the woman asked what the monster was, and Kestrel explained it for a while, and then... then there was nothing more. By then, most of the scavengers would have come to the door.
"Ah... sometimes it's good to be a normal person."
Kestrel sat up, with the fishing rod held firmly in front of him without any intention of shaking.
"Ordinary people? Why do you think so?"
Suddenly there was a sound, and at some point a deck chair had been set up not far from Kestrel, with a woman sitting on it. She seemed to be here to fish as well.
"Why do you want to be an ordinary person? Everyone hopes that they are not ordinary, that they can get rid of mediocrity and become some kind of entrepreneur, artist, or some other messy family."
The woman was holding a wine glass. She was looking at the sea in front of her, not looking at the kestrel.
"Why, I probably feel very tired."
Although she was a stranger, Kestrel didn't feel unfamiliar at all and started chatting with her.
Kestrel's life is indeed not ordinary. In his early years, he crawled around in the lower city, and now he is slashing monsters. Sometimes Kestrel even feels that he is the protagonist of some knight novel.
"It's so tiring. I have to deal with a bunch of annoying guys day after day. If I'm not careful, I might die. The colleagues around me change again and again... Mainly, I can't make much money."
Kestrel complained.
"I really want to be like ordinary people, doing simple work, living a mediocre hardship, not having any great wealth, not having any disasters, just living my life peacefully... If you think about it this way, ordinary is actually The biggest one is extraordinary."
How lucky a person must be to live such a perfect life.
"Yes, everyone has their own troubles. These things are doomed and cannot be escaped."
The woman turned her head, and at that moment Kestrel had to admit that his breathing slowed down for half a beat.
Under the sunlight, it is a beautiful face, beautiful but not that outstanding. Maybe it cannot be remembered forever, but every time you see it, you will feel a sense of peace.
"Gloria Jackson."
Gloria announced her name and raised her glass.
"Moon Naredo."
Everyone was shouting kestrels all day long. Kestrel almost forgot his own name. After saying his real name for a long time, Kestrel only felt a sudden sense of strangeness, as if he didn't know when it started. Moon Naredo and Kestrel became two completely different people.
"Huh? Hello, Mr. Moon."
Gloria showed an intoxicating smile, and the wine glass and the bottle raised by Kestrel collided together, making a crisp sound.
"Okay, you can call me Mr. Moon."
Hearing this nickname, Kestrel couldn't help but feel nostalgic.
The name Moon represents the moon, and this naming method is quite fairy tale-like. Sometimes when this name is mentioned, Kestrel's colleagues will look surprised, and then think that Kestrel is a bit cute.
"So Mr. Moon, are you on vacation?"
"That's it."
Kestrel didn't know how to describe his current situation.
"That's right. Only those who are relieved from fatigue can sigh like just now."
Gloria fiddled with the fishing rod while talking. Unlike the kestrel, her fishing basket was full.
"What about you? Going on vacation? Or traveling with public funds?"
Regarding the issue of public-funded travel, Kestrel feels that it may become a knot in his heart.
"Me? I'm going to meet a friend, but my ship hasn't arrived yet. I can take a rest."
She hesitated a little when she said this, but she still said it.
"Hey, do you see this too?"
Gloria suddenly saw the book on the side.
Hearing Gloria's question, Kestrel was a little ashamed. After all, chivalry novels are still something that is not popular in the eyes of the public and cannot be considered elegant.
"Also? You watch it too?"
Kestrel reacted immediately, and the shame turned into surprise. It is difficult to find a book friend in today's world.
Gloria turned around and picked up the same book from the small table beside her.
At this moment, Kestrel felt that his breathing had slowed down for another half beat, and he suddenly realized that this might be the beautiful encounter he was looking forward to.
Yes, a beautiful afternoon, cool sea breeze, no monsters, no fighting, an extremely peaceful scene, plus a lady who also likes these things.
Kestrel was stunned for a moment. He suddenly panicked and didn't know what to say. He began to be afraid that he would say something wrong and end this wonderful time.
But Gloria didn't seem to care about this, she exclaimed.
She grabbed the fishing rod tightly, and her young and healthy body showed muscular lines, just like the path of the wind. The water splashed, and a fat and big fish was pulled out of the sea and rolled on the ground.
Gloria picked up the fish. The scales were slippery, making her confused for a moment.
Kestrel looked at all this and smiled with a dazed smile.
"Want to share one with you?"
Gloria asked, but Kestrel didn't hear this at all, and he suddenly felt that working overtime was not bad.
(End of this chapter)

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