Embers of Embers

Chapter 435 The Prelude to the Doomsday

Chapter 435 The Prelude to the Doomsday
The dim sunlight was hidden behind heavy clouds and mist. The setting sun dyed the entire sky a fiery bright red. The light reflected on the earth, as if blood had been smeared on it. At the other end of the earth, darkness was approaching, and it seemed as if it was dark. Like a giant beast, it is eating away at human territory bit by bit.
The noise above the theater square is still constant. Under the deliberate operation of certain forces, the conflict in the edge area has become more and more intense, but more of it is the sound of pious prayers. The sounds converge into a sea tide, turning and stirring in it, Countless candles were piled around, and melted wax covered the ground like solidified blood.
The Inverg Royal Orchestra has settled into the Yega Theater, and all the audience have already taken their seats. Lennet stands on the stage, his energy has never been higher. Under the spotlight, his face is filled with uncontrollable excitement. Smile.
He saluted to the dark auditorium, then turned around and looked at his orchestra. Everyone had already found their place, but he frowned slightly. He could not find Lorenzo and others.
Lennet still remembered what he said at the time. Lorenzo was a rich man who loved music extremely, and he was willing to fund himself if he was allowed to perform together...at least to allow him to act together as a member of the orchestra and appear on the stage.
He compromised by allowing Lorenzo to pose on the stage without making any noise that would disrupt the orchestra, and a few chairs were left vacant in the corner for Lorenzo, where they were supposed to be.
Could it be that……
Lennet looked at the audience again, and the joy in his heart boiled again.
Could it be that his stubbornness and love for music impressed Lorenzo and made this rich man with a somewhat eccentric temper give up participating in the show?Then he must be looking at himself in the dark auditorium at this moment.
Thinking of this, Lennett once again bowed to the dark auditorium, and when he got up again, the temperament of his whole body changed. He was like a general, resolute and calm, and waved his baton like a Holding the flag and commanding his thousands of troops.
What follows is a slowly rising melody.
Just like an ancient thing that had been sleeping for a long time, it finally woke up today after countless years. It made a low and melodious sound, rising from the sleeping earth, driving the broken soil, overturning the dense jungle, until it covered the sky. The shadow of the sun replaced the sky.
It seemed like countless horns were playing along with it, and complex melodies overlapped together.
The depth gradually turned into a long silence, and Lennet shattered the silence after an unknown amount of time.
In an instant, a high-pitched scream broke the melodious atmosphere, cutting through everything in this primitive place like a sharp sword, and cutting everyone's eardrums hard, like the sound of a bell waking up from a dream.
It was like a signal of war. The orchestra pulled the strings hard and blew the horns. In an instant, the soldiers broke free from the shackles of the music and rushed towards them. The clanging cavalry and swords fought together.
This ancient building could not accommodate such a war, and the sound spread all the way to the theater square. The war tunes were mixed with the ocean-like prayers, and everyone in the theater square felt it.
War and faith, that cruel holiness.
Eve and Kestrel moved forward among the crowd. They put on Orthodox robes, and under the loose robes was Eve's violin case. The violin in it had been thrown away long ago, and instead there was a The rifle modified by the Perpetual Pump was disassembled and placed inside, while she looked for a suitable position to snipe the Pope.
"The show...has begun."
Kestrel suddenly stopped. He listened to the vast melody and the prayer of the tide. He couldn't help but look to the end of the world. Under the setting sun, a sense of sacredness surged in Kestrel's heart.
It was as if something was coming. Under the sacred prayer, the burning sky was like the kingdom of heaven descending. It seemed that the next moment an angel would arrive with a flaming sword to bring purification to the world.
"Then Lorenzo's action has also begun, right?"
Eve didn't pay too much attention to these, she stood on tiptoe vigorously, and she chose a position after many figures. Although it was a bit far away, it seemed that there was enough time.
She remembered Lorenzo's plan, the sound of explosions, and she would shoot the Pope in the midst of the commotion.
"Probably, I hope everything goes well."
Kestrel retracted its gaze and protected the petite Eve. They tried their best to avoid looking at others. Fortunately, these orthodox believers were very devout. Everyone lowered their heads in prayer and no one paid attention to them. .
This is the time when morning and dusk meet, day and night are under the same sky, in the gap between the days.
The lamplighter had packed up his clothes and came to the street to perform his day's work, but today's work was a bit strange. He lit the gas street lamp, but this time the fire in the street lamp was much stronger than usual...
No... This is no longer a question of whether it is violent or not. A pillar of fire burst into the sky from the pipe, and the lampshade was burned red by the flames in the blink of an eye.
The lamplighter realized something was wrong. He carefully recalled his work experience, but he had never encountered such a thing. He backed away slowly, and then he heard something.
It was a ticking sound, like something was flowing...like water droplets.
Looking down, he saw it.
At the bottom of the lamppost, black water from unknown sources slowly overflowed, carrying an ominous air of death.
Without thinking, the lamplighter turned around and ran away, shouting at the same time for the others to evacuate the place.
