Embers of Embers

Chapter 422 Gestures

Chapter 422 Gestures
Kestrel didn't have much time to think, and during this precious time, he didn't say anything useful, but just cursed.
"You are serious!"
I am too familiar with that shotgun Kestrel. Although it is said to be a new imitation, in my memory, this gun has beaten countless monsters to pieces. What is even more interesting is that you never know that Luo What kind of ammunition did that lunatic Renzo have stuffed in there.
It might be deer bullets or dragon's breath bullets, but no matter what was inside, if it hit you at this distance, you would probably die.
"Feel sorry!"
Erin finally said, pulling the trigger, and Erin knocked backwards.
After a gunshot, the bullets sprayed out smashed everything in front of him, the table was overturned, and the walls were splashed with dust.
Irene almost fell down under the huge recoil. She was obviously well prepared, but in the end it was like this. Irene couldn't imagine how Lorenzo used this firearm.
Due to the interference of the final recoil, she missed the target and looked forward again. She had lost track of the kestrel. There was only a small amount of blood on the ground. It seemed that the kestrel was moving quite fast.
Her eyes searched the room. It was not big and there were not many places for Kestrel to hide. Erin quickly looked behind the closet.
"Moon! Are you alive?"
she asked again.
Kestrel was crouching in the corner behind the closet, and now Irene was occupying the murder weapon and the backup weapons in the cello case, and beside him there was only a fruit knife, a damn fruit knife.
So why isn't Lorenzo's box locked!
Kestrel cursed inwardly.
Just like when people are unlucky, they will be unjustly punished, and now Kestrel can only take out his anger on Lorenzo.
But no matter how much he scolded him, it seemed that he couldn't change the fact that he was going to be killed. His heart was beating violently, and the surroundings fell into a strange calm.
Not good!
It was too quiet. Erin had not made any sound since just now, so he could not judge her position.
Almost at the same moment, the bullet penetrated the closet, sawdust flew everywhere, and the pieces hit his head.
The sound of the gunshot was very close, as if it was right next to him.
"I said Erin, we can still have a good talk, right? What do you want?"
Kestrel's voice came from behind the closet, and Aelinto slowly approached holding the Winchester, a strange smile appearing on her face.
"Hey, Moon, are you still alive? Are you injured?"
"What do you think?"
Both of them became cunning and cunning.
"So, are you interested in talking? Erin, you can't change anything by killing me, right?"
Kestrel's voice seemed a little rushed and depressed, and it seemed that he was hurt. Realizing this, the smile on Eileen's face grew stronger.
"Lorenzo is in charge now. I'm just a pendant. No matter what you want, you should talk to Lorenzo. And if you kill me, do you think you can avoid Lorenzo's revenge? "Kestrel began to threaten Erin.
"Don't look at it like this. After all, I have a life-long friendship with Lorenzo. You have also seen how powerful he is...you...are you not afraid of my brother?"
It sounded like Kestrel was really panicked and started talking nonsense.
"Sounds good, but it's a pity that our purposes are different... at least slightly different."
Erin slowed down her pace and approached quietly.
"What are the specific differences! Let's talk about it and seek common ground while reserving differences!"
"You know? There are some things that cannot be explained clearly," Erin thought for a moment, "at least not to you. You are too stupid."
"Is that so?"
A voice sounded, but this time Kestrel's voice did not come from behind the closet. Erin's face changed slightly, and then a sharp cold light flashed across her face.
The fruit knife flew for a distance and then was nailed to the wall. Irene's face was gloomy, and the breath of death still echoed in her neck. If she hadn't dodged in time, this blow might have cut her open. Throat.
Kestrel is indeed a somewhat stupid dog, but this dog is a bit different from other dogs. It is strong and strong, with a mouth full of fangs. It can even bite back and forth with monsters a few times if necessary , a triumph covered in blood.
This blow bought some time. At the same moment as the fruit knife was thrown, the kestrel started running wildly. Irene could only see a black shadow, and then she was knocked to the ground by the kestrel.
After all, he is a high-ranking knight who purges the mechanism. His intelligence may not be enough, but his physical strength is definitely full.
