Embers of Embers

Chapter 409 Reality and Logic

Chapter 409 Reality and Logic
Kestrel yearns for the world in the book to experience those beautiful stories firsthand, but he knows very well that this is impossible. The stories in the book are just a refuge for him to escape reality for a short time. He cannot hide in it forever. Among them, people always have to face these things.
Kestrel hates reality, he hates everything about reality, because there is no logic in this thing, and bad surprises may happen every minute and every second, such as what happened to him recently.
Thinking of this, Kestrel felt a twinge in his heart. This was no longer illogical. If he were a character in a story, he felt that the author must have some objections to him and play tricks on him endlessly.
I thought it was a public-funded trip, but it suddenly turned into a life-threatening job. If I wasn't careful, I might risk my life. I finally met a compatible person of the opposite sex, but it seemed that she approached me deliberately. And now, I am just... I came to get something, then I encountered an enemy and was forced to the edge of life and death.
It’s so miserable when you think about it.
Kestrel is also thinking, since life is so illogical, will there be a strong man from heaven to save his life in the next second?
Kestrel didn't know, because the violent pain interrupted his random thoughts, and he leaned back, knocking over the wooden cabinet. Fortunately, he didn't fall, and quickly stabilized his body with a folding knife.
This was a very unfavorable start for the Kestrel. The enemy took the lead in occupying a favorable terrain and shot and wounded itself. Moreover, the enemy itself was far stronger than itself.
Kestrel spat out bloody spit and looked at the enemy in front of him with an unhappy expression.
"Are you waiting for them to rescue you? This location is very remote, and the sound of gunfire will be covered by the sound of the sea breeze and the roar of machines."
The man loosened his collar. Both of them had empty bullets just now. There was no time to reload them at this close range.
"Irene is very smart. She chose this remote room. Even if she kills someone here, no one will notice. But correspondingly, if she dies here, no one will notice."
Damn it Erin.
Hearing this, Kestrel cursed secretly in his heart again.
"One cannot expect too much from others, let alone expect from a madman."
Kestrel rubbed his chin. He had just been punched here, and his teeth bit his tongue because of this. His voice was a little strange, "You are different from those dead guys... Oh, so they are yours." Mantis, you are the real oriole."
During this short battle, Kestrel could barely guess this through the man's words.
"Almost, if they could deal with Erin, I wouldn't have appeared, but it's a pity that they failed." The man replied.
"Backup plan?" Kestrel asked.
"Not really. To be more precise, they are regulators. We can't let monsters like that escape our sight."
It's strange that the man in front of him is also concerned about the threat of the secret blood. He has been supervising those guys in the dark to prevent them from being completely swallowed by the power of the secret blood.
"Is this an experiment?"
Kestrel followed the man's words.
The man nodded silently, and Kestrel panted heavily.
This is not good. Looking at it this way, the man in front of him is undoubtedly stronger than the guys killed by Lorenzo before. After all, he is the supervisor, and those guys are under supervision.
"Can you resist the temptation of secret blood?"
Kestrel continued to talk nonsense, he needed to buy time to regain his strength.
"To a certain extent." The man replied.
Gradually tightening his hand, he clenched the jackknife little by little, and Kestrel recalled the information Lorenzo had said before.
An army of secret blood.
No matter how the secret blood is degraded, unstable individuals will always appear when used in large quantities.
"Oh...so are you worried about this?"
Kestrel continued to speak, but this time he attacked again while speaking, and the folding knife suddenly bounced up. No one expected that this weak guy would dare to fight back at this time.
Although the man's arm was cut, he still had a part of the secret blood in his body. This was pure power, far superior to the Kestrel.
The short knife intercepted the folding knife easily. This scene had been repeated many times in previous fights. The man didn't understand why the kestrel refused to give up.
With a huge swing, Kestrel was knocked down again. This time he might not be able to stand up. He fell down in the messy utility room, looking at the ceiling and breathing heavily. He felt some pain in his back, maybe it was A broken wooden thorn pierced the body.
"Do you dare to kill me?"
