Embers of Embers

Chapter 444 Traces of Holy Silver

Chapter 444 Traces of Holy Silver
"how can that be?"
Listening to Lawrence's words, Lorenzo felt huge waves deep in his heart.
He slowly raised his hand and looked at the blazing fireworks under the scales. The light was so blazing, it was as if his torso had already been turned into firewood and burned up under the protection of the armor.
"Secret blood, the source of our strength, haven't you thought carefully about the connection between us?"
Lawrence was not in a hurry to attack. Just like the teachings in the Demon Hunting Order, he taught this young man who had already mastered the power but didn't know it.
He was holding a nailed sword and was in the sea of ​​burning fire. His figure was so majestic and suffocating.
"In the final analysis, the power of the demon hunter is to usurp the power of the demon, and the alchemical matrix is ​​to guide it out of the blood and control it."
Lorenzo's eyes slowly moved to Lawrence, and he remembered what Merlin said to him when he was in Montenegro Hospital.
What exactly is power?
Is it a supernatural force that cannot be explained, or is it a "phenomenon" that can be explained by existing knowledge.
"The Illusion of the Bad Realm, the Stomach Grass... these are more common monsters, and there are also some special existences that we can't peek into..."
Burning demons, mysterious silencers... there are still too many unknowns in this world.
"In the final analysis, this power is not a sacred power. It comes from the secret blood, and it is as sinful as the secret blood. This thing is essentially the characteristics of the demon, and now, we have also mastered the power of the demon."
Mortals would not be able to achieve this level. Unknowingly, they have already been promoted to a higher existence.
"Essentially speaking, we are all members of the demons now. Lorenzo is just a demon with reason. Demon hunters and powers are just gentle embellishments. This cannot change our cruel and sinful nature. Nature."
Lawrence's voice stopped. In fact, he had said enough. Lorenzo on the high wall had thought everything clearly at this moment.
"Secret blood, power, demons..."
Lorenzo muttered in a low voice, the secret blood in his body was extremely hot, but this crazy power could not interfere with him.
He thought of the answer.
"Yes... the answer has been revealed to us a long time ago. The alchemical matrix will guide the power in the secret blood. In other words, in fact, every demon hunter has multiple powers, but they are subject to Trapped between will and erosion, we are destined to use only one."
This is the cowardice of mortals. Even if they become a demon hunter, such a will can only barely control and bear the power and erosion of power.
The alchemical matrix is ​​both a guide and a limiter, just like the silver bolt in the body.
Recalling the process of the demon hunter's gradual alienation, the resilience of flesh and blood becomes stronger, the pure flame becomes more intense, and the consciousness falls into madness... Aren't these characteristics a manifestation of power?
Power Yanar, Power Michael... This power has long been reflected in the demon hunter, but compared to the power that was guided, it was too weak in comparison, so it was ignored by people.
As the awakening level of the secret blood increases, these forgotten powers will gradually revive and return. When they completely appear, it will be the time when the demon hunter cannot bear the erosion and dies.
Nearly immortal power, boiling fireworks, and completely crazy consciousness.
Just like the threshold of secret blood awakening, the more it is raised, the stronger the power becomes, so more powers are revived. But the moment they gain power, they have been sentenced to death, and their consciousness is irreversibly eroded, becoming One of the demons.
Under the critical breakthrough, Lorenzo's secret blood continued to increase, so he also gained alienated power and awakened this violent flame.
"Power Michael guides the extremely hot pure flames. The intensity of the flames is far more powerful than ordinary demon hunters can control... Isn't this the strengthening of the pure flames? This kind of power can be used by those out-of-control demon hunters. It’s all reflected in my body.”
Lorenzo felt ridiculous for his hindsight. It was clear that the information was so close to him, but he was not aware of it.
"Isn't that what demonization is? Strengthening the pure flame, strengthening the resilience of flesh and blood, strengthening the madness of will, and spreading the spread of erosion."
These are powers, overlapping powers, a broken path of no return.
So what happened to me?
