Chapter 410
"Please bear with me."
"Okay doctor, let me tell you about Lorenzo, that guy is really fierce! I shot him and he didn't even frown... Doctor, be gentle, be gentle!"
"I'm already very light...please don't move around."
"Bleeding! Ahhhhh!"
The sound of howling ghosts and wolves was heard in the room.
"The amount of bleeding is huge!"
Kestrel was half lying on the bed, screaming and describing the trembling battle, while picking up the wine bottle to decompress himself.
"The injuries are not serious, just gunshot and stab wounds."
The ship's doctor seemed to be a man who had seen the world and was not particular about it. He took out the bloody bullet and threw it directly into the trash can. He also found some painkillers for Kestrel from his bag.
"What does 'merely' mean?"
Listening to the ship's doctor's description, Kestrel was very upset. It felt like someone said to you lightly, "It's nothing, it's just a broken arm."
No matter how you think about it, it’s not right!
"Look, you are very energetic, which is a good thing." The ship's doctor glanced at Kestrel, "I have been a doctor for so many years, and you are the only guy who has been shot and still talks bad words."
"Then how would a normal person react?"
"Pray, cry, treat me like a priest and confess some disgusting crimes, and so on. I have to say that you are really optimistic."
The ship's doctor couldn't tell whether he admired the kestrel or something else. In short, this was the first time he had seen such a weirdo.
"It sounds like you have a lot of medical experience..."
"I used to be a black market doctor, treating those dirty gang members in the stinky ditches," the ship's doctor said, tightening the bandage. "Don't show that expression. I'm a poor boy who knows some medical skills, but in Inverg Practicing medicine requires a license, and the money is not much.”
"Then why did you become a ship's doctor?"
Lorenzo, who had been silent all the time, asked.
"What else can you do? You can't fight and kill all your life. When I was young, I could hide knives and guns under the operating table. If this bastard didn't give me money, I would help him heal his wounds, but people will always grow old. of."
The ship doctor took alcohol cotton to wipe off the blood, and stuffed all the tools back into the suitcase.
"If you need anything else, call me at that time. Of course, if possible, I hope you can let me rest for a while."
The ship's doctor stood up and said to Lorenzo who was beside him. This cruise ship had only set sail for a few days, and the ship's doctor had already been here countless times. He was either seasick or suffering from gunshot wounds. Will he need to deliver the baby next time he comes?
Watching the ship's doctor leave, Lorenzo closed the door again. Only he and Kestrel were left in the room, and the others were staying in the living room.
Lorenzo looked at Kestrel. This guy looked really miserable.
The kestrel covered in blood really scared everyone when he returned, but no one thought that this guy did not bark uncharacteristically, but talked bad things to everyone.
Of course, this cool and unrestrained posture did not last long. As soon as he finished speaking bad words, he lost strength and fell down. Immediately afterwards, this calm posture was broken.
Lorenzo had a clear memory of the scene just now. After Kestrel fell down, he screamed loudly and shouted endlessly for help.
"Phew! It was almost, it was almost, the kestrel's lucky journey would have ended here!"
Until now, Kestrel was still afraid of what had just happened. He muttered and looked at Lorenzo, who had been silent. Lorenzo's expression twitched slightly, as if he was holding back a smile.
"What are you thinking about? Lorenzo."
"It's nothing."
Lorenzo coughed a few times and became serious again.
To be honest, Kestrel's injuries were not serious. After all, he was affiliated with the purge agency. It was normal for him to be missing arms and legs.
Probably because they have been working under such high pressure for a long time, everyone's mentality is more or less distorted. Lorenzo will think it is just a gunshot wound, while Kestrel is full of bad words and has no respect for death.
Kestrel's face was still wrapped in a bandage, which he had done himself. He fell face to face, his nose hit the floor directly, and he was bleeding heavily.
The way he looked now was so funny that Lorenzo wanted to laugh at him, but then he thought about how Kestrel was working so hard, so it was somehow not good to do so.
"There may be enemies on the White Tide...potential ones."
Kestrel, who had been smiling playfully just now, immediately became serious again, sharing information with Lorenzo.
"That guy claims to be supervising other people. It seems that the choir also knows that when a large amount of secret blood is injected, there will always be a few who can easily lose control, so they assigned that guy to deal with those who lose control."
"The supervisor was killed by you?" Lorenzo asked.
"Yes, beheaded and pierced through the heart, that's what you said."
Kestrel set off to leave after confirming that the guy was completely dead. While he was talking, he made a few moves and pulled the wound, which made him grimace in pain.
"Then it doesn't look like the situation is too bad." Lorenzo analyzed.
