Embers of Embers

Chapter 445 War and Peace

Chapter 445 War and Peace
Liya had never seen fire like that, it was blazing white, like a rolling ball of light.
This is a pretty good firework. Just by looking at it, you will feel a mysterious sense of holiness, as if the firework is falling from the heaven at the end of the clouds.
These are lovely fireworks, but now they give Liya endless fear.
The Yejia Grand Theater began to collapse in front of her eyes, endless white flames spurting out from the cracks, the building was like a dying old man, he breathed out feebly, and every breath brought about fluctuations in the sea of ​​fire. Each fluctuation takes away a little bit of its life until it is completely dead.
"Exactly... what happened?"
Liya witnessed the collapse of this beauty. She asked questions, but no one could give her the answer, and then the fanatical roar dragged her back to reality.
The entire night sky was no longer dim, it was ignited by heavy fires, a deep dark red, like coagulated blood stains.
The believers around her were running back and forth. Liya was like a dead leaf in the torrent, being carried by the crowd and stumbling until she had a chance to breathe. She was squeezed to the ground, her hands touching the cold ground, and she gulped. He was breathing hard, his mind completely captured by fear.
There are no more sacred rituals. At this moment, this place has turned into a battlefield of hell. There is almost no chance for conversation. The believers of the Evangelical Church just stormed the theater square. They held up weapons of different styles and slashed with bloodshot eyes. Every Orthodox believer I meet.
The cold air was warmed by the fire, and there was a sweet smell of blood floating in it. This smell filled Liya's nose, her stomach tumbled, and she retched in disgust.
Suddenly something was touching her hands, like running water, but the water was very warm and a little sticky...
Among the confused figures, Liya looked into a pair of dull eyes.
It was a man. He was lying not far from Liya. The hideous wound split along his throat, and blood flowed out of it, spreading all the way to Liya.
Liya was stunned, her body seemed to be petrified. She tried to move her body, but no matter how hard she tried, she could only stay in place.
The man's mouth trembled slightly, he was not dead yet, and his hoarse and weak voice reached Liya's ears very clearly.
"help me."
Someone stepped on the man's body, more pairs of feet stepped on his body, and with the squeezing, more blood poured out from the wound.
Liya wanted to save him, but the girl was completely dominated by fear. She didn't even have the strength to stand up and run away. She could only witness the man being trampled to death completely, and the body rolling back and forth under the feet of the crowd until it disappeared.
what is this?Religious war?
There were fanatical roars all around. Some people were chanting doctrines loudly, wielding weapons and slashing at others, and their cold bodies fell one after another.
Liya couldn't figure it out. She crawled on the ground, hid in the corner of the debris, and curled up little by little.
Clash of faiths, wars between religions.
This kind of vocabulary is still too far away for young girls, as far away as the illusory stories in the book.
Liya still remembers how she was when she first learned the word. At that time, she had not yet joined the Orthodox Church, and she was bored sitting on the steps outside the Evangelical Church, listening to the priest explain the history of the Evangelical Church to the believers.
The priest spoke impassionedly about the sacred Eastern Crusade in history. Under the leadership of the Pope, the Knights Templar were invincible. They fought all the way and eradicated all enemies. The losers were left with only two choices: believe in the Evangelical Church, or be treated as a heretic. Burn to death.
It was a glorious era, when the influence of the Evangelical Church spread to the greatest extent. One church after another was built in foreign lands, and everyone devoutly believed in the God of the Evangelical Church.
Liya still remembered what she did at that time. She was very interested when she heard this. She stood up and asked the priest outside the window.
"Why does the Pope want to march eastward?"
The priest was surprised by Liya's sudden appearance as an audience. Perhaps he was more concerned about Liya's questions. He didn't chase Liya away immediately, but answered her questions.
"Because they are heretics."
When the word "heresy" was mentioned, the priest became angry.
"What is heresy?"
Liya asked innocently.
"Anyone who does not believe in the evangelical church is a heretic."
The priest said with great determination.
Listening to the priest's words, Liya felt that this reason was too absurd.
"Starting a war because of this kind of thing? Just because of this ridiculous reason."
Liya couldn't understand. Although she didn't understand this very well, the word "war" was as solemn as iron stone to her. In her opinion, it was a contradiction that could not be avoided. Only when she had to make a decision would she Cruel words that will appear.
But in the words of the priest, this thing was so random, and just because of this reason, a bloody Eastern Crusade was launched.
Liya couldn't understand why not believing in these things would become a sin.
Hearing Liya's answer, the priest was angry. Looking at the old face of the priest, Liya was very frightened for a moment. It was obviously the first time that she and the priest had met. Although the conversation was somewhat unpleasant, the priest There is a desire to kill himself in his eyes.
Because of my answer?
