Embers of Embers

Chapter 437 Holy War

Chapter 437 Holy War
As the action began, Eve successfully arrived at the assassination position under the cover of the kestrel. The crowd here was barely dense, but there were burning candles everywhere, and the fire was surging. If anyone could see it from a high altitude , you will be surprised to find that groups of fireworks wrap around the theater square like glowing trails. Under the bursts of prayers, it is like an altar of ancient rituals.
Standing on the circular stairs, Eve had enough vision to observe the Pope on the high platform. Behind her were ancient stone pillars, and Eve leaned against the stone pillars.
The ceremony has not yet begun, and there is no one on the temporarily erected high platform. This is the center of the theater square. Soon the Orthodox Pope will ascend the throne here to kick off the ceremony.
"Are you nervous?"
Kestrel asked in a low voice from the side. To be honest, he didn't feel very good. The two of them were entrusted with such a big task as assassinating the Pope. It seemed like they were a bit too trusting in themselves.
"I'm fine, it's just getting dark."
When Kestrel was injured, the assassination could only be left to Eve. Unlike her previous recklessness, Eve was undoubtedly much calmer and more cautious now.
She looked at the end of the horizon. The weapon's range was limited. She might only have one chance to fire. If the light continued to dim like this, Eve would not be sure that she could successfully assassinate the Pope.
The prayers of faith continued. Although there was no clear time point, as the prayers gradually became more enthusiastic, the violin case had been opened.
It was an exquisite rifle, and the overall design style was quite like a perpetual pump, with many curved designs, like flowing steel. From some details, it really looked like an experimental product, everywhere It is rough edges and corners, and the complex mechanical internal structure can still be seen from the gaps in the gun, as if it was pulled out to perform a task before it could decorate the appearance in the future.
Surrounded by believers who bowed their heads in prayer, and with the Kestrel blocking Eve, no one noticed that Eve had taken out this deadly weapon.
This is a weapon called the "Meteor". Although it sounds cool, its range is pitiful. It can only have a little more range than a conventional rifle. Eve thought that the perpetual pump would provide some super range. Weapons to assist in combat, such as those Ascalonian heavy artillery, in this case, she would not have to come so close to kill the Pope.
If there really was a weapon with ridiculous range to assist, Eve would probably be in some attic with Kestrel right now, peering into the theater square with a scope, biting bread, and pulling the trigger to end it all.
"So what exactly is different about this weapon?"
Eve picked up the meteor and hid it under her robe. The only advantage of this weapon was that it was small and could be taken apart. From this perspective, this weapon was indeed suitable for assassination.
It also comes with an extended barrel and a scope. After installing them, it is like a long sword that Eve can hold on the ground.
"I don't know, we didn't even have time to test how to use this weapon... How did Merlin say this thing came from?"
Kestrel took out a few bullets. These are Meteor’s special bullets. Different from regular bullets, this thing is a bit longer, with complicated patterns and nesting on it. It’s like an exquisite handicraft. No one can figure it out. Why do those guys like to pursue artistic pursuits in this kind of place?
"Aim and shoot. He said this thing is no different from a conventional weapon. As long as you can pull the trigger, you can use it."
For some reason, Eve felt that this action was becoming more and more ridiculous.
Suddenly the believers became excited. They all raised their heads and moved in unison, like machines, giving people an unspeakable weird feeling.
Both Eve and Kestrel were aware of the change in the atmosphere, they fell silent, lowered their breaths, and stared at the empty high platform.
Are you about to start?
Eve thought like this, she retreated slightly and hid in the shadow behind the kestrel. The sound of cold metal sounded as she set up the meteor.
After a brief silence, someone walked out slowly from the high platform.
Miguel's face was expressionless and solemn, but the excitement in his heart seemed to be pouring out of his five orifices.
This is such a deep wish, he is about to realize it, he has longed for all this for too long.
