Embers of Embers

Chapter 443 The Two Kings

Chapter 443 The Two Kings
Everyone saw it.
In this dark world, the roaring light roars in everyone's ears.
Heybold and Irene in the promenade were overturned by the oncoming heat wave, and gravel hit them like projectiles, and the entire Yega Theater shook violently, as if the scene that had gone through countless years at the next moment The building will collapse into ruins.
This light flooded onto the theater square, and Lennet's music was violently interrupted. The impact was so close that Lennet wondered if he had suffered some bloody misfortune. When he realized that the light When the attack hit, it was already too late. I could only grab my baton and throw it down, and fell down the circular staircase with the others.
The emotions that had finally been calmed down became tense again, and the panicked crowd screamed, wailing and crying mixed together, turning into a hell on earth.
Eve and Kestrel steadied their figures in the impact of the heat wave. They looked forward in the violent airflow and looked at the light inside the Yega Theater. They knew very well what was happening inside.
Eve muttered quietly.
The light ended, and then the boiling fireworks covered every place and every inch. They were like spirits returning from hell, waving flaming swords and destroying human civilization.
The Yega Theater burst into flames.
The history, years, glory and faith it carried, all of which were destroyed bit by bit in the fire, no longer have any value at all.
Everyone was shocked by the blazing fire, and then there was a roar like a sea wave.
"Heresy! What have you brought to this city!"
The believers of the Evangelical Church looked at the former church and now the Yega Theater, and they were completely driven by the fanaticism of their faith and completely lost their minds.
The men angrily brandished their weapons and rushed towards the Orthodox believers, while the women slowly knelt down, worshiped, prayed and cried towards the burning building.
Hu Ao looked at the angry crowd with violent killing intent. He didn't understand why these people were so angry, nor what was going on right now.
Every face was screaming and crying. Huao was familiar with every face. They had talked to him during the Holy Communion not long ago.
It was clear that the beauty he expected was about to come, but a sudden disaster destroyed everything.
Hu Ao couldn't understand. The more he thought about it, the more angry and self-blame he felt for his own incompetence, and he felt panicked about this strange and complicated world.
Conspiracies and interests were intertwined, and both Eve and Kestrel fell into a brief daze. Although the scene was extremely chaotic, she still noticed that the choir soldiers were secretly intensifying conflicts and killing believers of the Evangelical Church.
She is very clear that the evolution of the situation at this moment has completely exceeded Lorenzo's original expectations. I am afraid that even Lorenzo himself will be shocked at this moment. They are not the only ones acting here tonight.
Two crazy wills meet here, dragging the world into the abyss of nightmare.
"Hide! Eve!"
Kestrel pulled Eve and hid in the shadows, and now the place was in chaos.
This can already be regarded as a religious war. The two faiths have turned the theater square into a war and are fighting each other.
"Eve, if we evacuate now, no one will notice us."
Kestrel has never been a coward, but tonight he has proposed evacuation more than once. In fact, he himself is not sure why he wants to do this.
If there must be a reason, it is Kestrel's intuition.
He was a little scared, very scared, as if he would lose something important soon.
In the desperate situation of Black Mountain Hospital, when facing endless monsters, Kestrel had never felt such an emotion, but now this thing is like a thorn, it thrives from the deepest part of his heart and spreads to himself His throat tightened little by little.
He was out of breath.
"You're right, no one can notice us...so no one will notice if we kill the Pope, right?"
The ghost knows why Eve is still thinking about these things.
I saw that she didn't make any concealment, and took out the meteor directly, her eyes were extremely fierce.
"Kestrel, after so many years, this is my only chance to prove myself to that brainless guy."
Eve motioned to Kestrel.
"let's go!"
The light roared in the ruins, but like a dying beast, it had lost all its strength. This was its last carnival. Gradually, the light died, and its remains turned into a raging fire. The darkness below was completely burned away.
Lorenzo clutched the grappling gun and hung himself from the wall of the dome.
He watched the sea of ​​flames below vigilantly, and the dazzling flames made his vision a little confused.
Lorenzo didn't think such an offensive could kill Lawrence, but it would at least allow him to preserve his pain and further force out his trump cards.
In his own plan, Lorenzo had to find a way to expose Lawrence's flaws so that he could completely destroy him in the [Gap].
But... can it be successful?
The hot air rose from below and blew on Lorenzo's face. The temperature stung his skin, but the coldness in his heart was still cold.
He doubted himself.
