Embers of Embers

Chapter 429 The unknown era

Chapter 429 The unknown era
This is endless darkness. After losing all the light, only those pairs of quietly burning eyes are left here. Watson feels even more stressed. She breathes and feels that time and space are gradually going away. .
"Do you know what's down here?"
The voice came from the front. Seni Lothair seemed to have been here many times. His reaction was much more calm than Watson's. His hand lightly brushed the wall of the well made of holy silver, and he judged the way forward with the faint light. .
"I don't know, I never thought there were stairs here."
Watson replied that the Well of Sublimation has always been an alchemical device within the Demon Hunting Order. Although it is mysterious, it has not been used many times, and no one has thought about what else is hidden under this dark well.
She followed Seni Lothar closely. The darkness seemed to be alive. It was wriggling slowly, devouring the blood and flesh of the living. Illuminate the corner not far in front of you, about two or three steps away.
Watson has a strange premonition that if the light disappears and is swallowed by darkness, something terrible will happen here.
"Remove impurities to make the material more pure, the beautiful things rise upwards, and the dirty things fall downwards..."
Seni Lothair whispered.
Watson from behind replied.
"That's right, you should have thought about what is under here, right?"
Watson took a deep breath and answered slowly.
"Those dirty things.
The secret blood is extracted from the well of sublimation. It is sublimated, and the faded filth is thrown into the well. "
"Yes, filth, the filth and malice of this world. Since the emergence of the Demon Hunting Order and the creation of the Well of Sublimation, the filth has been accumulating in the darkness below. There are more and more of them, even accumulating abnormal amounts. Turned into some weird living creature.”
Seni Lothair suddenly stopped and turned to look at Watson behind him.
"The Temple of Stasis is alive."
Watson nodded stiffly, and she answered.
"I know this. The secret blood of all demon hunters comes from a demon that has been alive since ancient times, and our [Gaps] are also connected together by a system called the Heart Network. This is why we hear commands from the Silver Bolt."
She hadn't experienced such emotions for a long time, and continued to speak.
"So there is only one conclusion. The 'Stasis Temple' itself is the ancient demon... and now it is in the deepest part of the darkness below, right?"
Seni Lothair nodded. Now, as the information is integrated, the mystery will only become clearer, and under the protection of this well of sublimation, they do not have to worry about attacks from the Silent Ones for the time being. .
"016, there is another very interesting point in this information. You have noticed it, too. The Silent Ones hunt humans and only hunt those who touch the [truth]. They are protecting this secret."
“The [truth] behind the [border].”
Watson whispered back.
"Then have you ever thought about the meaning of the existence of this Well of Sublimation?"
Seine Lothair gently stroked the ancient patterns on the well wall, his voice filled with doubts and surprise.
"This is a building that is completely beyond the capabilities of modern technology. Even with today's advanced steam technology, we cannot dig out such a building so deep underground, let alone that it is entirely made of holy silver and is spliced ​​together. There are no cracks.”
After Seny Lothair accidentally entered this place, he returned to explore more than once. Every time he returned, his mind was more violently shocked.
"This is a craft beyond our knowledge. I don't even know where such a huge amount of holy silver comes from."
He retracted his arm and looked at Watson. In the dark abyss, a fishy smell and a bone-chilling cold rose from below.
"With the outbreak of the Holy Night, the entire system of the Demon Hunting Order suffered a devastating blow. After I took power, I tried to restore this glory, but I couldn't do it. There was nothing left."
Seine Lothair's autobiography.
“Until I was at the end of my rope, until I set my sights on this well of sublimation.”
There was a smile in his voice and he asked again.
"Guess what else I found here? 016."
"I can not guess it."
Watson also reached out and touched the well wall gently. When she stepped into the well of sublimation, she had already noticed the patterns carved on the well wall. First, there was the majestic kingdom of heaven, then the battlefield between angels and demons, and then the ferocious... Terrible map.
This is a picture scroll of heaven and hell, from top to bottom.
So, what about hell?
Watson's eyes fell on the unknowable abyss at his feet. If what was depicted on the wall of the well had its purpose, then what else was there in the abyss under this hell?
"Follow me, this will take some courage, and you will soon see the [truth]... at least part of the [truth]."
Seni Lothar's voice was very soft, his body seemed to have lost the support of strength, he fell forward and fell into the dark abyss.
Although he said that Raphael was dead, Watson still couldn't help shouting this name that was not a name. She stretched out her hand and tried to grab him, but under the strange coldness, her movements became sluggish, All he could do was watch as Seine Lothair fell into darkness.
The light of the pure flame was shrouded in darkness, and in the blink of an eye, Watson lost sight of Seny Lothair, and now she was the only one left in this lonely darkness.
