Embers of Embers

Chapter 415 Making a Route

Chapter 415 Making a Route
Gaulnaro, Maruri Port, Yega Theater.
After leaving the White Tide, the carriage did not take the orchestra to the hotel where they rested, but directly arrived at the Yega Theater.
There were not many people in the theater at the moment, and there were no lights on in the empty hall, making everything look a bit dark and gloomy.
Captain Lennet walked in front excitedly, and the other band members couldn't help but look around excitedly. The whispers of everyone echoed in this lonely world.
Perhaps due to the influence of the Evangelical Church, the decoration and sculptures in the theater all present a religious style, with angels hovering above the dome, and one after another marble pillars prop up the heaven carved by the masons.
The marble floor was also polished, and Lorenzo began to vaguely look forward to the moment when the lights came on, feeling like walking on the light at that time.
"Yega Theater, this was once a church. During the Glorious War, it existed as a frontline church. Soldiers would pray here and then board the war ships under the watchful eyes of the priests."
Voices rang around him, and at some point Lennet had already walked over and explained the past of this grand theater to Lorenzo.
"After the defeat of Gaul Naluo, this place was abandoned for a time, but not long after, it was reused and expanded into what it is today."
Lennet's expression became mysterious and he whispered to Lorenzo.
"It was actually revived because of the war."
Lorenzo asked, attracted by Lennet's words.
"What war?"
"War of Art."
Lennet chuckled.
"Of course, it can also be understood as a luxurious war."
"As early as hundreds of years ago, these kingdom dignitaries were fighting non-stop, but no one could stand fighting every day, so they sought a sense of victory in other places, such as handicrafts. Whoever had more gems would win the prize. Face is the same, and in the end this thing also extends to art.”
It seemed that Lennet had already done a thorough research on these things before coming here, he continued.
"The main leader is still the great Lorenzo... Of course, I am not calling you, but Lorenzo Medici. During the period when he controlled the Evangelical Church, he heavily funded those artists, and this trend also It spread to other areas, and finally spread to Naluo, Gaul. At that time, if a family did not support a few artists, it would not be shameful to go out.
After the defeat, some people in Gaul Narone focused their attention on this. They had no choice but to lose the frontal battlefield, so they could only find pleasure in this place. They transformed it into today's Ye Jiada. The theater used the ships in Maluri Port to spread those poems and operas. Although the war failed, there was new progress in cultural dissemination. "
Stretching out his hand, he flicked the silent stone pillars, feeling cold to the touch, like stroking steel.
"The Yega Theater competes with the Royal Victoria Theater in Inverg. During the post-war period, everyone was competing to the death in terms of art."
Lennet shook his head, and then said helplessly.
"But as time goes by, the wounds of the war gradually heal, and people no longer need these things to heal their souls. Gradually, these things are not valued as much. The war on art may have ended briefly."
"Sounds interesting," Lorenzo said.
"Hey, it's just a bunch of people who are busy."
"It sounds naive to say this, but that's about it. When the music starts, it's the beginning of our artist war."
Lennet rubbed his hands as he spoke, with a slight evil smile on his face.
"I just didn't expect that after so many years, I, a conductor named Yingerweger, would actually perform at the Grand Theater in Nalo, Gaul."
"After so many years, I finally captured the enemy's capital. Congratulations." Lorenzo congratulated Lennett.
"Thanks to you, Mr. Holmes, for your generosity, you are like Lorenzo Medici alive!"
The two of them smiled strangely and started to compliment each other.
Although he said these nonsense words, Lennet attached great importance to this performance. After getting off the boat, he directly handed over his luggage to others before repairing it, and transported it back to the hotel, while he brought the orchestra here to rehearse.
"We don't have much time left, the show starts here in a few days."
Lennet stood on the stage, arranging the score as he spoke.
Lorenzo and others were sitting in the audience, watching all this.
"Any plans? Everyone."
The spotlight shone on the stage and the auditorium was dark. In the darkness, Lorenzo asked the others.
"Still... follow my ideas."
Lorenzo looked around him. Haybold and Irene were sitting on the left and right next to him, and on the outside were Eve and Kestrel. These two guys were like criminals, being held hostage in the middle.
As for Hercule, he really regarded himself as a tourist and grabbed a staff member and let him take him around.
Lorenzo didn't care about his whereabouts. After all, he was the breeder of the Rat King, and Hercule would not let him down.
"I think you've got an idea, Lorenzo," Hebold said.
"What about you?"
Lorenzo did not reply, but looked at Irene aside.
Erin spread her hands.
"You can do whatever you want. My life is in your hands now. It all depends on you."
Both of them left the decision to Lorenzo, who squinted his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking about.
It was also at this time that the melody gradually rose. On the stage, Lennet directed the orchestra to play, and the passionate melody was melodious.
Lorenzo stretched out his hand and took out the leaflet he had grabbed from his arms. It was crumpled into a ball and stretched out little by little.
This is an Orthodox flyer, which not only contains the time and place of the gathering, but also has a major event marked in bold on the last line.
It is the accession of the Pope.
But there was no specific time or place in it. Lorenzo handed the flyer to Haybold on the side and asked.
"Do you know when the Pope will ascend the throne?"
"I don't know, but it must be in the near future." Haybold replied.
"That's really not easy to do."
Lorenzo muttered.
This operation will be divided into two steps, one is to rescue Ivar, and the other is to assassinate the Pope. These two steps must be completed at the same time. Once one of them alarms the enemy first, then the other step will definitely fail.
"Hybold, just as you said before."
"Fake peace talks?" Haybold said.
"Yes, whenever their pope ascends the throne, we will have peace talks." Lorenzo said.
Fortunately, this problem is not difficult to solve, and this time the initiative is in Lorenzo's hands.
