Chapter 408
"Where should I start?"
Erin said to herself. She looked a little confused, and the injuries on her body were still aching, causing her thinking to stagnate.
"I am Irene Adler, formerly affiliated with the Iron Law Bureau and responsible for external espionage operations."
Erin introduced herself again. As she spoke, she was still paying attention to the expressions of the people around her, especially Haybold's.
"The information you got is pretty much what I want to say, right? I deliberately approached Ivar, captured him, and then had him captured by the Iron Law Bureau."
She said it lightly, an attitude that infuriated Highbould.
"Then why did you come to me?" Lorenzo asked, "Shouldn't you hide far away? Why are you still being chased by the Iron Law Bureau?"
"Because I know too much, Mr. Holmes, the details of the entire operation, and some of the deeper secrets. I know too much."
Erin's eyes dimmed.
"After the operation was successful, I returned to Gaulnaro. When I contacted the headquarters again, I felt uneasy... The headquarters had changed. During the time when I was performing the mission, they actually supported a group called the Orthodox Church. A new religion, I investigated it and discovered the inside story.
Religion is just a cover, they seem to be secretly organizing an army. "
"The choir," said Lorenzo.
"You know this?" Erin looked at Lorenzo with some surprise.
"I just found out, so what? You violated the regulations and were hunted down?" Lorenzo asked.
"That's pretty much it, so sometimes curiosity can really kill someone."
Erin shrugged helplessly, her movements pulling on the wound, causing her to gasp in pain.
Lorenzo didn't say anything more. He didn't believe Irene, at least not completely. At the same time, Lorenzo began to gradually understand the magic that Hebold said.
Although the meeting didn't last long, Lorenzo could already feel the strangeness of Irene. Even though the situation was so bad, she still looked calm and unhurried, as if everything was in her plan.
"What do you know about the choir?" Lorenzo asked.
Irene's expression changed. She leaned forward and looked at Lorenzo's face carefully until she could see her own reflection in the gray-blue eyes.
She looked like she was playing with a puppy, she said.
"Oh, you want to know about those things too, and sure enough you have a connection with them."
"What do you mean?"
"Aren't you curious about how I found you? It's a list, but it's not really a list. There is only your name on it." Irene retracted her body.
"I am a spy, agent, and killer. I am good at many things that ordinary people are not good at. I am afraid of the changes in the Iron Law Bureau. This is a very powerful secret organization, but I always have a vague feeling that during the time I left, In time, it has been controlled by another person...another being that I cannot describe.
I wanted to know why, so I investigated in depth, and I found out a lot of interesting things. It was these interesting things that led me to death, but at this moment of despair, a turning point came. "
Irene looked at Lorenzo with a smile.
"That is an imaginary enemy combat plan, targeting a guy named Lorenzo Holmes. It has his address and some of his work experience. For the Iron Law Bureau... no, to be precise, it is for the choir. In other words, he has a strange threat, even higher than that so-called purification organization.
Different battle plans were listed one by one. I was very curious about who could make the choir take it so seriously. I was also very happy. From this point of view, you are the enemy of the choir. "
"So you came to find me? Trying to put me against the choir," Lorenzo asked.
"I know you won't trust me, and you even said you want to kill me." Irene's eyes echoed between Hebold and him, "But at least we have the same interests now, and I am a member of the Iron Law Bureau Senior staff, with my help, whatever you want to do in Gaul Naluo will be much more convenient."
She stretched out her hand and pointed at Lorenzo.
"You want to kill all the choir guys, right? I saw it when you were pretending to be dead. You are extremely angry towards those monsters."
She pointed to Highbould again.
"You want to rescue Ivar, I will help you. After all, I sent him in with my own hands."
Heybold growled angrily, he couldn't stand Irene's provocation, so he punched her down, hitting her side heavily.
"It seems that you also acquiesce in my value, right?"
Erin was not afraid, but asked Hebold with a smile.
"Irene, what you said is not enough to keep you alive."
