Embers of Embers

Chapter 433 Offerings

Chapter 433 Offerings
There were still a few hours before the action started, and for Lennet, it was also a few hours before his performance started. The guy's face was slightly red, and his whole person showed a kind of excitement.
He looked at Lorenzo and the others. Although these guys didn't say much, Lennet could feel a deep seriousness from them.
Indeed, it was time to be more serious. The fate of the two countries would be decided by them in a while. It was very stressful no matter how much they thought about it. Under Lennet's understanding, he considered these manifestations to be strange things.
“As expected, everyone loves music!”
Lennet held Lorenzo's hand excitedly. It seemed to him that the rich man who funded him really loved music. After knowing that the performance was about to start, he was as excited and serious as himself.
Lorenzo, on the other hand, has no idea what the whims of Lennet's mind are. If he knew, he would probably think that Lennet was a bit of a lunatic.
Looking towards the lobby, the hotel lobby is now full of band members. Everyone is wearing serious clothes and checking their instruments. Outside the hotel door, rows of carriages are ready, waiting for everyone to set off.
"Okay! Everyone smile!"
The photographer's voice sounded, followed by a dazzling flash of light, and the clicking sound ended.
Group photos had already started in the hall, and the band members were photographed by photographers, Lennett explained.
"The other members have already finished taking photos, it's just you who are left."
He wanted to take a photo with Lorenzo and others.
"No, that's too polite."
Lorenzo tried to politely refuse him. Although there was no explicit prohibition, he also knew this. If possible, it is best not to leave any photos of people like Lorenzo. Just like urban legends, just listen to them. Leave no real evidence behind.
Lorenzo smiled falsely.
Thinking about it carefully, the identities of each member in this improvised team are extremely special, such as the high-ranking knight of the purification agency, the heir of the Phoenix family, the envoy of the Viking kingdoms, and the mysterious rat king As well as its breeder, and Irene who was being hunted by the Iron Law Bureau.
This posture... I feel like this photo would be worth a lot of money if it were really taken.
"Oh oh oh, I know, I understand!"
Lennet croaked like a rooster, and while crowing, he peeked at the people behind Lorenzo. Then he grabbed Lorenzo, apparently trying to pull him aside.
A funny scene occurs. Lennet tries to pull Lorenzo, but Lorenzo is as calm and unmoved as a stone statue.
Lorenzo looked at Lennet quizzically.
"I said, I know that rich people like you are like this and don't want your image to be exposed."
Lennet didn't care why Lorenzo was so calm and whispered directly into his ear.
Lorenzo's heart was filled with complicated emotions. The more this guy guessed, the more he went off topic.
"But don't worry, I'm very tight-lipped. If you're worried, it's okay to just take a photo with a few of us."
Lennett said.
"No..." Lorenzo wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Lennet.
"Come on, Mr. Holmes."
Lennet said seriously.
"Think about it, there are not many opportunities like this, um... at least for me, at least it is a souvenir, right, this performance can be regarded as the realization of my dream, a witness like you must be there. "
After listening to his words, the determined Lorenzo suddenly hesitated. He did not answer first, but turned his head slightly and looked at this strange team.
Eve was playing with Kestrel's triangle, and Kestrel looked disobedient. Hercule was still educating Poirot. Judging from his angry attitude, he was preparing to complete Poirot's third generation. Haybold and Ai Lin looked at each other coldly from time to time. The grudge between the two could not be resolved by these few things...
They had not met each other for a long time, and they had never understood each other so deeply before. But now, in a few hours, they were about to carry out that difficult action.
To be honest, for a moment Lorenzo thought of his past, on that Advent night.
Many people have died. As time goes by, Lorenzo gradually cannot remember their faces. Perhaps human memory is indeed not very reliable. Steel will be corroded and turned into dust, and mortal bodies will eventually It will age and turn into dry bones.
Now Lorenzo was a little panicked and worried.
Based on the current intelligence, Lorenzo is very clear about the danger of the next operation. The Choir, the Iron Law Bureau, Lawrence... maybe this operation will have someone staying in Gaulonaro forever.
So who will it be?
A face flashed before his eyes, and no matter who it was, Lorenzo couldn't accept it.
Emotion is a human weakness, which can make people hesitate and become overwhelmed, but it also makes people become more like a human being, more like a living person, rather than a cold weapon.