Looking down at the crowd below, the believers raised their heads one after another, with fanatical eyes. All eyes were focused on Miguel, as if there was light attached to him.
This is faith, this is power.
Behind him, the believers are holding up the crown made of gold. Soon, under their gaze, Miguel will wear this sacred crown and become a servant of God and a servant of all servants.
"let's start."
Miguel said to himself.
The words were like a spell, it triggered something, so Miguel saw it.
At the end of his sight, at this moment of transition between day and night, he saw a boiling light rising from the end of the horizon, like an erupting volcano, a pillar of fire penetrating the sky and the earth, and then the energy condensed into substance. The waves arrived carrying dust and debris.
They were like invisible legions, wrapping around everything in their path, destroying them one by one, tearing them into countless pieces. The streets were shaken, and the windows were shattered one by one. It was like a sea tide, gushing from every crack. Pass by until you reach Miguel's eyes.
Like the end of the day.
It was too late to issue any warning. When Miguel noticed this, the disaster had already arrived. All the sounds were replaced by the deafening roar, as if a storm was coming here. The candlelight was extinguished in the darkness in an instant, and the world Plunged into darkness.
The high platform collapsed and the crowd fell over.
Eve leaned against the stone pillar, and the impact of the air waves surged from both sides of her. She had thought that Lorenzo's explosion would alarm many people, but she had no idea that it was so powerful.
The meteorite swayed back and forth in the wild air currents, and Eve used all her strength to barely control it. She looked through the scope and tried to find Miguel's figure in the darkness and confusion.
This far unexpected explosion disrupted everyone's plans. Eve saw Miguel's position from behind the scope. The future pope was extremely embarrassed. He grabbed the remains of the high platform that had not yet fallen, and tried hard not to let himself go. Fall down.
Eve said and pulled the trigger.
Suddenly another hand grabbed Eve's finger, preventing the finger that pulled the trigger from pressing down, and Eve was knocked down at the same time.
"What are you doing! Kestrel!"
Eve cursed angrily, but before she could ask any more questions, Kestrel pressed Eve's mouth and used the violent airflow to roll her under the circular stairs.
It was also a mess here, with many messy objects pushed over, like a simple bunker that could temporarily block the two people.
"What are you doing!"
Eve was furious. As long as she pulled the trigger, their group's operation would be over.
Kestrel looked at her very seriously, and then he pointed at the believers.
Eve no longer had a fit, but followed his finger.
Many people fell over under the impact, groaning in pain, but the strange thing is that there are still many believers who did not fall. They are like stone pillars, standing firm under the impact, and the light of steel is revealed under the damaged robes. , hunting in the air.
"Observe carefully, Eve, this is your internship, and it is also a contest of life and death."
Kestrel changed from his previous lunatic behavior and taught Eve his experience like a veteran.
Eve listened to his words, and then her pupils froze.
"In the final analysis, the purification agency is fighting against demons. This thing itself is rather mysterious, so sometimes a mysterious intuition will save our lives. Feel it carefully, what do you think they are?"
The kestrel's voice echoed in my ears.
Those believers are different from other believers. They observe the surroundings like sentinels, with sweet blood emanating from them.
They moved slowly, and as they moved forward, they could see the blood-stained sword blade under the robe, and there were still corpses being processed in the corner.
This group of guys should not exist here. They are incompatible with everything here. They are like ruthless beasts. The impact of the explosion has no impact on them... No, it still has an impact.
One after another, the cultists got up from the ground, with the same indifference, and then more and more guys appeared in front of Eve.
Eve's voice froze. Not only were there a bunch of believers gathered here, but there was also an army blessed by the secret blood.
She couldn't imagine what would happen if she pulled the trigger. I was afraid that she wouldn't even have a chance to escape, and would be cut into pieces by countless blades.
"Give up action, this is no longer something we can handle."
Kestrel whispered as he pushed Eve's violin case over.
