Embers of Embers

Chapter 414 2 Worlds

Chapter 414 Two Worlds
Under the influence of official power, Orthodoxy gradually covered the original beliefs of Gaul Nalo. At first, both the Iron Law Bureau and the choir thought this would be a difficult process, but judging from the response, they were overly worried.
As long as there is a little benefit, people will easily give up their original beliefs. It can be housing, food, or a meager income... In short, the influence of Orthodoxy is growing day by day.
There are also staunch believers who reject all this, and disputes and conflicts arise due to the increasingly powerful Orthodoxy, but these cannot affect the rise of Orthodoxy.
Leaflets with simple teachings were flying all over the sky, and missionaries were looming among the crowd not far away.
Hu Ao knelt down and picked up the flyer that was soaked in sea water.
He is a sailor, with tanned skin and a strong body under his clothes. The fishing boat he works on is still docked for repairs. It is rare for the bad-tempered captain to give them a few days off, otherwise he would not have time to slow down. Come down and pick up these strange flyers.
Huo read the words on the leaflet.
He had gone to school for several years and knew some words. In Huao's original expectation, he wanted to become a teacher, but the poverty of his family did not allow him to complete the course. In order to make a living, he worked as a sailor when he was still underage. Go out to sea with the boat.
Fortunately, because of his literacy, he was quite valued in the eyes of the bad-tempered captain. Although the guy cursed all day long, the captain actually had some respect for learning these things.
"What's all this?"
Hu Ao was reciting those difficult teachings. He was only literate. He couldn't understand these complicated teachings. But when he turned the leaflet over, some words caught his attention.
"Church classes, faith subsidies, regular Holy Communion..."
Huao was attracted by these words. Unlike the difficult teachings, the content of these words was too simple.
It was full of some orthodox welfare policies, which sounded like welfare, but in fact there were very few useful things. Many citizens didn't care about these things. Everyone just glanced at them, laughed disdainfully, and then threw the leaflets away.
Some of the welfare policies of the Evangelical Church are far better than those of the Orthodox Church. During this long period of development, they have penetrated deeply into the soil of Gallona, ​​and many powerful monastic orders have also developed among them. Compared with them, At first glance, these things of Orthodoxy are like sending beggars away.
But Huao did not throw away the flyer like the others. He grasped the damp paper tightly and was deeply attracted by the content.
Hu Ao is almost 26 years old this year. Unknowingly, he has spent almost ten years at sea. He knows very well that the money he has saved through hard work over the years is not enough to allow him to live a superior life, let alone Don't talk about buying a house that can accommodate you.
With this thought in mind, he walked to the steps not far away and sat down.
Hu Ao has read books. Compared with other sailors, he has a slightly different view on life. He knows very well that his current efforts can't change anything at all. Some are just a simple survival. He doesn't even dare to Go talk to the lady at the roadside flower shop. Every time you pass by on your way back, she will smile at you.
He was very aware of his predicament, but he was powerless to change it.
This is probably the most desperate time in life. Sometimes Huao wants to indulge like other sailors, but he is not willing to completely degenerate. He still has some expectations for a better life in the future, but this hope is So slim.
But it seems a little different now.
Hu Ao looked at the words on the flyer, and the content written in the last line made his heart beat slightly.
"No credentials are required, regardless of status..."
Over the long years, the faith of the Evangelical Church has undergone slight qualitative changes in the land of Gallonalo. Although it has not been explicitly expressed, this has become everyone's consensus and is commonplace.
He allowed the people to believe in them, but he divided the believers into vague classes. Some people said that this place was like the Holy Gospel Papal State. I don't know when the "believers" had turned into another form of "nobles", but There is no obvious distinction.
A person like Huao is destined not to be favored. He can pray, but he can get nothing except inner comfort from prayer, let alone those things opened by the evangelical church. He still remembers children During that time, one of my playmates wanted to become a priest, and when I saw him again, he was sitting alone on the steps by the roadside, looking lonely.
