Embers of Embers

Chapter 400 Grilled Fish

Chapter 400 Grilled Fish
"So... add a ferry ticket temporarily?"
There is an exquisite badge on the man's chest, which depicts the continental map of the entire Western world. Although it is not very accurate, under the limitations of today's measurement technology, this is already considered the most complete. There are many star-like figures on it. Points of light, they are connected above the continents and oceans, like constellations in the night sky.
This is the symbol of Beidro, and the star trails are their shipping lanes, throughout the entire western world.
Lorenzo responded to the man's question.
People were coming and going all around, and everyone was queuing up to board the ship. Due to the special nature of Lorenzo's operation, Nordero prepared a special passage for them.
The man seemed a little troubled. He remembered that only four people came, but now there was one more person, a mouse to be precise.
He didn't know the content of the work, but he still remembered his boss's order to report any changes, and this increase in personnel was obviously included among them.
"We are short of people, and we are looking for one temporarily."
Lorenzo answered, drawing Hercule, who was constipated,
"But there is nothing in the instructions..."
Before the man finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lorenzo.
"Friend, you have to adapt to circumstances. You can't contact me for everything, right?"
Lorenzo smiled, but with this expression, Lorenzo exuded a dangerous aura. The man felt a little pressure for a moment, and his breathing became slightly faster.
"Okay, but I still have to report to my superiors... You go in first."
The man stepped out of the way and the group hurried onto the ship.
Leisure time is always so short, but in such a short time, everyone has different gains.
Eve once again saw Lorenzo's shamelessness, and Lorenzo once again successfully deceived someone into lameness. As for the one who was deceived, he looked constipated and was pulled away by Lorenzo. Although it was said that he was pulling, it was more like holding him hostage.
Haybold followed the three of them. His attire was the same as his previous disguise. He was tall and put on glasses. He also looked at the book in his hand while walking, which reduced his sharpness and made him more sharp. Like a physically fit scholar.
As for what he was looking at...he hoped no one else would know.
Before setting off, the ingenious Lorenzo packaged the book's cover to hide the thought-provoking title.
At the very back is the kestrel.
Halfway through, Lorenzo turned back and glanced at Kestrel with some concern.
The Kestrel is in a strange situation, I can’t tell if it’s bad or great.
Everything still had to come back from fishing in the Kestrel. As expected, he didn't catch a single fish, but he brought back someone else's fish. He said it was given to him by a lady and hoped that his fishing basket would not be too empty. .
These were normal, but what happened next was a little abnormal. Kestrel put the fish on the table and smiled stupidly at the fish.
To be honest, that smile disgusted Lorenzo.
"Kestrel, are you alright?"
Lorenzo asked, seeing the kestrel's face reflected in the dead fish's big eyes, like some ghostly ritual.
Kestrel whispered the name, paying no attention to Lorenzo's words.
"what happened to him?"
Eve also came over. Such a drastic change from this passive-aggressive guy made her feel a little scared.
"Hmm... I guess..."
Finally, Haybold came over. The guy looked at the kestrel's appearance, flipped through the pages of the book again, found the sentence corresponding to it, and he read.
"Although it was the first time we met, I thought I had already fallen in love with her. I suddenly realized why I was so unlucky in the first half of my life. It turned out that all my luck was used for this encounter."
He said such disgusting words that even Lorenzo couldn't bear it. He scratched his arms and felt goosebumps all over his body.
"I guess he's in love."
Haybold concluded.
"No way?" Eve said in surprise.
Lorenzo looked puzzled, and he shook the kestrel vigorously, but the kestrel showed no reaction at all and continued to stare at the dead fish.
"Why do I doubt whether he is controlled by power?"
The professionals gave the answer, and Eve stopped Lorenzo. Judging from the guy's eagerness to try, he was really ready to check whether the kestrel had been eroded.
"Sigh...I guess I'll never see her again."
Kestrel said suddenly, his intoxicated expression became lost, he leaned back on the chair and looked at the ceiling.
"Gloria Jackson."
He said the woman's name again. This was the first meeting, and it also became the last meeting. Kestrel would leave by boat tomorrow, and so did the woman. They failed to leave any contact information before parting... ...except this fish.
"Do you think she will like me? Although I have only met her once, I may never see her again."
