Embers of Embers

Chapter 421 Stupid

Chapter 421 Stupid
There was no sound in the room except for the slight sound of breathing, and it was eerily quiet.
Although both of them were reading, it was obvious that one of them was not thinking about the book at all. He was leaning on the sofa, holding the book in his hands, and his eyes were squinting and wandering.
Erin Adler.
The kestrel peered at the woman. She was half lying in a corner aside. Because her hands were cuffed together, she put the book flat on her legs. She seemed to be really reading, turning the pages awkwardly from time to time.
No, this is all an illusion. This woman will not be honest so easily.
After living so long, Kestrel has often been deceived by others. For example, at first, Shrike told him that it was just a more dangerous job, not much different from the fighting and killing in the lower city. The young Kestrel believed it, and then I got along with those cute monsters in this ghost place called the Purification Agency, and have been serving till now.
Of course, it's not just these, even Lorenzo has played tricks on him several times. He has been deceived so many times that Kestrel doesn't care anymore... But this time is different. The time Irene lied to him is different from before.
This time Irene deceived her feelings.
Although it is naive and stupid to say so, it is the case in Kestrel's eyes. He still remembers how excited he was holding the fish, and also remembers when Irene was brought back by Lorenzo, his anger and anger. Embarrassing, fortunately Lorenzo didn't continue to tease him or make fun of him this time, otherwise Kestrel would be really ashamed.
Eileen didn't know what Kestrel was thinking. She looked at the story in the book as if nothing had happened.
"Have you finished reading this book?"
Erin asked coldly.
Kestrel immediately shook his body, put down the book, and looked at Erin with confusion.
"Didn't you finish reading? I thought you had finished reading," Erin looked at the kestrel opposite her and looked around, "haven't you been like this just now? I thought you were looking for mosquitoes."
It's over, it's over.
Kestrel thought he was disguised very well, but he had not escaped Eileen's vigilance from the beginning. This woman had long noticed his gaze.
"finish watching."
Kestrel answered dryly that he couldn't lose yet...at least not so cleanly.
"Okay, what do you think of this story?"
Erin pointed at the books. She and Kestrel were reading the same book, called "The Falcon in the Night."
Kestrel loves this book, which tells about a protagonist who is presumably a dark hero. He will wear a mask and go out at night to punish evil and promote good in the city.
"I remember we talked about that."
Kestrel still remembers that almost perfect afternoon. He completely forgot about fishing, and had a good chat with Eileen beside him about this story. No, she should be called Gloria at that time.
To be honest, Kestrel can't remember exactly what they talked about. He was completely immersed in the beauty at that time and didn't pay attention to what was said at all.
Unfortunately, this beauty did not last long, it was all a scam.
"Yes, we talked about this at that time. It seems that you did enough homework overnight to get close to me."
The more Kestrel thought about it, the more angry he became. Maybe when Irene was preparing these at night, she would laugh at herself while reading them. She is such an old person, but she is still reading these boring things.
"Approaching you? What are you thinking?"
Irene asked in confusion, with a Kestrel pretending to be affectionate.
"Oh, this story is quite good, I like it very much, but it's a pity that the ending is not very good," Erin continued, "Have you seen the ending?"
Kestrel was stunned. Seeing Erin's attitude that had nothing to do with him, he felt that it was difficult to vent his anger, just like no matter how hard you scold the other person, the other person still doesn't understand why you are so angry.
Come to think of it, Irene is a member of the Iron Law Bureau and a very good spy, so good that even the guy named Ivar would fall into her trap.
She wore masks one after another on her face. Kestrel thought he could see through her, but maybe it was just one of the masks.
The things she hated so much were probably just daily routines for her.
Suddenly, Kestrel wasn't so angry. He realized the difference between himself and Erin, and he didn't want to say anything more.
"I saw it," he replied somewhat perfunctorily, "It's not bad, that's how it ends."
"I don't like this ending. I hate the ending where good people don't get rewarded."
Erin whispered.
"In the end the Saker died.
