Embers of Embers

Chapter 425 Hymn

Chapter 425 Hymn
During the long period of calm, the turbulent emotions were slowly fermenting until reason could no longer control it and broke the embankment.
Lorenzo stretched out his hand and turned off the light source in the room. The darkness covered the two of them and their embarrassed expressions.
"What a terrifying power, Mr. Holmes."
In the darkness, Irene's voice was trembling, with a slight sob.
"Yes, terrible power."
Lorenzo answered indifferently, and then wiped his wet eyes with the corner of his clothes.
"Are you crying for me?" Erin asked.
"I don't know, I can just feel everything about you personally. At the cost, your emotions and thoughts will also interfere with my own. This kind of residue will pile up more and more, until one day it will drown me and become me." Unclear monster."
Lorenzo answered calmly, clenching his fists to keep himself.
"So what I feel are also your emotions?"
Irene asked again. In the moment when Lorenzo peeped at her, Lorenzo saw her and she also saw Lorenzo. The two wills were intertwined and they witnessed each other's life.
Despair, sadness, anger... extremely complex emotions are combined under the name "Lorenzo Holmes".
Erin can't see Lorenzo's past, but she can feel it.
"I'm not as cold-blooded as you. Just think of it as me crying for you."
Erin also grabbed the sheets, wiped away her tears and tried her best to calm down her emotions. After a long time, she said slowly.
"I've thought about it... Maybe one day, someone will understand you thoroughly, but I didn't expect that person to be you, or in such a weird way."
The power of Power Gabriel has completely exceeded Erin's imagination. She tried to describe this power, but she couldn't find the corresponding words.
"So are we friends? Mr. Holmes."
"Probably, but being my friend is not a good thing. Most of my friends are dead."
Lorenzo's response came from the darkness.
"What about the others? Do they know the power you have?" Erin asked.
"do not know."
Lorenzo's answer was hesitant. He also thought about whether to tell all this, but finally gave up.
From beginning to end, the only thing Lorenzo could absolutely believe in was himself and the sword in his hand.
"Then this is a secret only for me?"
Irene's voice suddenly became frivolous, as if the sadness just now was just an illusion, no... She is such a person, and controlling her emotions is a basic professional quality for her.
She stretched out her hand, and there was a blur of darkness in her field of vision, but soon she touched some tender skin, which was still a little moist.
"Here's a deal, you cry for me and I keep your secret."
This time Lorenzo said nothing, he remained silent.
He had thought about making various threats to Irene in the future. After all, the beacon had been planted and Lorenzo could take Irene's life at any time, but at this moment he hesitated.
Eileen couldn't see herself, but the demon hunter's eyes could see Eileen very clearly in the darkness.
She thought her voice and actions were perfectly disguised, but Lorenzo could see that the tears were slowly sliding down her face, and she was breathing slowly to prevent her trembling voice from exposing her broken emotions.
At this moment, she really looked like a poor puppy, soaked by the rain, shivering and hiding in the shadows where others could not see her.
There were voices outside the door, someone calling Lorenzo's name.
"I'm leaving first. As for the things you guessed...I will keep an eye on Hebold."
Lorenzo left silently.
"Something happened!"
With a loud roar, Hercule kicked open the door hard. Judging from his panting look, this guy ran all the way back.
However, everyone in the room reacted very coldly to Hercule's fatal reaction, with calm expressions on their faces. In their opinion, the "big event" had already happened.
Kestrel, who had several bandages on his body, was sitting on the dusty sofa. He raised his head slightly, glanced at Hercule and then moved his eyes back to the book. Eve didn't care about Hercule at all. When she came back, she chased Poirot with a broom. This damn rat was crawling everywhere, and Eve couldn't stand it.
The only one who looked more reliable was Haybold. He was standing aside, wiping the blood on the ground with a mop.
Looking at this messy room, it was obvious that a fierce battle had just occurred here. After realizing this, Hercule calmed down his excitement. At this point, his little information may not really be a big deal.
