Embers of Embers

Chapter 426 The Strong

Chapter 426 The Strong
The man was wrapped in tight armor, and the cold metal reflected a heavy candlelight. The light would shine brightly, and the holy angel and the flaming sword blade were engraved on it.
The Templar stepped onto the stairs of the Kingdom of Heaven. He lowered his steps as much as possible, but the sound of the collision between armors was so clear that it seemed extremely loud in this peaceful place.
However, his arrival did not seem to wake anyone up. He continued to move forward and entered the sacred Saint-Naro Cathedral. There were people demonstrating faith everywhere, but all the man could feel was fear and uneasiness.
The church was so empty, as if we had entered another dead world. There was nothing warm except for the burning candles.
The knight looked a little confused. He paused for a long time under the hall, but he could see no one or anything living except him.
He didn't want to wait any longer, and walked along the route he remembered, and before the gate of heaven, he saw No.1 other than him.
Anthony gently touched the relief on the Gate of Heaven. He seemed to have anticipated the man's arrival. He retracted his hand, turned around and slowly grabbed the hilt of the sword at his waist.
"Knight, you should know that no one can enter the Cathedral of Saint-Naro without His Majesty's summons."
"Get out of the way, Father."
A deep male voice came from under the visor.
"Interesting, is this an invasion? The sacred place has been invaded by evil again after so many years?"
Anthony smiled. He was not angry at the man's behavior, but instead became more excited.
The scar that penetrated the neck and cheek was aching. It was wrapping around Anthony like a poisonous snake. It longed for blood and suffering, and it urged Anthony.
"Since I took charge of the new religious group, I rarely take action. To be honest, I miss fighting very much."
The icy cold light came out of the sheath. It was not a nail sword, but a mottled knight's long sword. I don't know how many fierce battles it had gone through. The sharp blade was already covered with gaps and cracks. Logically speaking, it should have broken long ago. Yes, but it seems like there is some strange force supporting it, making it indestructible.
In an instant, Anthony's demeanor changed.
The mottled sword blade hangs low in front of him, and he steps forward like a tiger.
The man was not intimidated by Anthony's aura. He seemed to have no emotion or mind at all. No matter he faced the fire or the deep cold, he always had that calm attitude.
Without saying anything, the man slowly pulled out the knight's sword. It seemed to be very heavy, and every swing was full of power. The blade was placed on the arm armor, and he arched his body.
A battle began so quickly, and the atmosphere became solemn.
The wind blew into the room, slightly shaking the ubiquitous candlelight. The figures of the two people were also distorted in the swaying light of the fire. They were staggered on the wall, as if they were fighting.
The movement of the shadow gradually slowed down, but in the next moment the fire light swayed wildly, and the shadow also began to twist sharply, and the sword blade with the hilt pulling the wind had already struck out when the fireworks twisted.
The two sword blades collided together, causing sparks to fly.
Just a moment ago, the two of them were keeping a safe distance, but the next moment they were fighting together. Judging from the position, the man did not move at all. It was Anthony who shortened the distance in an instant and launched a strong offensive.
Anthony's steps were rapid, and he simply turned into a stream of light when he sprinted and slashed.But his offensive did not hurt the man. His movements were clumsy, but extremely steady, like an insurmountable fortress.
The sword blade rubbed against each other and emitted a harsh vibration. The man knew very well that if he wanted to continue to move forward, he had to find a way to deal with Anthony in front of him. However, he also understood that although it seemed evenly matched, in fact he had no hope of defeating Anthony at all. …
In other words, just relying on this ordinary mortal body, Watson is not sure that he can kill Anthony.
But already here, there is nothing to hesitate.
The will of nothingness requires entities to interfere with reality. Watson drives the man's body. There is no secret blood in this body. She can only use skills to make up for the gap as much as possible.
He swung the sword fiercely and slashed down on Anthony's head. The mottled knight's sword also struck back at this moment. At the moment the blade hit, Anthony suddenly felt the slight pressure of the sword in his hand.