To be honest, Lorenzo was not very sure about his next battle. With his current strength, he was confident that he could kill Lawrence, but killing his body would only destroy a body.
He wants to kill Lawrence's soul and completely destroy his [Gap].
This is bound to be fought in the [Gap]. Although he has mastered the power of Gabriel, due to his awe of this power, Lorenzo did not use it many times, let alone fighting in the [Gap]. .
The only time in my memory that I fought Lawrence in [The Gap] was with the help of Watson, and that time I still failed to kill Lawrence, but allowed him to escape easily.
"Lawrence, how many secrets do you still have?"
Lorenzo looked into the depths of the sea of ​​fire and asked in a low voice.
He realized that he seemed to have never really understood Lawrence. Lorenzo didn't know his past or his future. He even said that Lawrence's goal was still a piece of cake in Lorenzo's understanding. Mist.
Steal the Book of Revelation, create secret blood, and create a choir.
The old sect has been destroyed, why is he so obsessed with the power of secret blood?
"What exactly are you trying to do?"
No one answered Lorenzo's question, only the sound of rolling gravel echoed in the burning fire.
The swaying figure gradually became clearer. Lawrence, holding a slightly red-hot nailed sword, raised his head and looked at Lorenzo on the dome with his dark mask.
"You haven't made much progress, Lorenzo, you're still using these meaningless tricks."
Lawrence tore off the burning red robe, burning the rest of the fabric with it.
His upper body was bare, and his torso was covered with scars left by Lorenzo. Most of them had been healed, but there were still some shallow red scars. He held two swords and jumped up like a shooting star the next moment.
Lorenzo did not say a word. In fact, these questions he was thinking were not problems. As long as he could kill Lawrence, he would find all the answers in his broken [gap].
Thinking this way, my depressed mood suddenly became lighter for some reason.
Lorenzo let go of his hand and let himself fall into the sea of ​​fire.
The two met in mid-air, and the swung sword struck at a speed beyond what ordinary people could observe. Countless sparks splashed in the void, and the symphony of steel sounded again.
"Wake up, the monsters in my body..."
Lorenzo whispered, surrendering his body to the darkness.
[Secret blood awakens 31%. 】
Critical breakthrough.
Violent erosion was released from under the pitch-black armor, and at the same time, more violent fireworks poured out from the gaps, as if what was wrapped under the armor was no longer flesh and blood, but a blazing sun.
At this moment, the nail sword made of cypress showed its advantages. With the blessing of the mountain-opening power, it gathered the pure flames and pulled out the burning half-moon.
The cold moonlight completely engulfed the two of them.
Lawrence's spiked sword shattered into pieces, unable to resist Lorenzo's slashing blow.
Terrifying scars exploded from Lawrence's left shoulder, slashing diagonally downwards, cutting off his ribs one by one. The bones were shattered and blood and flesh spilled out. The nail sword struck all the way to the waist and abdomen. As long as he used more force, even He said he could cut off half of Lawrence's body directly.
The blood was evaporated by the scorching heat before it was spilled, and the air was filled with the smell of boiling blood. The horrible wound was ignited, just like a tree struck by lightning, and a raging fire ignited in Lawrence's body.
The trajectory of the slash was extremely close to Lawrence's heart, almost cutting it off. Looking from the burning wound, a layer of flesh and blood membrane covered it, and the beating heart could be barely seen through it.
This was a sudden blow. He never imagined that Lorenzo would choose a critical breakthrough at this moment of confrontation. The power brought by that moment broke Lawrence's expectation for Lorenzo.
Winchester pressed into the slashing wound, and without any hesitation, Lorenzo pulled the trigger.
More intense fireworks erupted from the wound, almost burning Lawrence's body empty. The metal shell of the dragon's breath bullet cut into the flesh and blood, breaking Lawrence's spine into several sections.
Right, that is it.
Lorenzo pulled the trigger repeatedly, completely destroying the broken body.
At the moment of Lawrence's physical death, Lawrence is bound to activate his power, Gabriel, to find a new body. At this time, without a carrier, he is undoubtedly the most vulnerable.
Lorenzo was preparing to invade Lawrence at this [gap], just like a ferocious blow just after the critical breakthrough. This attack beyond his imagination would definitely catch him off guard.
Finally, the nail sword was driven into it along the neck. Lawrence's head twisted at a weird angle, as if he was dead, and his broken body fell into the sea of ​​fire.
Lorenzo pierced the wall with his sword and fixed himself on the high wall beside him.
Feeling the invisible power, Lorenzo looked for a way to intercept Lawrence's [Gap] shuttle.