Liya couldn't understand why someone would kill someone for such a reason.
Just like right now.
Fireworks rose and blood splattered. No one felt fear. Instead, they felt a sense of devotion and fanaticism. They recited sacred teachings while doing the most sinful things in their hands.
Many of them met for the first time. Before that, they were complete strangers. They didn't know each other's past or their present, but they fought together for the so-called belief.
No, it shouldn't be like this.
A familiar voice sounded, and a dark shadow enveloped Liya. He grabbed Liya's wrist.
Liya panicked for a while, but then she saw clearly the appearance of the person coming.
Her voice trembled, then she broke down crying.
"Don't be afraid, come with me."
This time Hu Ao grabbed Liya's hand. It was because he failed to keep an eye on Liya before that when the conflict broke out, he and Liya were separated in the chaotic scene.
"Didn't anyone stop this?"
Liya followed Hu Ao closely, fearing that she would be separated from him. If she were to be separated again under such circumstances, Liya knew exactly what would happen to her.
The tragic scene of the man's death flashed before his eyes. He was also a living person, but in the end he died inexplicably for such a ridiculous reason.
"I don't know. Logically speaking, the Mounted Police should have arrived long ago..."
As he talked, Hu Ao himself did not have the courage to continue talking.
So what if the mounted police came? As the Yega Theater burned, the whole scene turned into complete madness. There was nothing to control. The coming of the mounted police only added fuel to the carnival.
"Where are we going?"
Liya looked around in panic. In the flickering light, she couldn't be sure who the people around her were. It was probably the same with other people, but they didn't have the same fear as herself, and instead threw themselves into the carnival.
"Go find Your Majesty."
Huao stretched out his hand and knocked down a person who tried to attack them with a punch. Fortunately, his career as a sailor gave him a strong enough body, otherwise he might have hid and trembled like Liya.
Feeling the pain in his fist, this was the first time Hu Ao took the initiative to hurt someone.
"Your Majesty?"
Liya still remembered what happened before. The impact of the explosion overturned the high platform, and Mian Xia was missing in the collapse.
"Yes, Mian is still alive, but he suffered some minor injuries. He is protected, but our numbers are still too small to rush out of here."
Huao replied that if there is a safe place here, then it must be next to Miguel.
The believers firmly protected the injured Miguel and repelled several enemy attacks.
He was just a sailor and didn't know anything about politics and interests, but now Huo also instinctively felt that this was a premeditated attack. At the moment when the Pope was enthroned, the believers of the Evangelical Church chose to attack. They want to kill Orthodoxy here.
For some reason, after realizing this, Huo felt uncontrollable anger in his heart. For a moment, he also wanted to join the battle like everyone else, and repel the attacking Gospel Church.
But maybe there is still Liya who needs to be taken care of. No matter what he wants to do, he must first bring her to Miguel.
"So... why?"
Liya muttered quietly.
It's just a difference in belief. Why should we do it for this reason?Pay for these meaningless deaths and pain.
No matter what the girl thought, she couldn't understand these things. She just felt sad and scared.
For this day, Liya made full preparations. She weaved many flower crowns and practiced hymns with everyone for a long time. In her expectation, this day would end in beauty, and a warm church would be built in a barren place. From now on, she may become a nun, or a scholar... There are still many opportunities in her future.
It was all destroyed, burned down in the blazing fire.
Liya is a kind child. She rarely hates someone, but now she can clearly feel the emotion called hatred in her heart.
She knew there was something strange about this, but she couldn't control it. These dark things grew wantonly and spread to every corner.
The theater square was soaked with blood. The journey was obviously not long, but due to the chaotic situation and the enemy, this distance seemed particularly difficult.
Huao could already see the guards, who had repurposed the collapsed platform like a simple fortress.
"it's me!"
Huo shouted loudly.
The battle here has ended. Although the chaos is still there, everyone has a tacit understanding not to get close to here. All they see is pool after pool of blood on the ground. You can imagine what people have paid for this short respite.
"Your Majesty, are you alright?"
After getting past the defense, the first thing Hu Ao did was to walk towards the depths of the wreckage and asked with concern.
Different from the madness outside, the atmosphere here is slightly depressing, and there are injured everywhere.
A voice sounded from deep, and then the old man limped out.
Miguel's current condition is not bad. There are some scratches on his face and his left leg was broken when he fell. However, it was bandaged briefly and he can still stand up.
He looked very embarrassed, with gray hair covering his face randomly, and his body was dirty and stained with blood.
Seeing this, Hu Ao was a little happy. It turned out that the so-called Mian was an ordinary person and would be caught off guard by this sudden encounter.
Hu Ao wanted to continue saying something, but his eyes seemed to be caught by something.