He killed the heinous criminal in the final battle, and he fell down covered in blood. The rain fell heavily and washed away everything. The next morning, there was an extra body in the city. The body of the tragic death, many years later, everyone has forgotten that there was such a hero. "
Erin closed the book. She had already read the ending, and now she was just reading it for the second time to kill time.
"I like this story, I like this Falcon, but he should have a better ending, instead of ending like this."
Her eyes were a little lost, and Erin seemed to have really read the story carefully, rather than doing homework to get close to the kestrel.
"He saved so many people, but in the end he fell like this on a rainy night. No one even remembers him many years later."
"It's not the end, right? It should be an open ending, right?"
Although he hates Erin, Kestrel couldn't help but become serious when talking about the story, he said.
"You see, the author didn't mention whether he died or not in the end, right? He just said that there was an extra corpse that died tragically. It might belong to a criminal. Maybe he finished his job and retired to retire? Maybe he did. In a few years, that author will publish a new book, and for some reason Falcon will return to his old business and leave the world again?"
Looking at Kestrel's serious face, Irene was startled, and then couldn't help laughing.
"You are so optimistic."
"It's not a matter of optimism. You didn't say clearly that he was dead, did you?" Kestrel got into some strange places.
Erin thought for a while, and she remembered what Lorenzo had said to her before.
Many people are too smart, smart enough to know the pain in this world, so they are willing to be deceived, but Kestrel is different, he was deceived entirely because he is too stupid.
He is stupid.
"Reading comprehension! Reading comprehension! It's all so hinted at!"
"So? Don't talk nonsense. If you didn't directly name someone who died, then he didn't die!"
No one would have thought that Kestrel would have a quarrel with Eileen because of such a thing, he was just like a child.
"Why do you think so?"
Erin began to feel a little helpless.
Kestrel thought for a moment and then said.
"Do you know what happened to Lorenzo Holmes?"
"What's up with him?"
When Lorenzo was mentioned, Irene's expression changed slightly. She was very good at conquering other men. They were as transparent as water in Irene's eyes, and they were controlled by her at will.
But Lorenzo was different. Facing those gray-blue eyes, Irene felt that she couldn't see through anything. Even if she noticed something, she would feel that Lorenzo had deliberately exposed it to her, and that he had set it up. trap.
They didn't get along for long, but judging from everything Lorenzo showed, sometimes Irene even felt that Lorenzo was not a human being, he was just some monster with human form.
Under that skin, there is an equally dark and viscous unknown.
"I didn't believe in resurrection from the dead before, but after meeting Lorenzo, everything changed."
Kestrel thought for a while, although sometimes he hated this guy who was a bit of a jerk, but he had to admit how powerful he was.
"He is a guy who can break the rules. It can be exaggerated to say that he is simply the embodiment of miracles."
"The embodiment of miracles?"
"Yes, I have seen hundreds of demons. They swarmed towards Lorenzo like a tide, but he chopped them out with just one person. I have also seen him do it more than once. Falling into death, even his body was damaged and mutilated by the explosion, but in the end he survived."
Kestrel couldn't help but whisper.
"Like a monster."
The atmosphere was depressing for some reason, but it only lasted for less than a few seconds, and Kestrel's voice became cheerful again.
"So Lorenzo is really reliable. Although this job sounds more dangerous, with Lorenzo here, I have nothing to fear!"
Kestrel said unabashedly that to a large extent, Lorenzo was the main reason why he did not jump out of the car and run away. When the time came, he only had to be a pendant and leave the rest to him.
"Is that so?"
Irene never thought that they would have such a high opinion of Lorenzo, but thinking about it, Irene found Lorenzo in the first place because of the internal documents of the choir, and they regarded Lorenzo as a big threat imaginary enemy.
Looking at Kestrel again, this guy can no longer tell whether he is stupid or has a big heart. He has completely forgotten the previous anger, just like a goldfish, his memory is ridiculously short.
"Are there any other books? The Moon." Erin asked, "I've finished reading this one a long time ago."
"Victoria's Secret?"
Kestrel was probably used to being called "Moon". He picked up the book on the side, which was reserved for Haybold.
"have not seen."
