Chapter 432
From sunset to moonrise, time passes quickly and fleetingly.
The seagulls outside the window flew freely and settled on the railings. Smelling the lingering fishy smell, Hu Ao climbed up from the dirty bed. He sat on the bed and stared blankly for a long time until he saw the fish beside the bed. In one corner, there is a set of neatly arranged clothes.
Those were the clothes Hu Ao rented from the clothing store yesterday. For it, Hu Ao pledged half a month's salary. He reached out and picked up the clothes. This set of clothes was clean and handsome. Thinking about it carefully, he had never touched it in his life. He couldn't imagine himself wearing this piece of clothing.
For some reason, a silly smile appeared on his face. Hu Ao smiled for a while and carefully put on his clothes, as if he was wearing a layer of human skin that did not belong to him. At this moment, Hu Ao became another person, and The sailor's temperament has also changed. It seems that these clothes are magical and can essentially change a person's appearance. The fishy smell is no longer replaced by joy and confidence.
Today is a special day. After confirming to join the Orthodox Church, Liya notified him of the Pope's enthronement during yesterday's Holy Communion. Just this evening, Huao wanted to take this matter seriously.
After getting dressed, Huo walked out of the shaky cabin and left the pier regardless of the strange eyes of other sailors.
This time he straightened his chest, as if something was supporting him. He was no longer the humble guy.
Soon he arrived at the location of the enthronement ceremony. Although it was not yet noon, high platforms and ladders had been set up in the theater square, and many believers were wandering around. Everyone looked very excited and looked forward to the moment when the Pope enthroned.
Someone was calling himself, turning his head to follow the direction of the voice, Huo saw the girl bathing in the sun.
Liya was still full of energy, and ran over bouncing all the way, before Hu Ao said anything, she said mysteriously.
"follow me!"
"what happened?"
"Come with me and you'll know."
Huao didn't know what the girl was going to do, but out of trust, he followed Liya forward and walked through the crowd.
The ceremony was so loud that pedestrians in the distance couldn't help but look here when passing by. A group of believers in robes had gathered inside the theater square. They were sitting there on their knees, praying in low voices, and A pious look.
Looking at all this, Huao has a very strange feeling. The devout believers and the noisy downtown are only one street apart, but they are like two worlds.
Hu Ao continued to follow Liya, but as he moved forward, he looked randomly and glanced at the nearby area. He saw a group of people surrounding her, seeming to be yelling and cursing something.
"what are they doing"
Huao asked in a low voice to Liya.
Liya looked at that position, her little face full of joy froze, she looked very unhappy.
"It's the people who are members of the evangelical church."
"Them? What happened to them?" Hu Ao didn't understand.
"You also know that most people in Gaulnaluo believe in the Gospel Church. Many of them don't like our Orthodox Church. We also know this. The previous sacrament meetings were held in the dark, but this time the church Zong Denggi couldn’t do this, and this was noticed by them.”
Liya said and quickened her pace. Judging from the direction she was walking, she was going to the Yega Theater on the other side of the theater square.
"Some people have been making trouble since early in the morning. They called us heretics. Fortunately, there are mounted police to maintain order. For the time being, it's just a fight. But I'm afraid there will be some violent conflicts during the ceremony."
Riya was filled with worry.
"What's going on? Why are they so angry?"
Hu Ao obviously didn't understand this so-called conflict of beliefs. He just felt that he didn't hinder the other party. Why would the other party be angry and why would he come here to cause trouble?
"I don't know. Those big guys say this is a conflict of faith. Their gods hate our gods... But who knows such a thing? Come with me."
Liya has returned to her lively look, probably because she is young and full of energy. This feeling of loss hardly bothers her.
Hu Ao didn't know what Liya was going to do, but he followed her until he entered the Yega Theater.
Hu Ao was instantly shocked by the magnificent theater. There were many stone pillars reaching the sky. He felt his mouth was a little dry for a while. Coming to such a gorgeous place made him feel uncomfortable.
