Embers of Embers

Chapter 436 The dark roar

Chapter 436 The dark roar
Raging flames rose from the streets of the city. The gas pipes were detonated by paint antimony. The pressurized gas surged out from the pipes and ignited into a raging pillar of fire. As the explosion destroyed the pillar of fire, it burned bigger and bigger, as if there was something there. The violent red dragon breathed its heart out on this street.
People roared in terror, but little did they know that this was just the beginning of the end. Broken soil fell into the gap opened by the explosion, and a second explosion rose up under the accumulation. The whole street shook violently with each explosion, and the flowing paint antimony would The entire main road was completely destroyed, and fireworks rose with black smoke, like stone pillars reaching the sky.
The aftermath of the explosion swept through the entire city. The sea of ​​people in the theater square collapsed in an instant. The impact came with strong winds. Everyone fell under this invisible wave. The high platform that was erected collapsed directly, and the lit candles also collapsed. At this moment, it was extinguished, and the setting sun in the distant horizon was also swallowed up by darkness at this moment, falling into despair.
All light was lost in the world...it was dark.
In the darkness, the ancient Yejia Theater presented a ferocious silhouette, like that dilapidated castle. Countless branches beneath it were waving wild claws, and withered leaves were flying, carrying a desolate look of death.
A slightly warm wind surged into the room, low breathing sounds continued, and only the sharp sword glow remained in the darkness.
This was an impromptu assassination.
Lorenzo looked at the embarrassed Corey in front of him and slowly lifted Winchester.
In the original plan, Lorenzo was not prepared to assassinate Currie. His main goal was to hunt the Pope and rescue Ivar, but as he saw Irene's memory, everything changed.
[Gap] Invasion is a very strange feeling. Irene's life is blended with his. He can feel Irene's joys and sorrows, and he can also understand what she sees and hears.
So although this is Lorenzo's first meeting with Curry, Lorenzo has met Curry countless times during Erin's [gap]. They have experienced those long years together, and Lorenzo understands Currie, just like Erin knew him.
This is a crazy guy, and he is the cause of the war.
As long as Curley doesn't die, there will always be a chance for war to break out, so Lorenzo changes his plan and disobeys the order. He wants to kill Curley and end it all here.
"Goodbye, Corey Ferey."
Lorenzo whispered, without saying any nonsense, and directly pulled the trigger.
The roaring gunfire sounded, and the broken bullets penetrated the body, stirring up heavy mist of blood.
The guard stopped in front of Lorenzo, half of his body was beaten to pieces by Winchester, and the penetrating bullet hit Curley behind him, but because of this layer of human shield, Curley's body was The injury was not fatal.
Corey gritted his teeth and struggled to get up and crawl. He was in a state of embarrassment.
He tried to escape, but the cold staff and sword pursued him closely. Lorenzo rose up to strike, but at this moment the guard who was still alive stretched out his hand and tried to grab Lorenzo to stop him.
Another shot rang out.
The guard's figure froze in place, and the deep blood hole was exposed on his forehead. On the other side, Irene stood up with difficulty, took out the pistol Lorenzo had given her before, and fired.
"I didn't ask you to shoot."
Lorenzo slashed the staff sword hard, and the sharp blade easily cut into Curley's body, fell along the shoulder, and cut off his entire left arm.
The blood was dripping, but Corey actually did not make any low cry of pain. He remained silent and endured the severe pain and rolled forward. Lorenzo was about to pursue him when Irene's voice sounded.
"You didn't say that was the plan!"
Erin's breath was disturbed by the impact, and her exposed skin was covered with scratches. She gasped and pointed the gun elsewhere.
"Then...did you expect this?"
Erin said with fear.
Lorenzo looked in the direction where Irene was looking, his eyes serious.
“I expected it, but I didn’t expect so much.”
According to Lorenzo's plan, the impact of the explosion is enough to make ordinary people temporarily lose resistance. These guards will be knocked down. During the time they stand up again, it is enough for Lorenzo to kill Curry many times, but he It never occurred to me that these guards were not very human.