If this is the case, mortal will can only control and bear a share of the power and erosion of power. The critical breakthrough made Lorenzo enter demonization, and demonization brought multiple powers. It stands to reason that he should also lose control. But now Lorenzo is extremely rational, and erosion has no effect on him.
Lorenzo thought of something.
"So, is this [certificate] and [sublimation]?"
Lawrence, who was in the sea of ​​fire, nodded slightly and expressed his affirmation.
"Power Gabriel is your [certificate]. The moment you get this [certificate], your will will be [sublimated]."
When he saw the raging fireworks, Lawrence had already realized that Lorenzo also controlled the power Gabriel. Only in this way could he maintain his sanity and fight.
Lorenzo thought he was hiding well, but he didn't know that he had already been exposed in Lawrence's eyes.
Lawrence was very happy, he was extremely happy, and sometimes he would feel sad for his loneliness. After all, a person walking on this road of brokenness and destruction would inevitably feel lonely, but now he met another similar person.
That's something to celebrate.
"The [sublimated]... will."
Lorenzo gradually understood everything, and Watson had also told him this, but in the face of countless mysteries, these fragmented information was not enough to support him in understanding everything, but now he vaguely thought of it.
My own will is no longer a mortal's will. It is a [sublimated] will, so I can resist the erosion caused by multiple powers, so these powers will awaken in my body one by one.
Lorenzo thought of something.
It’s not that complicated, and at the end of the day, isn’t this just demonization?
He was demonizing little by little, but his will remained absolutely rational, allowing the sticky darkness to wrap around him little by little.
So what is the end of this road of destruction and brokenness, this dark end?
For a moment, a strange hallucination flashed through Lorenzo's eyes. He saw pale angels slowly spreading their wings in front of his eyes, their cold and ruthless faces leaning towards him, and their hands stretched out, as if to welcome him to heaven. .
Lorenzo growled. He swung the nail sword with his backhand and cut himself. The pain made him sober.
That's not heaven, and that's not angels.
"In the final analysis, we still know too little about secret blood and demons."
Lawrence said slowly that he was not in a hurry to fight Lorenzo.
"I used to be like you. I only thought that demons were monsters and monsters should be killed. But gradually, I learned too many things, which frightened me, Lorenzo Holmes."
Lorenzo stopped making any sound, just quietly feeling the power in his body.
After pulling out the nailed sword that was driven into the high wall, Lorenzo also fell into the sea of ​​fire. He and Lawrence looked at each other longingly.
"So body deformity is also a kind of power? Power Yanar, mortal will can no longer restrain this power, so the out-of-control power causes flesh and blood to proliferate strangely."
Lorenzo's voice was calm. He knew that witchers and monsters had the same origin, but he never thought that they were so similar, just like facing himself in the mirror.
The flames burned quietly, and the next moment the red-hot nailed sword stirred up fireworks and strong winds.
"Why, do you still want to fight?"
Lawrence casually raised the nail sword to resist Lorenzo's attack. At the critical breakthrough, he awakened the powerful Yanar... No, it is not accurate to say awakening.
Throwing away those modified words, now Lawrence is just a critical breakthrough in the secret blood, which has led to his becoming a demon. The resilience of flesh and blood has become extremely powerful, and this powerful manifestation is called Power Anna you.
With the blessing of this immortal power, it is difficult for Lorenzo to kill him.
Demon hunters themselves have extremely strong resilience, and the so-called Power Yanar has not only infinitely strengthened this recovery characteristic, just like Power Michael.
"You telling me information and me wanting to kill you are two different things. There is no conflict between them."
Lorenzo's voice was cold, and the sword cut open Lawrence's body. A raging fire ignited in the wound, but it failed to kill Lawrence. The dead flesh and blood faded away with the proliferated flesh and fell off with burning flames.
"This is such a pity. We are the same kind...perhaps the only kind in this world. I think we should be more peaceful."
It was like Lawrence was playing tricks on Lorenzo. After confirming that Lorenzo was also a [sublimated] existence, he felt that his dark heart became a lot brighter, but if Lorenzo still insisted on blocking his way, Lawrence didn't mind killing this rare species.
Lawrence doesn't need anyone of his kind, he just needs the sword in his hand.