"Smelly woman, I have to show you today."
After knocking Irene over, Kestrel felt a little uncomfortable. He slowly got up and coughed several times in pain.
Being hit by him like this, Irene felt pain all over her body. When she stood up, she found that Winchester had already fallen between the two of them during the impact.
"You've learned to be smart."
Erin praised the kestrel, and the next moment she rushed directly towards Winchester. At the same time, the kestrel also started to move.
"I don't want to hit a woman, don't force me."
Although he said so, judging from the momentum of Kestrel's punching, he didn't hold back at all.
"Are you such a gentleman?"
"This is called proper moral quality."
The two fought together again, both of them wary because of their injuries.
What Kestrel has to do is to hold back Irene. No matter what conspiracy she has, as long as Lorenzo or others come back, Irene will definitely be defeated. Irene also knows this. In order to unlock the handcuffs and paralyze Red Falcon, she has wasted too much time. She looks relaxed now, but in fact she is extremely anxious inside.
Irene gave up defense completely, and punched back and forth with both fists, but because of the wound, the range of movement was not very large. Kestrel raised one hand to defend the wound, and lowered the other hand, always ready to fight back.
"So Erin, what are you thinking?"
Kestrel looked at the embarrassed woman in front of him. He couldn't see through her thoughts, she was like a murky mystery.
As Erin spoke, she lunged forward. She grabbed Kestrel's head with both hands, then raised her knees and tried to hit Kestrel hard, but Kestrel stretched out her hand to block it. At the same time, the other hand was protecting the wound. An offensive was launched.
This is just a disguise. It can be used for defense or offense. This sudden change is beyond Eileen's imagination. She thought that after experiencing the previous battle, the kestrel would always defend its wounds, but obviously He didn't think so at all, or he didn't think about it at all.
Kestrel's stupidity is pure. Sometimes this is not a strategy, but just intuition between life and death.
"What you have in front of you is a lucky kestrel!"
No one knows whether this is luck or rich experience. In short, the kestrel comes back alive every time, and this time is no different.
The fist hit hard, forcing Erin back. She stumbled, and it seemed that she was seriously injured. Kestrel on the opposite side approached again. After working in the purification agency for so long, Kestrel knew one thing very well. Compared with how many people you can defeat, how many fights you can resist is the most important thing.
It looked like Kestrel was about to be beaten to death by Erin, but he felt just right and was in great shape.
"I underestimated you."
Eileen responded, she dodged the punch sideways, grabbed Kestrel's arm and threw him down hard, but when she fell, Kestrel also grabbed Eileen's hand and fell to the ground with her.
She quickly changed her strategy, crossing Kestrel's arms with her legs and pressing on his neck and chest. She tightly restrained Kestrel's injured arm with both hands, and then pulled hard and lifted her hips.
The kestrel suddenly let out a low cry of pain.
"Stop struggling, Moon."
Erin twisted hard, and the Kestrel's healed wound was torn open, and the entire arm looked slightly bent, as if it would be broken by Erin in the next second.
Blood overflowed, and Kestrel turned his head slightly, looking at Erin angrily, his mouth slightly open, as if he was saying something.
"What do you want to say?"
Erin continued to be provocative.
"I said...fuck you!"
Kestrel swore angrily.
Accompanied by the scolding, Irene was lifted up for a moment, and even she herself lost her mind for a while because of the huge change.
She was too light, and there was still a clear difference in size from Kestrel. Kestrel grabbed her leg with one hand and lifted Irene off the ground without any help. Irene suddenly With such force, Kestrel's entire arm began to deform, but Kestrel seemed not to feel the pain.
He stood up.
Irene was like a monkey hanging on his body. The next moment the kestrel slammed into the wall. Irene felt like she was being hit head-on by the carriage, but she did not let go.
If it doesn't work once, try it a second or third time.
Kestrel was like a furious beast. He hit the wall repeatedly until Erin lost his strength, until she fell off her body.
Both of them were exhausted, but Kestrel won. He turned around slowly, picked up a chair at random, and prepared to give Erin the final blow.
