Embers of Embers

Chapter 402 Victoria’s Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 402 Victoria’s Bizarre Adventure
"The happy time is over, and the road ahead is full of thorns and suffering."
It was dark, and Haybold sat on the deck chair on the balcony and read the words in the book to the moonlight.
Nordro gave them the largest suite on the White Tide, and this time everyone could finally live under the same roof without disturbing each other.
Eve and Kestrel had already fallen asleep, and Hercule still looked uncertain whether he was alive or dead. Lorenzo called the ship's doctor, but after a long period of examination, there were no results. The ship's doctor speculated that this might be a physical disease. It was a psychological problem of Hercule.
"Are you a poet? I thought the Vikings didn't like such tender things."
Lorenzo was sitting on the sofa in the living room, and on the small table in front of him was his cello case, which was open and full of deadly weapons.
He was wiping his weapons, making them as clean and shiny as mirrors.
"First of all, your impression is that the Vikings are rough and fierce, and this is not our original intention. To survive in that kind of cold environment, etiquette and so on are not enough. Another point, this is a book I like it quite a bit, and think it's very suitable for this time."
After a complete showdown, Haybold's attitude became more casual. He continued to flip through the books and read the stories in them.
"Have you read this book?"
Lorenzo replied that while he was chatting with Haybold, he packed up the weapons. After cleaning the cold weapons, he checked the firearms, as if he had nothing to do, and he counted the number of bullets.
"This 'Victoria Secret' is a tangled love story."
"You actually like this kind of thing?" Lorenzo wondered if he heard wrongly.
"It's just a little nostalgic."
"What do you miss?" Lorenzo asked.
Heibald stopped reading and looked at the calm sea ahead. The moonlight reflected the white snow, just like the snowy ice fields in the Viking countries.
"Missing the woman I once was... Not everyone is like you, Lorenzo. I too have a good past."
Haybold turned his head, smiled at Lorenzo, and then told the story in the book.
"The heroine is a member of the royal family, but she fell in love with a commoner."
"It sounds quite cliche," Lorenzo said, "and then it's like a common family drama about different statuses and all kinds of messy family ethics?"
"No, no, no, if it develops like this, it won't attract my attention."
Haybold said with a smile.
"The heroine knew that this was an unblessed love, but she didn't care about it. She knocked out the guard that night, escaped from the castle with the money bag and sword, kicked the sleeping hero awake, and pulled He fled outside the city."
Lorenzo's expression twisted, and he stopped what he was doing, with disbelief in his eyes. He began to think that this story was a ghost.
"I'm not lying to you, that's what the story says," Haybold continued. "Outside the city, under the witness of the moonlight, the girl asked the boy, do you want to go with me? Abandon the existing comfortable life and join the in the unknown future.
The boy asked her what would happen if he refused.
The girl said that if you refuse, she will realize that she is a fool for believing you, a coward. She will chop off the boy's head with a sword, and then take his head to admit his mistake to his parents, and then act like a good boy. female. "
"Wait a minute, are you sure you didn't get the wrong book?"
Lorenzo began to think that the author might have something wrong with his mind, but Heybold ignored Lorenzo and continued telling the story.
"The boy asked again, what if we leave together.
The girl answered that she didn't know either...she didn't know what would happen in the future. "
"Then what?" Lorenzo asked.
"Then? Then they hugged each other, kissed hard, and embarked on an unknown journey. This sentence is the narration in the article. The boy and the girl embarked on an unknown road, and after the joy was all suffering."
Haybold closed the book and put it aside.
"What about the ending?"
"This is the ending of the first part, I haven't finished the second part yet."
"Sounds like...this story is quite interesting."
A heroine who is obviously a little abnormal, and a male protagonist who is even more abnormal. It feels like someone knocking on your door and window, asking you questions when you are sleepy.
Today is a good day, and I have nothing to do. Why don't you go rob a bank together?
Not only did you not refuse, but you answered with joy.
"It's all suffering..."
Lorenzo muttered a few words in a low voice, and the author's malice can be read from the narration. This routine is too common. If Lorenzo were Haybold, he would definitely let it go and stop reading.
But...to be honest, embarking on a journey into the unknown would be a pretty good ending. All the good things come to an end here, and the so-called suffering disappears.
"Arthur is right, only a demon can make you serious. You made me feel like a street gangster before, but now you are truly like an expert."
Haybold sat down opposite Lorenzo. He looked inside the piano case. One after another, deadly weapons were exuding the coldness of death.
"Will all these weapons be used?"
His eyes seemed to be stabbed by this sharp weapon, and even if Heibald was a strong Viking, he couldn't help but feel cold.
"It depends on the situation. Of course, I prefer to use these two."
Lorenzo said, picking up the nail sword and Winchester.
The slender nail sword is like a sharp spike without a grid. The body of the sword is directly connected to the hilt. The slender blade is engraved with grooves and patterns, and the whole is like a fleeting sword. meteor.
"They said the spike was a very religious object."
Lorenzo flicked the nail sword. This was not a nail sword plated with holy silver, but a replica that Lorenzo commissioned Oscar to make. It had the same appearance and was very familiar to use. Although it had lost its ability to suppress the demon, this The nail sword itself is made of a metal called cypress, which is extremely hard.
When fighting against the New Order on the Reichenbach, Lorenzo used this nail sword. Thanks to its strength, Lorenzo persisted in that high-intensity battle.
"In the "Gospels", the sons of God were crucified on the cross, so long nails were regarded as weapons to kill gods. We also do the same when punishing pagans. The "Gospels" also say that demons Coming from God’s shadow, it can be understood as God’s filth and an integral part of God.”