This was a feint attack. The seemingly fierce sword strike did not carry much power at all. Watson immediately deflected the blade and slashed at Anthony more quickly from another angle.
But she failed.
Anthony was once the most outstanding being in the Knights Templar, a confidant of the new pope, and the dean of the new order. His mastery of swordsmanship skills was far deeper than Watson's.
Stepping forward quickly, the mottled sword blade was close to his body. He used himself as a sword to oppress Watson. The distance between the two shortened rapidly. Watson's sword strike had no room to swing, and she could only Able to step back.
The two figures were close to each other. Anthony held the blade with his backhand and used all the strength of his body to move it. His whole body directly hit Watson's body and launched the attack.
It was a tooth-piercing sound of friction, and the gap-filled sword blade was like a saw tooth. It quickly passed over the armor, cutting each other between the metals, leaving an astonishing scar in the end, and there was blazing heat in the gap. blood poured out.
Anthony was laughing wildly, and soaked in blood, he looked like a madman.
Watson's offensive was reversed in an instant, and he severely damaged the body, but this was not the end. The jagged sword blade could not continue to slash, it was held tightly, although as long as Anthony Twisting the blade, he would chop off Watson's fingers, but it would be too late.
Anthony's figure froze, and at this moment, a blurred hallucination unfolded in front of Watson's eyes. The evil minions surged through Anthony's body like a tide, as if there was some evil being restrained under this body. The existence of terror, and now it will break out.
Without the slightest hesitation, Watson's fighting instinct simply gave up the blade and jumped back. At the same time, his eyes became hot, and the dazzling sun rose from beneath them.
Watson saw it.
Crazy weirdness screamed in front of her eyes, and in the blink of an eye, Anthony had turned into some kind of monster that she had never seen before. She didn't know what she was facing, but her fighting instinct made Watson make a judgment.
[Gap] Invasion.
The man's forward steps stiffened, and then he fell to the ground as if he had lost his soul. There were still wounds on his chest from Anthony, and the blood flowed away bit by bit until his body became completely cold.
In front of him, Anthony's figure had stagnated at some point. With the invasion of [Gap], the illusion that Anthony had just weaved collapsed. Powerful Raphael was helpless in the face of the onslaught from [Gap]. The power to fight back.
Those somewhat frightened eyes reflected this thing that should not exist in this world.
Anthony couldn't see Watson, but he could feel the disgusting and strange feeling.
His breathing stopped for an instant, and an invisible force strangled Anthony's throat. He swung the sword, but he could only hit a void of air.
what happened?
Anthony knew very well that this was the feeling of being eroded, but where was the source of the erosion?Is there some powerful demon hiding around here?So how did it escape its own detection?
His thoughts gradually stiffened, his will began to falter, and invisible forces kept hitting his barriers. The moment he was overcome, it was Anthony's death, and it was at this time that the desperate battle ushered in a turning point.
"Let him go."
The voice sounded, coming from behind Anthony.
I don't know when the door to heaven behind Anthony has opened, and the angels and demons on the relief have given way. In the deep darkness, the sharp nail sword reflects the only light.
Someone grabbed Anthony, pressed his head with one hand, and forced him to kneel down. Anthony raised his head, and under the steel mask he saw the rising sun.
Power Raphael.
Endless hallucinations came to Anthony's mind, covering up the hellish scene. Anthony no longer struggled in pain, but knelt down and looked up devoutly.
The new Pope didn't know if this would save Antony from Watson, but it was all he could do.
A miracle happened.
Anthony's eyes gradually became clearer, he was breathing heavily and his face was covered with sweat.
"Your Majesty..."
His voice trembled, and he stretched out his hand as if trying to catch the light in front of him, but the next moment he fell into an even darker abyss.
Anthony's eyes changed, becoming cold and heartless. It was like he was wearing a cold mask and no longer had any emotion at all.
He stood up slowly and spoke in a calm voice.
"Seni Lothair."