After hesitating for a moment, Watson made the same move as Seine Lothair, leaning forward and falling into the unknown darkness together.
The fall did not take long, and only for a brief moment Watson touched the ground. The mottled sword blade pierced the somewhat soft earth. She slowly stood up and saw Seni Lothair standing in front of her. .
Looking back, Watson could vaguely see the stairs in the dark, and it turned out that the stairs had reached the end.
"I'm very courageous. I hesitate for a long time every time. It's not that I'm afraid of death, I'm just afraid that I will stay here forever. If that happens, I will never know the [truth] again."
The sound of chains sounded, and Seni Lothair handed the chain in his hand to Watson.
"Hold it tightly, we can easily get lost in this endless darkness. This is our certificate of return."
Watson didn't say much. According to what Seni Lothair said, she also grabbed the chain and followed him.
This is an extremely strange space, where the sharp eyesight of the demon hunter is useless, and even the firelight has faded, unable to dispel the thick darkness at all.
The tip of his nose was filled with that fishy smell, and the air was cold, condensing into frost on the blade of the sword.
As she advanced slowly, Huasheng seemed to have kicked something. She stopped and stared at that thing. Then the fear of the unknown occupied her eyes. She looked elsewhere, and all the blurry things were the same. At this moment, Seni Lothair's voice sounded slowly.
"I have always been curious about the ending of the demon hunters. Although most of us will die in the fight with monsters, there will always be one or two lucky ones who survive to the end. But there is no such thing. It's like reaching a certain point. At a special point in time, all the demon hunters will disappear, and then new demon hunters will appear."
He lowered his body and straightened the corroded head that was almost invisible.
"Or the secret executions in the Demon Hunting Cult. I also thought about this. After all, as we grow older, our control over the secret blood will become weaker and weaker. These are all understandable... until I found out here."
He cut his wrist, and the hot blood fell into the ground. At the same time, burning white flames rose above it, lighting up the dim space.
Watson felt a little suffocated for a while. She looked at the place illuminated by the light. It was a land of scarlet flesh and blood, and there were countless corpses on the ground. Each of them was a witcher. Nurturing this land like nutrients, they are corroded, swallowed, and integrated.
It starts here and ends here.
"Although there is no "Apocalypse", I have also found the technology to imitate the secret blood. It is here. It is like a spare weapons depot. Perhaps the predecessors have long thought that one day the Demon Hunting Cult will be attacked. If there is an era-defining strike, this is the emergency weapons depot. Every corpse here contains holy silver, and the holy silver is wrapped with stable secret blood."
"Is this where the new order was born?" Watson asked.
"Of course, it's cruel, but at least we're still here."
To all this Seny Lothair answered very calmly.
"An extremely huge monster, [Messiah] level monster, called Leviathan..."
Watson gradually remembered the classification and records of demons in the Demon Hunting Order. She looked at the countless corpses and the endless flesh and blood under the corpses.
These are not legends, but real existence. She is in the body of a monster beyond imagination, and this monster is wrapped in a structure completely made of holy silver, just like the relationship between the silver-bound bolt and the secret blood. , and in these long years, it is still growing...
Watson was a little afraid to continue thinking. She thought that after obtaining the power Gabriel and obtaining [Sublimation], she had come into contact with the [Truth], but compared with what she saw now, she was still too small. .
"What's more, have you ever thought about how long human beings have existed? 016."
Seni Lothair dragged the chain and continued to move forward.He was very happy. He had kept these secrets in his heart for so long, and it felt good to be able to share them now.
Watson did not respond, and she felt that her thoughts had froze under the continuous information.
Here is the end of hell.
"Hundreds of years? Thousands of years? Tens of thousands of years? If human history is really that long, then why are there no records about that past era?"
He continued to ask questions.
"016, haven't you ever wondered where those super-modern technologies come from? For example, the bolt that binds silver! For example, the net of the heart!"
"The age of origin, the age of darkness, the age of silver...the age of gold."
Watson whispered an idea that Lorenzo Medici had proposed, and his ideas coincided with those of Seigne Lothair.
Yes, in times farther back, times no one remembers.
"This is a barrier made of holy silver, but what exactly is it protecting? 016."
Seni Lothair murmured.
"It blocks the progress of the Silent Ones. In other words, when it was originally designed, it was responsible for protecting something from being destroyed by the Silent Ones. And you also know that those monsters are driven by [the truth] and destroy everything that dares to cross the [border] ] things.”
"What the barrier protects is [the truth]."
Watson replied, and in a daze she felt that she had thought everything through.
