Embers of Embers

Chapter 442 Deathmatch

Chapter 442 Deathmatch
This is a curse, an extremely vicious curse, a curse that will never end.
In the darkness, the Yejia Grand Theater seemed to have turned into an ancient duel ground. The monsters walked through the darkness and fought, venting their long-standing hatred and anger at this moment, burning everything.
The stray candlelight outlines the figures moving forward rapidly, and it is difficult for ordinary people's eyesight to distinguish their shapes. The sound of thunderous swords follows them closely, like thunder that is galloping and never stops for a moment.
Collision, separation, accumulation of strength, collision together again, sword blades clashing.
Two pairs of blazing white eyes stared at each other and collided with each other with a deafening roar. At this moment, there was no skill in the battle between the two, it was just pure violence and pure anger.
The sword blade cut on the dense black armor, emitting a sharp roar, chopping the hard material into pieces, causing blood to gush out from the gaps in the armor. However, an equally fatal gunshot was fired, and the bullet penetrated the bright red The robe hit the wall behind it, leaving bullet holes and blood stains.
Both of the injured people seemed to have briefly lost their strength, falling from the speed and falling into the endless darkness, and silence fell.
They seemed to be dead, but the silence was soon broken by heavy breathing. In this peaceful world, the heartbeat beat as loud as a war drum, and the sound began to accelerate, like a rapid drumbeat, and finally reached a peak.
The rising fireworks ignited everything around them, and the dead monsters came to life again.
All this is like the legend of the Vikings. The brave warriors gathered in the Hall of Valor, fought, died, woke up, and once again plunged into the never-ending fight.
"You are much stronger than before, Lorenzo Holmes."
The sound echoed in the darkness with a metallic tone, and Lawrence climbed up from the broken ruins.
At this moment, he was in an extremely embarrassed state, with scars all over his body. His body was almost torn apart by sword blows one after another. But fortunately, the demon hunter's vitality was so strong that the broken limbs were connected by scarlet blood threads, and then those threads More and more, just like sewing thread, the broken torso is stitched together again.
"That's great, Lawrence. I didn't expect that I would have a chance to kill you again."
On the other side of the darkness, Lorenzo slowly appeared in sight, carrying a heavy cello case.
The pitch-black armor had long been broken into pieces, but during this breather, more dense hard material filled the broken parts. Like shedding skin, the pitch-black scales peeled off from the armor and turned into dust.
Lorenzo glanced at the nailed sword in his hand. Although it was made of Bai Tie, it had become crooked under the high-intensity battle. A clear crack penetrated the sword body, as if there was another blow. It will be completely shattered.
"Is your reaction so dull? I thought you would appear...more excited when you see me again."
Lawrence also threw away the broken sword in his hand and drew another nail sword from the sword bag behind him, just like he had done in the deadly fight with Lorenzo on the train.
"Yes, more excited. Just like before, he waved his sword angrily and asked me about the story that was deliberately concealed."
Lawrence let out a fit of laughter.
In his eyes, Lorenzo had changed, not that he had become a different person, but that he had become more composed.
He could clearly feel the rage radiating from Lorenzo, but this time Lorenzo was no longer as reckless as before, and there was still reason in the rage.
Of course, he also noticed some more subtle changes.
There were blazing fireworks rising from the gaps in the armor. It was far more powerful than the pure flames that an ordinary demon hunter could inspire. Not only that, but also Lorenzo's terrifying vitality.
Lawrence still remembered the fight to the death on the train. Lorenzo was helpless in front of him, but now he could not only withstand his attack, but was even faster and stronger than him.
"What happened to you? Lorenzo Holmes."
Lawrence asked, but no one answered him.
But he already knew the answer.
An evil smile appeared on the distorted face under the mask, and he could smell the disgusting smell in the air, the smell of the Silent One.
Lorenzo, like him, was implanted with the flesh and blood of the Silent One. It was even said that during this long period of time, the secret blood in their bodies was gradually purified by the flesh and blood, turning it into a higher purity secret blood.
Blood of the Holy Grail.
Lorenzo Holmes also traveled the forbidden and shattering path, and Lawrence's journey was not alone.
Slowly moving forward, leaning towards the other party while also looking at the other party warily.
Lawrence suddenly stopped, he raised the nail sword, the fireworks under the mask swayed slightly, and finally he seemed to confirm one thing.
"So you're not Lorenzo Medici? Sure enough, that guy is dead after all?"
