Embers of Embers

Chapter 404 Army

Chapter 404 Army
It's an amazing feeling...
Countless emotions hit Lorenzo's heart, and broken memories poured down on him like a downpour.
At this moment, Lorenzo once again understood the disadvantages of Power Gabriel. Its power is undoubted, but he also has extremely fatal shortcomings. During the [Gap] invasion, he crushed more than one person. will, as well as the memories and emotions that have been engraved in his life.
These things washed away Lorenzo's will like a torrent. He was like a rock standing in the flood, battered but not knocked down.
“Establishing Orthodoxy.”
"The formation of the choir...you will be the first believers."
“Sing praises of this beauty and pray for God’s gift.”
"Secret blood..."
Countless words sounded, as if someone was whispering in Lorenzo's ear. Along with the noisy noise, the picture in front of him was fragmented. Each fragment was a scene experienced by a man, and now they are all presented to Lorenzo. in front of the eyes.
It seemed that only a second had passed, but it seemed that more than ten years had passed. The man's life had been briefly read by Lorenzo, and an unspeakable emotion slowly rose.
Little by little the pressure increased until Lorenzo's state of mind also changed slightly.
He felt it.
Lorenzo felt a strange cold at this moment, not a physical perception, but a threat from his inner will.
"Kill Irene Adler, she knows too much..."
"The north of the Viking kingdoms, at the end of the world..."
In the void world, Lorenzo's face changed little by little. The familiar face began to distort and turned into a man. As more and more information was received, Lorenzo was gradually distorted into a man. Completely different appearance.
At the moment when he was about to succeed, he suddenly realized the threat of Power Gabriel.
"I am...Lorenzo Holmes."
The man whispered with dull eyes, and the next moment his voice turned into a roar, and blazing flames ignited under his dull eyes. The unknown power changed his body and corrected the distorted shape again.
Lorenzo regained himself and took a deep breath.
He realized the price of this power and felt palpitated by it.
When Lorenzo invades the man's [gap], the man is also invading Lorenzo. This is a mutual process. Under the wash of the man's memory and emotion, the weak will can easily get lost in it, even if Lorenzo Zuo is the dominant party.
This is just like Lorenzo's invasion of 047 on the Night of Holy Advent. 047's broken will has affected Lorenzo for a long time. Although he has remembered it all, he has the ability to completely destroy the man's will. But there will always be some indelible residue that remains in Lorenzo's will.
"The more invasions there are, the closer we are to getting lost..."
Lorenzo murmured to himself, and he began to understand why this power was deliberately sealed away.
This is a powerful force, but it must not be abused.
The result of abuse is that the residue of the will accumulates more and more. When it affects himself... Lorenzo doesn't know what will happen.
But Lorenzo didn't have much to worry about. Since he had this power, including this time, he has only destroyed the will of others three times in total.
047, Horner, and the man we are dealing with now.
"So let me see if there is any useful information first..."
Lorenzo "looked" at the fragments of memories.
Based on Lorenzo's current understanding of the [Gap], it is a space of consciousness that everyone has and stores the human soul.
[Gap] The scene presented also varies from person to person, and Lorenzo speculates that it depends on where the individual's own emotions are most intense.
Lorenzo's was the endless ice field. Buried in the deep sea at the foot of the ice field were the ships he used to escape from the Seven Hills, and in the wreckage lay one witcher after another.
If Lorenzo could know Sigurd's [Gap], then he would realize that his guess was correct, and Sigurd's [Gap] was his hometown.
Where these emotions are most intense.
Human beings themselves cannot take the initiative to peek into their own [gap]. It usually requires some means to assist, such as mandrake grass, the influence of demons... These can be understood as a way to go deeper into the darkness.
Power Gabriel can make Lorenzo easily invade the [gap] of others, destroy the will of others in the [gap]...or what is called the soul, thereby killing others and occupying their bodies. .
Now Lorenzo has destroyed the man's will. As the will dies, the [gap] begins to collapse, turning into a void of darkness. There are broken lights in the darkness, which are his emotions and memories. Like burning embers, emitting the last glimmer of light.
He wasn't sure whether the laws he was familiar with in reality were applicable here, but just like instinct, he did it, to "peep" at those memories.
Lorenzo muttered his name silently, reminding himself who he really was, and then touched these memories.
"This is secret blood."
The epidemic doctor stood in front of everyone and picked up an injection, which contained ruby-like liquid, elite and clear.
This seems to be a church, but there is nothing sacred here at the moment. It is full of a sense of evil and depression.
Lorenzo could feel the man's emotions in it, he was scared and delighted.
The man seemed to be a soldier, and there were many soldiers standing with him in the church. The statue at the front was covered by a curtain, and underneath it was the epidemic doctor who was demonstrating.
"Of course, to be precise, this is a degraded secret blood, but compared to previous works, it has become more stable, greatly reducing the risk of you being transformed into monsters. But don't get too happy too soon, the risk is only It’s smaller, but it’s still there.”
The epidemic doctor continued to explain this brand-new medicine, and at the same time, a volunteer was sent to the stage.
"Should I say that my predecessors had a great influence on me, or something else? I have always wanted to try to replicate the secret blood of the Demon Hunter Order and create a warrior as powerful as a Demon Hunter. But then Suddenly I figured out something."
The epidemic doctor seemed to be explaining something, but he also seemed to be explaining something to someone.
"I suddenly understood that vanguard soldiers like demon hunters are very powerful, but they do not apply to us. What we need is a powerful army. Such an army can be composed of dozens of demon hunters, but it can also They are hundreds of famous, cheap, and stronger than ordinary soldiers."