Kestrel sat up slowly, with a cunning smile on his face. Just as he had guessed, the man was still guarding the door, not daring to attack rashly.
He was absolutely dominant and fully capable of killing the kestrel, but he did not do so.
"Are you worried about this?"
Kestrel took out the potion from his pocket, and red blood was rolling inside.
Through the previous temptations, this is the reason why the man has not killed the kestrel for a long time.
"I thought there was some secret in this secret blood that was worthy of your pursuit, but when I think about it carefully, it's not right. No matter how cunning that guy Eileen is, he can't steal something key. Otherwise, as our enemy, You just look too stupid... You can't be that stupid.
You are afraid, afraid of forcing me to use secret blood, right? "
The man fell silent this time, probably not expecting Kestrel to react so quickly and guess everything so quickly.
"I'm not stupid. After all, I'm actually very intelligent. You have to know that our high-ranking knights are essentially just mortal bodies. We can only have some resistance to erosion if we survive."
Kestrel stood up again. Instead of using the secret blood, he stuffed it back into his pocket.
"So, I am still a mortal, and mortals have to use more brains to fight against those who are stronger than themselves..."
The folding knife was raised again, with a look of determination.
After a brief silence, the two collided again.
Amidst the roar of steel, Kestrel could hardly feel the existence of his hands. The man's strength was too strong. His arms were completely numbed by the successive collisions. All Kestrel could do was to use force and keep exerting force. , tightly grasping the steel in his hands.
Amidst the sparks flying, the man's face showed a hint of rage. He was also restraining himself, trying hard not to let the secret blood take over his consciousness.
It was so desperate, the kestrel was like a beast in a cage, struggling hard and trying to get out.
Unfortunately, he couldn't do it. With another heavy blow, the man's strength could be clearly felt. The middle part of the folding knife was obviously bent, and blood overflowed from the tiger's mouth.
Kestrel staggered back. He felt that he was facing a weakened version of Lorenzo. He began to understand the enemy's despair before death. Facing the guy with secret blood, mortals had no ability to resist. .
If you want to kill a monster, you have to become another monster.
"At this point, reality becomes more logical."
Kestrel cursed silently.
Yes, the man is far stronger than the kestrel, he is dead.
There were still a lot of bad things to say, but Kestrel had no strength anymore. His chest hurt so much that he lowered his head and pulled open his clothes. His chest was already bruised.
His eyes returned to the man again. This guy was very stable. He was defeating the kestrel bit by bit.
Thinking of this, Kestrel felt that he had made a mistake. He should have injected the secret blood the moment he realized the gap. If he injected it now, with the man's speed and his own condition, Kestrel had no confidence that he would survive until the secret blood attack. .
Yes, this is what this man wants to do. In order to prevent Kestrel from using the secret blood, he has been slowly forcing Kestrel.
"Isn't this ridiculous? He died so inexplicably?"
Kestrel cursed again. Compared with the man, his mentality was very bad.
"how could it be possible!"
Kestrel yelled and reached directly into his pocket. When a person is forced to death, he can do many crazy things.
It was also at this time that the man who had been playing steadily and steadily went out of character. He gave up seeking stability and swung his dagger directly at the kestrel. He could not let the kestrel inject the secret blood.
At this moment, everything slowed down. Kestrel held up the folding knife with one hand, trying to resist the man's short knife to buy time for his own injection, while the other hand reached into his pocket.
The man jumped up high, holding the short knife tightly with both hands. This blow could directly split the folding knife and chop off the kestrel's head.
The two of them were extremely close, and it was at this moment that Kestrel's unlucky expression suddenly changed. He seemed to have succeeded in his evil plot, and he was laughing wildly. However, he was beaten very badly. Even if he looked at it with a smile, Very bad too.
Thanks to his bad experience downtown, Kestrel actually has far less "integrity" than his colleagues.
Only then did the man notice Kestrel's hand. He didn't put it into his pocket, but put it under his clothes, where the coldness of steel shone.
The sound of metal squeaked, and Kestrel pulled out another folding knife. The metal popped out one by one, and he swung it towards the man's head with his backhand.
