Embers of Embers

Chapter 434 A Bright Future

Chapter 434 A Bright Future
The streets outside the hotel were filled with carriages. As people boarded the carriages, they roared past. Lorenzo and others were the last ones to set off. Unlike the Innerweg Band, they had a direct docking service from Nordero.
"Get ready to go, so before that, I will lay out an action plan."
It was not until the action was about to begin that Lorenzo revealed his plan of action. Several people stood on the street, just like chatting.
"Hercule, you go to the dock to prepare for the reception."
Lorenzo first said to Hercule. Hercule was so confident before, but Lorenzo still had some doubts about him. He didn't know whether this guy would fall off the chain at a critical moment. After all, he looked like he was on the ship before. It is there for all to see.
"Okay, I'll take it to the coast if necessary."
Hercule was confident.
Maluri is a port city. The dock only occupies a part of the coast. The location directly from the theater square to the shore is their second plan. The coast there is not yet developed because it is full of rocks and few people are active there. It is necessary If so, Hercule would sail there to pick them up, but the price would be that it was very close to the naval station and would easily attract attention.
"I just hope you don't throw up in the boat."
Lorenzo still didn't trust him very much, but he had no choice. The situation was far more complicated than he thought, and the existing manpower was simply not enough to solve the problem.
More importantly, Hercule is not suitable for fighting on the frontal battlefield. If he is allowed to pick up a weapon and fight, Eve can beat him ten times. Compared with these, this is the most suitable position for him.
"The next step is our division of labor. Haybold, Irene, and I will go to exchange hostages. Eve and Kestrel, you will be responsible for assassinating the Pope."
Lorenzo said to the others.
"We? Assassinate the Pope!"
Kestrel lowered his voice, looking in disbelief.
"Just me and her? Look at me like this."
Kestrel said and puffed up his chest, showing his bandaged arms.
After several fights between him and Irene, the old wounds were not healed but new ones were added. In fact, the kestrel no longer had very strong combat capabilities. Like Irene, there was only one left that he could still move freely. Hands on.
"Can I?"
Eve also doubted herself.
No matter how you think about such a major event as assassinating the Pope, Lorenzo should come in person. Let yourself, an intern, go with the half-mutilated Kestrel. No matter how you think about it, you trust yourself too much.
"There is only one person, Lorenzo Holmes. I can also exchange the hostages first and then assassinate the Pope, but this is too time-consuming and full of possibility of accidents."
Lorenzo comforted Eve, and he also knew that leaving this kind of thing to her was indeed a bit too stressful.
"But your task is the simplest. I have already prepared the street lamp. The explosion will cause panic. There are many believers at the enthronement ceremony. You can take advantage of this chaotic moment to assassinate."
Eve was like a student, nodding while listening to Lorenzo's words.
"In the end, the Pope is just an ordinary person. He is not a monster. As long as such a big piece of steel penetrates into his brain, he will be dead."
Lorenzo said, raising his hand and comparing the length of one finger, which was the length of a bullet.
"Mixed in the crowd, when the explosion sounded, fire at the Pope's head. This is a lacquer antimony flying knife. If you miss, you can also use this thing to blow him to death, but this thing is very strong. , maybe it will kill you."
Lorenzo said and handed Eve several lacquered antimony throwing knives. Because these things were too dangerous, Lorenzo had always carried them close to him. This was also the first time Eve came into contact with this wonderful weapon.
"Now Eve, you are the main force, and Kestrel is the facilitator. If you can solve it perfectly, you will pass this internship with full marks."
Lorenzo pretended to be relaxed, there was no need to exert any more pressure in this situation.
"It sounds like I'm the burden. I'm really sorry."
Kestrel was holding that damn triangle in his hand, and he would hit the light pole on the roadside with it from time to time.
"If you want to blame me, I blame you for being a mortal. This is my mistake. Many times I look at you on my own terms." Lorenzo knocked on Kestrel's arm. "This kind of injury is very serious for a demon hunter." , when the secret blood awakens, it may heal in a few minutes, but for a mortal, you need to cultivate for at least half a month."
