Embers of Embers

Chapter 403: Heart

Chapter 403: Heart
Eve and Kestrel were woken up from their sleep, and in their sleepiness they saw Hebold holding a weapon.
No one was stupid. In this situation, no one had any so-called anger. They suddenly woke up and picked up weapons in their pajamas.
Kestrel and Hebold were guarding the room. This was Lorenzo's instruction. Eve was beside Hercule. Lorenzo had reminded her before that Hercule had no fighting power. He needed Prioritize protection.
It was quiet at night, and the door had been pushed open. Lorenzo had just left here. Haybold and Kestrel hid behind the sofa, using it as a cover. In the darkness, the muzzles of their guns were pointed at the darkness outside the door.
The happy time was over, and they had left the land of Inverg and faced the darkness across the strait.
The lights in the corridor were extinguished because of Lorenzo. He rolled up the sharp nail sword with his coat. The weapon was so smooth that even a glimmer of light in the darkness would shine on it, thus exposing Lorenzo's position.
He lowered his breath and walked silently on the carpet in the corridor with his bare feet.
While chatting with Heibald, Lorenzo noticed the faint sounds, the approaching crisis, and the instinct that came from the demon hunter.
Lorenzo could feel his inexplicable emotions after realizing that his enemies in this job were not just mortals.
Not fear, not anger.
But joy.
I don’t know why, but when Lorenzo learned about Lawrence’s remnants, he became particularly happy. Lorenzo himself couldn’t understand why, as if he had put aside this normal disguise, and what was buried in the deepest part of his soul was The same crazy devil.
In order to facilitate movement, under Nordero's arrangement, there were no other passengers except Lorenzo and his party, and no waiters came here. This place briefly became Lorenzo's territory. Anyone who approaches rashly may be an enemy.
Who will be the enemy?
Iron Law Bureau?Or the so-called choir?How do they know about their existence?
Or someone has exposed his whereabouts, who could it be?
Lorenzo thought, and then he smelled a hint of uneasiness.
It was the smell of blood. The familiar smell of blood came from the dark corridor, and at the same time, the suppressed moans became clearer.
There are people injured?
Lorenzo moved closer to the sound, and he inserted Winchester into the waistband of his trousers. Because the nail sword was covered with a shirt, he was now bare-chested, and the ferocious tattoo seemed to come alive, twisting and growing on his back.
This is actually an alchemical matrix that guides power, sublimating the body of the demon hunter, thus guiding out the forbidden power hidden in the blood.
There are more and more familiar smells in the air, Lorenzo can smell them, fear, terror, despair...
Lorenzo's movements suddenly stopped, as if he was frozen in place. He seemed to be judging something, and then white flames rose in his eyes.
Burning white flames lit up in the dark corridor. He gave up hiding himself and ran quickly. The fireworks were pulled into a blazing white trajectory, the nail sword vibrated, and he tore open his pajamas.
Lorenzo felt the depressive erosion.
At this moment, there is a demon on board the White Tide...or something more complicated than a demon.
Lorenzo whispered the word, and the next moment he burst out of the shadows.
There is no need to care whether it is an enemy or a friend. The old religious order has been destroyed. In this world at this moment, according to Lorenzo's principles, anyone who harbors secret blood is an enemy.
This damn power should be buried with the Holy Night, instead of being dominated by greed and reappearing in the world.
The slender silver-white sword body of the nail sword reflected the raging scorching eyes, and a high-frequency scream sounded, cutting through the turbid air.
"Finally found her? Is she dead?"
The man was standing in front of the corpse, with blood splattered all over the ground. She must be dead, motionless, like a blood-stained doll.
"She should be dead. Cut off her head."
Another person in the shadow said.
"It's really troublesome, she actually wants us to take action... But why did she want to escape here?"
Another person said, he walked out of the shadows and stood by the window.
His face was illuminated by the moonlight, his expression was extremely ferocious, and his blood vessels were bulging like twisted growing vines.
"Damn guy."
He cursed angrily and kicked the corpse, knocking her down.
"how do you feel?"
Someone asked, and other people also looked at him with the same concern, but under their eyes, they were more alert.
"It's okay. I'm not out of control. It feels really good."
The man replied, his heart beating violently, continuously releasing the forbidden power. This feeling was great. For a moment, he felt as if he had got rid of this cowardly mortal body and became a higher existence.
"This power is very good. Even she can't resist this extraordinary power."
The man said and stepped on the corpse's fingers again, crushing them hard to vent his anger. They spent a lot of effort to kill this woman. In the end, the man couldn't help it, triggered the secret blood, and finally caught up. Her, kill her.
"Okay, don't waste time. Cut off the head so we can go back and do business."
The man who had been silent said that there were more people waiting in the darkness behind him. Someone stepped forward, pulled out a dagger, and prepared to carry out this bloody operation, but the sudden rapid footsteps disrupted their actions.
someone is coming.
They looked at the other end of the corridor, but there was nothing. As he watched, the hurried footsteps disappeared. Before they could relax, a scream sounded the next moment.
All this happened almost in an instant. After the footsteps disappeared, the screams of the dead resounded. The man could only see a twisting and pulling white light, and then the entire head was violently split open, and sticky blood and broken bones were sprinkled. On the people around you.
This galloping sword light has not stopped yet. It is so sharp that almost nothing can hinder its cutting.
A trail of death was woven in the darkness. All materials on this trail were violently torn apart. Long and narrow cracks appeared on the wall, and the man's body was chopped into pieces.
Before the wail could even be heard, the approaching sword light penetrated his throat again, suppressing the scream that was about to come out. It was also at this moment of death that the man looked along the direction of the sword blade. Finally saw the attacker.
A pair of burning eyes, extremely hot.
This look was so familiar. Under the mask of that noble man, the man had seen the same fire.