"This used to be a church, but it was converted into a theater. Today there is a performance from the Inverg Royal Orchestra here."
Liya introduced Huao. It seemed that this girl was wandering around here a lot, just like a tour guide.
“But its transformation is not comprehensive.”
She said and pointed upward.
"On the second floor of the theater, the original church building is still maintained. There is a worship room there, and the Pope is waiting for us there."
"The worship room?"
Hu Ao raised his head as he spoke, looking up at the dome with the murals carved on it, and then he thought about it belatedly.
"Wait, Pope?"
"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope, he said he needs some manpower."
Liya smiled, then pulled Huao forward.
Yega Theater, Worship Room.
Miguel sat on a chair, with the attendants dressing him up. He looked at his old self in the mirror. When he thought that in a few hours he would put on the sacred crown and become the pope, his withered face couldn't help but tremble. Pull out a smile.
The worship room on the second floor is very large, and there is more than just this room. They are all over the Yega Theater. At that time, people were originally planning to renovate it into a theater facility, but because of the persistence of the believers of the Evangelical Church, it was abandoned. It was left as a historical souvenir, but no one could have imagined that it would be occupied by the Orthodox Church many years later.
"Why is Corey here?"
Miguel sat upright and asked in a deep voice.
"He? It has something to do with the alliance of the Viking countries. Those guys set up the hostage exchange here."
The metal buzzed, and Miguel looked at the mirror in front of him. Not only was he reflected in it, but Lawrence was standing in the shadows, wearing a dark mask.
"Don't worry, he won't affect us. You will be your pope and he will negotiate with the Viking countries."
Lawrence added.
Although he heard what Lawrence said, Miguel was still a little uneasy. To be honest, looking at Lawrence's cold and ruthless iron face, he doubted himself many times.
Although various information proves that the Lawrence in front of him is indeed the real thing, Miguel has never seen the true face under the mask. From time to time, he will realize that he is still facing the familiar Lawrence... Or could it be that the Lawrence in front of him was disguised by a monster with Lawrence's memory and voice.
Miguel forced himself to look away from the dark mask. Today was a good day, a good day when he would have power. There was no need to think about those bad things.
"I still can't believe it. You are so willing to let me become the pope?"
Miguel asked again. His development in Gaul Naluo had not been smooth until Lawrence joined and everything changed. He brought unparalleled force. With the blessing of "Revelation", he was named A choir of monsters appears.
Everything went smoothly until today.
"Otherwise? We pursue different things. Things like power have no allure for me. All I care about is the future of this world."
Lawrence said as he stepped out of the shadows, and the attendants moved out of the way.
"There is no conflict between us... at least for the time being. You take what you want, and I take what I want. This cooperation is very good, isn't it?"
His hands were placed on Miguel's shoulders. Even though they were separated by clothes, Miguel could still feel the coldness from those hands, as if what he was touching was not a living person, but a corpse that had been cold for a long time.
"hope so."
Miguel replied.
There was a knock on the door, and Lawrence turned around, only to see Liya pushing the door half open, sticking her head in, and calling out affectionately after seeing Lawrence, "Prince!"
"I brought people here, we two should be fine!"
Liya said as she pulled Huo over.
Hu Ao was completely stunned. He had no knowledge, but from the attire of these people in front of him, he could really feel their extraordinary status. He felt as if his throat was blocked and he couldn't make any sound. .
"You're finally here, and here's your nameplate."
After seeing Liya, Lawrence laughed under his mask, and he handed Liya a nameplate.
"And then like I said, it's time for you to lead the singing."
"my pleasure!"
Liya felt very honored by the task assigned to her by Lawrence.
Miguel in front of the mirror was a little confused. He didn't know what the lead singer meant.
“I contacted the band that was playing that evening and I commissioned them to help us with the hymns at the show and I needed some kids to be the cantors.”
Lawrence explained.
"You didn't tell me this." Miguel's expression changed slightly, he didn't know these things.
