Embers of Embers

Chapter 430 Choice

Chapter 430 Choice
At the end of the night, people lighting lamps walked out of their warm rooms and walked on the empty streets, extinguishing the burning flames one after another.
The light did not fade as expected, on the contrary, after each flame was extinguished, it was replaced by a more powerful light. At the end of the sea level, the scorching sun stretched out its tentacles, slowly covering the Everywhere in the city, and with its arrival, the whole city is gradually waking up.
Lorenzo glanced at the city under the morning light from the gap in the window. Although it was not as steamy as the old Dunling, it still had its own style. Many people lived in it and lived for tomorrow.
The sun pierced the gloom and shone on the moss on the river bank, glowing with gleaming green. People were busy on the pier, and with the melodious sound of whistles, countless ships docked and left.
"How long are we going to stay like this?"
The curtains in the room were tightly closed, and although it was already early morning, the place was still dark.
Among them, Lorenzo was sitting on the sofa in the center, his cello case was placed on the small table in front of him, and inside the case were those extremely dangerous weapons.
"It's coming soon, didn't you say so? The Orthodox Church will have a big move in the near future, which is the ascension of the Pope. They won't let us wait too long."
Lorenzo said and pulled out a weapon from the suitcase, which was his staff sword. After being damaged several times, like Winchester, Lorenzo commissioned a craftsman to recast it.
Hercule, who was sitting aside, touched Poirot and watched Lorenzo repeat this action countless times. The guy in front of him kept choosing weapons. It seemed that Lorenzo really paid attention to what was coming next. After making a choice, he still picked up the sword.
"As I said before? Assassinate the Pope and rescue Ivar at the same time?"
Hercule asked directly as they were alone in the living room.
"Well, there are too many variables in this operation. The two operations must be arranged together as much as possible, so that even if an accident occurs, I can arrive in time to remedy the situation."
Lorenzo said as he pulled out the staff sword and took off the wooden shell. The inside of the sword was also made of cypress, and the cold light was dazzling.
Although there is no specific action date yet, as time goes by, everyone can't help but become nervous. Even Eve went out in the early morning to check the gas lamps, and she will be back soon after counting the time.
Lorenzo put the cane sword aside. When he took the final action, it was inevitable that some infiltration would be required. Judging from Lorenzo's previous work experience, the cane sword was the most difficult to detect. He decided to bring this weapon with him. Be around.
"Well, I hope the time can be staggered with the orchestra's performance. I really want to see the performance. After all, the grand theater looks very good."
Hercule walked around the Yega Theater a few times, and he quite liked that place.
"Do you really think of it as a trip?" Lorenzo asked.
"Don't be nervous, just relax."
Hercule picked up the water glass on the side and took a sip before asking again.
"Have you decided to trust that woman?"
Lorenzo glanced at Irene's room, then nodded, "She can't deceive me this time."
Listening to Lorenzo's very sure tone, Hercule couldn't say anything. The conversation became very depressing. Hercule wanted to say something bad to relieve it, but unfortunately he didn't have such talent. He hesitated. After a long time, he said slowly.
"I heard from Haybold that the clipper will also arrive today. Can I go take a look later?"
"Go ahead. After all, you said you will be responsible for taking care of it...but are you sure you won't get seasick?"
Lorenzo followed Hercule's words to make the atmosphere less awkward.
"Don't worry about this, I'm not a useless person."
Hercule said, but after he finished speaking, the atmosphere fell into that weird calm. Lorenzo repeated mechanically, constantly arranging his weapons, like a soldier preparing for war.
"Is that Lawrence that scary?"
Hercule couldn't help but ask.
When he heard that familiar melody and vaguely guessed who the enemy was, Lorenzo seemed to have changed into a different person, or in other words, he had shed his ordinary disguise and returned to his original appearance.
A cold-blooded, decisive and cruel demon hunter.
"Maybe, I don't know. That guy is very mysterious. I thought I killed him, but he came back again... How many times has he come back from the dead? Sometimes I think that guy is immortal. , even if you cut him into pieces, he will come back under a silent night."
Lorenzo stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Hercule, who showed an unattractive smile.
"But don't worry, Hercule. If I can kill him once, I can kill him a second time. You know, nothing is unkillable."
"Is there nothing...that can't be killed?"
Hercule looked at Lorenzo worriedly, and he didn't know what to say.
He looked between the gaps in the curtains and into the bright world.
Maybe he should think of something good. With this thought, Hercule opened the drawer and remembered that that thing was placed here.
It's a stack of tickets, tickets for the band's performance.
Although the identity of the group was traveling musicians, in order to deal with possible situations, everyone was fully prepared. Hercule asked Captain Lennet for some tickets for the performance. If it weren't for the so-called Lawrence , Hercule was really ready to go to the show.
I looked at the time, it was the evening the day after tomorrow.
"If the time can be staggered, we might still have time to take a look."
Hercule said to the ticket.
The door opened, and a few rays of light appeared in the dim living room. Kestrel walked out with a tired look on his face. His upper body was bare and covered with bandages. One hand was clamped by a wooden board, and his movements were restricted.