He made a whimpering sound. He couldn't figure out what was going on. He grasped the nail sword tightly with both hands, and blood kept flowing.
There was a voice of doubt in the darkness, and the nail sword swung violently, cutting off the fingers and the neck together. The headless corpse paused for a while, and then knelt down, like a devout believer, before the darkness.
"Who are you? Choir?"
Lorenzo walked out of the darkness, his body dripping with blood.
No one answered him. This bloody and cruel scene had completely shocked everyone present, but what followed was a low roar of pain, the secret blood was stimulated in the body, and inhuman power was given to the body. superior.
"Knew it……"
Lorenzo didn't seem surprised by the scene before him.
In the narrow corridor, violent erosion surged. They were very confident that after receiving the gift from God, this power made them invincible.
All the previous fierce battles have proved this. They would win in the past and they will win now.
Yes, victory, defeating enemies one after another, bathing in the glory of God...
The slight pain interrupted his thoughts, and the man lowered his head. While he was still thinking about the beautiful glory, Lorenzo had already passed him, and the huge wound opened on his chest as the footsteps went away.
The wound was as deep as the bone, and a blow pierced his heart. He panicked. He stretched out his hand to try to block the wound on his chest, but blood could not stop flowing from his fingers. Then his vision distorted, and he heard Hearing the sound of heavy objects falling, the things in front of him tumbled, and he saw a dead headless body, and Lorenzo walking toward the others.
He died, another headless corpse.
It's not that Lorenzo is a pervert, but that he respects everything the old order taught him. Lorenzo will follow these two points when fighting against anything related to demons.
Break the heart, cut off the head.
"So you are the choir, right?"
Lorenzo asked again, his face expressionless, as if he was the god of death walking out of the shadows.
At this moment, they were completely stunned. Under Lorenzo's absolute force, they realized their own insignificance for the first time, and the same was true for obtaining God's gift.
"Evil... devil!"
Someone shouted in collapse that mortals cannot resist the power of God, only the demons originating from darkness can do it.
He continued shouting, drew his pistol and fired at Lorenzo.
The nailed sword swung up, dazzling sparks burst out from it, and Lorenzo quickly walked in front of him.
With the blessing of the secret blood, the man looked ferocious, but when he looked at Lorenzo, he did nothing for a moment. He raised his hand tremblingly, but he couldn't pull the trigger.
In a short period of time, Lorenzo has completely implanted fear into everyone's mind. This is not erosion, but comes from the most primitive fear of living things.
Fear of the unknown.
"Shoot? Attack?"
Lorenzo asked, but the man didn't reply. He stared at Lorenzo. The secret blood gave him strength far beyond ordinary people, but when facing Lorenzo, his body seemed to be drained.
"You have the power, but you don't have the heart to control it."
Lorenzo swung his nail sword in despair, cut into the neck, split the chest, and brutally killed the man in front of him.
"I thought the choir would be a very troublesome group of people. You are worse than the New Order."
He looked at the remaining people again, and each of them had the same expression as the man who had just died.
Fear and despair.
Perhaps the threat of death finally angered them. The remaining people did not want to sit still and wait for death, and roared and killed Lorenzo, but it was all in vain.
They have no heart to fight against despair, and all their actions now are just out of the instinct of survival.
It was a one-sided carnage.
Lorenzo originally wanted to test the strength of the choir this time, but now it seems that these guys are just a group of useless trash. They are not even as good as the New Order. At least those people still have the courage to entrust everything to the darkness and would rather incarnate. demon.
In the end, only one person was left alive.
Lorenzo easily killed all the others with one blow. In order to eliminate any further trouble, Lorenzo also cut off the heads of each of them with a sword, completely eliminating the possibility of demonization.
This place is like a slaughterhouse, with broken limbs strewn all over the floor.
But there was something unexpected. There was another corpse here, the corpse of a woman. It seemed that his whereabouts had not been exposed. These guys came to kill this woman, but they happened to run into him.
"it's fate!"
Lorenzo suddenly showed a smile, squatted down, and looked at the only remaining person.
The man was completely frightened and cried, and he huddled in the corner.
"I ask you to answer, do you understand?"
Lorenzo said and put the nail sword on the man's neck. As expected of being made of solid cypress iron, the nail sword was still intact after cutting for so long.
The man nodded vigorously, he was completely engulfed in fear, like a puppet, being controlled by Lorenzo at will.
"Are you in the choir?"
"Yes, it is."
Lorenzo pondered for a while and then asked.
"Who is the dean...?"
During his attack, the man said this word before he died. Lorenzo couldn't figure out why he said this. Who did he suddenly think of?
He remembered a person called the Patriarch, so if Lorenzo could bring back his memory, he must have something in common with that Patriarch.
For example... the fireworks that cannot be extinguished in the pupils.
"The Dean is..." the man was about to say, but was interrupted by Lorenzo.
"So, you know this person, right?"
The man didn't understand why Lorenzo said that, but he nodded in affirmation.
"Then there's no need to go to all this trouble."
Lorenzo said, reaching out his hand and holding the man's head, forcing him to look at him.
It was like a strange ritual. The tattoo on Lorenzo's back seemed to be alive, slowly moving.
It sublimated the blood in the body, allowing Lorenzo to master the power called Metanzo, but some powers did not act on the blood, but something deeper.
Watson explained at the time that Lorenzo's soul had been [sublimated], so this power would no longer be bound by the body.
"Instead of you talking about it, it's better for me to see it with my own eyes."
Lorenzo said words that the man could not understand, and more intense fireworks rose in his gray-blue eyes. The man tried to close his eyes, but Lorenzo held his head and forcefully opened his eyes. His eyelids forced him to look directly at the blazing sun.
Power Gabriel.
(End of this chapter)

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