Lorenzo said again that the information given by Irene did supplement some of Lorenzo's missing information, such as the fact that the Iron Law Bureau seemed to be in charge of another person, but this information was not very precious.
Watson warned himself, but Lorenzo is very clear that if necessary, he will use the power Gabriel again to obtain the information he wants... He even said that he can directly invade Irene's [gap], Tear off all her disguises.
"I know. Likewise, these are not enough to make the Iron Law Bureau pursue me so ruthlessly, right?"
Erin was simply prepared, as if she had anticipated all the possible directions in which the incident might develop.
"Go to my room and take a look. Under the bed, there is a small black bag. There will be what you want in it, and there will also be things that can prove my worth."
Lorenzo's eyes became serious. Yes, these were not enough to make Irene hunted. After all, she was also a member of the Iron Law Bureau. As long as she continued to be loyal, she would be exposed to the deep darkness sooner or later.
"Kestrel, go ahead," Lorenzo said.
"Me?" Kestrel was confused for a moment, but didn't say much and left as Erin said.
"I thought you would go by yourself... Well, you don't trust other people either, do you?"
Erin whispered, she was very smart and understood the composition of this team in an instant.
Highbould is not trusted by Lorenzo. The only people who can reassure Lorenzo are the Kestrel and the girl standing by. But obviously, the girl is a novice, and this kind of thing cannot be left to her with confidence. .
"Are you interested in hearing Hebold's story?" Erin tried to ask.
But this time, before Heibald could attack, Lorenzo stood up and walked to her.
"Actually, you are also curious, Eileen, why I am regarded as the enemy by the choir."
Lorenzo stared at her. After talking to Watson, he gradually began to feel that the distortion beyond ordinary people was vaguely changing in him.
Irene couldn't make any sound. Lorenzo held her face down and asked her to look into his eyes, and then a blazing white sun rose in those gray-blue eyes.
Under the reflection of that light, Irene's face turned pale. Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Lorenzo knew very well that he could not abuse this forbidden power, but he needed an insurance.
"Have you ever seen anyone like me?" Lorenzo asked.
Irene was no longer like before this time. She said slowly with a stiff face.
"He's called the Dean."
According to the information given by Eileen, Kestrel found Eileen's room not long after.
This is a very ordinary room. Compared with the public-funded trip taken by Lorenzo and others, this place is simply shabby. Irene must have been at the end of her rope, and it took a lot of effort to get on the boat.
There was nothing extra in the room. There was only an open suitcase on the floor. Kestrel walked over curiously. It was filled with women's underwear and some skirts. Judging from the nameplate hanging on the suitcase, this The stuff didn't belong to Erin.
Kestrel could already imagine that scene. Irene found a woman with a similar figure to herself in the crowd, and through some coincidence or force snatched her identity, and boarded the White Tide.
Continuing to rummage, Kestrel lifted up the bed board and found what Erin was talking about, a small black bag under it.
There were some of Eileen's own documents with various names. No one knew how many identities this woman had, as well as a pistol and several bullets.
Kestrel touched something, a strange bulge. It seemed that there was a sandwich in this small black bag. After tearing it open, Kestrel found what Erin had hidden.
In an instant, Kestrel felt his heart beating faster, and his eyes were firmly attracted by that thing. Fortunately, as a high-ranking knight, he still has a certain resistance to erosion, otherwise Kestrel would not know that he was What will be done in front of this temptation.
It was a potion, with red liquid floating in it, crystal clear, like ruby.
secret blood.
"So Erin hid something here?"
A voice sounded from outside the door, and Kestrel's movements froze completely. It was an unfamiliar voice.
Kestrel thought a lot at this moment. The enemy Lorenzo killed last night might just be a part of the enemy. Although Nordro was covering up, this could not be hidden from the enemy. They had been observing him.
All this happened almost at the same time. Kestrel was experienced in many battles, and his fighting instincts were far beyond ordinary people. He held the potion tightly and picked up the pistol in the small bag with one hand.
