Chapter 441 Reincarnation
Erin and Heibald ran wildly in the dark corridor, with the blazing sun and the sound of swords behind them. Neither of them dared to look back to see the true appearance of the devil.
I can only follow Lorenzo's instructions and look for traces of Ivar in this dim world.
The corridor was filled with a strong smell of blood. In fact, no one expected that the world would turn into a hell of flesh and blood in the blink of an eye, with death and strife everywhere.
Heibald used the dim light of the candle outside the window to open the doors one after another and kept shouting.
"Ivar! Ivar!"
The call echoed in the corridor, and soon came back to Haybold's ears again.
"Where the hell is Ivar?"
Heibald was muttering anxiously, and at this moment, there was cold metal pressed against his neck, bringing a death touch.
Irene picked up the pistol and put it on Haybold's neck. Her eyes were cold and overflowing with tears.
"What are you doing? Erin."
Haybold tried hard not to get angry. He didn't understand why Irene suddenly rebelled at such a critical moment.
"I wanted to ask what you were going to do... You came to kill Ivar, didn't you? You came to kill him, on his father's orders."
The sound was squeezed out between her teeth. Irene didn't know the conspiracy of all this, but because she knew the man called the King of Ice and Sea, she knew exactly what such a person would do.
"Why do you think so?"
Haybold turned his back to Erin and slowly raised his hands.
"I have heard the story of the King of Ice Sea. He is a warrior who does whatever it takes to defeat the enemy. Everyone has a fixed value to him, and he is also very good at using these values ​​in applications. ."
Erin thought about the horrific stories that only a few people knew.
"He did something like this when he crossed the cold and desperate sea of ​​silence, didn't he? Eat his own dead warrior to maximize his value, so you think the same about Ivar, right? Kill him, start a war, and find a suitable reason for your greed."
Haybold took a deep breath. This was a mysterious woman, and few people could figure out her thoughts.
He didn't answer, and turned around suddenly and lowered his head the next moment.
The gunshot rang out and the bullet grazed his shoulder. Hebold turned around and punched away Irene's pistol. Normally, this would be very risky, but now that his vision was dim and Irene was still injured, he had plenty of opportunities.
But then there was severe pain, and the cold steel cut across his body. The wound was very shallow. It seemed that Irene was merciful, and then a folding knife was placed on his neck.
"Did Lorenzo teach you?"
Erin took off the bandage on her arm. Although the wound was not healed yet, the bandage hid the folding knife just right, and it was only now that it showed its sharp edge. ''
Time was running out, and death was also close to him. Facing Eileen's question, Haybold hesitated for a while, and then nodded.
"That's right, I'm here to kill Ivar."
Heibald didn't feel any pressure to tell all this. Instead, he felt relieved. The secret deep in his heart was finally told.
"But not for war... I can only say that war is just the destined outcome of this matter."
Haybold continued.
"Ivar Lodbrok made a mistake and he will be punished."
“So chasing freedom is wrong?”
Erin didn't understand.
"That's not what's wrong! Irene Adler!"
Haybold roared loudly, his eyes filled with fiery anger.
"What's wrong is that you shouldn't have let him be caught by the Iron Law Bureau."
Erin froze.
"Why do you think I let Ivar go and let you escape my sight so easily? If you take Ivar away from all disputes and let him live the rest of his life well, then no one will trouble you again. .
All these mistakes are caused by you!He has become a bargaining chip in the Iron Law Bureau's negotiations, and the Viking countries will not be threatened by others, absolutely not! "
"So I'm here to kill Ivar!"
Heibald and Ivar were close friends, but he spoke very calmly at this moment, as if what he was about to kill was just an insignificant person.
"I will rescue Ivar, then give him a weapon and let him fight with me. Of course, I will win in the end. I will let him die as a warrior so that this cowardly soul can return to the Hall of Valor." , reunited with Rodbrock’s ancestors.”
This was not a rescue plan from the beginning. From the beginning, Hebold came to kill Ivar. He would let him die as a soldier. As for the war that would result, that was unimportant.
This is the revenge and plunder of the Viking kingdoms, and the ritual of using Ivar as a sacrifice.
Irene was stunned, her body couldn't help but tremble, and she even lost the strength to hold the folding knife, and it slipped down weakly, making a crisp sound.
She is a smart woman, but her mind is in chaos at the moment and she can't think about anything.