But nothing happened, and his eyes immediately fell into the sea of ​​fire. He didn't know. Could it be that Lawrence just died and gave up the [Gap] invasion?No, that's impossible, that kind of guy won't give up so easily.
A shuddering sound rang out from the sea of ​​​​fire, as if there were countless insects gnawing at the flesh and blood, or like a complicated sound of threads intersecting.
The broken figure stood up little by little.
"Lorenzo...you still know too little about demons and secret blood..."
The voice was hoarse and intermittent.
The firelight illuminated Lawrence.
Countless red threads covered the hideous wounds. They connected the broken sections of the wounds, pulling up the collapsed half of the body bit by bit and sewing them back together.
The flesh and blood in the body was twisting hard, restoring the broken bones to their original positions.
Lawrence raised his hand, grabbed the nail sword that penetrated his neck and chest, and pulled it out bit by bit. His trachea was no longer squeezed by the metal, and his voice became clearer.
"It seems that as the dean, I still need to teach you some new knowledge..."
His voice carried a strange smile, and his body was still burning with fire, like a dead person crawling out of hell lava.
"how can that be."
Lorenzo's eyes almost froze. The dragon's breath bomb shattered his heart, and even his flesh and blood were burned to ashes. The nail sword penetrated his neck, destroying his spine and flesh together.
But Lawrence is not dead, he is still alive, which is beyond the strength of the Silent One's flesh and blood.
this... this is...
Critical breakthrough.
Countless red threads danced wildly around Lawrence, like tentacles, greedily devouring the surrounding material. He slowly walked towards Lorenzo on the high wall.
There was only one answer left in all this, Lorenzo whispered uneasily.
"Power Yanar."
Simple and pure power, under the critical breakthrough situation, immortal power was given to this body.
"This is impossible, the burden of dual powers will make the witcher collapse!"
Lorenzo still remembers the knowledge he learned in the Demon Hunter Order. The alchemical matrix will be engraved on the back of the demon hunter. It will guide the power in the secret blood so that the demon hunter can master this extraordinary power. .
But power comes at a price. When a demon hunter uses power, he is awakening the taboo secret blood. Once more powers are used, the awakened secret blood will become more terrifying, and the corrosive pressure it brings will become even more terrifying. It is also growing in plural numbers.
Reason will be swallowed up in an instant and turn into a crazy monster.
"That's right, dual powers are taboo, because mortals cannot control this power... But I'm different, Lorenzo, I've got the [certificate], I've been [sublimated]."
A calm yet crazy voice sounded from beneath the mask.
"Are you afraid? Lorenzo."
Lorenzo didn't reply, he just felt a deep suffocation.
Is this Lawrence’s trump card?Does he have any other tricks up his sleeve?How should I defeat him?
Countless questions flashed through my mind, but none of the answers could answer.
There was a sound of unwillingness between his teeth, and Lorenzo tightened his grip on the nail sword again.
Everything seems to be back on that train shrouded in blizzard, facing an invincible enemy like Lawrence, the deep despair felt.
No... not despair yet.
Even Lorenzo himself didn't notice that a strange smile appeared on his face, as if what was hidden in this body was no longer a familiar soul, but some sticky, twisted and dark existence.
Lawrence stopped and looked at Lorenzo, looking at him in confusion. Then Lawrence seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help laughing.
"Lorenzo Holmes!"
Lawrence laughed, his voice echoing through this horrible hell.
"Lorenzo Holmes, haven't you noticed?"
Under the mask, Lawrence's expression was the same joy as Lorenzo's, with that twisted and weird laugh.
"You say I'm a monster? But so are you! You also obtained the [Certificate] and the [Sublimation]!"
Lawrence opened his hands and pointed his sword at the sea of ​​fire.
This sea of ​​boiling and burning fire seems to be unquenchable. It is clear that all combustible materials have been turned into ashes, but they are still attached to rocks and dead objects like immortals, releasing light and heat.
"What a fascinating blood..."
Lawrence breathed hard, smelling the blood in the air.
All power comes from the secret blood. Even today, endless years have passed, Lawrence still doesn't know the nature of this secret blood.
Looking at the knights in black armor on the high wall, endless fireworks are boiling and rolling in the gaps in the armor. Soon these scales will shatter. They can no longer restrain these angry flames. At that time, the light of judgment will destroy everything in the world. .
Power Michael.
 I will work hard to update this month, not to stretch my legs, and to earn royalties, (I really want MB Strike)
(End of this chapter)

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