Embers of Embers

Chapter 407 Erin Adler

Chapter 407 Erin Adler
The warm light failed to rise from the end of the sea level, and the White Tide was overtaken by the storm. The majestic heavy rain and thunder hovered over this sea area.
It was already daytime, but everything in the world was still gray, as if returning to the old Dunling in a trance.
However, the people on the ship were not panicked. Music was playing in the dance hall, and people were walking through the restaurants holding wine glasses, celebrating the new day, as if no matter how the outside world changed, they could not stop the carnival on the ship.
Lorenzo woke up at some point. He left Watson's [gap] and returned to this place, the White Tide.
Looking through the window, he looked at the ocean that was gradually boiling under the heavy rain.
"Where are you now? Watson." Lorenzo asked.
"I'm right here."
The voice rang from beside Lorenzo's ears, and an invisible presence floated beside Lorenzo like a ghost. Lorenzo couldn't see her, but he could truly feel her presence.
"Do you know what to do next?"
Watson walked behind Lorenzo, and Lorenzo could feel a pair of cold hands touching his cheek.
"In the end, it doesn't matter whether Lawrence really dies. If one Lawrence dies, there will always be a second Lawrence."
Lorenzo recalled the pitch-black mask, with blazing light boiling in the deep darkness.
"What I want to destroy is all those who try to abuse the secret blood. I even want to destroy all traces of the secret blood in this world and completely isolate humans from the darkness."
Lorenzo didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong. No one could tell him all this. He could only try it himself and bear the consequences of it all.
Human beings come into contact with darkness and are discovered by evil monsters. If Lorenzo can build a wall that isolates everything, can he protect everyone?
He is like a shepherd who builds a strong fence to protect the lambs from being devoured by wolves.
"Watson, where are you?"
Lorenzo asked again.
"I'm right here."
Watson repeated again that she was a void at the moment and had no entity, so Lorenzo could only feel her but not see her. She thought Lorenzo was looking for her, but Lorenzo shook his head.
"Where is the entity controlled by you now?"
Watson fell silent.
The entity of nothingness needs a carrier. There is a beacon left by Watson in Lorenzo's [Gap], so she can reach Lorenzo across a long distance, but she will eventually go back.
"Are you silent and don't want to tell me? Or are you doing something bad, something you don't want me to know?" Lorenzo continued to ask.
There was no voice to answer. If Lorenzo hadn't been able to feel Watson's presence, otherwise what he was doing now was like a mentally ill person talking to himself.
Actually pretty much the same.
"I'm trying something new and I don't know what's going to happen next."
Watson finally spoke.
"An extremely risky temptation?"
Lorenzo asked. He knew very well that Watson's situation was far more dangerous than his own. She went deeper into the darkness than he did to touch the [boundary].
"Yes, you also know the purpose of Orthodoxy. If they really succeed..."
"I won't let them succeed."
Lorenzo denied.
With some hesitation in his voice, Watson continued.
"We have to prepare for the worst, Lorenzo. You know very well, right? There is no absolute evil or good in this world, it is just a murky gray," Watson said. "In the end, we are all Evil man, hopelessly evil man.”
"So are you making a so-called backup plan now?" Lorenzo asked.
This time no one answered him, the window was opened by someone unknown, the cold wind carried rainwater and poured into the room, and the curtains swung violently.
Watson left.
In that distant land, the man slowly stood up from the bench. He looked like a traveler, dusty with travels.
He rubbed his head, trying to relieve the pain. Traveling through the long [gap] would be somewhat burdensome.
There are pious voices praying, and they are believers. One after another, they gather into a sacred wave. The corners of the streets are covered with red candles, and the gentle light shines on the statues of gods.
Watson was familiar with the scenery in front of her, and when she returned here again after such a long time, she had an indescribable feeling.
She had also wandered in such streets, discussing trivial things with her friends. The time was still beautiful at that time, and everything was in warm colors...
But now is not the time to miss him. She controlled the man's body, raised her head, and looked at the blurry shadow behind the numerous buildings.