Lawrence once thought that Lorenzo Medici finally found the power named Gabriel like him and survived by relying on other people's bodies. In order to confirm all this, he ordered the epidemic doctor to trigger an emergency at Montenegro Hospital. Local war.
But now observing Lorenzo so closely, his reactions, his past, Lawrence came to this conclusion.
Lorenzo Medici died after all.
There was no sadness or other emotions. Lawrence just felt a little emotional that such a terrible guy still ended up like this.
"Are these things important?"
Lorenzo asked in a low voice.
"It's not important. I'm sorry to interrupt you. Let's continue."
The fighting at the moment was the most important thing. Lawrence's voice was filled with joy as he raised his nail sword and launched an offensive. It had been a long time since he had fought so heartily. Sometimes he almost forgot the feeling of holding the sword. It was really Thanks to Lorenzo for reminding him of it all.
Lorenzo did not attack rashly, Winchester was hung on his waist, holding the nail sword in one hand, and the other hand was hidden in the shadow.
From some angles, he and Lawrence were evenly matched at the moment.
Through the fierce battle just now, Lorenzo tried one after another, and he was surprised to discover one thing. Lawrence seemed to be no longer able to predict the future, which meant that he had lost his power.
So he really killed him in the fight to the death on the train, but in the end he let Gabriel use his power to escape.
And now Lawrence probably doesn't know that he also has the power of Gabriel...perhaps he has vaguely guessed it, but he can't be sure of it until he takes the initiative to expose it.
This is Lorenzo's chance of winning. To eradicate Lawrence, he must not only destroy his body, but also find opportunities to fight in the [Gap].
Thinking of this, Lorenzo was a little scared. He was very aware of the confusion and weirdness of the [Gap], as well as the interference with his "self". After being exposed to these, he realized how terrifying Lawrence was who traveled through the [Gap] at will. None of those people's thoughts could interfere with him. He was like a cold machine, faithfully executing his own will.
"Here you go! Lorenzo!"
The roar sounded, interrupting Lorenzo's thoughts.
I saw Lawrence coming with a sharp sword and the intention of breaking steel.
Both of them are monsters, immortal monsters. No matter how bad the injuries are, they will recover easily with the body mixed with the flesh and blood of the Silent One, not to mention that they can still have a relationship with each other with the power of Gabriel. Invasion with [Gap].
[Secret blood awakens 29%. 】
It seemed that fuel was being injected into the fire, and the gaps in the armor were filled with furious flames.
For a moment, Lorenzo was like daylight coming to the world, the sun was dazzling, and the light for a moment even briefly affected Lawrence, and then Lawrence's sword cut into the air.
Lorenzo dodged the blade, grazed Lawrence's body, and swung the sword angrily.
From top to bottom, this blow will split Lawrence's body completely. With the demon hunter's power beyond imagination, even steel will fall apart under the nail sword.
Lawrence couldn't escape. He had indeed lost his power. Otherwise, before, Lorenzo would have had no chance to attack him. He seemed to know the trajectory of all the blades and found safety in them. of gaps.
"I thought you would be more stable."
The voice sounded, and then another icy cold light appeared in Lorenzo's eyes.
Lawrence grabbed another nail sword in the blind spot of his sight. He rarely used double swords, but that didn't mean he wasn't good at it.
The sword blades collided together, and the huge force they carried knocked Lorenzo away slightly. At the same time, another sword blade struck the air and slashed back. The attacker and defender reversed in an instant, and the nail sword slashed at Lorenzo fiercely. On the armor, there was violent vibration and blood was brought out at the same time.
"Sure enough, my armor is still not strong enough..."
Feeling the clear pain, Lorenzo said somewhat self-deprecatingly, facing a monster like Lawrence, no amount of preparation is enough.
Although injured, Lorenzo has not lost this round.
"Lawrence, have you learned to accept modern technology?"
Lorenzo taunted Lawrence again, with joy in his voice.
Waving his other hand, extremely quickly, Lawrence only saw a dark phantom hitting his chest. He instinctively set up his nail sword to defend himself and tried to cut off Lorenzo's arm.
A dull explosion sounded, and the nail sword swung by Lawrence was smashed to pieces. In an instant, it was shattered into countless metal fragments by the armor-breaking hammer, cutting everything in its path and piercing into the body.
In the instant impact, the lacquer antimony inside was detonated, pushing the hammer tip to rush forward a second time, smashing the nailed sword into pieces.