But what greeted him was a dark muzzle.
Eileen fell, but the position she landed was just near Winchester. She raised her gun. Although she was embarrassed, the balance of victory was towards her.
"I won, Moon."
Winchester's gun was pointed at the head of the kestrel. This time the kestrel had no strength to dodge, and he was dead.
Kestrel said nothing, he was exhausted.
Irene said, but at the last moment of pulling the trigger, she shifted the muzzle of the gun slightly downward, and the bullet hit the Kestrel's abdomen, and the impact directly knocked him down, and he lay down like a corpse.
At this point, the room finally calmed down.
After doing all this, Irene let go of Winchester. She lay weakly on the floor, looking at the ceiling and not knowing what she was thinking.
Her eyes were a little red, as if she was about to cry, but in the end she couldn't.
Erin struggled to get up. She didn't know what she hit in the impact. Her bare arms and thighs were covered with scratches, as well as some deeper scratches.
She picked up a coat and rummaged through Lorenzo's cello case. Strangely, except for the Winchester, this case was full of cold weapons. Irene didn't know what weapons to take with her for a while. Finally, She picked a pocket knife.
When she reached the door, she was about to open the door and leave, but there was some hesitation in her eyes. She turned back and dialed the phone. After a short busy tone, the hotel front desk picked up the phone.
The voice at the front desk was a little trembling. She obviously heard the gunshots just now, but this operation was all provided by Nordero, so it didn't disturb too many people.
"We need a doctor here."
"I see."
After hanging up the phone, Erin walked to the door again. When passing by the mirror, she straightened her clothes in front of the mirror, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, then applied it on her lips as lipstick, and then simply combed the mess. s hair.
"Bye, Moon, I hope you can survive."
After taking a look at the unknown Kestrel, Erin turned around and turned the door handle. At this time, a figure behind her stood up precariously.
Eileen heard the slight noise, and she turned her head sharply, but Kestrel was faster than her this time, and the chair hit her head on. Kestrel's force was so strong that the chair smashed directly on Eileen's head. on the head.
Under this powerful dizziness, Irene finally couldn't hold on anymore, her body softened and she fell down.
"Luck does not favor fools."
Kestrel looked disdainful, the clothes on his abdomen had been smashed by the direct hit of the bullet, but the body underneath was not a body of flesh and blood, but a layer of body armor.
After returning alive from desperate situations many times, Kestrel became more careful. Ever since he learned about this fatal job, he would wear a layer of body armor even if sleeping was uncomfortable.
Although everyone said that this thing is useless if you really get hit by bullets, it is somewhat of a psychological comfort.
He opened the body armor forcefully, and the skin underneath was already red and swollen, with some scratches.
It stands to reason that this thing cannot block Winchester's frontal hits, but it is obvious that Irene did not notice these things.
Kestrel reached down and picked up a shell casing from the floor, realizing what was going on when Erin took the first shot.
"Lorenzo you bastard."
He cursed under his breath and dropped the rubber bullet casing in his hand.
I don't know if I should be grateful to Irene for not killing him, or for something else. If she had shot him in the head, even if it was a rubber bullet, Kestrel would have died.
With this thought in mind, Kestrel kicked the unconscious Irene again and spat on her with bloody spit.
Cursing, he walked aside, lifted up the overturned sofa, and found the unfinished book among the pile of debris and debris.
Kestrel looked very comfortable and poured himself a glass of wine.
After thinking for a while, he walked to Irene again, picked up a tissue and wiped his spit, then tied Irene tightly with a phone cord and threw it aside.
Kestrel himself sat back on the sofa, read the book, and placed the Winchester by his hand.
After a while there was a knock on the door.
At Kestrel's signal, the doctor slowly opened the door and saw a mess, with blood stains on it.
"You need a doctor?"
The doctor glanced at the embarrassed Kestrel. This guy was biting the bandage and bandaging his arm briefly. While bandaging, he was also reading a book.
"No, not me."
Kestrel replied like this, and he pointed at Eileen who was left aside.
"She needs a doctor, the condition...probably a concussion."
(End of this chapter)

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