The power of the secret blood surged violently in the body, and every guard looked like a wild beast, with ferocious faces and bloodthirsty growls in their throats.
Under the endless night, there were roars like wild beasts. They were as numerous as a sea of ​​​​people, and their roars came and went one after another in this dim world.
"You're not the only one who's prepared, Lorenzo Holmes."
Corey's face was pale, and he was covering the hideous wound with an expression that seemed to be smiling, but also seemed to be filled with hatred.
The warm blood fled quickly from his body, and he was about to die.
But he still has a chance to live.
"Hold him."
Currie ordered, and the guards swarmed forward.
These guys can't stop Lorenzo for too long. Even if they are completely transformed into a demon, they are no threat to Lorenzo. I'm afraid they can only intercept them for tens of seconds with all their strength.
No, not even tens of seconds.
The sharp sword light tore through the flesh and blood, and the white flames rose. It was so bright that it became the only light in this darkness.
A scalp-numbing sound resounded, and the body was shattered under the staff and sword. Blazing white fireworks ignited on the edge of the flesh and blood. It began to burn during the fall. The instantaneous heat carbonized it and turned it into nameless dust. Purged by the gust of wind blown up by the sword.
It is hopelessly powerful and unstoppable.
"Corey Feyre!"
Lorenzo roared that name angrily, and he tightened his grip on the staff sword, and the raging flames covered the edge of the sword.
This is a side effect of Power Gabriel. Irene's memory is intruding on him. The anger buried deep in Irene's memory overlaps with Lorenzo at this moment. However, Lorenzo does not stop this. He is doing it for Aileen. Lin takes revenge, it's her rage, and it's Lorenzo's.
Corey didn't dare to look back at all. He could feel the scorching temperature behind him and the subtle sound of flesh and blood collapsing.
He was terrified, but he had a weird smile on his face.
It had been too long, he hadn't felt fear for too long, and the threat from Lorenzo at this moment made Corey feel like he was truly alive.
No...it's not just these joys.
Corey hesitated for too long. Even if he is such a blasphemous person, he can't help but be timid when facing the taboo.
He knows very well that as long as he steps forward, he will be reborn, he will become younger, and gain unparalleled strength, and all this only requires a small price.
Sell ​​your soul and drink the secret blood of sin.
Corey had wanted to do this countless times, but he was always hindered by the awe of nothingness. He knew very well that no one could prove the existence of such a thing as a "soul", but whenever he was about to touch the secret blood, he will hesitate and give up.
"Ah...that's great!"
Corey cheered in a low voice. The time the guards bought him was too short, but it was enough. He broke through the door and fell into a pool of blood, but as if something was supporting him, he quickly He got up and ran towards the dark end of the corridor.
Corey finally no longer has to worry about all this. Lorenzo made a choice for him. He wants to live, he wants to witness the destruction of the Evangelical Church, and he wants to drink the secret blood...
As long as I can live to witness all this, the price of my soul is too cheap.
Countless lights emerged from behind him, illuminating the corridor and bringing scorching air currents, as if a Balrog was chasing Corey.
There is only one thought left in my mind at the moment, run hard and run forward.
Corey's current thoughts are ridiculous. He can't escape from Lorenzo's pursuit, and he can't suck the secret blood... Even if he sucks the secret blood, he will be killed by Lorenzo. After all, he is too Stronger.
But there was no need to think about any of this, he just wanted to escape and run forward.
This blasphemous man prayed for the first time in a long time. He wanted to live, but no one could save him in this situation...unless a miracle happened.
Currie prayed devoutly, and a miracle happened.
The figure of the Balrog stopped in place. Lorenzo did not continue to pursue, but held the staff and sword and stared at the dark end of the corridor.
Corey crawled hard, and blood dragged a long path on the ground. In the end, he lost strength and stopped, with a vague whimper coming from his mouth.
At the same time, footsteps sounded from the end of the darkness.
Eileen and Hebold chased out. They should have been faster, but Eileen spent a long time looking for the secret blood. She looked at Lorenzo holding the fire sword. She was about to ask something, but she only listened. Lorenzo's voice sounded.