"I thought you only cared about the ceremony of putting on the crown. Didn't I always take care of the rest?"
Lawrence turned his head and stared at the mirror, obviously unable to see Lawrence's eyes, but Miguel could always feel the disturbing gaze.
"All right."
Miguel didn't say anything else, but he still held onto Lawrence from the corner of his eyes.
Lawrence is very powerful, so powerful that he easily solved the problem that Miguel has been worrying about for a long time. Because he is too powerful, Miguel always feels that he can't control Lawrence... No, he can't control Lawrence at all, even though he is about to ascend the throne. Become the pope, but Miguel sometimes feels like he is just a toy of Lawrence, a crowned puppet.
He doesn't like it.
"You must be Huao, I always hear Liya talking about you."
Lawrence said, his eyes focused on Hu Ao again. It was the first time that such a big man looked at him. Hu Ao had an indescribable feeling. He could only nod stiffly.
"You... hello."
"Don't be nervous, we are all God's children and brothers."
Lawrence patted Huao's shoulder.
"I have chosen many children to lead the singing, but I am afraid that there may be riots or something, so I would like you to protect them."
"Okay... okay."
Hu Ao was completely stunned. He suddenly felt that his whole body was trembling, not out of fear, but in excitement.
An inexplicable sense of recognition.
When he came back to his senses, he had been taken out of the worship room by Liya. There were many rooms nearby, some of which were prepared for them. Liya had to prepare for the grand ceremony.
She was talking about how she got this job, and Liya said that she was noticed by Lawrence when she was humming a hymn last time. She talked a lot more, but Huao couldn't even listen to it.
"We are... children of God, brothers."
Hu Ao just repeated these words. He looked at Liya, and then looked out the window at the people praying in low voices in the distant square. This was a strong sense of belonging, and he even wanted to shout loudly with joy. .
In the messy living room, Lorenzo had put on his performance attire, holding a cane in one hand and holding a cello case in the other. In front of him, all the members were also ready, wearing the clothes given by Lennet. Gifts, holding instruments one after another that I don’t know how to use.
There were still a few hours before the operation started. This was the last calm before the storm, but everyone acted as if nothing had happened.
Eve was trying the violin, Haybold was reading the chivalric novel, Irene was looking at the scenery outside the window, the kestrel was tapping the triangle boredly, and Hercule was trying to convince Poirot to let him stay where he was. In your arms, don’t run around.
"So are you all ready?"
Looking at everyone who is not nervous, Lorenzo spoke.
The response was not a voice, but a look. Everyone seemed not afraid of death, and they all looked eager to try. After all, such exciting work does not happen every day.
"Then it's time for us to go."
Lorenzo stood up and carried the heavy cello case. Different from the apparent ease, he was somewhat under pressure. He was the most powerful being here. Lorenzo did not want anyone to die in this operation. He wanted to try to protect everyone. people.
"Then just like I said, follow my command. If I tell you to evacuate, you must evacuate immediately. Do you understand?"
Walking to the door, Lorenzo warned again.
Everyone nodded, and everyone looked very obedient, but Lorenzo had encountered many people who accepted the advice humbly and refused to repent. He only hoped that these guys would really listen.
Just as he was about to push the door open, the door was pushed open with force. The situation reversed so quickly that Lorenzo was so frightened that he almost pulled out his staff and sword and slashed the opponent.
Fortunately, it's not the enemy, it's Lennet.
I saw that Lennet had already put on the performance attire and still held the baton in his hand. He looked at Lorenzo with excitement and said.
"Come on, we've been waiting for you for a long time!"
"Wait... what?"
Lorenzo didn't know what this guy was talking about, Lennet didn't know the inside story of the incident, and he didn't know that the beginning and end of the war were today. He was just a stinky musician who was unfortunately captured by these insidious and cunning people. Guy took advantage.
So said Rennet cheerfully.
"Let's take a group photo!"
(End of this chapter)

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