"Regulators can't be killed by the things they supervise, so those guys implanted with secret blood must have low strength, at least in my opinion." Lorenzo said.
Demon hunters are the elite of the elite, and the secret blood contained in their bodies is extremely powerful. Those mass-produced by the choir are far from able to withstand the sword strikes of the demon hunters.
In that night battle, although Lorenzo killed all the enemies, he still didn't know the specific strength of the enemies. After all, he was too powerful for these people. For wild beasts, he could kill a rabbit and shoot. It doesn't make much difference if a bug dies.
"Yeah, that supervisor can even kill me...but it's still a threat."
Kestrel understood what Lorenzo meant, and he guessed the choir's combat effectiveness through the supervisor's profile.
"However, I found this, and this should be the main reason why Irene was so valued and hunted down." Kestrel said as he moved away the tied arm, gesturing to Lorenzo.
"In the pocket."
Lorenzo held out his hand suspiciously.
"It's not this one, it's the right side!"
After a while of fussing, Lorenzo took out the thing that had been protected by the kestrel. Looking at the familiar liquid, Lorenzo could feel the vague heat in his body.
"Secret blood..."
"Yes, this thing was supposed to be injected into a certain soldier's body, but it was stolen by Irene," Kestrel muttered, "You also said that that guy Highbold is not very trustworthy. I didn’t take it out outside.”
Lorenzo looked surprised, with an expression like "I didn't expect you to become smarter, Kestrel."
"I understand, you should rest first, but it seems that you won't be able to contribute much in this work."
Lorenzo put away the secret blood and looked at Kestrel's injuries.
In fact, from this point of view, Lorenzo has embarked on an inhuman journey. This kind of injury will make Kestrel rest for at least half a month, but for Lorenzo, maybe a few minutes or a few hours can heal.
"So can this be considered a vacation for me?"
He said this, but Kestrel couldn't feel relaxed in his heart. He knew very well the importance of this work, and maybe fate would be involved in it. But before he even set foot on the land of Gaul Naluo, his whole body was injured. Like this.
"You should have a good rest first. At least you are still somewhat useful. Although I am very powerful, in the end there is only one Lorenzo Holmes. He cannot become two or three."
Lorenzo said, opening the door and walking out.
It has been a long time since the Kestrel returned, and everyone is aware of the current crisis. Maybe this room is the safest place on the entire White Tide. After all, Lorenzo is here, so everyone is safe. point.
Despite this, under the pressure, Kestrel's screams when the doctor was operating the knife could be heard from next door from time to time, which made the atmosphere even worse.
But it was Eve who felt the worst.
Under this roof, everyone has different thoughts.
Heibald cannot be completely trusted, Irene does not know whether he is friend or foe, Hercule is still struggling in bed... This guy has been lying there for a long time.
Eve felt a lot of pressure. She knew very well that the difficulty level of this internship had been increased by several values. She was sitting on the edge of the balcony. If the situation went wrong, she could jump directly from here to the balcony below, hiding in her sleeves. Ok dagger.
Fortunately, this situation did not last long. After a while, the screams of the kestrel stopped, and Lorenzo opened the door and came back.
Seeing Lorenzo, Eve's anxiety eased a lot. Although this detective is usually not casual, he is still very reliable in serious matters, such as now.
"Erin, I think we can really talk about what's next."
Lorenzo said directly.
As if realizing something, Erin showed him a charming smile.
Neither of them said what they found in the small black bag. Heybold didn't fluctuate too much, but just stood aside silently, his eyes reflected Irene's face.
[You know what to do, Hybold. 】
[I know...does it have to be like this?We obviously have a better solution...]
[No, this is the only way. 】
【But he...】
[There is nothing but, he is very clear about his fate and the price of it all. 】
The words echoed in his mind, and Hibold felt a headache and anger every time he recalled these words.
It's all her, it's all because of the woman in front of me. Without her, none of this would have happened, he wouldn't have come here, and Ivar wouldn't have been held hostage...
"Tell me about it, Erin."
Lorenzo sat in front of Irene. He was not afraid of Irene deceiving him. After all, Lorenzo had already used erosion to plant beacons in everyone's [gaps].
This is an insurance policy. If it is not necessary, Lorenzo does not want to use this taboo power like this.
"Cory Ferey."
Erin said.
"Who is he?"
"The director of the Iron Law Bureau, my immediate boss, the architect of the plan to kidnap Ivar, and one of the top leaders of the choir?"
Erin thought for a moment and smiled helplessly.
"Sorry, more information was exposed before I could dig it out, and then..."
(End of this chapter)

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