"It's starting to get boring. Give me more surprises, Lorenzo, otherwise this will be too boring."
Lawrence said, shaking the sword and slashing down, cracks exploded along Lorenzo's breastplate, the armor shattered, and the fireworks underneath instantly poured out and bombarded Lawrence's body.
Under the endless white tide, the powerful shadow was seen approaching little by little, and Lawrence came facing the fierce flames.
The situation reached a stalemate, and Lorenzo was unable to effectively kill Lawrence. Under this immortal power, the battle between the two of them had no meaning at all.
Unless... fighting in the [Gap].
Lorenzo thought this, but there was a heartbreaking pain in his body.
His movements froze, and then his whole body seemed to be petrified. Lorenzo could feel the heartbreaking pain coming from every inch of his body, as if countless insects were eating him inside. flesh and blood.
It goes up little by little along the spine, and finally emerges from the eye socket.
[The silver bolt begins to melt. 】
A cold and vague voice sounded in my mind, and then the voice was completely broken.
"Damn, at a time like this."
Lorenzo gasped violently, and his body fell uncontrollably.
With the critical breakthrough of the secret blood, the silver-binding bolt in his body began to melt down. The molten holy silver was burning his body, killing him from the inside bit by bit.
Lawrence looked at Lorenzo who had stopped moving. He had a puzzled look on his face. He was about to ask something, but then he saw the wound he had just made.
The scar on Lorenzo's chest had a metallic luster, and blood mixed with metal dripped.
"You haven't changed your body yet?"
Lawrence asked.
"Yes, I also found such a suitable body with the help of epidemic doctors."
Under the cultivation of the epidemic doctors, they successfully used the flesh and blood of the silent ones to give birth to a new body, a perfect body.
Lawrence recognized the silver bolt in Lorenzo's body. The old order had been destroyed. Lorenzo was different from him. Lorenzo did not have so many backup resources, so it was understandable that he did not change his body.
"It looks like I won."
Lawrence shook his head helplessly. He suddenly had no fighting spirit at all. This kind of victory was too boring for him.
Lorenzo was not defeated by his own strength, but fell down due to the gradual melting of the silver bolt in his body. This is ridiculous.
Just like those witchers who died on Holy Night.
Looking at the panting body, Lawrence admired Lorenzo's pain, but suddenly he remembered something.
"Do you want to give up hunting me? If you calm down the secret blood now, you may be able to prevent the melting of the holy silver, but similarly, you can't kill me without a critical breakthrough."
Laurence suddenly found pleasure again, and like a devil from hell, he seduced Lorenzo.
"Want to give it a try? Cut open your arms and torso to free the molten holy silver?"
There was a smile in his voice.
"This is what I found when I was looking through the books when I was the leader. Some demon hunters of Yanar tried to defect before. They thought that with the power of power, they could resist the destruction of the holy silver, so they cut their own body, drive the steel nails with holes into the arms, and drain the holy silver from the body bit by bit."
The sound became sharper, like the dead wailing in pain.
"There is no turning back. They almost succeeded. In order to remove the Holy Silver from the body, they need more powerful power, but the more they awaken the Secret Blood, the faster the Holy Silver melts.
The holy silver restrained the resilience of power, and in the end they were burned into an empty shell by the holy silver, and most of the holy silver had flowed out.
Just a little bit, just a little bit away, they were going to win the bet. "
Lorenzo did not respond to his jeers, as if dead.
Lawrence's laughter froze. He was enjoying all this so much, but Lorenzo was so uncooperative with him.
Means nothing.
But at this moment Lorenzo got up little by little, and the dark armor was peeled off one by one, revealing a face twisted in pain.
"Then please wait a moment, Lawrence."
Lorenzo's voice was filled with hysterical madness. He raised the nail sword and stabbed it along his palm, penetrating the entire arm. The teeth-breaking sounds continued in succession, and the bones collapsed inch by inch, intersecting with the flesh and blood. Stirred together.
The arm fell down weakly, but at the same time, liquid holy silver overflowed from the wound in the palm of his hand. Lorenzo slammed the hilt of the nailed sword into the ruins in front of him, fixed his position and waved his arm. , causing the other hand to be penetrated.