Seeing Heibald's curious look, Lorenzo handed over the nail sword.
"It's like we can't escape our own shadow."
After taking the deadly weapon, Highbold whispered.
"Yes, in the view of some clergy, demons also carry a part of God, so they made their weapons look like spikes, hoping that they would also have that killing power."
Lorenzo said, then laughed disdainfully.
"It turns out that these are all nonsense. The nail sword is effective in killing demons only because it is plated with holy silver."
Lorenzo said and picked up a nail sword from the piano case. The blade was extremely smooth, like a mirror.
"But sometimes I wonder, is it possible that the sword is actually a 'long nail'?"
"What do you mean?"
Lorenzo looked at Heybold and told his conjecture.
"Literally, a nail is a 'long nail', which is used to crucify something...perhaps called God, on a larger cross."
Heibald was startled. Before he could ask his question, Lorenzo smiled and changed the topic.
"Who said God must be as big as a man?"
Looking at Lorenzo like this, everything is just like what Arthur said to him, this is a guy who can't predict his actions. Heybold still remembers Lorenzo's fierce look when he confessed everything, but now he seems to have become Get rid of the usual appearance, get rid of the hidden rage.
"All my information about you comes from Arthur. He has a very interesting evaluation of you."
Haybold put the nail sword back into the piano case and said to Lorenzo.
Both of them were waiting for a suitable time to talk. The furious scene before was really not suitable, but now in the dead of night, only the two of them were still awake, and the strange story from before opened up the situation, and everything seemed good.
"Tell me."
Lorenzo took apart the Winchester and inspected its components.
"Love it and hate it."
Lorenzo was disgusted by this comment.
"He said you were a sharp sword hanging over everyone's head. You chased the monsters and wanted to kill them all. Arthur said he was afraid of such a future. You killed all the monsters and turned to Go and expel these humans who use the power of demons.”
Haybold talks about a future that is almost impossible to happen.
"No, let's not talk about whether I can really kill all the monsters... In fact, I don't hate using power, what I hate is the abuse of power."
"Like...Lawrence's remnants?"
Heybold recalled this somewhat unfamiliar vocabulary.
"I have seen the cost of abuse of power, and I will not allow it to happen again. There is no need to repeat the tragedy of Advent Night," Lorenzo said.
"Yes, that's it, the love-hate aspect. Arthur said that in a sense, you are a righteous man, and everything you do is to maintain world peace."
Haybold was also amused by his damn description.
"But Arthur is very worried. If the purification agency further strengthens its use of demons, will you choose to stand on the opposite side of the purification agency? Will you choose to destroy the purification agency that abuses its power?"
"What, am I on the assassination list of the purge agency?"
Lorenzo asked. In fact, what Hebold said had already happened. Lorenzo had already had conflicts with the purification agency in Montenegro Hospital. Fortunately, they finally united again.
"No, Arthur said that he had been worried for a long time, but suddenly one day he figured it out." Haybold recalled what Arthur said to him at that time, "He said that if one day Lorenzo Holmes personally Come to kill him, that is what he deserves."
He observed Lorenzo's reaction and continued.
"I didn't understand what he meant at the time, but after meeting you, it suddenly became clear to me that you were the sharp sword hanging over his head. If you made up your mind to kill him, Arthur must have been seduced and obsessed with power. Among them.
Arthur said he was glad that there was such a man as Lorenzo Holmes in the world.
Human beings are easily tempted, and even sell their souls for some ridiculous reasons, but your existence is the insurance of the world. You will kill those lunatics before they sell their souls. "
For these praises, Lorenzo did not have much reaction and remained unmoved.
"Why don't we talk about you, Highbould, about your past? I'm really curious about what you have to go through to resonate with that ghost story."
Thinking of the love story just told, Lorenzo felt that it was nonsense, it should be changed to "Victoria's Bizarre Adventure".
"Actually, it's not really a resonance, but someone asked me the same question a long time ago. There is such a legend in the Viking countries that the end of the north is the end of the world, but no one knows exactly what is there. Not sure.
She is an excellent navigator. She said she wanted to see the end of the world. I thought this was ridiculous. It was just a legend. But she was very stubborn and refused to listen. She said she must find it. She told me that she lacked A sailor asked me if I wanted to come with him. "
Haybold's voice was calm, as if he was telling someone else's story.
"Later, I refused. I thought it was a meaningless journey and just a waste of time. I thought she would give up and come back dejected and tell me with an embarrassed look on her face that I was right.
But she never came back, and I never saw the ship again. "
Heibald felt a little tired, and he leaned on the sofa, slumped like Lorenzo usually did.
"A bad story."
Lorenzo stood up while speaking, still holding the sharp nail sword in his hand.
"But it was a good night, don't you think? We're all getting to know each other, so it's a good start."
From now on, in Lorenzo's eyes, Heybold finally got rid of his identity as a stranger. This is what Lorenzo wanted to do. He didn't want to hand over the back road to a stranger when he was killing monsters.
"Get the others up and stay here."
Lorenzo said and picked up the Winchester again. He had already reassembled the short-handled shotgun while chatting.
"What's wrong?" Haybold asked.
"Actually, I also hope that there will be a day when I really retire, but I always feel that this is a bit too much."
Lorenzo muttered, and he leaned against the door. The demon hunter's overly sharp senses had already noticed the abnormalities.
"We have a visitor, Highbould."
He said and opened the door. No one was in the corridor. Lorenzo pressed the switch on the wall, and the lights went out one by one, hiding himself in the darkness. It was also at this time that the sound of slight footsteps came belatedly. .
(End of this chapter)

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