Kestrel looked at Lorenzo and asked. His expression was sad and dazed, which made Lorenzo stunned for a moment, and then Lorenzo cursed.
"It's just the first time you've met. We're just strangers chatting. Would you propose to a random passerby? Just because you have a good conversation?"
Lorenzo angrily said that he began to suspect that Kestrel had entered puberty, a puberty that was delayed for who knows how many years.
"Maybe she has forgotten you. After all, we see many passers-by every day, but only a few of them can leave an impression in our memories."
Recalling the passers-by in his mind, Lorenzo could not remember any of them. Their appearance was all gray and became part of the background.
It's true, you see a lot of people every day, but there are very few people with whom you can truly connect.
Human beings look lively, but in fact everyone is lonely.
Listening to Lorenzo's words, Kestrel's expression became more and more sad.
"Please pour me a drink."
Kestrel said to Eve, looking at him like this, he looked like a dying patient. Eve said nothing and filled him a glass.
"Would you like to commemorate my fleeting love with me?"
"Is this just pure lust and destruction of lust?"
Eve said venomously.
"Did you say it was love at first sight?"
Kestrel asked Lorenzo again, and saw that Lorenzo had walked to the table at some point and grabbed the fat dead fish.
"I just think that you may have been around the demon for a long time and your brain is a little abnormal."
Lorenzo held the fish in one hand and drew his pocketknife with the other.
"Put it down!"
Kestrel screamed, but it was obvious that he couldn't beat Lorenzo at all, and what followed was a tragic scene.
Everyone gathered around the table and cast different eyes on this hot grilled fish.
"You killed my love!" Kestrel continued to scream, but he couldn't change anything.
"But your love is indeed delicious. Do you want a piece?"
Lorenzo forked a piece of fish and put it on the kestrel's plate.
Kestrel stopped screaming. He looked at the hot piece of fish. His expression was strange for a moment. After hesitating for a long time, he picked up the fork.
"how is the taste?"
"It's delicious."
That's probably how Lorenzo ended Kestrel's love story neatly. To be precise, the story didn't start at all, it was just Kestrel's own sudden lust.
Lorenzo turned around and asked Eve in a low voice.
"Does the cleanup agency have a psychiatrist? I suspect there may be something wrong with Kestrel's brain."
"What do you say?" Eve asked.
"Think about it, fighting monsters all day long, there is nothing like a normal life. Even..." Lorenzo turned back and glanced at Kestrel, "Sometimes I feel that life is terrible. It’s a bit outrageous and I need something to vent about, and I feel like Kestrel has probably reached that point.”
"Then why now? Isn't he usually fine?"
She has not known Kestrel for too long, but in Eve's perception, Kestrel is still quite normal.
"Probably this overtime job was the final blow to defeat him."
Lorenzo analyzed.
"Lorenzo, you still have a chance to let me go now. I think I'm almost at my limit."
At this time, Hercule, who had been silent and constipated, spoke. Only then did Lorenzo remember that there was him beside him, and he saw that his face was pale, as if he was sick.
"what happened to you?"
"I hate the sea."
Halfway through, Hercule finally couldn't bear it anymore. He grabbed the railing beside him and vomited towards the seawater below.
"What kind of disease is this?" Lorenzo was curious. He thought it would be better to care about Hercule first than the kestrel. "Sea sickness? Or seawater allergy? Wait, is there such a disease?"
Hercule wiped his mouth and said weakly.
"What sequelae?"
"The sequelae of the shipwreck...you know, since I came back alive on the sea, this is the first time in so many years that I have set foot on the waves again."
Hercule looked at the blue ocean in the distance, and his thoughts couldn't help but recall the shipwreck that changed his life.
It was this shipwreck that shaped the Rat King and turned Hercule into an inhuman being. He gained a lot...and seemed to lose nothing.
But since then, Hercule has only had a deep fear of the sea. One of the reasons why he has never returned to his hometown is that the place is far away from Inverg and he has to take a boat.
"So Lorenzo, you didn't lie to me, did you?"
Hercule suddenly asked again. He grabbed Lorenzo's clothes and looked a little sickly.
"Of course, I owe you this. I am still trustworthy in this regard."
The two of them were talking in words that Eve couldn't understand at all.