Hu Ao carefully calculated the benefits of Orthodoxy. As long as he chose to believe in them, Hu Ao would be able to save a lot of money during the period of docking just by providing the Holy Communion regularly. He didn't care whether the food was good or not. Yes, he had eaten worse at sea.
Unknowingly, Hu Ao was completely moved. He looked for the address anxiously, but that part was soaked by the sea water, and the writing was twisted together, making it impossible to read clearly.
"Where! Where!"
Huo clutched the leaflet, talking anxiously to himself.
He lowered his head and walked quickly along the roadside. He remembered that there were many flyers here just now, but now none of them were missing.
Thinking like this, he saw a familiar piece of paper in the corner of his vision. Hu Ao bent down and went to get the flyer, but at this time he stepped on it with one foot. The leather shoes were polished and polished, and he could vaguely see the leaflet on it. to Huao's own silhouette.
Hu Ao slowly raised his head. It was a man. He was neatly dressed, with a silver cross hanging around his neck, and a golden watch chain exposed in his arms. His hands were full of leaflets, which were twisted into a ball.
The man looked at Hu Ao, and for some reason, Hu Ao was stung by his gaze.
The man didn't say anything more, he just laughed with a slightly unknown meaning. He moved his feet, walked to the trash can nearby, and threw the flyers in his hands.
During the whole process, the two of them didn't say a word, and there was no communication between Hu Ao and the man. But for some reason, Hu Ao felt vaguely stung.
He picked up the flyer and walked to the corner of the street in despair.
He had seen that kind of look before, and he had seen it many times. Sometimes those bad people would ridicule him about his identity. At the time, he thought it was nothing. After all, he was used to it, but this time the man didn't say anything.
For a moment Huao hoped that the man would say something, whether it was to ridicule himself or to ridicule and belittle himself, no matter what, at least say something.
But he didn't say anything, as if he didn't exist and wasn't worthy of being laughed at.
This was a very strange emotion. Hu Ao didn't know how to describe it. Although he said he knew the words, there were still too many things that the teacher had not had time to teach him.
He was wearing dirty clothes, and his body exuded a lingering fish smell. Hu Ao would scrub himself vigorously every time he docked, but he could always smell some peculiar smell, as if this damn smell was like It penetrated deep into his body like a sharp knife, like a brand that he could never get rid of in this life.
Hu Ao didn't want to stay here anymore. He lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at anyone, but he could feel the sight. It seemed that everyone was looking at him with the same eyes as the man just now.
He ran wildly.
Hu Ao rushed all the way back to the dock. He embraced the smelly sea breeze again and became one with it.
After an unknown amount of time, he slowly raised his head and looked at the world again. The dock was still busy, with sailors going up and down, carrying goods, as if they were tireless.
Hu Ao suddenly felt that everyone was awake, and everyone knew that this was just endless exhaustion, but everyone could do nothing and finally became numb.
The melodious whistle sounded, and the creation of human industry slowly sailed into the port. Huao on the dock felt that the sky was getting darker. When he raised his head, a huge shadow gradually covered his body.
He recognized the handwriting on the cruise ship.
White Tide.
Huao remembered this cruise ship. Some sailors who had been lucky enough to board that ship said it was a paradise on the sea, with luxurious food and drinks, comfortable and soft beds...
The long ladder was lowered, and Hu Ao saw the people walking out of it. Each of them was filled with confidence, a look that was completely different from his own, a look that he envied.
There were a little special guys in the crowd, they were carrying boxes one after another, which looked like suitcases for pianos, they talked and laughed all the way, and the orchestra soon left Huo's sight.
They were obviously very close, but Hu Ao felt like he was separated by a whole world from them.
"It's been a long time... Gaulnaro."
Going down the long ladder, Lorenzo stopped.
The midday sun made it difficult for him to open his eyes. He raised his head and squinted to observe this familiar city.