"Good morning!"
He glanced at the two of them, slowly took a glass of water for himself, walked to the dining table, looked at the empty table and asked Lorenzo.
"How about breakfast?"
Kestrel remembers that this hotel serves breakfast.
The atmosphere fell into an awkward calm. Fortunately, the calm did not last long. Lorenzo sighed helplessly.
"You call and let them deliver it."
As if nothing had happened before, Kestrel gave the impression that he was really traveling. He picked up the phone and started talking, and then looked back halfway through.
"Want to bring you one?"
Kestrel looked at Lorenzo and Hercule.
"Give me one!"
Hercule raised his hand and expressed cheerfully.
After putting down the phone, there was the sound of movement outside the door. Under Nordero's arrangement, Lorenzo and his party's residences were isolated from ordinary people. Except for them, few people would come close to it.
Before he could be alert, Kestrel looked over suspiciously, as if he hadn't woken up.
"Delivering so fast?"
Lorenzo looked wary, but Hercule had not yet realized what was going on.
Before he finished speaking, there was a strange sound behind the door.
"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"
Lorenzo was stunned for a moment, not only him, but also the kestrel who was about to open the door. Then he realized that this was not a trip, but a fatal action. He looked nervously at Lorenzo behind him. , seeking instructions from Lorenzo.
"Pagoda Town River Demon!"
At this time, Hercule on the other side got sick and shouted. Then under the doubtful eyes of everyone, he ran over and opened the door.
"What are you doing?" Lorenzo was completely confused by these two stupid words.
"Secret signal! Secret signal! We are in such a critical situation here, there must be a secret code to identify friends and foes when entering and exiting!"
Hercule explained to Lorenzo.
"Don't worry, this is a code from Jiuxia. Although I don't know the specific meaning, there must be very few people who know it!"
The door was pushed open directly, and a familiar figure was standing at the door. Eve jumped in. She was panting and carrying a lot of things in her hands.
"It's so tiring after stepping on the spot."
Eve had no idea about the weird atmosphere in the room just now. She strolled and placed the bag on the dining table, which was filled with fragrance.
"I brought some bread back, would you like some?"
She said and took out the warm bread.
"Give me some."
Kestrel walked over and caught the bread with one hand.
Everyone was enjoying themselves and seemed quite happy, but Eve didn't look very happy. After breaking the bread for Kestrel, she walked over to Lorenzo.
"what happened?"
Lorenzo also saw Eve's uneasiness and didn't know what the girl encountered when she went out to visit.
Eve didn't say anything, but took out a folded flyer from her pocket.
"You really should come with me to check out the new flyers of the Orthodox Church. Those guys have been spreading these things since early in the morning. They are scattered all over the street, like it's snowing."
Opening the folded flyer, Lorenzo looked at the content, then he threw the flyer aside and took a deep breath.
This was a somewhat strange scene. Lorenzo raised his head, stretched out his hand and grasped the staff and sword tightly, using all his power to feel every inch of the texture. After a long time, a real smile appeared on his suppressed face.
Finally, the last uncertain factor was confirmed.
"Get the others up," Lorenzo said.
Open the curtains to let the light into the dark room. In the messy living room, everyone gathers together, each with his or her own agenda.
Eve, Hercule, Kestrel, Highbould, Irene... and that damn big rat.
Now that the team is all in place, the situation seems a bit funny and ridiculous.
"The date of the Pope's accession to the throne has been determined. It will be the day after tomorrow, at the same time as Lennet's orchestra performs." Lorenzo said.
After hearing this, Hercule said with some hindsight.
"Yes, then the band will attract a group of upper-class people in society, and it may directly facilitate their preaching and expand their influence."
"Maybe, who knows this?"
Lorenzo said and looked at Hebold.
"Do you know what to do?"
"The letter has been prepared. There is only one time left. Now that the time is determined, I will contact the Iron Law Bureau to exchange the hostages." Haibold said.
"Then the situation is clear, just do as I say."
Lorenzo felt relieved.
"What about the details? Aren't you going to explain the details of some actions?" Heybold asked.
"I say, do as I say, Highbould."
Lorenzo replied forcefully, no one could figure out what was going on in his mind.
No... maybe someone knows what he's thinking.
Thinking like this, Haybold's peripheral vision fell on Irene. He was very sure that something must have happened during the previous conversation between the two.
Seeing this, Hebold couldn't say anything. The wheels had started turning, and there was no turning back now.
"Soon, this place will be covered in flames of war. Maybe this place will become a turning point in history... an opportunity to end the war, or it may be the beginning of the war."
Haybold got dressed early in the morning, and his style of clothing was similar to that of the residents of Maluri. He was very good at disguising himself. If Lorenzo hadn't already known his identity, it would have been hard for Lorenzo to think that this guy could be a victor. People from Beijing.
"Are you ready, then, Hibold?"
Lorenzo stood up and leaned against the window, half of his face illuminated by the sun.
"Ready for what?"
Haybold was a little confused as to what Lorenzo was asking.
"Choice, are you ready to make a choice?"
Lorenzo smiled, but the smile was so stiff, like a mask covering his face.
(End of this chapter)

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