"Ivar is in the next room."
In the previous conversation, it was obvious that Corey was affected by the secret blood, and he almost told Ivar's location. Although he quickly woke up, the slight change was still observed by Lorenzo.
Erin tried to say something but was interrupted by Lorenzo.
"You go rescue Ivar, and leave directly after success. You don't need to wait for me... Also, remember to listen to my voice. You must leave immediately when I tell you to evacuate."
Lorenzo was not quite right, and Irene wanted to say something, but crisp footsteps sounded from the end of the darkness.
For a moment, a strange feeling enveloped Irene. She also peeked into Lorenzo's memory and witnessed his twisted life. Sometimes Irene would be affected by these and do things that were not in line with her character. thing, and now this feeling is coming again.
"Come on, Erin."
Lorenzo said again.
Erin suddenly remembered something, and a great sense of fear enveloped her for a moment. She didn't want to leave. She felt that something bad would happen after she left.
There was something evil approaching in the deep darkness. With his arrival, the whole darkness came alive. The darkness was like the viscous liquid full of life. They twisted, struggled, and made sharp sounds. sound.
It's him...him, that nightmare from the depths of memory, that unforgivable sin.
"Live...live, Lorenzo."
Irene muttered to herself, tears welling up in a crash, but her face was expressionless.
If there is anyone in the world who can truly understand himself, it is only Lorenzo. Both of them have opened their hearts and empathized with each other.
Lorenzo didn't respond, he just stared into the darkness, the flames swirling with eternal anger.
"Hybold, let's go!"
Having made up her mind, Irene no longer hesitated and directly pulled Hebold to escape into the darkness behind Lorenzo, looking for Ivar.
"Help me... help me..."
Corey begged the devil in the darkness, and the devil chuckled, with a metallic tone.
"Of course, Corey Feyre."
The darkness swallowed Corey bit by bit. No, this was not swallowing, but something grabbed him and dragged him into the darkness bit by bit, whether it was the light of the pure flame or the excellent vision of the demon hunter. , can't see clearly the darkness.
Lorenzo opened the cello case, and the cold weapon slid down. He was fully armed and said softly.
"long time no see……"
The sound of approaching footsteps sounded again in the darkness, and as he approached, bursts of melodious singing sounded outside the window.
The show ended.
This unexpected situation brought about unpredictable panic. Lennet led the orchestra out of the theater. As if to calm everyone's panic, he and the orchestra briefly performed in the open space.
The songs played this time were melodious and gentle, and the believers surrounded the orchestra one after another. They lit the candles again, and the firelight gathered into the sea, swaying slightly in the night wind, like the sparkling sea.
The believers lowered their heads and prayed devoutly. The prayers and songs came together, like hymns ringing in the church. Liya looked at this beautiful scene, and she couldn't help humming the nameless melody. Echoing, more melodies joined in.
"Long time no see. What should I call you? Lorenzo Medici? Or Lorenzo Holmes?"
he asked, but without waiting for Lorenzo's answer, he overruled himself.
"Forget it, things like names are not important."
He walked out of the darkness little by little, and his robe seemed to be soaked in blood, and it was extremely bright red under the illumination of the pure flames.
The sound of prayers poured into the corridor, echoing like a vague murmur, but if you listen carefully, you don't know whether it is an auditory hallucination or something else, and you can vaguely distinguish some words.
The voices were calling, singing, remembering, and together they cursed the name.
The dark knight howled angrily.
In an instant, the blazing sword light tore the pure flame into a blazing white thunder, which penetrated the darkness and reflected everything into a cold white.
The ear-piercing crash sounded.
In the blink of an eye, the staff sword broke into countless fragments, and flying with it was the bright red robe that was burned to ashes. The broken nail sword head cut through the dust and was nailed into the wall, shaking violently. Makes a buzzing sound.
The blood splashed into scarlet foam, bringing a fishy-sweet smell to the rising stream of light.
Under the dark visor, behind the steel mask.
Two pairs of blazing white eyes contrasted with each other. They held the broken sword and fought together again, enjoying this long-lost death duel.
(End of this chapter)

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