Corey took a deep breath. It had to be said that he was somewhat stressed at this moment. After all, he would complete two feats within this day.
He has not felt this way for a long time. As the director of the Iron Law Bureau, there are few things in this world that can arouse his emotions. Therefore, after a long time, he gradually became numb until this day came. .
Corey's heart beat hard for the first time in a long time. The sound was so loud, like a war drum, and the cold body surface became hot again, as if he had regained his youth.
Staring at the position of the door, he sat upright behind the long table, and there were several guards beside him, each of whom was equipped with a weapon.
Although Haybold's letter was very sincere, he never relaxed his vigilance against the Viking countries. Sometimes Curry himself felt that these things went too smoothly, and the smoothness made him feel uneasy.
At this time, there was a knock on the door, and along with the melody playing in the theater below, a familiar person opened the door.
"Long time no see, Corey."
Erin opened the door and saw Corey, who was once her "father", at first sight. Her emotions were a little complicated, but her face was extremely calm, as if she already knew the future, and no matter what happened, she would not Make her confused.
Curry obviously didn't expect to see Irene here. He was calm on the surface, but the hand hidden out of sight had already grasped the handle of the gun.
Erin walked into the house, and at the same time Lorenzo was revealed behind her. Only then did Curry notice that Erin was being pointed at a gun. After that, Haybold slowly walked into the room.
"Hello, Corey Ferey."
Hybold stepped forward and sat opposite Curry, while Lorenzo followed behind him like a little brother, holding Irene hostage.
"I heard that your Iron Law Bureau is hunting her. It can be regarded as a meeting gift."
Haybold said and glanced at Irene. Although he didn't know what Lorenzo's script was about, but the matter was at this point, Haybold didn't have much time to dwell on it. He looked very into the play and was chatting. And talk.
"Oh? Things are getting interesting."
Corey looked at Haybold, and his eyes wandered to Irene's face again.
His expression changed slightly, and something unexpected happened.
"I assume this is more than just a hostage exchange?"
Facing Corey's question, a disguised smile appeared on Haibold's face. He reached into his arms and took out a potion.
The crystal red liquid was slowly rolling in the glass container. It was like a ball of liquid fire, exuding hot temptation. The moment he looked directly at the potion, Corey could clearly feel his own violent heartbeat. The guards also had the same reaction, as if Heibald was holding some worldly treasure in his hands, stealing everyone's attention.
secret blood.
"We, the Viking nations, are also very curious about this power. I think we can cooperate further."
Hibold put the secret blood on the table, and the magic power it carried was still constantly interfering with the will of mortals.
Corey's eyes were a little dazed, but they soon became clear, and he smiled helplessly.
Although things have changed, it also made Curry feel more at ease. He has never believed that the Viking countries will compromise so easily. The guards and the monsters in the choir are arranged.
But now Currie believed in Haybold's sincerity.
This is what a king should do. He should not be easily threatened by others because of the life of his heirs. The only thing that can make him succumb is the desire for power.
The Viking countries also want to get the power of the secret blood. This is the real purpose of Highborder's peace talks.
"Huh? In this case, I have to think about it carefully."
Currie did not consider this aspect. In fact, the choir has always been managed by Lawrence. He just knew that this power existed.
Sometimes he also longs for the power of the secret blood, so that he can get rid of his decaying body and regain his youth. Perhaps after drinking the secret blood, Corey will have the opportunity to witness the destruction of the Evangelical Church with his own eyes.
But finally Currie gave up.
He's not sure if there really is a god in this world, but he knows one other thing...
There are demons in this world.
Secret blood is an invitation from the devil. To this day, Corey is unwilling to sell his soul to these desperate devils.
"There is no rush on this matter. After today, we have plenty of time to negotiate about the secret blood."
Haybold actively avoided the conversation.
Everything went smoothly, just like Lorenzo taught him on the road. Under this deliberate induction, Corey had been perfectly deceived, and now was what they should do.
"So, where is Ivar?"
Haybold asked.
Corey's heartbeat was a little fast. He looked at the wall on one side. Just as he was about to tell Ivar's location, he suddenly realized something and suppressed his words.
He looked at Highbold and the secret blood placed on the table with vigilance.
Corey has always been a cunning guy. As the director of the Iron Law Bureau, conspiracy and mystery are his specialties, but at that moment he felt a chill of conspiracy.
Before the deal was concluded, he almost revealed Ivar's location, which was not in line with his style.
I... was affected by the secret blood.
Corey's thoughts were racing as he looked at the guests from the Viking countries in front of him.
Did Haybold do this on purpose?Let the secret blood affect your mind?Confusing your own judgment?Or did he do it unintentionally?
Corey didn't know, but soon his eyes were caught by another person.
The man standing behind Irene with a gun to her head.
who is he?If he suddenly turned the gun on him, would he have a chance to dodge the gunfire?
no no……
How could I allow someone to meet me with a weapon, even if he was holding Irene hostage.
Suddenly Corey smelled blood in the air.