It was a magnificent church, like a mountain.
The roaring bells rang, and Watson walked towards the Cathedral of Saint-Naro. She had many things she wanted to ask the new pope personally.
For example, why was he being targeted by the Silencers? Did he really cross the [boundary]?
And...who is he under the mask?
Lorenzo pushed open the door, and before going out, he rubbed his face vigorously to make his expression less depressed.
After all, others don't know these things yet, so there is no need for Lorenzo to put so much pressure on them.
Walking into the living room, Lorenzo stopped in his footsteps.
Irene was sitting on the sofa. She woke up, but there was an extra bandage on her head. Lorenzo remembered that her head was not injured when he left.
Lorenzo asked suspiciously.
"How is that possible! She fell by herself!"
Kestrel on the side explained loudly.
He didn't know how many times he had to explain in such a short period of time. A few hours ago, Irene woke up and then fell down again. Then Kestrel called the ship's doctor.
After this, Eve from the side rushed over.
"You beat me?" Eve asked.
In Eve's eyes, Kestrel was very suspicious. After all, to a certain extent, Kestrel's emotions were being manipulated, and Eve was not surprised if he did something strange.
Kestrel explained that she fell by herself, but Eve looked at the unconscious Irene and didn't feel that Kestrel was telling the truth.
Then Kestrel explained it again when Highbould returned from patrolling the corridors.
After the ship doctor came, Kestrel explained again.
Then comes now.
In fact, Kestrel doesn't understand why he is obsessed with explaining these things, probably because he doesn't want to be regarded as a strange guy by others?But since he joined the purification organization, he has long since ignored such strange gazes.
I don't know why, but now he is at a loss again.
"I dropped it myself. Stop teasing Mr. Moon."
Erin said slowly, her voice was a little weak, but she still had a smile on her face.
Lorenzo looked at her. The woman's condition was still a little bad, but at least she was still alive.Even though she was so weak, Haybold bound her hands and feet.
"Mr. Moon?"
Lorenzo asked again, even more confused about the name.
"Moon Naredo."
Kestrel walked over quickly, with a dissatisfied look on his face. He stretched out his hand and shook it with Lorenzo, as if he had made a new friend.
"I remember I mentioned my name to you." Kestrel looked unhappy about Lorenzo forgetting his name.
Hearing Kestrel say this, Lorenzo suddenly remembered.
The first time he met the kestrel was on the train full of monsters.
"Oh oh oh!"
Lorenzo made a rooster cry, trying to ease the embarrassment of forgetting his teammate's name.
"You're so big!" Kestrel howled.
"I rarely mention the name because a bunch of assholes would tease me about it when I was a kid," Kestrel said.
"This is nothing to laugh at."
Erin asked, no one knew what kind of magic power this woman had, she just blended into the atmosphere inexplicably.
"They always say, Moon! Moon! In that funny voice... Actually, I don't know what's so funny about it. Anyway, no one has mentioned it since I beat them up."
Kestrel continued, and then, like an afterthought, he called to Erin.
"Wait, what's wrong with you!"
Eileen's hands were tied, and she tried to point at herself, but couldn't move.
"That's right! You are a prisoner! If you don't speak politely, you will be thrown directly from the window into the sea!" Kestrel pointed to the open window. He was very unhappy with Eileen's calm attitude, "You are acting like this You are the same as yourself! Please correct your attitude!"
Regardless of what the kestrel called, Irene laughed heartily.
"Hey, I really didn't expect to meet you here. Is this fate? The moon?"
Irene looked into the eyes of the Kestrel, deliberately emphasizing the "moon".
In that comfortable afternoon, Kestrel liked Eileen to call him that. He kept calling Kestrel. Many times, he forgot who he was. When someone called him the moon, he felt extra at ease. .
But things are different now, she is Irene, not Gloria, she is a bad guy with a bad mind.
Hearing Irene call him that emphatically, Kestrel felt like he was being teased. Thinking back to that afternoon, he felt like a clown.