Lorenzo said this, then smashed his chest on the nailed sword in front of him, twisted his body vigorously, and gradually expanded the wound.
The secret blood roared, and the holy silver in his body almost boiled.
He leaned forward, steely blood gushing out from the wound.
Lawrence was stunned. He looked at Lorenzo who was so crazy. Even he was shocked by the violence radiating from Lorenzo.
"When I take care of it, I'm going to kill you."
Lorenzo raised his head stubbornly, his eyes filled with malice like a tidal wave.
The blood and holy silver were mixed together, and they covered the nailed sword bit by bit, and then cooled on it, clinging to the blade like mottled pig iron.
The holy silver destroyed Lorenzo's body, but the rising secret blood healed him.
It's a gamble.
Once Lorenzo fails, 047's body will be completely destroyed. At that time, he must travel through the [gap] to escape the battlefield. But he is not the only one who has the power of Gabriel. He will be sniped by Lawrence. Maybe it will happen. died here.
But if he didn't, Lorenzo wouldn't be able to kill Lawrence.
Seliu is right, he is a person with self-destructive tendencies. Today's situation has nothing to do with actions, it is just the simplest personal grudge.
Only one person can leave here alive today.
The secret blood sublimated the body, and the flesh began to squirm, making Lorenzo enter the stage of demonization. They squeezed the flowing metal, reset the broken bones, and stronger hardness added value to its surface.
Slowly Lorenzo regained strength, first in one arm, then in the other.
Perhaps the suppression of the holy silver has taken effect. Although most of the wounds have healed, the scars on the palms of the hands have not been smoothed away, just like the holy marks on the palms of the executed saints.
Lorenzo stood up little by little until the nailed sword that was buried in his chest was taken out. He grabbed the blade of the nailed sword and pulled it out from the ruins.
He was a little weak, his body was shaky, and there was still a small amount of holy silver in his body, which caused burning pain, but this could no longer affect Lorenzo.
Like Lawrence, Lorenzo embarks on a path of brokenness, striding toward a dark end.
"Ah...you are indeed my student."
For some reason, Lawrence suddenly felt tears filling his eyes at this moment, staring at the iron figure, as if he saw his past in Lorenzo's body.
Lorenzo stepped forward, and then his figure was torn into flowing light and shadow.
The sharp blade cuts through the air at an extremely fast speed, with almost no time to react. When you see it clearly, you are already dead.
This time, even Lawrence couldn't dodge such a swift sword, and the steel screamed.
The nail sword left with blood, and a hideous scar exploded on his neck. The wound was so deep that the bone could be seen, and it almost decapitated Lawrence.
The dark mask also shattered under this blow, revealing half of Lawrence's face, and that half of the face was also cut by the trajectory of the sword, and the flesh and blood were blurred, only the blazing white eyes were still clearly visible.
The bone-deep pain came from the wound. Lawrence's eyes did not waver, but slowly moved towards the nailed sword in Lorenzo's hand.
"That's what you wanted to do?"
Lawrence didn't feel the slightest anger, and his heart became more and more happy. This was simply a surprise to him.
"Yeah, even if you don't tell me, I have to find a way to get the holy silver out, right?"
Lorenzo was holding a nailed sword plated with holy silver and blood. The jet-black armor covered his body layer by layer, and then flames bloomed from the gaps.
"Only Holy Silver can suppress this immortality, and only this thing can kill you."
Lawrence laughed wildly under the mask. He could no longer think of any words of praise to describe Lorenzo. All he could do was hold the nail sword tightly and use the most powerful gesture to make Lorenzo despair.
"Come then, Lorenzo Holmes, you are a true witcher."
Lawrence strode towards Lorenzo.
Endless dust fell from the dark dome, and under the harsh sound of swords, huge and ferocious cracks appeared on the high wall one after another.
The former church turned into a war between demons. Perhaps the so-called God really existed. Unable to bear the sacredness being desecrated in this way, the Yejia Grand Theater began to collapse amidst the raging fire.
Amid the wild laughter of the demons, the end has come.
(End of this chapter)

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