"Then we, Heibald, Irene, the three of us will go to the Yega Theater, where the hostage exchange will begin."
Lorenzo said as he boarded the carriages that took them to different places.
"For specific situations, go there and follow my instructions."
"That's right! One more thing."
Lorenzo suddenly stopped the few people who were about to leave, and his eyes swept over their faces one by one.
"Remember, no matter where you are, when you hear my voice, you must follow my instructions. Do you understand?"
"Sound? We don't have a communicator here..."
Kestrel muttered something, but before he finished speaking, his voice dropped.
He felt that Lorenzo's gray-blue eyes were staring at him. The guy in front of him was not joking. He was serious as never before.
"Okay... okay."
Kestrel nodded, and the others also expressed their understanding. Seeing this, Lorenzo's cold face softened a little. He got into the car, followed by Haybold and Irene.
The scorching sun has begun to fall, and the countdown to the start of the action has begun.
The carriage swayed slightly, taking several people to different places.
The Yega Theater has become crowded. Many audiences have arrived early. They are swimming around and looking at the theater square in front of them from time to time.
In the Theater Square, there were more and more believers, and as time went by, more believers from the Evangelical Church also came here. Their words were full of insults, and they broke out several times in just a few minutes. There were conflicts, but fortunately they were all contained by the mounted police.
But beneath this calm, danger lurks.
The mounted policeman took a deep breath. He had not been this tired for a long time. He could see further than others while riding on horseback. He saw that the high platform in the theater square was full of Orthodox believers. Soon the Pope would step on it. Go up to the high platform, speak before the eyes of the believers, and wear the crown.
He felt very uncomfortable. The mounted policeman was also a believer in the Evangelical Church, but due to work requirements, he was now here to maintain order. Although the conflict became increasingly fierce, the horse under his crotch had been blindfolded.
The sound of horse hooves sounded, and more mounted policemen were mobilized. Although the current conflict was still within control, no one knew whether it would turn into bloodshed when the throne began.
"What's going on? Why are there so many people."
Another colleague rode up, cursing under his breath.
"What's wrong?" the trooper asked.
"There are more and more believers, whether they are Orthodox believers or evangelical church believers. Do we really have so many believers in Maluli?"
My colleagues were very puzzled. Although the faith of the Gospel Church was rooted in this land, as a port city, Maruri had a large flow of people, and the faith had declined a lot here.
But now, more and more believers are appearing, and it seems that all of a sudden everyone has faith and comes for their god.
"This is not consistent with the instructions given by the city hall. They never said the number of people would be so large..."
Colleagues were faintly worried.
Although the two were just mounted policemen, his instinctive vigilance made him feel that something was wrong. Large-scale events like this should be reported to the city hall. After that, the mounted policemen will be responsible for the order on the scene. It all started to go sideways.
It's like... it's like someone is controlling all of this, and more and more people are getting into it, in the name of believers.
No, no, it's not that bad, it's just a normal event.
He comforted himself in this way, but at this moment, yelling and cursing sounded from the side.
"Heretic! Get out of our land!"
At the edge of the theater square, the angry evangelical church believers roared, and they fought directly with the Orthodox believers on the outside. Seeing this, the mounted policeman blew his whistle and tried to stop the conflict, but before he could move forward on his horse, , a hand suddenly grabbed him.
Looking back, there was one face after another filled with enthusiasm.
The mounted policeman's heart went cold. He let go and the whistle fell. He wanted to shout something to his colleagues, but he only saw countless hands on the side covering the body of the horse like seaweed, like a drowning man. Just like people, his colleagues were also held down by countless people, and their mouths were covered. Only the frightened eyes could be seen through the gaps between their fingers, and then they disappeared into the crowd.
"Do not……"
The mounted policeman wanted to say something else, but he was pulled off his horse and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people. At the edge of the theater square, the conflict continued and intensified.
"Now, everyone's emotions are aroused."
Currie leaned against the window, overlooking the riots in Theater Square. With the help of the Iron Law Bureau, the conflict of beliefs between the two sides would soon be intensified to the maximum.
"The anger will build up little by little until a breaking point detonates it all."