Eileen said that in fact, she only learned about knight novels during her time sneaking into Yin Erweg, and the only one she had read was "Falcon Under the Night".
"Speaking of which, this is also an open ending. I don't know what will happen next."
Picking up this book, Kestrel thought of the heroine in the story who obviously had some brain problems, and didn't know what happened to their great escape.
After looking at the book cover, there were no pen names left. Each of these authors was more mysterious than the last. Sometimes Kestrel wanted to visit in person, but he couldn't find the source.
Kestrel said, walking over and handing the book to Erin.
Erin took the book and asked about something else.
"Kestrel, has anyone ever said you are not suitable for this job?"
"Not suitable?" Kestrel became angry upon hearing this, "What are you doing? Questioning my professionalism?"
Kestrel must reason with her.
"Let me tell you, I was also a good hand when I was in the lower city. When the machete was used, even the shrike had to run away!"
Speaking of which, Kestrel never told anyone about the specific process of his recruitment. In short, due to some reasons that Kestrel didn't understand, Kestrel and Shrike cut their hands together.
At that time, relying on his youth and bravery, he actually chased the shrike and started to chop him. Although he was finally restrained by the shrike's men, he probably appreciated the Kestrel's desperate spirit and the shrike took him under his wing.
Shrike asked him at that time why he was so desperate as a thug, and Kestrel answered sincerely.
Do what you do and love what you do.
"No, I'm not referring to these, I'm referring to your character. You are too stupid and too easy to be deceived."
Kestrel almost forgot about these things, and Irene started to lift them again.
She put down the book and held up Kestrel's face with both hands. This intimate move made Kestrel stunned. In fact, after all, he still missed that beautiful afternoon. Even though he was aware of Eileen's deceitfulness, he still instinctively wanted to Step into the trap.
Irene's first impression of herself was too good, just like a light, she is a perfect beam of light, the light of many people.
"Unlike many smart guys, you are a bit stupid and pure."
Erin looked at him like she was a puppy.
"What did you say……"
Before Kestrel could finish his words, Irene's handcuffs fell off under his gaze, and she spread her palms, with a thin wire placed in them.For her who came from the Iron Law Bureau, unlocking handcuffs is a basic skill.
"You fucking!"
Kestrel immediately cursed, but Eileen, who had been prepared, was obviously faster than her. She grabbed the slender wire with her backhand and stabbed it directly towards Kestrel's throat.
Many people must have been killed by Eileen like this, thinking they had won, but in fact everything was under the control of this woman. Kestrel turned his head and avoided the blow. Although the wire was thin, Kestrel believed that if If he was really hit, he would be dead.
The violent movement affected the wound, causing Kestrel to grimace in pain. He was not a demon hunter. His previous injuries had not healed in his mortal body. He could only raise one hand to fight back, but before he could swing his fist, Erin struck out. The elbow strike hit Kestrel hard.
This woman was also injured, and every attack required her to use all her strength, and she was obviously much more vicious than Kestrel. Her elbow hit the wound on Kestrel's shoulder without mercy.
At this moment, Irene has completely lost her previous soft appearance, but it is also true that only with such crazy ferocity can this woman survive the wanted hunt of the Viking countries, fight her way out of Gaul Nalo, and escape the pursuit of the Iron Law Bureau. .
From the beginning, Irene Adler was not a simple woman, but that afternoon was so beautiful, so beautiful that even if the kestrel knew it, it would be difficult to be alert.
The wound cracked under the heavy blow, and blood dripped directly onto the floor. The pain was unbearable, but this did not hinder Kestrel's actions. He reached out and grabbed the fruit knife on the table, full of momentum, quite like chasing people in the lower city. The feeling of cutting.
Kestrel growled and raised the fruit knife.
"I'm here, what's wrong?"
Irene was standing not far away. She opened Lorenzo's cello case, raised the Winchester with one hand, and rested the gun barrel on the other hand. She aimed sideways, and she also had wounds on her body. , the recoil needs to be slowed down as much as possible.
"I'm sorry, Moon, don't hide!"
she said, pulling the trigger.
(End of this chapter)

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