Irene must have been holding back her smile at that time to trick herself. All the damn fishing, the chivalric novels, and the damn resonance were all disguises for the woman in front of her.
As Heibald said, this guy is very good at confusing men. She has known her preferences in advance and made sufficient preparations... She still naively thought that she had really met some so-called soulmate, and she also He carried the fish back like a fool.
In an instant, a nameless anger rose in Kestrel. He had never been an irritable guy, but now he was thinking about some extremely cruel things.
But before he could get angry, Lorenzo stopped him, then walked over and sat across from Irene.
"Irene Adler."
Lorenzo looked at the frail woman in front of him and read her name.
"Lorenzo Holmes."
Erin knew the identity of the man in front of her very well and answered with a smile.
At this time, everyone in the room felt the change in the atmosphere. If they were still laughing just now, now it is getting down to business, and everyone has become serious.
Haybold stood aside and watched coldly, while Kestrel clutched the pillow tightly. This felt terrible. Lorenzo suppressed his newly ignited anger and stopped it.
Eve remained silent. This was her first time experiencing difficult work in person. What she saw and felt was all part of the internship.
As for the one who was almost forgotten by people, Hercule looked at the ceiling, feeling his stomach gradually churning and shedding desolate tears.
"It's not the first time we've met."
Others may not be able to detect it, but with the enhanced senses of a witcher, Lorenzo can clearly smell the fragrance.
"Winchester Office, I tried to entrust you with work, but refused," Eileen admitted openly. She also looked around and said, "But now I want to entrust you with the job. Not much different.”
"What did you want to entrust me with?"
Lorenzo asked, these successive encounters were definitely not a coincidence, and he wanted to know why.
"I would like to entrust you to rescue a friend of mine, Ivar."
Irene said.
The atmosphere suddenly became silent. It can be said that the cause of the incident was because of Ivar, and the person who created the current situation was Irene in front of her, but now she said she wanted to save Ivar.
"You guy, you don't deserve to mention this name!"
In a rare display of his anger, Haybold snapped at Erin.
Only then did Irene notice the presence of Haybold. He had been standing behind Irene. For the trapped Irene, that was the blind spot in her field of vision.
Irene heard this familiar voice, and her expression changed slightly for a moment, which was accurately observed by Lorenzo.
Lorenzo still remembered the scene when he saw Irene at night. She was clearly on the verge of death, but she still maintained a sense of calmness, as if even if the god of death came, she would ask the god of death to give her some time to put on her makeup.
But the moment she heard Heibald's voice, Irene's calm demeanor collapsed, and she rarely felt a little panicked, even panicked.
This expression lasted only a short time, and if Lorenzo hadn't been staring at her, he would hardly have noticed it.
"long time no see."
Erin said as she changed back to her previous appearance.
"Please give me some time first, Highbould."
Lorenzo looked at Hebold behind Irene, and so did Hebold. This Viking had never shown any anger along the way, but just now he was like a furious bear.
It seemed that the relationship between the two was more than just superficial, and Lorenzo was curious about what else Haybold was hiding from him.
"Rescue Ivar?"
Lorenzo repeated Irene's words, looking confused.
"Then let's not mention this, how on earth did you find me? Erin."
Lorenzo had so many questions about this woman.
"You were faster than Nordro and the purification agency. You came to me before everyone else, hoping that I could help you. At that time, I guessed that you were already being hunted by the Iron Law Bureau. You were alone. With human abilities, how did you get my information?"
Irene had already anticipated Lorenzo's question, and she laughed.
"In order to thank you for saving my life, I will tell you everything, but before that, can you help me untie it first?" She raised her hand, "It feels uncomfortable to be tied up..."
Before she finished speaking, the cold sword light passed by, just like a cold wind passing through her hands. The ropes that bound her broke, and the sudden release made Irene couldn't help but drop her hands.
Opposite her, Lorenzo gently put aside his jackknife. He possessed absolute force and absolute power.
"Go on," Lorenzo said.
(End of this chapter)

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