The new pope slowly stepped back and opened a seemingly safe distance, but under the sacred robes he had already grasped the nail sword tightly.
"Interesting... This is the first time you have actively communicated with me."
Scenes like this have happened more than once. Those beings called the Silent Ones have come again and again, descending on those people, wielding swords at themselves, or appearing out of thin air, using their weird and sacred words. Physical combat.
The new pope once asked them questions, but the answer he received was always wordless silence. Sometimes he even thought that these strange existences had no mind at all. They were just obeying an ancient oath and carried out the oath like a walking zombie. today.
He did not care about Anthony's life and death, but was full of curiosity about the existence of the suspected silent man in front of him. The new pope vaguely realized that he was one point closer to the secrets of the world. This strange guy in front of him would bring him the truth. .
"You are...it's you, right? Sure enough, I guessed it right. There are also aliens among you."
The new pope thought of something, and the voice under the mask was full of joy.
"During the confrontation between me and those monsters, you and another guy, you were very similar to those monsters, but you did not take action, but watched from the side."
Memories of the past flashed back in front of his eyes, and the new pope's speech speed couldn't help but speed up.
"Yes! I felt the confusion and fear from you at that time. You are similar to those monsters, but you are different from them! You don't know the existence of that kind of thing... In other words, you have found a way, Way to become those monsters, huh?”
The broken information was connected together, and for a while the new pope even let down his vigilance towards Watson, and what he had in his heart was only a mad thirst for knowledge.
He was so eager, Seine Lothair was so eager to know what all this was about. He wanted to open the curtain of the world and see the truth that was hidden by people.
He will do whatever it takes to do this.
"Speak, speak more! I...what should I call you?"
The new pope walked around Anthony. He looked at this familiar subordinate carefully, hoping to find the slightest difference in the familiarity.
"We? No, you should say them, and they are called the Silent Ones."
Watson replied, and she did not continue her attack, as he was sizing up the mysterious new pope as he was sizing him up.
He had too little information about him, so Watson took the risk this time. If anyone in the world has the most information, then it is the new pope who rules the Evangelical Church.
Watson felt that all the secrets of the world were hidden under this land, but neither he nor the new pope had the ability to decipher the truth.
"The Reticent... Keep Silent? That name fits those monsters who want to shut some people up forever so they can keep those damned secrets tight."
The new pope was extremely excited. He was rarely so happy.
His thoughts were racing, and he made a move that shocked Watson.
With a crisp sound, the nailed sword fell to the ground. The new pope strode forward and stood in front of Watson. The burning eyes under the mask looked at her eagerly.
"Sure enough, I guessed it right. According to the power of demons, humans cannot defeat this terrible existence. We should be destroyed countless times. However, humans have survived under the shadow of demons. There must be something wrong with it. External forces are interfering with all this, and those who realize this are dead, killed by the Silent Ones."
He laughed out loud, as if in the face of this thirst for knowledge about the truth, the so-called friend and foe were no longer important.
"I was still too arrogant. I thought I was the only one who realized this and survived. No...more than that, there were people who also realized this and they did it better than me. When I was still confused about all this , you have found a way to become those monsters."
"So you have also encountered a bottleneck, right? We can work together to uncover the true face of those monsters."
Faced with such a fanatical new Pope, Watson was stunned. To be honest, she had thought that she would start a shocking battle with the new Pope. After defeating this mysterious guy with difficulty, she would pry out what she wanted from him. Something, but she never expected that he would react like this.
"Are not you afraid?"
Watson was very confused. Faced with such an unknown and unknown existence like himself, why was the new pope not afraid at all, but even more delighted?
"Afraid? What are you afraid of? Afraid of you getting into my head?"
The new pope laughed louder, and then his tone became cold.
"A true strong man will not be afraid of these. I believe in my iron will, and I also believe that I will not be defeated by anyone, even the monster called the Silent One."
He pointed at his head.
"You can give it a try, guest."
 The chapter name was wrongly typed -_-||I changed it after contacting the editor.
(End of this chapter)

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