Embers of Embers

Chapter 405 Reunion

Chapter 405 Reunion
I was destined to have no sleep tonight, the door was closed tightly, the sound of rushing water came from the corridor outside the door, and from time to time there was the clear sound of vomiting.
This operation broke away from the territory of Inlvig, and everything outside the borders was handed over to Beidro. It can be said that the entire White Tide exists to some extent for Lorenzo and his party.
This area was temporarily blocked on the grounds of technical failure, and Nordro's personnel cleaned the bloody corridors, carrying away corpses one after another and throwing them into the deep sea.
No one could imagine what had just happened here. It felt like a furious beast was eating here. There were broken limbs all over the ground. They couldn't even put a corpse together.Some people simply couldn't stand the soaring smell of blood and started retching.
Several people in the room were awake. Although it was already late at night, no one could fall asleep after what they had experienced.
Highbould stood at the door with a weapon in his hand. Although the enemy had been eliminated, no one knew whether the White Tide was still an enemy of the choir.
Eve was assisting the ship doctor, and Irene was placed in the living room, where they temporarily set up an operating table. After a period of treatment, the ship doctor took out a twisted warhead from Irene's wound.
"Fortunately, she was rescued in time, but she just lost too much blood. She will be unconscious for a while. I don't know exactly when she will wake up."
The ship's doctor said as he picked up a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"A strong child, she doesn't seem to want to die, and she continues to persevere until now."
"Thanks, Doctor."
Haybold said on the side, and then he signaled the ship's doctor to leave.
The ship's doctor knew the current situation very well. Although the corridor had been sealed when he came, the smell of blood floating in the air was so clear that the ship's doctor guessed that the amount of bleeding was shockingly large.
Leaving behind some medicines that Irene would use, the ship's doctor left, and now only these people were left in the room.
Lorenzo, who had been silent until now, slowly opened his mouth.
"In other words, she is Gloria Jackson?"
Lorenzo asked Kestrel. Kestrel was sitting not far from Irene with a complicated expression. He was caught off guard by all the sudden events. Looking at that familiar face, Kestrel could only nod stiffly. head.
"Gloria? This must be one of her disguised names."
Haybold was extremely familiar with this old friend. He approached Eileen and looked at the somewhat pale face.
"It seems that Eileen has been eyeing us early and followed us on the boat." Haybold's eyes fell on the kestrel.
Kestrel didn't know how to defend himself. He felt a little headache. Everything happened too fast. He was still immersed in that beautiful encounter, but then came this bloody thing. The woman he loved was lying covered in blood. In front of her, and she is still her own enemy.
"My...my fault, I was too lax."
Kestrel reflected that this was an extremely dangerous operation and he should never have caught the damn fish in the first place.
"No, it's not Kestrel's fault," Lorenzo said, "Irene wasn't because Kestrel found us...she had her eye on us early on. In the old Dunling, she came to Winchester Affairs Place."
No one else could notice it, but Lorenzo could. The witcher's sensitive senses could easily detect this subtle difference.
In the strong smell of blood, there is a hint of cold fragrance.
The masked woman in the office at that time also had the same smell. She wanted to entrust Lorenzo with work related to Gallo Nalo.
"Then what exactly does she want to do?" Kestrel asked with some confusion.
His eyes were always fixed on Irene's face. Kestrel's emotions were a bit complicated, not only the previous love, but also fear and anger. He didn't know whether his encounter with Irene was a deliberate performance. The previous Are all these her disguises?
I almost...almost fell into her trap.
"I don't know, but I'll give you a suggestion. Stay away from this woman. No one can guess what she is thinking."
Highbould had suffered a loss and warned Kestrel again.
"She came to us...to ask for help." Lorenzo analyzed.
It was obvious from the battle just now that the choir soldiers did not know where Lorenzo was. Their target had always been Irene. Irene was obviously unable to fight against these strengthened soldiers, so she Putting hope on yourself.
It’s not clear whether this was a cry for help or a way to divert trouble. At least Irene succeeded and she survived temporarily.
"Help?" Haybold was wary of Irene, "No matter what, let us control her first."
Heibald didn't care about this. For him, all disputes and conflicts originated from this damn woman in front of him. If she hadn't been of some use, Heibald would have definitely let her die in a painful way.
Lorenzo did not stop him, but looked at all this with solemn eyes.
Haybold temporarily tied up Irene's hands with a rope. In fact, if you think about it carefully, this woman had no mobility at the moment. She was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood.
"and then?"
Haybold asked what he wanted Lorenzo to say, who was actually in charge of the operation.
"Go to sleep," Lorenzo said.
Kestrel also cast a questioning look.
"Otherwise?" Lorenzo asked back, "We are now on the Baishio Strait, trapped in this cruise ship, here is an isolated island, no matter what plans and countermeasures we have, we need to go ashore to implement it, right? "
"Not to mention……"
Lorenzo's words suddenly stopped, and he continued after a short pause.
"Not to mention, my 'lead' is still in a coma. Whether it's torture or something else, we have to wait until she wakes up."
This can be regarded as an unexpected blessing. Lorenzo somehow caught the key person in this work.
"I can't sleep. Let me check the surroundings."
Haybold shook his head, picked up his weapon and walked out.
"What about you?"
Lorenzo looked at Kestrel, who thought for a while, then said hesitantly.
"Let me keep an eye on her. Maybe the enemy is still on the ship waiting for an opportunity to kill her."
Lorenzo turned his head and looked to the other side.
"I... you all don't sleep, I'm embarrassed to do this... I'm going to see Hercule?"
Eve thought about it and randomly picked a job for herself.
"No need, Hercule is not that fragile yet."
Lorenzo said that he seemed to have other plans for Eve.
He handed the nail sword and Winchester to Eve, and took Lorenzo's weapon. Eve felt a little pressure. Logically speaking, Lorenzo would never leave these things.