Corey felt the joyful emotion he had not seen for a long time. He felt that he was within reach of his dream, and turned to look at Lawrence.
"What do you think of all this?"
"It's great, it's perfect, and it's also very interesting. I didn't expect that a guy like you who spurns faith can actually understand faith so deeply."
Lawrence walked over as he spoke, and looked down at the crowd with Currie.
Densely packed, like a colony of ants, they are fighting for their sacred beliefs, but they don’t know that their so-called beliefs are just chips on their gambling table.
Peel away the hypocritical exterior, and underneath it is nothing but bloody filth.
"We need a great victory so that Orthodox faith can expand like a tide in Gaul Nalo. This is a great ceremony. Have you decided who will be the sacrifice?" Curry asked again.
Lawrence nodded at this, and he answered slowly.
"I have planned everything. The choir has blended into the believers. Today everything is under our control. As for the sacrifice, I have also chosen it. He will be the most suitable candidate. His achievements will be recorded in the history of the Orthodox Church."
As they spoke, the two looked at each other and burst into shuddering laughter.
Outside, in the upper floor of the Yega Theater, the girls were still trying to make their voices heard. Soon they would sing and sing. Everyone seemed very happy. Liya put on the pure white clothes that she had never touched before. Skirt, she was so happy, running up and down the corridor.
Hu Ao was also in a daze. For him, the changes in the past few days had been too fast, as if the world had been turned upside down.
He had been unlucky for decades, but in the past few days, God seemed to have finally seen this poor boy and bestowed kindness on him. Everything seemed so beautiful, like a dream, I couldn't believe it.
"so good……"
Hu Ao murmured, and he began to think about whether to quit his job as a sailor. He wanted to come to the Orthodox Church and become a priest. Although he may not be very professional, he would learn. Even if he is not a priest, he can start. Starting as a volunteer, all you have to do is take care of food and take care of yourself...
Liya's white figure ran in front of him, and she felt happier than ever before.
It outlines a beautiful future, but little does anyone know that this may be the last beauty.
Lorenzo stood on the steps of Yega Theater. He looked at the crowded theater square not far away. Kestrel and Eve had already mixed into it, just waiting for the action to start.
"When do we start?" Haybold asked.
"It has already begun."
Lorenzo replied, and then walked to the interior of the theater. He did not go to the hall of the performance, but walked along the stairs on one side.
"Can't we wait for the show to start?"
Irene asked from behind. From Lorenzo's previous narration, she always thought that he took action after the performance started.
"No, the plan has changed, we have to move forward."
Lorenzo looked solemn, and he kept all the secrets in his heart.
"Eve is right. There are too many unstable factors for the two of them to assassinate the Pope, and it might trigger something bad. If I want to end it all, I can only do it faster."
Lorenzo said and suddenly stopped. He was carrying a cello case and holding a staff and sword in his hand.
"Did you do what I asked you to do?"
Upon hearing Lorenzo's question, Irene was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses and waved her arm that was wrapped in bandages.
"That's good."
Lorenzo said and looked at Hebold.
"You will be in charge of the negotiations next, I am just a personal attendant."
As he spoke, he picked up the top hat and put it on his head, lowering the brim of the hat hard, hiding his face in the darkness.
"Hold it, Erin."
After doing all this, Lorenzo put a pistol into the pocket of Irene's clothes and continued.
"When the time comes, I tell you to shoot, and you shoot, you know?"
"Who to shoot at?" Erin was a little confused.
"It's up to you to decide."
Lorenzo said as he pulled out the Winchester, walked behind Irene, then raised the muzzle of the gun and put it against Irene's head.
"Then let's go, Irene, you also said that your head is very valuable at the Iron Law Bureau."
Haybold on the side was completely stunned. He couldn't figure out what Lorenzo was doing, and his eyes were confused. However, when he looked at Lorenzo, he was almost cut by the sharp blade under Lorenzo's eyes.
"Any questions? Hybold."
"No... no."
Heibald shook his head. At this point, no matter what conspiracy Lorenzo had, he had no chance to stop. Looking at the long stairs, Heibald made up his mind and stepped forward.
(End of this chapter)

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