"Keep it as a souvenir, Mr. Holmes."
Rennet winked.
Lorenzo looked ahead blankly, and after a while he nodded.
"Then, everyone, stand tighter."
There were a few scattered people standing on the steps of the hall. Due to Lorenzo's request, he was not able to take a photo with the orchestra members in the end. Instead, only Lennet joined to satisfy his strange psychology. .
"So what's going on? Lorenzo."
Eve asked in a low voice from the side. She stood next to Lorenzo, already ready to fight and kill, but suddenly it became like a tourist souvenir.
"As a souvenir or something, that's what Lennet said anyway." Lorenzo replied.
"Isn't this against the regulations?" Kestrel said softly, "I remember the purification agency has regulations..."
"Don't worry about that. It's a rare occasion. Maybe this is the last time you take pictures?"
Irene put one hand on Kestrel's body, pretending to be friendly, Kestrel couldn't figure out what this guy was thinking at all, he wanted to explode, but felt that breaking this rare harmonious atmosphere Some are not good, so I can only suffer helplessly.
"leave me alone!"
Kestrel pushed Irene with one hand that could only move, and Irene smiled as if teasing a well-behaved woman.
"Hey, is the moon shy?"
Haybold looked forward, as if this short-term joy had nothing to do with him, he asked.
"What do you want to do? Lorenzo."
"As a souvenir, that's all, it's rare to go abroad! Regardless of our success or failure in the next thing, I'm afraid we will never have the opportunity to come to Gaulnaro again in many years, will we?"
Lorenzo answered, then he stretched out his hand and held down Kestrel and Irene who were standing on the step in front of him.
"Everyone, be quiet."
The boss had spoken, and the two of them became silent, but judging from the look in Kestrel's eyes, he was still very annoyed.
"Okay, everyone, I'm here."
After Lennet communicated with the photographer, he ran over all the way. Essentially speaking, this time he was not just taking pictures, but more to get closer to Lorenzo. After all, an artist is still more or less He needs financial support from wealthy people, but with Lorenzo's help, maybe he can bring the show to the Viking countries.
"Okay, smile."
The photographer shouted, and with a click, the somewhat awful smiles of several people froze.
Then comes the end.
The carriage was ready and was ready to go. Eve and the others carried the piano box with weapons into the carriage, leaving only Lorenzo and Irene staying where they were for some reason.
"I've always wanted to take a photo with Ivar, but you also know that we are special and cannot do these things."
Erin looked at the busy people and said slowly.
"And then slowly, over time, I was afraid that I would forget what he looked like."
Erin asked, turning her head to look at Lorenzo with some confusion.
"You shouldn't be someone who likes to take souvenirs, right? Why?"
She had seen everything about Lorenzo and knew exactly what kind of person he was. He deliberately avoided the entanglement of emotions and maintained his indifferent mind as much as possible.
"Instead of being afraid of losing, it's better to refuse to accept it in the first place."
Irene put her hands on Lorenzo's shoulders. She wanted to raise her head higher and touch Lorenzo's head, but due to the injury, she could only raise it to this height, just like a good brother.
"Think about it, you are more pitiful than me, so how should you face them? Accept them? Or reject them?"
Erin meant something.
Lorenzo thought for a while, but he did not answer Irene's question, but talked about something else.
"I'm just afraid of forgetting what they look like. As you know, human memory is not reliable."
His expression was a bit hesitant and sad.
"I'm scared, Eileen, this is like Advent. It's a sinful ritual. In order to appease the rage, people are needed as sacrifices...This time is also a ritual, a ritual to prevent war, a ritual. It requires sacrifices, human sacrifices.”
Lorenzo clenched his fists involuntarily, his knuckles turning white and his nails digging deep into his skin.
"I don't know what will happen. I'm very powerful, but I can't protect everyone... Maybe someone will stay here forever, maybe you, maybe me, or maybe the guy who keeps shouting for good luck. "
"I don't want that, I don't want anybody to die."
Lorenzo began to understand Arthur's feelings, and Lorenzo Medici. Perhaps a wrong decision would ruin many people, and they had no time to repent, so they could only bite their sins and move on.
"You can escape."
"But there are some things that someone has to do."
Hearing this, Eileen laughed, she leaned back slightly, raised her hand as high as possible, and squeezed Lorenzo's face hard.
"Then do what you can, Mr. Holmes, and save what you can..."
 One lucky viewer is randomly selected.
(End of this chapter)

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