"Then what are you going to do?" Erin asked.
"That's what you don't have to worry about. Just follow my instructions when the time comes, but..."
Lorenzo said and looked at Irene, seeming to be thinking about where Irene should play a role.
It occurred to him suddenly.
"Eileen, you should be good at acting, right? This thing is just like deception. Just make the enemy believe you."
"What do you want to do?" Erin listened to Lorenzo's words and felt a little uneasy for a moment.
Lorenzo said nothing, just smiled.
"You'll know then."
It was a plan that only he knew, and no one could guess it until it was actually carried out.
Lorenzo is not afraid of Irene's and Heybold's petty thoughts. After all, their thoughts will not affect reality at all, because Lorenzo is here, and he himself is his biggest reliance.
In the face of absolute force, all conspiracies and machinations appear so fragile.
"I just felt like a terrorist."
Lorenzo said softly.
"You are my friends."
He relaxed and listened carefully to Lennet's performance. In the near future, a brutal murder will occur here. Lorenzo didn't know whether this would affect the direction of the world. In short, he was very excited.
The song is over.
Lennet turned and bowed toward the dark auditorium.
"Okay, let's go, we need to set up the situation first."
Lorenzo stood up from his seat.
"How? We don't even know where he will ascend the throne." Hibold asked.
"This kind of question is easy to guess, Hebold."
Lorenzo said looking at the stage.
"There is no large church in Maluri Port, and the only one has been expanded into the theater it is today. The few that are relatively close to the top are still controlled by the Evangelical Church. If the Orthodox want to expand their influence, they will inevitably find a church that can accommodate many people. A human place, allowing more people to witness all this.
What do you think of that square outside the Yega Theater? "
Lorenzo reviewed everything he saw on the way. Maruri is a seaport city. The city's center of gravity is mainly focused on the port. Part of the purpose of the Orthodox Pope's enthronement here is also to expand through sailing ships. Influence.
If Lorenzo was the orthodox pope, the Theater Square would be his only choice, where his speech would not be hindered by the dome, and if his voice was loud enough, even passers-by who didn't pay attention to these would hear his voice.
"Of course, it doesn't matter if I guess wrong. I have to figure out how to evacuate, right?"
Lorenzo continued.
"You have also seen that the warships docked at the port, although they say that all their weapons have been unloaded and their own technology is lagging behind the times, are their words really credible? Just like the damn furnace pillar in old Dunling , they say it’s for energy supply, but as long as those lunatics adjust a few parameters, they can sink the old Dun Ling into a thick fog several meters high.”
Obviously, Lorenzo suffered a loss on this issue. He once naively thought that the advanced designs of Old Dunling were for the convenience of citizens, but in fact they were just military facilities one after another. The city turned into a steel fortress.
Whether it is the Pillars of the Furnace or the Serpents of the Atrium, these things were originally created for war.
"There are also some issues of Gaulnarlo's own."
Lorenzo frowned.
In Old Dunling, railway tracks can be seen everywhere. As long as you need it, you can easily reach any place in Old Dunling by riding the iron snake. But here in Gaul Naluo, their steam technology is not that advanced, even if they can barely catch up. On Inverg, their infrastructure has not been expanded, and operations in Maruri Port basically rely on horse-drawn carriages.
This is different from the working environment that Lorenzo is familiar with. In the past, when he killed a person, he could escape as long as he hitched an iron snake, but this time he might need to gallop on his horse.
No, it should be a group of them all galloping on horseback.
"There will be a camouflaged fishing boat arriving at the port tomorrow. They have been following the White Tide. They are responsible for our evacuation. From what they said, that boat is equipped with the new braking system of the Perpetual Pump and is trustworthy in terms of speed. ." Haybold said.
"That's even more unreliable!"
Lorenzo's expression almost twisted together when he heard this.
"what happened?"
Haybold didn't understand. As far as he knew, the perpetually moving pump represented the highest technology in the Western world. Every step they took was the progress of all mankind. In Haybold's view, this great institution should be written into Among the legends.
"Look, obviously you don't know those guys."
Lorenzo looked at the kestrel beside Heybold and said.
"Translate for him."
Kestrel's expression was equally ugly, he swallowed and said.
"The new work of the Perpetual Pump can basically be understood as an experimental one, and don't you think this escape is the best way to test this kind of thing?"
"Faced with the desire to survive, Lorenzo and the others will make perfect use of everything it has."
Lorenzo imitated Merlin's tone.
Several people fell silent.
"No, this operation is so important, how could they do this?" Heybold obviously didn't understand the brain circuit of this group of neuropathy.
"It is precisely because it is important that they take out this thing, just like the Original Sin Armor," Kestrel said. "Work that is beyond common sense requires equipment that is beyond common sense. In a sense, this is indeed a perpetual motion." The pump makes the best gear out there, although not very reliable."
"Even if there is a clipper to pick up, it will still take some distance to escape from the theater square to the port, and it will definitely attract the attention of the enemy. We need to escape quickly, and we must not stay for even half a minute. If we take a wrong detour, we may be captured. Intercept it."
Lorenzo said worriedly.
"I'm not worried about interception, as long as I'm not dead, I don't think anything can stop us, but the problem is that this is not Inlvig, there is no cleansing agency to finish us off.
We are here to prevent potential war, but if we are not careful, we may become the trigger of war. "
Lorenzo came out of the auditorium and motioned to everyone.
"Let's go, it's just a tour, don't you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Maruri?"
"Well, actually I don't want to either, I hate this damn place."
Lorenzo cursed and left.
(End of this chapter)

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