Embers of Embers

Chapter 428 The Barrier of Holy Silver

Chapter 428 The Barrier of Holy Silver
This was neither a bad nor a good reunion. The two people who were once familiar with each other became unrecognizable, losing their mortal appearance and turning into that abominable appearance.
Seny Lothair was a corpse that walked out of the fire, with a nightmare shape. He smiled at Watson, and his voice sounded from the damaged throat, like a dusty gramophone, with friction. hoarse.
"Your Majesty..."
Watson said stiffly. She felt the fear she had never felt before and couldn't figure out what she was facing.
The Seine Lothair in front of him could not be considered a human being at all. Life and death appeared on his body at the same time. His flesh and blood were withered and shriveled, but deeper inside, there were strong muscles slowly squirming. The two interacted with each other. They are fighting, but there is no winner yet.
What about humans?
Watson was a little hesitant. If he wasn't lying, since the night of Holy Advent, Seine Lothair has been using his almost monster-like will to support himself, keeping the human will from being overthrown by the erosion of demons. Until today.
What a feat this was, Watson couldn't believe it.
"Welcome home, 016."
Seney Lothair opened his hands as if to hug Watson, but he did not hug him and just stood there.
"How much do you really know?"
Watson is fully on guard against Seny Lothair. She doesn't know what exactly Seny Lothair has been through, but now his weird posture is enough to scare everyone.
Not to mention the terrifying will, this withered body lurked a strange power that even he could not contend with. What was even weirder was that his [Gap] invasion was useless to him. Combined with the previous Seni Luo Watson has an uneasy expectation about Tire's various reactions.
What exactly is a demon?
What is the [truth] of this world?
Everyone's purpose is different, but interestingly, their purposes somewhat overlap with this final question.
Lorenzo Medici wanted to usher in the golden age and eradicate all evil. He was also eager to know the "truth" of all that, as well as Shermans' research and the future that Lawrence saw. And the mysterious Seny Lothair in front of him.
Unknowingly, everyone walked on the same path, met together, and questioned the final mystery.
Even Watson and Lorenzo... everyone is like this.
However, the information that everyone has is incomplete. Watson's trip was hoping to get more information, but judging from the current situation, she realized that Seni Lothair knew much more than she expected. There is more, maybe he is the person closest to [the truth] right now.
"How much? This is the secret to the high price."
Seine Lothair was extremely calm. As he said, he was an absolute strong man. He didn't care at all what kind of weirdness and schemes Watson had. None of this was threatening in his eyes.
"We can work together."
Watson said that although he is very strange, he is currently the only valuable ally that Watson can unite with.
"Cooperation? This is indeed heart-warming..."
Watson could not read any emotion from the distorted face. Unknown thoughts arose in Seine Lothair's mind. Combined with the intelligence he had obtained before, he seemed to understand the story behind the curtain. .
"So the Holy Advent Night is just your conspiracy?"
His voice was cold. One of the reasons why Seine Lothair could guess that it was Watson was that he also participated in the [Sublimation] ceremony. If anyone could survive that tragedy, he could The only thing that comes to mind is the [sublimated] 016.
"Not really, it's just a decision made to adapt to the situation."
Watson replied that if it weren't for the greed of the cardinals, Lorenzo Medici would not have done this. Those people's purposes conflicted with his ideals, and all he could do was destroy them.
Cruel and ruthless, he destroyed so many people easily, and he never regretted it until his death. He even said that he was happy that he could devote himself to his ideals.
"Do you want revenge? Your Majesty."
Watson once again grasped the mottled sword blade. She was no longer sure of defeating Seni Lothair. This guy was ridiculously strong, not to mention that the [Gap] invasion was useless against him.
Seine Lothair said nothing. His scarlet eyes moved in his sunken eye sockets, as if he was thinking about something. After an unknown amount of time, he sighed helplessly.
"I really want revenge, 016. I want to avenge my dead compatriots and seek an explanation for their deaths. But now those involved are almost all dead, or like me, they have become this kind of inhumane. Looks like a ghost."
The dry muscles twitched hard, revealing a chilling smile.
"There is no need, I just feel a little dazed. Who would have thought that I would know the truth about the Night of Holy Advent so easily? Although it is not comprehensive, your appearance has confirmed too many of my guesses. I have thought about it. At this moment, I may be very excited and angry...
But when it did come, it was so peaceful, just like usual. "
As Seine Lothair said, it was too peaceful this time, a little too eerily peaceful. There seemed to be only two people existing in this stasis temple, surrounded by silence and an inexorable coldness.
"What does Lorenzo Medici want in all this?" he asked again.
"Eradicate the demon."
Watson answered.
"Is that so... Is this also the reason why you are willing to be 'sacrificed'?"
Seni Lothair was thinking as the nailed sword dropped to the ground. He didn't seem to have any fighting intention for the time being.
Maybe... maybe the two of them can cooperate.
Although it all happened so fast, both of them knew very well that the only one they could temporarily trust was each other. Under the threat of the mysterious Silent Man, all information seemed so precious.
I don’t know how long this kind of calm lasted, and Watson did not disturb Seine Lothair. She just stayed where she was before, staring at the pope wearing the crown of thorns.
Seny Lothair was like a knight from the old days. He lowered his head and held a nailed sword. From time to time, sticky blood overflowed from the scars of the thorns and dripped onto the ground.
During this long period of calm, Watson was also sizing up this familiar friend. No one could have imagined that the once handsome guy would eventually turn into such a ferocious appearance. It was also in this subtle observation that Watson realized that Seni Lotay The source of your strength.