"Don't let anyone in."
Lorenzo walked into his room, not knowing what to do.
"Also, no matter what you feel outside the door, don't open the door and come in to disturb me."
His expression was serious, making Eve nervous.
"What are you going to do?" Eve asked.
"Go see a friend."
Lorenzo thought for a while, but still felt like answering truthfully.
The room was empty, only Lorenzo was alone, and the ocean was outside the window. Eve couldn't understand what Lorenzo was talking about, so Lorenzo closed the door tightly without giving her time to ask questions.
The room suddenly became silent, except for Irene's painful moans from time to time. Her forehead was very hot and her brows were furrowed, as if she was having a nightmare.
Kestrel sat in the corner without saying a word, holding the weapon in his arms, and the sound of Haybold's footsteps could be heard outside the door.
No one could have imagined that the atmosphere would change so quickly. At this moment, Eve could vaguely feel that the joyful journey seemed to have turned into a journey to hell.
Under extreme depression, Hercule turned over. It seemed that he was not dizzy, and he hugged the quilt tightly, like a rodent spending the winter.
In the room, Lorenzo walked to the bed. Instead of getting on the bed, he knelt on the floor and placed his hands lightly on his knees.
He closed his eyes tightly and thought about all this. Under the clear fragrance, Lorenzo felt that he seemed to connect all of them together.
What exactly are you going to do?Erin Adler.
You have been wanted by the Viking countries. You should be hiding. Why do you want to show up again? Why do you still come to find yourself and entrust yourself with work?
Why did the Iron Law Bureau come to hunt you down? Why did the choir also target you? What exactly is this?
Lorenzo was a little confused, and he was too lazy to continue thinking about these things. Compared with Irene or Ivar, he now had a far more important job than these.
An army far beyond conventional strength.
And the masked man called the Priest.
Lorenzo couldn't help but clenched his fists. In the end, the worst situation happened. The power of the secret blood would be abused, and a bloody war would break out again.
Lorenzo is very aware of his limitations. He is very powerful and stronger than everyone else, but Lorenzo is only one person. He is not omniscient and omnipotent like God. The only people he can protect are those around him. He even said... Not even the people around you can be protected.
One miserable fact after another proves all this to Lorenzo. After all, no matter how corrupted he is by the secret blood, he still has human parts and human inferiority.
Do not……
There was a faint light shining in the gap in the corner of the eye, as if there was rolling day embedded in the eye socket.
No, Lorenzo could not end the war, but Lorenzo could prevent it from coming, he could stop this madness from beginning.
Kill them all, kill everyone in the choir.
The plague doctor was executed on the cross, whoever was behind the mask, and his heart was pierced with a nailed sword plated with holy silver.
Lorenzo has never been a kind guy. On the contrary, beneath the surface of a rotten person is the hidden, crazy essence.
He can acquiesce in the existence of many things, but regarding the secret blood, this is the bottom line that he must not be violated.
Use absolute force to remove all obstacles.
Lorenzo closed his eyes tightly, but there was a faint light shining in the darkness in front of him, just like the stars in the night sky, one dim light point after another.
Secret Blood has awakened.
A strange sense of oppression spread out from under his body like a wave, one after another. Nothing, doors or walls, could hinder its progress.
Everyone who was close to Lorenzo noticed that feeling, an indescribable coldness, as if cold sea water had soaked their bodies.
Kestrel moved his gaze towards the door. He was very familiar with this feeling.
Invisible erosion enveloped everyone at this moment, and Eve stood in front of the door. She had never been a religious person, but at this moment she was praying in a low voice, hoping that nothing bad would happen behind this door.
Power Gabriel.
With the release of power, dim stars burned crazily in the dead starry sky, and everyone noticed this rising light.
There are unknown monsters crawling and whispering in the darkness.
They seemed to be discussing something, and some slowly floated towards the burning light, trying to touch the empty day.
But there were people who were faster than them. The unknown existence felt the beacon that released the light and arrived here across a long distance.
The stars went out.
It dimmed again, and the monsters in the darkness roared unwillingly. They were almost touching, almost finding Lorenzo.
However, after the roar, the monsters calmed down. They observed the dark night sky more carefully, waiting for the stars to burn again.
Unconsciously, the mottled swords were unsheathed, thirsting for blood and punishment.
This is what they do, this is their oath.
No one can cross [the border].
Lorenzo didn't know what was going on in the darkness. He slowly opened his eyes, and the icy wind passed over his cheeks. His goal was the endless ice field and the extremely bright starry sky above his head.
[Gap], this is Lorenzo's [Gap].
Thinking carefully about it, Lorenzo has not returned here for a long time... In fact, there is no need to return.
047 was completely dead, and the remnants of his soul were piled up in the deepest part of the ice sea beneath his feet, just like those dead people who sank into the deep sea.
This is a dead world. There used to be people who chatted with me, but now there is nothing here. It is an extremely lonely world.
"Long time no see. I heard you opened an office."
Another person's voice rang out in the dead world. Lorenzo put his hands on the bench and turned his head.
"Yeah, but it's a pity that I need an assistant. Are you interested?"
The cold wind dragged the snow dust away, making the hazy picture clear. The woman slowly walked toward Lorenzo, and behind her was the crack that was slowly closing.
"Not interested in."
The woman sat on the bench, which used to be 047's position.
"Oh, how heartless."
Lorenzo raised his head and looked at the gorgeous night sky.
"So what are you looking for me for? Lorenzo, I don't always feel your erosion and respond to your call." The woman asked.
Lorenzo was not in a hurry to answer her words, but looked at her seriously and asked.
"Watson, is Lawrence really dead?"
(End of this chapter)

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