As the epidemic doctor spoke, he injected the secret blood into the volunteer's body. The taboo power soon began to act in his body, and his breathing became rapid for a moment. He looked in pain, his skin became bright red and hot, and his blood vessels Bulge, hunched, like a wild beast.
"In the final analysis, it is the country that dominates the war, it is the thousands of soldiers who are thrown into the battlefield, it is the artillery and warships, rather than one demon hunter after another. They may be able to reverse the local situation of the war, but what about the overall situation? "
The doctor's voice gradually became crazy.
"We don't need to be stronger than demon hunters, we just need to be stronger than ordinary people."
The volunteer on the side slowed down and stood up slowly. You could clearly feel the difference in his temperament. Now he had a lot more beastly fury.
"Yes, that's it. Hundreds of soldiers who are far more powerful than ordinary people. They may not be stable enough, but after losing control, they will still become an excellent weapon and continue to kill. No one can stop this army. progress."
This time the doctor looked at the other soldiers in the church.
"This time, you will become the glorious No. 1 and God's vanguard."
The soldiers were silent, not sure whether they were fanatics or something else. Everyone had a little fear, but underneath the fear was a kind of madness and joy.
They were about to devote themselves to God.
Lorenzo could feel this emotion, and even said that he felt that he was really standing in this church at this moment, listening to the madness of the epidemic doctor, and dedicating himself to God.
Power can be easily lost.
"However, before that, you need to undergo a test from God."
The epidemic doctor said and gave up his seat. Only then did Lorenzo notice that there was another person sitting in the front row. All the words the epidemic doctor had just said were addressed to this person.
The man was wearing a red robe, the symbol of a cardinal.
Lorenzo was suspicious, but he turned his back to Lorenzo, and Lorenzo couldn't see him clearly.
The man walked under the statue and pulled down the curtain.
Lorenzo felt it.
He felt the man's panic and ecstasy at this moment, and he also felt his own emotions, fear and anger.
What is under the curtain is not a statue of a god, but an angel, an angel crucified on the cross.
The body was alive, with eyes closed as if asleep, without any sexual characteristics. The arms were pulled apart, attached to the rugged wings growing out of the back, and then penetrated by long nails and nailed to the cross.
Everyone was attracted by the angel. As they watched, colorful hallucinations appeared in front of their eyes. Some people cried bitterly and talked about the evil deeds they had committed. Some people knelt down with piety on their faces, while others moved slowly. , walked towards the angel.
This was an extremely sacred scene, but Lorenzo, who saw all this through memory fragments, felt a chill.
What kind of angel is this? He is clearly the most evil existence in the world.
This unknown existence is so terrifying, even the body left behind has such magic power. Even if Lorenzo indirectly observed it through memory fragments, Lorenzo was still affected by it.
The picture in front of me began to slowly distort, and it was at this time that a voice sounded.
"Those who can survive under God's gaze are all selected believers. You will join this holy army and complete the unfinished Eastern Expedition."
It was the guy in red. He slowly turned his head and looked at everyone.
It was a mask, a cold and dark mask, like an unknowable abyss, swallowing up all the light.
"I will be your commander in chief."
He said.
"You can call me...the Priest."
Under the dark mask, there was a burning firelight, which was pure white, like the blazing sun at noon.
Memories are shattered.
In the world of nothingness, the fragments around Lorenzo gradually lost their light. When Lorenzo destroyed the [Gap] and plundered them all, they were already embers, and now the last light has been extinguished. This There is darkness in the world of nothingness.
Lorenzo opened his eyes, and he returned to reality again. In front of him was the man he invaded. This guy was lying in a pool of blood like a corpse at the moment.
His body was still alive, but his soul had been completely shattered.
Lorenzo froze on the spot, his body seemed to have lost all warmth and was extremely cold. He slowly raised his hand, his palms covered with cold sweat.
He had a very bad guess, no, it couldn't be described as bad.
Is he still alive?
This is impossible.
Yes, I didn't find his body...
But... it's absolutely impossible. That kind of injury will definitely lead to death, unless...
Lorenzo's eyes tightened, the moonlight fell on the pool of blood along the window, and he could see his blurred reflection in the blood.
Unless a miracle happens.
His own survival is a miracle, what about him?
Lorenzo didn't dare to think about it anymore. The army of secret blood was a powerful enemy that was not yet dead.
His thoughts were completely frozen, and he didn't even notice the footsteps approaching quickly. Someone rushed over from the darkness, and the moonlight illuminated the knife and gun in his hand.
Lorenzo did not kill all the enemies, and there was still a guy staying behind. He vowed to avenge his teammates, and gunfire rang out.
The enemy from the darkness fell down and fell in front of Lorenzo, splashing blood on his face. There was a little warmth in the blood, slowly waking him up.
Lorenzo took a deep breath. The huge amount of information almost overwhelmed him. Before he could pick up the nail sword to arm himself, a corpse started to move in the pile of corpses beside him.
Lorenzo grabbed the nail sword vigilantly and saw a black shadow slowly squirming in it. She pushed away the corpses pressing on her and stood up unsteadily.
She still had a pistol in her hand, and it looked like she had done the shooting just now.
The moonlight also illuminated her appearance. There was a muzzle on her right chest, and blood was still slowly flowing out. However, there was no fear of death on the woman's face. She looked calm and unhurried, as if all this was just It's just a game.
"Nice to see you again, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
The woman's voice was clear, and then she stretched out her bloody hand, and a cold fragrance echoed in the thick blood.
"Irene Adler."
Lorenzo smelled the familiar smell.
A smile appeared on Erin's face, but before she could say anything more, her vision fell into darkness and she fell into a pool of blood. Excessive blood loss caused her to fall into a coma.
(End of this chapter)

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