"You know? 016, I have always felt that I should be written into the history books of the Evangelical Church. I will be the greatest pope and the king of kings."
Seine Lothair suddenly boasted for some reason. He was so arrogant and powerful.
"I confirmed the existence of that era. In that era when people had forgotten it, I confirmed its existence."
There was a hint of madness in the words, and under the firelight, the face of the corpse looked like a devil carved on the wall of the well.
"Do you still remember [Baptism of the Gods]? 016."
he asked suddenly.
"Aren't you curious about that magnificent and fantasy world?"
"Have you never thought about the connection between that world and our world?"
"After you mastered the power of Gabriel, haven't you realized the essence of [Baptism of God's Favor]?"
Continuous words hit Watson. She thought she was the person closest to the truth, but in front of Seine Lothair, she was like a toddler. No one could have imagined that in the past years , what exactly did this demon-like guy in front of me pay?
Watson thought.
In an instant, it seemed that another door opened to her, and it seemed that the heavy curtain was torn off by someone, and she saw the [truth] of the [baptism of gods].
"Yeah...Is that so? Every demon hunter comes into contact with the [Gap] for the first time..."
The pupils gradually frightened, the connection between the demon hunter and the "temple of stasis" is not only in blood, but they have come to the "temple of stasis" at the very beginning, or "temple of stasis" "Clearance】.
This is the essence of [God’s Baptism].
In that ancient ritual, the demon hunter's will was connected with the huge demon at his feet. The so-called network connecting the heart actually entered the [gap] of this demon.
Those magnificent and fantasy worlds, those things seen and heard, everything is the memory of this monster.
It has witnessed that unknown era.
"This is the meaning of the existence of this barrier. It is protecting this monster... protecting the past that this monster remembers."
Seni Lothar gazed tenderly at this land of flesh and blood.
"That magnificent and fantasy world is that unknown era. This is our past, our former glory, so what happened? Will everything become like this?"
He smiled.
"Aren't you curious?"
"So...is this where my value lies? You want me [Gap] to invade this monster, called Leviathan, to find [the truth] from that ancient memory."
Watson couldn't help but clenched the blade of the sword. This was Seine Lothair's purpose. He wanted to use himself to spy on the [truth], but this was also what Watson wanted to do. For a while, she couldn't even find anything. Reason for rejection.
After so much sacrifice and so many deaths, the [truth] of this world is right in front of us.
"Do not……"
Seni Lothair contained his ecstasy, knowing that this was not the time yet.
"The risk of doing this is too great. This is an extremely perfect barrier. After so many years, it is still protecting [the truth]. Maybe there are some defenses inside it that we don't know yet.
016, your power is very precious. Once something unexpected happens, it will only make us say goodbye to [the truth]. Rather than doing those risky things, it is better to try it with him first. "
Seine Lothair stepped aside, and then Watson noticed a corpse kneeling in front of him. No... that was not a corpse. The withered chest was still rising and falling slightly, in this hell. At the end of the world, there are still people alive.
Watson saw the man's face clearly. Perhaps the information she learned today was too shocking. Watson's mood at the moment did not fluctuate at all. She also felt that this guy's appearance here was in line with the development of the situation.
"Then I will trouble you, 016."
Seny Lothair grabbed the old pope's head, opened his eyelids with his fingers, and forced him to look at Watson.
"Please invade his [gap]."
"No...no! You can't do this!"
The old pope seemed to realize what was going to happen. He cried bitterly and made a whimpering sound. He wanted to stop it all, but he couldn't do anything.
In front of his eyes, Watson and Seine Lothair had completely transformed into devils. They were driven by their bewildering curiosity and headed towards the secret that should not be remembered.
"No, you don't understand what happened at all. You don't know what we are facing at all!"
The burning fire engulfed the old pope. Watson had already approached him, his eyes burning brightly. No one would stop in front of this temptation.
"Kill me! It's time for you to show up!"
The old Pope collapsed and shouted, but this time he was not talking to the two of them, he was calling for something.
Therefore, countless eyes in the darkness of nothingness slowly opened, and they saw all this. Someone crossed the [border], and they tried to stop it, but the barrier of holy silver stopped their progress.
[An exception occurred in the Requiem program. 】
【Abnormal. 】
【abnormal. 】
After repeated attempts, the Silent Ones whispered mechanically. They looked at each other in the void, and finally spoke in unison.
[Needs to be corrected. 】
[Confirm correction. 】
The will of nothingness dissipated, and the lively heartbeat sounded deeper in the depths, breaking the silence that lasted for thousands of years. The life born in it let out bursts of children's sobs, like whispering in a dream, it whispered.
【For the survival of mankind. 】
(End of this chapter)

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