In a short period of time, Corey thought about too many things. As the emperor in the darkness, he would never trust anything, but everything that existed now broke his routine.
Corey realized it was a trap.
From the beginning, he fell into Heibald's trap. One piece of information after another disrupted his judgment. The appearance of Irene, Heibald's peace talks, and the secret blood that disturbed people's minds. The layout was planned from the beginning. I have already started, thus making myself ignore the most critical thing.
"who are you?"
Curley's eyes looked behind Haybold, and he stared at Lorenzo in the shadows.
"who are you?"
he asked again.
The cold, nameless chill wrapped around his body like a vine, running up his spine until it completely wrapped around his heart.
This is a somewhat ridiculous plan. Curry never imagined that anyone would actually dare to do this. Heibald is just a disguise. This guy who hides in the shadows and has been silent represents the will of the Viking countries.
Lorenzo thought something was wrong.
Generally speaking, Lorenzo's plan is actually perfect.
In Irene's memory, he saw Currie, a violent and suspicious person. If he acted according to the original plan, after the treaty was signed, the battle would break out. Lorenzo would tear up the treaty and take Ivar away, but In the meantime, there was no chance that Currie would realize the flaw, so Lorenzo temporarily changed the plan.
He first made the events that Curry thought were unreasonable, and then used the power of Mystic Blood to interfere with his judgment and make him ignore the small and illogical things in the event.
Lorenzo was surprised. He didn't expect to be discovered by Corey at a critical moment. Should he be said to be the director of the Iron Law Bureau?
"Your plan has failed!"
Corey's voice was filled with obvious anger, and he was a little unclear about Hebold's purpose. Was he here to rescue Ivar, or was he craving for the power of the secret blood?
But in this case, there was no need to say anything more. Curry had already realized that something was wrong. He was suspicious by nature. When he knew that his judgment was affected by the secret blood, the negotiation was over.
Lorenzo laughed, and at this damn time Lorenzo laughed heartlessly.
"No, Director Corey Ferrey, on the contrary, the plan succeeded."
Haybold and Irene had no idea what Lorenzo was going to do. He told no one about these plans, and they could only watch his impromptu performance with their mouths open.
Lorenzo pushed Irene away, and Winchester's gun was pointed directly at Corey. His movements were very graceful, like dancing.
"I'm Lorenzo Holmes!"
He didn't seem eager to shoot, as if he was waiting for something.
"The external detective of Su Yalan Hall, the friend of the old Dunling lady, the Shrike's Ironthorn, the amateur armored knight, the demon consultant of the purge agency, the last demon hunter and...
Creator of the Golden Age. "
The guards all raised their guns and pointed them at Lorenzo. As long as the trigger was pulled, the three of them would be beaten into pieces in the next second. But in such a fatal situation, Lorenzo said bad things. Lots of ridiculous titles.
And then... nothing happened.
Lorenzo held up Winchester, his expression froze, while Irene and Haybold looked at him as if he were a fool. Now their moods were shattered. They could not think of Lorenzo, who was usually reliable. He actually got sick under such circumstances.
Everyone began to doubt life, even Curry became suspicious, and his eyes on Lorenzo changed from being wary to looking at a ridiculous clown.
To be honest, facing such a lunatic enemy, Corey couldn't figure out what he wanted to do.
Lorenzo was also embarrassed by himself. It felt like you gave a passionate speech on stage but the spotlight didn't fall on you.
He smiled awkwardly and combed his hair with his hands, looking narcissistic, but unfortunately his hair couldn't stand up at all, and hung down as if he had lost his energy.
This was an extremely difficult situation, and even Lorenzo himself couldn't bear it.
The next moment a roaring shock swept the room.
For a moment, it seemed as if an invisible heavy punch hit everyone's chest. The guards were knocked over by the air waves. The glass shattered into countless light spots in an instant. The old dust peeled off the walls, and they were floating in the air. The middle and middle contrast each other and vibrate.
The air was filled with twisting and flying debris, and the dust was roaring and rolling all over the sky. The vision was obscured, and all that could be seen was chaos.
The ear-piercing explosion came late after the impact, torturing everyone's eardrums, and the reverberations of music and prayers were mixed with it, like a prelude to the end of the world.
Corey was pressed to the ground and hit by the air wave, leaving scratches on his face. He tried to get up, but when he raised his head, he saw an extremely dazzling light.
It's Jianguang.
Lorenzo was like a rock, standing firm in the sudden explosion. He held a staff sword in one hand, a Winchester in the other, and a cello case full of weapons on his back.
The previous laughter was gone, and his face was solemn.
"This is the whole picture of the plan. It is better to fight all the way than to execute it in fear."
Stepping over one guard after another who groaned in pain, Lorenzo walked towards Currie.
"To reintroduce myself, I am Lorenzo Holmes."
Curry's face was reflected on the stick sword, and the slender blade distorted his face, as if he was howling in pain.
"I'm coming to kill you, Corey Ferry"
(End of this chapter)

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