"It was here a few years ago. I robbed a cargo ship and tried to return to Inlwig, but I was stopped before leaving the sea area of ​​​​Galunaro."
Seeing the familiar scenery, Lorenzo couldn't help but talk about the past.
"and then?"
Eve asked. Like everyone else, she had changed into the uniform of the Inverg Royal Orchestra and was carrying a violin case.
She was very curious about Lorenzo's adventures and asked after him.
"Then? Then I snatched their boat over. Not to mention, it was much faster than a fishing boat."
Lorenzo recalled.
Eve was stunned for a moment, but then she thought about it.
"So that's how you brought Seleu back?"
"Almost, by the way, I almost forgot, you must have met her, right?" Lorenzo said.
"Of course, after all, I will inherit the title in the future, so there will always be a chance to get to know each other." Eve replied.
"Gaul Nalo! Gaul Nalo!"
The sound of joy came from the front, like a child excited to see something new, but the person who made the sound was no longer a child.
"Why is he so happy?" Lorenzo couldn't help frowning.
"Leader Lennet has always wanted to convey his music to the whole world. He applied for a tour a long time ago, but it was only recently approved. Gallonaro will be the first stop of his tour."
Hibold behind him explained.
"Does that mean Nordero paid for the entire tour?" Lorenzo raised his eyebrows. This was a big deal.
"For now, yes, but the band will also use this to help promote Nordero, which can be regarded as a kind of cooperation."
“I always feel like Nordero is at a loss,” Lorenzo said.
"Gallo Naro!"
Another joyous voice sounded, but this time from the rear.
The kestrel looked around, unable to suppress the excitement on his face.
"Oh oh oh! This is Maluri Port! It's so big!"
He seems to be really here to travel.
Kestrel's excitement is indeed understandable. After all, in his entire life, he has never left Yin Erweg to see the scenery of another country.
"Indeed, I remember this used to be a naval base, and Maruri was expanded on this basis. Do you want to go get some souvenirs together?"
Hercule's voice sounded, and it seemed that Kestrel was not the only passenger.
Since getting off the ship, Hercule's waist no longer hurts and his legs are no longer sore. He feels like he has been reborn and is very energetic.
Although you are participating in a dangerous job, there is no need to put too much pressure on yourself.
"Do you want to act directly next?"
Irene, who was in the middle of the crowd, asked. In order not to be discovered, she made a little disguise and changed into the band's costume at the same time.
It seems that Nordero really gave Captain Lennett a large sum of money. He has no objection at all to adding more people to the team. In order to find suitable clothes for Irene, he even stripped off a member's body. clothing.
"No, follow the orchestra, we are musicians now."
Lorenzo reminded.
This is their disguised identity. According to the expected idea, after Lorenzo solves everything, everyone will pretend that nothing happened and leave with the band. However, this is only expected. After all, in Lorenzo In the forecast, there is no choir.
"Here! Here!"
Lennet in front waved and shouted, and the streets were already ready for the carriage.
This guy was so excited that he was waving his hands as he walked, as if he was conducting an orchestra, humming the melody of "Ode to Joy" in his mouth.
"It looks like a really nice city, but there's something hidden beneath this beauty that's not very reassuring."
Hercule said that at the end of his line of sight, there were rows of docked warships.
"Don't worry, those things are already memorials. I've been there once before, but there's actually nothing there." Erin explained.
After the defeat, Gallo Nalo removed the weapons from these warships that were not yet in service and transformed them into floating memorials one after another. Some people were worried that they were conserving force. However, with the development of steam technology, these warships have long been Behind the times.
"Is that so? It's good to go and have a look. I haven't been on a battleship yet." Hercule said.
"Okay, stop talking, we should go."
Lorenzo in the front said, but even though he said this, he had no intention of moving at all.
Lorenzo looked at the black shadow flying in the wind and quickly caught it as it passed by.
It was a leaflet, which printed the brief teachings of Orthodoxy, the location of the meeting, and the ascension of the Pope...
(End of this chapter)

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