Irene had regretted countless times. She only regarded Ivar as a target of work. When the Iron Law Bureau arrived, her work was over, but when the Iron Law Bureau's ship appeared on the sea level, At the end of the journey, all Irene felt was panic.
She regretted it, she didn't want to do this, and then she realized that she had fallen in love with Ivar, but she had no time to change everything.
" can't kill him."
Irene picked up the folding knife and pointed it at Haybold. She had always looked calm, but now she was like a shrew who had lost her temper.
"Let me take him away. This time I won't let anyone catch him. Please trust me."
Haybold looked at Eileen with pity. He had never thought that the arrogant Eileen would have such a scene, begging for his forgiveness here.
He felt tired and happy for Ivar.
Stretching out his hand and casually deflecting the folding knife, Haybold answered calmly.
"That's what I was meant to do."
Erin thought she heard wrong.
"I am his friend. His life has been bad enough. In the end, he was killed by his good friend. How do you feel and how sad..."
"And Ivar also talked to me. He thinks that a place like the Hall of Valor is a hell of reincarnation. He doesn't want to go to that ghost place after his death, so he might as well forget about dying as a warrior."
Haybold walked toward the end of the darkness. He smelled the strong smell of blood in the air and searched for the source of the smell.
"Really?" Erin asked.
"False," Haybold replied mercilessly, "In my expectation, I will kill Ivar here, and then hunt you all over the world to make you pay the price."
"But now it's true. Take Ivar away and escape to a place where no one can find you. This is the last thing I can do for him as a friend, and don't let me down a second time. Irene Adler."
Haybold's voice was filled with the coldness of winter.
"Otherwise I will spend my whole life making you pay."
Irene did not reply, but followed Heibald with a folding knife in her hand. She felt that her cold blood was warming up at this moment.
The destined tragedy has been reversed, and she will leave with Ivar. The world is still big, there are many places she has never been to, and there are too many beautiful things to witness together.
Yes, the future is bright.
Erin still remembered the beauty that Ivar once said. He wanted to go to a warm place and see some things that he had never seen before.
There are so many things worth doing together, together...
The sight of the corpses interrupted Irene's thoughts. When she came back to her senses, she smelled the blood soaring into the sky. The ground under her feet was completely covered with blood. It seemed that the blood had been there for a long time and had dried up and turned into a bright red carpet. .
It was as if hell and reality were intertwined. While Irene was still dreaming about a better future, she had fallen into it by mistake.
Irene was about to call out Heibald's name, but found that he was standing there like a sculpture.
She followed, seemed to see something, and solidified.
The fantasy shattered and collapsed into powder on the ground.
Everything was just like when he was captured by the Iron Law Bureau, and his beautiful wishes were shattered. When Ivar really left, Irene realized her thoughts and her stupidity.
She has been addicted to it for so long that she can no longer distinguish the so-called love.
Panting in pain.
Eileen is good at playing with people's hearts. She is very aware of everyone's psychological reactions, but now no matter how much she thinks about her memories, she cannot find the source of her pain.
She felt a big hand appear from her stomach. It grasped the intestines and twisted it into a ball, breaking her spine inch by inch, then breaking her ribs one by one, ravaging her lungs and making her Suffocate, and finally crush the living heart.
Erin slowly squatted down and huddled up, covering her ears with her hands like a frightened child.
All light, all sound, all matter, all of it.
All of this was going away, escaping from Irene's side, and she was the only one left in the dark world.
The only light disappeared and she was so alone.
Haybold took deep breaths repeatedly, trying hard to keep his emotions from collapsing at this moment. After all, crying was considered a shame for him.
He pretended to be strong and looked around. Looking at the dead bodies and blood on the ground, he could imagine the crazy fighting, and a forced smile appeared on his face.
"Well done, Ivar Lodbrok."
Without any hesitation, he grabbed Irene's clothes and dragged her out of the darkness.
"What else to do? Hybold."
Erin murmured, looking blankly into the depths of the darkness.
"I want revenge for my friends."
Haybold's voice was trembling, and he could hardly contain his sadness.
"And you will atone for your crime."
After hearing those words, Eileen's absent-minded eyes gradually became glossy. She clenched the folding knife in her hand. She broke free from Hebold's hand and climbed up from the ground.
They all lost their expressions and walked towards the place with light, entering the reincarnation of despair.
(End of this chapter)

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