His pupils were tightly locked on Miguel's head, and Huo couldn't help swallowing, his mind was tempted and heated by it.
It was an exquisite crown, not decorated with any gorgeous jewelry, nor any amazing craftsmanship. It was just a very simple crown, with elegant arcs intertwined together, like osmanthus leaves.
This is a crown of little value, thrown into the hands of jewelers, they will not even look at it.
This is a crown of extraordinary value, which symbolizes power and desire. This is the embodiment of the Orthodox Pope. Although the ceremony was rudely interrupted, Miguel could not bear to wear it long ago.
Crowns are magical...power is magical.
Although the current situation is critical, Miguel is not worried at all, he is extremely calm, as if everyone is a plaything in his hands.
"Your Majesty."
Huao came to his senses and realized his rudeness. He lowered his head to Miguel and apologized.
Miguel didn't pay attention to this, but asked coldly.
"How's it going?"
"It's very bad. The whole way I went out was full of fighting. We have to find a way to escort you out." Hu Ao said.
"In other words, it is completely 'out of control' now?"
Miguel still looked unworried, and he asked Huao.
Huo thought for a while and expressed his affirmation.
Miguel showed a faint smile. He knew that he needed to remain serious in this situation, but when he thought of what would happen next, he still couldn't bear the joy in his heart.
"let's start."
He whispered to the guard beside him.
The guard didn't reply, but turned and took action.
"Your Majesty..."
Hu Ao couldn't figure out what was going on, but before he could ask any more questions, Miguel turned his attention to Hu Ao.
"Huao, you are a devout believer, right?"
Faced with this question, if it were Hu Ao before, he might have hesitated, but now that he has tasted the beauty and recognition brought by Orthodoxy, he nodded without hesitation.
"Yes, it's me."
"Very well, then stay with me and protect me."
Miguel said and walked towards the crowd.
"Your Majesty, this is very dangerous!"
Huao tried to stop him, but Miguel raised his hand and stopped Huao's behavior.
"My believers are bleeding and fighting for me. How can I abandon them?"
Miguel said without turning his head, and then strode forward.
"This will be the first victory of the Orthodox Church, and after this we will win one after another. Nothing can stop us..."
Just as planned, Miguel walked out of the wreckage and appeared in front of everyone. The believers were stunned at first, and then shouted the holy name.
It is a great honor that their Pope stands with them.
The enemies became fanatical. This was the heretic Pope. As long as he was killed, they would clear the earth for their god.
Distorted and crazy ideas arise in everyone's mind. They stand in different positions but do the same crazy things.
Miguel enjoyed this moment, and the choirs scattered in the darkness also took action. They wielded their sharp blades and chopped down the invading enemies. The situation that was originally suppressed was turned upside down with the arrival of Miguel. Little by little it was reversed.
Everyone was calling Miguel's name, with awe or hatred, and he was immersed in this great moment.
But Miguel didn't know that his face was currently appearing in the scope.
"Migur appears."
Eve's finger gently pressed on the trigger.
"Then open fire and kill him."
Some angry voices sounded from the side, and Kestrel squatted next to Eve, the folding knife in his hand still dripping with blood.
Kestrel hates this place, it is simply a paradise for a group of lunatics, no matter who they are, they try to give themselves a knife.
"I know I know."
Eve looked at Miguel's annoying smile and said softly.
"Farewell, Your Majesty."
Pulling the trigger, the bullet came out. The violent sound instantly overwhelmed all the sounds, and the world fell into a brief silence, followed by a roaring explosion.
Eve was not sure whether she had hit the target. The moment she pulled the trigger, she felt as if she had been hit head-on by a bull. The recoil of the meteorite caused Eve to fall to the ground and roll several times before she stopped.
It was also at this time that Eve finally understood what was special about this strange weapon.
This fired a special bullet with lacquered antimony built into it. It was like a small bomb, and a raging fire rose among the crowd.
Eve had no chance to judge whether Miguel was alive or dead, because after this blow, everyone noticed this place.
"I swear, if I can go back alive, the first thing I want to do is beat up those psychopaths at the Perpetual Pump."
Facing so many pairs of eyes, Kestrel worked hard to muster up the courage and set up the folding knife.
How is this an assassination weapon?This is clearly a small artillery launcher. Think about it, rather than blindly pursuing accuracy, it would be better to maximize the killing area.
"Time to run, Kestrel!"
Kestrel was about to slash with a knife, but before he could rush out, he was grabbed by Eve. With almost no time to think, Kestrel turned his head and started to rush in the direction of the believers of the Evangelical Church.
As the two strangers join the fight, they stir things up, and things start to take a turn for the worse.
But what no one noticed was that there seemed to be thunder in the collapsed ruins of the Yejia Grand Theater, and the sound became clearer and clearer.
(End of this chapter)

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