The moment the gunshot sounded, the kestrel rolled towards the other side of the bunker. He still remembered the layout of this room, and the enemy was behind him.
The distance is too short, and Kestrel is not as powerful as a demon hunter. He is destined to be shot, so he can only find a way to avoid fatal injuries and preserve more combat power.
The enemy fired several shots, and the bullets passed through the narrow room. Kestrel felt slight pain in his limbs. The bullets passed by his body, leaving one after another painful scratches, and then more Severe pain shot through the shoulder as the bullet penetrated the wood and hit the kestrel.
"It's not bad, it's not bad."
Kestrel muttered, his left shoulder was shot, although it hurt to move, at least he still had one arm left.
He lowered his breathing. Kestrel didn't know how many enemies were outside the door, nor what kind of power he had.
It was really unlucky to encounter the enemy all of a sudden, with no time to prepare, but think about it, this is life, life does not follow logic.
Lorenzo may not be able to save himself, after all, it all happened too fast, and he still has to stay there to watch over Irene. Kestrel knows very well that Lorenzo does not trust Irene, and even he The dull guy also saw what Heibald and Irene were hiding before, leaving the two of them there alone, not knowing what would happen.
"Lucky Kestrel didn't just leave it here."
As if to cheer himself up, Kestrel roared while turning around and rushing out of the bunker to fire.
The so-called bunker was nothing more than a wardrobe. When Kestrel rushed out, he knocked it down with his body, trying to use this thing to block a few bullets for himself, and even said that it could weaken the power of the bullets.
Holding the gun in his right hand and firing, enduring the pain, he swung out the jackknife with one hand.
It was also at this time that Kestrel finally saw the person coming. He was an ordinary-looking man. He was wearing waiter's clothes. It seemed that he had been hiding and observing him before.
This is a trap... no, this is a trap for Erin, but that damn woman brought the trouble to us.
But how could this woman be so virtuous?Worthy of being hunted like this.
Suddenly, red blood flashed before his eyes.
It's the secret blood, the secret blood that Irene took away. They are looking for this thing.
This is Irene's trump card. With the power of this blood, she can easily get protection from other forces.
No one would give up such a powerful force.
The bullets crossed each other, the man's bullet missed, and the Kestrel's bullet successfully hit the man's arm, but the guy's face was expressionless, as if he couldn't feel the pain, like a silent stone statue.
"Damn, another monster."
Without even thinking about it, the guy in front of him must also be from that weird choir, with violent secret blood flowing in his body. He may not be as powerful as Lorenzo, but he only needs to be stronger than the Kestrel.
The distance was shortened enough, Kestrel gave up shooting and swung the jackknife.
The sharp sword light flashed, and the man also pulled out the short knife from his waist to fight the kestrel.
Kestrel resisted with difficulty. He didn't want to die like this. He had to find a way to survive, but the man didn't give him any chance. No matter how Kestrel attacked, he guarded the door firmly and refused to give Kestrel any chance. A chance for Falcon to escape.
He also knew this. As long as Kestrel escaped, and even said that as long as he could make Lorenzo notice this, the man would definitely die in the face of that terrible nightmare.
Metal collided again, and the kestrel was forced back step by step, approaching the edge of the balcony. Below it was not a balcony, but a roaring sea.
Damn it Erin!
Kestrel cursed in his mind, if this woman paid more and changed to a better room, he might be able to run out directly along the terrace.
The short sword slashed again. The man struck very steadily. As long as he continued to be steady, the Kestrel would not be able to hold on.
Another slam, from top to bottom, no skill at all, just pure brute force.
Kestrel's folding knife was shaky, and it seemed that Kestrel would be defeated by him if he hit him again. The man's indifferent expression finally showed a little joy, and it was at this time that Kestrel, who had always been weak, suddenly changed.
This guy with a hapless face suddenly became fierce. He raised the folding knife angrily and inserted it into the man's offensive. His rhythm was disrupted. Then the sharp folding knife penetrated his arm and stabbed him. Open, blood splatters.
(End of this chapter)

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