"You're still not stable enough!"
Kestrel shouted loudly.
The man was too stable, like a wall of despair, weighing down Kestrel. His only chance of survival was to let the man reveal his flaws.
Probably the kind of person he will become after hanging out with someone for a long time. Kestrel didn't expect that he could be so good at deceiving people.
The man didn't expect Kestrel to be so forbearing, and he didn't pull out the second jackknife until this time.
Under the brilliant sparks, the folding knife that was set up broke instantly. It had already been crumbling in the previous battle. This time it shattered directly. Kestrel took advantage of the situation and tilted the broken knife directly to avoid damage as much as possible.
Under the heavy pressure of the dagger, Kestrel half-knelt on the ground. The man looked at him from above, but the blood couldn't stop flowing down.
At this intersecting moment, another folding knife hit the man. It pierced the man's neck and penetrated the flesh and blood. Fortunately, the man turned his head away at the last moment, and it could not completely cut off the man. neck.
With the man's violent breathing, blood gushes out from the horrific wound. He is still alive, and he can continue to fight. He is angry because he was played by the kestrel. He wants to tear the kestrel to pieces. He...he is dead. up.
Kestrel didn't give him a chance to continue to fight back. He couldn't cut off the man's neck with the strength of one hand, so he used all the strength of his body to stand up again, turned around hard, and widened the wound abruptly.
A heavy heartbeat sounded, and the uneasy feeling was released from the man's body, it was secret blood.
"Give me an honest death!"
Kestrel cursed again. While cursing, he suddenly let go of the folding knife. The man's short knife lost its point of focus and smashed down.
The moment he lost his strength, he was like a sensitive snake. He grabbed the folding knife that had penetrated the man's body, turned over to the man's body, and stabbed the broken folding knife into his heart from behind.
Both hands grasped the handle of the folding knife tightly and turned it vigorously.
The man screamed, but the more he howled, the more blood poured out of the wound. He was bumping back and forth like a wild beast, trying to tear the kestrel off his body, but the kestrel As if he couldn't feel the pain, it clung to his body, widening the wound.
Finally the man fell down weakly.
He's dead, utterly dead.
The secret blood is indeed powerful, but after hanging out with Lorenzo for so long, Kestrel also learned to behead and pierce the heart under the influence.
In terms of strength, Kestrel definitely cannot beat a man, but Kestrel has far richer combat experience than him. Ever since he joined the Purge Agency, he has wandered between life and death countless times, although everyone always teases him about being lucky. He, but everyone knew that it was not luck that he was able to come back from that hellish situation.
It's the heart, the fearless heart, the heart that dares to try to win the bet even when facing death.
This time Kestrel won, just like before, he won again.
I don't know how long it took before Kestrel stood up slowly. He arranged his clothes. Although they were bloody, he looked much tidied up.
He turned out the secret blood in his pocket, took a look, and then put it back.
Secret blood?
Let's forget about this kind of thing, Kestrel doesn't need anything to save himself...at least not for the time being.
He strolled out of the room, as if nothing had happened. Gradually, more and more guests came, and everyone looked at him sideways. Kestrel didn't care, he seemed to be thinking about something, thinking about what to do. laughed.
He stretched out his hand and casually stopped a waiter, snatched a bottle of wine from his hand, and bit off the cap of the bottle as he walked, taking a strong sip, and the rest was sprinkled on the wound. , wash away the dirty blood.
He looked extremely chic, and finally stood in front of the door. Just after killing the person, Kestrel felt that all his anger had been vented, and he was in a wonderful mood.
He opened the door and slowly started talking nonsense under the surprised looks of Lorenzo and others.
"Guess what I just experienced?"
The clothes were still dripping with a mixture of blood and alcohol, and they fell to the floor, emitting a strange smell.
"Go into a slaughterhouse and kill a cow?"
Erin looked at his embarrassed look and answered.
"you guessed right!"
Kestrel snapped his fingers, and then fell down under the gaze of everyone, and fell face to face into the disgusting mixture.
(End of this chapter)

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