Hearing Lorenzo's affirmation, Hercule seemed to have made a decision. He worked hard to raise his strength and continued to move forward. As the end of this road was a bad ship, and the next thing waiting for him A bad trip too.
But Hercule didn't care about this anymore. For example, what Lorenzo promised him, these difficulties were obviously not that difficult.
Hercule whispered those unfamiliar words. He once again felt an almost trembling joy at the unknown of this world. He was like a morbid madman.
But this joy did not last long. Hercule, who had just regained his glory, took two steps and threw himself next to the railing, vomiting vigorously.
"Is there any seasickness medicine?"
Hercule asked weakly, as if to comfort himself even though he had not yet boarded the ship.
Haybold didn't pay attention to the conversation of the people in front. He looked at Hercule, and after realizing that this guy posed no threat, he gave up his observation.
This sudden addition to the gang obviously required Heibald's consent. Lorenzo initially thought that Heibald would strongly refuse, but he never expected that Heibald didn't care about this. He said that he had the right to command the actual actions. Still in Lorenzo's hands, he didn't mind Lorenzo's various behaviors as long as he could get the job done.
Hybold cared more about other things than Hercule.
His eyes fell on his side, and Kestrel looked blank. Maybe all this happened too fast, so this guy still can't accept it now.
"Just a woman," Haybold said.
Kestrel turned his head stiffly and said slowly.
"Yeah, it's just a woman. It's not really about lust or anything. I just feel very lucky... I suddenly found a very suitable person." Kestrel said.
"She also likes reading these books and fishing. We have so many similarities. We are almost like close friends. She even talks about another female version of me."
Kestrel was still a little reluctant to part with that woman, "After all, my job is terrible, and I also wanted to develop some kind of office romance, but before I could remember the name, everyone died, and batch after batch was replaced. "
"Then do you want to be with her if you have the chance?" Haybold asked again. The Viking didn't know why he cared about these things.
Kestrel shook his head simply, then smiled.
"Just talking, just like Lorenzo loves to talk bad things, I'm just having fun."
"Tu Yile?"
Kestrel nodded, then patted Highbould firmly on the shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm Kestrel, a high-ranking knight of the Purification Agency. Next, we're going to the Iron Law Bureau to snatch people. Even if I come back alive, my job is still to slash monsters."
Kestrel became serious, as if his reluctance just now was just an act.
"My life is actually quite abnormal. I might have used up all my luck that time, and then became what others call the dead. This is a bit too irresponsible for an ordinary person, or even a lover."
Kestrel's expression changed again, then serious, then saddened.
"So, the best solution is office romance! But this is a high-risk industry! Maybe everyone will die again."
Kestrel concluded.
"An endless loop!"
"You don't have to force this kind of thing. Maybe one morning, you will suddenly find the person you love, leave regardless of everything, and let go of all the constraints." Hebold said.
As the sun shone down, Haybold's figure became unusually tall from this moment on. He was like a devout priest, holding the "Gospel" in his hand and trying to answer the questions of the confused lamb, the kestrel.
"Ah... I didn't realize that you, a Viking, are quite romantic."
Kestrel cried in mourning. Hearing Heibald's words, he didn't expect that this Viking looked rough but had such a delicate mind.
"No, it's in the book, I just think it's appropriate."
Highbould turned the book over and let Kestrel see the line of text.
Kestrel was stunned.
The rapid change of mood made Kestrel not know what to say. He actually thought that this rough guy would say such things. Maybe Lorenzo was better than him. What on earth was he expecting.
"Forget it, let's go."
Kestrel urged, he didn't want to say more on this topic.
For Kestrel, his life is a bit bad and boring, so at this point he agrees with some of Lorenzo's actions, telling bad words and telling some strange jokes to change the bad atmosphere. Gotta loosen up faster.
This is just a wonderful encounter, a perfect afternoon, but one cannot always stay in it, and the kestrel still has a lot to do.
Everyone continued to talk about Kestrel's obscenity, and Kestrel continued to howl, with a happy look, as if these people were really planning to have an interesting trip, instead of grinding their teeth and sucking blood, preparing for the next one, and Or countless fights and fights.
The melodious sound of the whistle echoed over the port of Rendona. The ship moved slowly, stirring up heavy waves. It sailed away from the port of Rendona and headed towards the other end of the White Tide Strait.
(End of this chapter)

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