This is not the end yet. Lorenzo's swing of the hammer is still continuing, the fragments are cutting the armor, and the hammer blows of Judgment are still falling. This time Lawrence is unable to stop him.
The entire chest collapsed instantly under Lorenzo's fierce blow, blood overflowed from under the mask, and the sounds of broken bones continued one after another.
Lawrence was smashed into the ruins, filled with smoke, and affected by the hammering action. In this brief moment, Lorenzo still maintained the hammering action. Before he could take a breath, the cold sword light struck him. The stirred up dust dispersed, and the blade struck Lorenzo's throat.
Lorenzo tried to dodge, but found that his hammer-swinging arm had been caught by Lawrence. After enduring such an attack, he still had the strength to fight and launched an absolute counterattack at this moment.
Not enough distance.
According to Lorenzo's judgment, the nail sword could not hurt him at all, but just when it was about to fall, the length of the nail sword suddenly increased sharply.
The nail sword fell away.
No, no, while swinging the sword, Lawrence let go of his hand and let the hilt slip out of his hand. But when he was about to completely break away, he firmly grabbed the edge of the hilt, making it at this extreme distance. Cut down.
This sudden change made Lorenzo feel cold, and then the scales at his throat shattered, and blood spilled out from underneath.
The entangled figures of the two people separated quickly. Lorenzo covered his throat, but the blood still couldn't stop gushing out. Lawrence's nail sword was plated with holy silver. Although the strength was a bit weaker, it suppressed the demon hunter. Effect.
"Is this a tie? Lorenzo."
There was a sound in the smoky ruins. Lawrence struggled to get up, and his whole chest deflated strangely. However, under the influence of the secret blood, strong flesh and blood proliferated. They wrapped up the broken bones and repaired them forcefully. s position.
Under the boiling of the secret blood, the terrifying vitality healed the two of them, and as if they were used to this kind of fighting, they stopped in unison. After a brief calm, the heart of the war drum sounded again.
Lawrence was holding a nail sword, and Lorenzo once again took out a new weapon from the cello case.
Now the secret blood of both of them is on the verge of critical breakthrough. It can be said that they are like humanoid monsters at this moment. This kind of injury is not enough to kill them completely. As long as there is a little breathing space, they will stand up again. , plunged into this endless fight.
"Next round, Lawrence."
A hoarse voice sounded, and it seemed that Lorenzo's throat had not completely healed under the suppression of the holy silver.
But that's not important. Nothing can affect the fight between the two at this moment.
At the end of the darkness, there was a scream that broke through the sky, and one throwing knife after another was thrown by Lorenzo. This thing did not affect Lawrence much, but he felt that Lorenzo was a little ridiculous because of his behavior.
The nail sword cut it off as easily as squeezing an insect to death.
"Are you at your wits' end? Lorenzo, this trick has been used."
Lawrence asked. He finally gave up on slashing and let the flying knives pass through his body and nail into the rocks on the side.
"I would like to ask you, Lawrence, are you really not making any progress?"
Lorenzo's voice sounded from the other end of the darkness. He raised his hand, seemingly holding a pistol. As he pulled the trigger, a hook was nailed into the darkness above, dragging Lorenzo directly into the darkness. in the air.
"Still as arrogant as ever, Lawrence."
As the sound stopped, raging fire ignited around Lawrence. Under the continuous fighting, Lorenzo's blood almost soaked the land, and the pure flames rose above it, turning into a sea of ​​​​fire and lighting up in the blink of an eye. dark.
Several flying knives fell again, and Lawrence was almost tired of seeing this kind of attack, but this time he noticed it.
The flying knife this time was different from the previous flying knife, and its target was not himself. It was thrown out by Lorenzo as if it was thrown away casually.
"You really don't have a long memory, Lawrence. You died in my hands last time because of your arrogance."
Lorenzo looked down into the fire.
The iron flying knife successfully paralyzed Lawrence, and the lacquer antimony flying knife fell into the sea of ​​pure flames, and then violent flames rose, as if a red dragon was raging on this land.
The air became hot, and the endless dust mixed with the foam bursting from blood, and was swept by the howling wind. They hit the wall, causing it to shake violently.
Light came to the world, driving away the darkness inch by inch. In the blink of an eye, the Yejia Theater was radiating brilliant light, just like the tide breaking the dam, and every gap was filled with flowing liquid called "light" .
(End of this chapter)

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