He was eroded. Although he remained awake with his monster-like willpower, a demonic mutation had already appeared in his body. It was this abnormal mutation that gave him power far beyond that of a demon hunter. strength.
Looking at the exposed arm, there are circular scars on it, just like the scars possessed by the saints in the Gospels.
Watson vaguely guessed that such scars must be all over Sene Lothair's body. Only in this way can he pull out the melted silver bolts from his body. She could imagine such a scene, a demonized body. Giving him a strong vitality, while using his will to fight against all this, he carved scars on his body one after another that went deep into the bone marrow, and discharged the molten holy silver from his body.
Just thinking about Watson can make you feel the piercing phantom pain. No one knows how Seni Lothair has been able to support himself to this day with this body.
"Eradicating demons... This ideal sounds pretty good."
Seine Lothair broke the silence, a smile in his voice.
"I have no interest in eradicating demons, but... I also want to know what is going on, and what is the true face of this twisted world."
He put away his nail sword and said.
"Looks like we still have something to talk about, 016."
Hearing this, Watson's tense thoughts finally relaxed, and she took a long breath. Although she relaxed slightly, she did not completely let down her guard. It can be seen from the previous conversations and battles that during this long period In the pain, Seine Lothair's mind was more or less affected.
"I can tell you everything I know, but I also want you to be honest with me."
As Watson spoke, he approached Seni Lothair and at the same time raised his hand towards his head.
"what are you going to do?"
He didn't look scared, just confused.
"This is the power called [Gap], which is somewhat similar to the Silent One."
"Intrusion consciousness? I have been exposed to it." Seni Lothair said.
"Yes, I can let you see my memory directly through this. Compared with my rhetoric, this kind of thing is more real, isn't it?" Watson said.
"Peeping directly into the memory? You are actually willing to do this for that successor...Will I see him in your memory?"
His hand touched Seni Lothair's head, stroking the withered skin and the sharp crown.
"You will also see what you were like in my memory." Watson said.
"Is that one of the reasons why you relaxed?" he asked.
Speaking of this, Watson also fell into a bit of confusion. Sometimes she also wondered whether she was Watson?Or 016?Like she should think of the man in front of her as Seny Lothair?Or the same Raphael?
That burning night changed everyone's destiny and pushed everyone down a different path.
"Whether you are Raphael or not, at least you have his shadow in you, and I used to be good friends with him."
Burning fire surged from his eyes.
The distance between the two is so close that both sides can easily kill each other within this distance. Fortunately, Watson is occupying Anthony's body. She is not afraid of physical death, but in front of her, Seni Lothair has the same confidence as her.
The scarlet eyes reflected the firelight, and [Gap] invaded. Her thoughts surged and she tried to contact Seni Lothair, but just like what happened to Watson before, she encountered an invisible wall that blocked her way. , refusing to invade the thoughts of the man in front of him.
After Watson's brief confusion, she retreated cautiously.
"Don't be nervous, your ability is blocked by it."
Seine Lothair stretched out his hand and gently tapped the crown of thorns.
Looking at the confused Watson, he smiled, then turned around and walked towards the well of sublimation.
"As expected, you don't know much information."
Everything just now was his disguise. He tested Watson again and confirmed his suspicion.
"What's going on?" Watson asked.
"That would be a long story, but to put it simply..."
Seni Lothair stopped at the edge of the Well of Sublimation. He looked at the sticky darkness below, turned around and said to Watson.
"Many years ago, after I became the new Pope, I searched for a lot of information about [the truth], and this undoubtedly attracted the attention of those who remained silent. At that time, I didn't know what I was facing, and I was exhausted. , until one day I was almost killed."
"and then?"
"Then? Then I fell into this deep well. I thought I would die in that darkness, but surprisingly, I survived. The Silent Ones did not continue to pursue me, but when I left the Well of Sublimation Then they appeared again.”
Seine Lothair gently stroked his crown of thorns.
"I experimented a lot with myself, and I found a way to fight this power."
"It's Holy Silver. Holy Silver blocks the intrusion of thoughts. The entire Well of Sublimation is a large structure cast by Holy Silver. It became a barrier at that time. The Silent One without entity could not cross the barrier. It protected me. .”
Watson's face was cold. This was extremely critical information, but it was easily told by Senny Lothar.
"Follow me, 016, I want you to see something."
"Sounds like something important."
Watson did not move, but said with vigilance.
"Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't tell this information. After all, everyone has changed beyond recognition, and the memories of the past are just ridiculous souvenirs... We all have a certain value to each other, and in terms of value, Until now, we can all trust each other."
The sound of mechanical twisting sounded in the silence. At the edge of the dark well wall, steps one after another stretched out. They spiraled downward, pointing to the endless darkness below.
"follow me."
Seni Lothair said again, this time he stepped directly on the old stairs and walked towards the abyss below.
Watson paused for a long time. She understood what he meant. Although it was just a guess, it was enough to make her wary.
He now has an entity and can step into it, but once he is killed below, the barrier will become a cage. Will he who loses his entity be imprisoned by the Holy Silver in it?
She didn't know the answer, but she had to make a choice.
Watson swallowed. She hadn't felt nervous like this for a long time. After hesitating for a while, she still took the step and kept up with Seine Lothair. The darkness filled her body bit by bit, completely covering the two of them. devour.
(End of this chapter)

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