He walked to the side, held up a chair, thought for a while and asked.
"Where's Lorenzo?"
Kestrel raised his hand and pointed to the room on the other side.
It had been a long time since Kestrel left, and it was unclear what Lorenzo and Irene had said in the room.
"I have something important to tell Lorenzo!" Hercule became anxious again.
"what's up?"
The door was pushed open and a voice sounded. Lorenzo's eyes were slightly red and his expression was cold.
"Where have you been? Hercule."
Lorenzo asked as he walked, kicking away the clutter that was in the way, and sat down on the dusty sofa, leaning against Kestrel.
This frightened Kestrel. It was obvious that Lorenzo's aura was not right now, as if he would draw a sword and kill someone in the next second. He leaned hard to the side to make room for Lorenzo. But the sofa was only so big, and he couldn't move it no matter how hard he moved it.
"I went to attend the Orthodox Holy Communion, and then walked around to see where it would be easier to escape... Speaking of which, I think we can use that gas street light to blow up the street. The traffic here is too backward, we will definitely be able to It’s taking a long time.”
"Heroes think alike! We think so too!"
Eve said on the side, she finally caught this damn big mouse, held it in her arms and rubbed it vigorously.
"The other thing is, Lorenzo, I heard that melody at the Eucharist."
This information urged Hercule. He didn't care about the other things at all. He moved the chair directly in front of Lorenzo and sat down.
"Yes, that's the melody."
Hercule clumsily imitated the tune that Liya was humming at that time. To be honest, he had no musical ability. Looking at his overexerted expression, everything seemed so funny.
But no one could laugh.
The tune was crookedly hummed by Hercule, but Lorenzo could still hear the vague melody. His expression changed from cold to serious, and his eyes revealed murderous intent and anxiety.
Lorenzo had heard this melody many times, in the mouth of Lorenzo Medici, in 047's memory, and everywhere in the Cathedral of San Naro...
No one knows its origin, and no one knows its name. There is no music score to record this melody. It only relies on people's memories to spread. If it is forgotten, it will be lost forever.
That's why the long-dead old man hummed stubbornly. He was too old and his memory was no longer reliable. He could only repeat it again and again, remember it firmly and pass it on.
"This melody comes from an Orthodox cardinal dressed in bright red, wearing a dark mask... I think this melody should be related to your evangelical church, right?" Hercule asked.
After a long silence, Lorenzo nodded stiffly and slowly told the story of this melody.
"This is an unknown hymn that is only passed down by people's memories. Over the long years, its fragments have been forgotten or tampered with. In short, it is not something important. It is just like tradition. spread within the evangelical church.”
When Lorenzo said this, he once again thought of the dead old man, Lorenzo Medici. In 047's memory, he saw Lorenzo Medici's guess about this melody.
He felt that this irrelevant melody might really be important, but at a certain point in history, those who knew its importance died, or were forgotten in the iterations year after year.
It is really important, but no one remembers why it is important. People can only stubbornly talk about it and pass it on to this day.
"Who else knows this melody? If we eliminate speculation in this way, we may be able to know who the other party is."
Hercule looked at Lorenzo with a solemn expression, thinking that Lorenzo might already know who the other party was.
It can be seen from 047's memory that all he has always longed for is power. Faith is not worth mentioning to him. It is obviously impossible for him to remember this ancient melody, and that guy has no What kind of mask is necessary?
other people?
The scope of dissemination of this melody is actually very narrow. It is only passed among the senior leaders in the evangelical church. Other cardinals?On the night of Death and Advent, some surrendered to the rule of the new pope, and the remaining followed Michael.
Among them, Shermans, the most pious, is dead, and the others are just tools of Miguel.
Who would that be?
The unsettling answer slowly rose up deep in his heart. As early as the conversation with Watson, Lorenzo had been vaguely sure of this, but as more evidence pointed to it, he still felt afraid of this fact. with anger.
"I want to know who he is."
Lorenzo took a deep breath and looked at his hands. They were trembling not with fear, but with excitement.