"No, we may still have a chance," Eve rejected Kestrel's proposal, tightened the gun, and hid it under her teaching robe. "Now that our disguise has not been seen through, we may still have a chance."
"If you are found out, you will be dead!"
Kestrel feels that this girl is a little too dedicated... No, why are you, an intern, so dedicated?Does your home have a purification mechanism?So hardworking.
Wait... From a certain point of view, it seems that her family really opened it.
Eve didn't know Kestrel's divergent nerves, so she finally became serious, and he played with himself again.
"Wait for Lorenzo. Now let's see if Lorenzo can kill the Pope after the operation is over. After all, that guy is ridiculously strong. Although these choirs have many people, they are not a threat."
Eve said as she walked out of the bunker.
"What are you doing?"
Seeing Eve like this, Kestrel grabbed her.
"What else can you do? Keep pretending to be a believer."
As Eve said that, she also grabbed the Kestrel and dragged him out from behind the bunker.
"The scene must be very chaotic now, maybe we still have a chance to assassinate the Pope."
There was a cold touch on the arm, and as Eve shook her hand slightly, the lancet slipped into her hand.
Ever since the incident at the Montenegro Hospital, Eve has fallen in love with this weapon. It is small, exquisite, and unexpected, and it is very suitable for assassination.
"Wow, you're really crazy."
Kestrel didn't know whether to admire Eve or admire her madness.
The two tried their best to pretend to be believers and slowly moved towards the collapsed position of the high platform.
The roaring explosion obviously alarmed everyone around him. The singing in the Yejia Grand Theater stopped, and a series of police whistles sounded in the distant city.
Lennet led the orchestra out of the dim Yega Theater. Due to the aftermath of the gas pipeline explosion, people who lit the lamps did not continue to light the street lamps. Everyone was in panic, and no one illuminated this dark world.
Gradually, light rose in the theater square, and believers lit the candles again, making them the only light.
Lennet looked at this peaceful world, where believers were carrying debris, taking care of the wounded, and praying in low voices.
The group members on the side looked at their group leader. The performance they were looking forward to was interrupted. He was about to comfort him when he heard Lennet whisper.
"It's destiny..."
He got excited.
"God wants me to perform this great song."
The group members were a little confused as to what the hell the group leader was thinking.
I saw him shouting excitedly.
"Come, let us compose music for this sacred scene!"
Hu Ao and Liya rescued the wounded and helped everyone up. They still couldn't figure out what the explosion was about, but they could see the blazing fire from the direction of the street.
"what happened?"
Hu Ao murmured to himself, but then a voice sounded from the wreckage nearby.
Liya called out Huao's name. She was standing next to the wreckage and waved to Huao to help.
As a sailor, he was still very powerful, so Huao walked over quickly, and he could barely see the man's appearance through the dark gap.
"Your Majesty!"
he shouted in surprise.
The orchestra was ready, and under the conductor of Lennet, in this somewhat terrible temporary venue, melodious tunes sounded under the night.
Everything seemed beautiful until a dark figure came from the direction of the street against the blazing fire.
There were more and more of them, until they completely covered the burning fire, like absolute darkness. The believers of the Evangelical Church raised their weapons and shouted loudly.
They were angry, they needed an outlet, they hated this new sect and they wanted to destroy it.
No one knows who gathered these people, but they really appeared like this. In the eyes of these fanatics, many reasons do not make sense. They regard this explosion as God's will.
God was angry, and in order to appease his anger, they wanted to destroy this Orthodox religion that was enthroned.
The mounted police tried to stop them, but only then did they realize that there were very few colleagues around them.
Where are they going?No one knows.
The mounted police blew their whistles vigorously, but this did not change anything. They were gradually swallowed up by the crowd.
The dark night and the lightless city hid this atrocity. Some keen people could smell the sweetness of blood, but they looked into the darkness and could not see anything. It was at this time that the choir also moved. Get up, they are ready for this.
The two beliefs are about to collide, triggering that crazy holy war.
(End of this chapter)

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