The pious and crazy dean, the being named Lawrence.
"Lawrence? Isn't he dead?"
Hearing Lorenzo's words, the kestrel on the side almost jumped up. He knew very well how powerful Lawrence was, and he also understood the despair when facing such a person.
The Purification Agency and Lorenzo worked together to kill him with difficulty, and now he appeared again, from Lorenzo's mouth.
Kestrel knew very well about this matter that Lorenzo would not joke, which meant that it was true, the monster was still alive and, like Lorenzo, had risen from the dead.
Teeth chattering, Kestrel immediately started to yell.
"I'm just saying there's something wrong with this job! Let me go back to Inverg, I don't want to die in a foreign country!"
He could only use his words for a while. Kestrel cursed and then stopped breathing, with a dull look on his face.
Eve was also stunned when Lorenzo said the name. She froze in place. Poirot in his arms was still curious about why the big rat didn't touch her anymore, and he cupped Eve's hand forcefully.
That desperate bright red figure, Eve almost died at the hands of Lawrence, and it was at that time that Lawrence's fear was deeply implanted in her heart.
"Lawrence? Who is he?"
Haybold, who had no idea about all this, was full of doubts and pressure. The guy who could make Lorenzo take him so seriously must also be a terrifying monster.
"One of the cardinals of the Evangelical Church, the patriarch of the old Demon Hunting Order."
Lorenzo completely lost his previous cynical demeanor. He stood up and walked to the cello case nearby, picked up one after another cypress nail swords from it, and wiped them carefully.
For Lorenzo, preparing weapons is a great stress reliever.
"If it is true, I suggest you prepare to die next."
Lorenzo pulled out one nail sword after another, inserted it into the wooden table, took out the last one, and pointed it at Eve.
"This is just your internship. You don't have to work so hard. If I ask you to evacuate, you must evacuate. Do you understand?"
What Eve wanted to say, she really wanted to say that she could do it too, but thinking of Lawrence's desperate force, she knew very well that in that case she would only be a burden to Lorenzo, and everyone else.
"I see."
Lorenzo nodded with satisfaction, then swept the nail sword across the others and said.
"You too, no matter where you are, if you hear my voice telling you to evacuate, evacuate immediately. Regardless of rescuing Ivar or assassinating the Pope, you must evacuate Maluri immediately and return to Yin Erweg."
"Then what are you going to do? Lorenzo."
Haybold asked with difficulty, the heavy atmosphere making him almost speechless.
"Me? If Lawrence really survived, then it was my dereliction of duty. I will make up for my mistake and kill him completely."
Lorenzo understood Heybold's concern, and he continued.
"You have to know that Lawrence's value far exceeds that of Ivar and the Pope. If I can kill him, it will be considered as completing the mission. If my guess is wrong, then act step by step."
"And you..."
Finally the blade pointed at Hercule.
"What's wrong?" Hercule had never seen Lorenzo like this before, and was both frightened and excited.
"Hercule, this matter had nothing to do with you. You were pulled here by me halfway. Thank you for your efforts so that I could know about this potential possibility in advance... If this is true, it will be before our actions." The consequences of what I discovered when I discovered this would be unimaginable... I might kill all of you."
Lorenzo paused for a long time before speaking again.
"Hercule, buy a boat ticket and return to Inverg tomorrow. There will be no more plots and tricks, only a battle between iron and iron."
Hercule's eyes slid along the blade of the sword to Lorenzo.
"Are you driving me away?"
"No, no, no, you can't do this, Lorenzo. After all, that Lawrence is just a guess now, isn't it? I also understand your concerns. It would be too inconsistent with my identity to run away in such embarrassment just because of a guess. .”
Questioning looks came from all directions.
Hercule blushed and shouted immediately.
"I'm the Rat King! I'm a king after all!"
He continued to explain.
"I know I have basically no strength to speak of, but I think I have a position that suits me."
Hercule paused and said confidently.
"I think you probably need a response person, right? The kind who is responsible for driving the boat away."
(End of this chapter)

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