Embers of Embers

Chapter 446 The passing of light

Chapter 446 The passing of light
This is a war, a war between religions and beliefs, interspersed with the conspiracies and conspiracies of big figures, as well as confusing grievances and resentments.
But such an extremely serious matter was disrupted by two stupid thieves, Eve and Kestrel.
Eve swung the meteor like a crowbar, knocking over a believer who was rushing towards her. Since firing, the barrel of the gun has become extremely hot, and there are faint cracks on the surface. It is unclear whether it is due to the overheating of the gun. It's still Eve's swing. It seems that the service life of this thing is only enough to fire a few times.
Sure enough, those guys like the Perpetual Pump are really unreliable. Eve should have known this a long time ago. Instead of using this weapon, she might as well sneak into Miguel's side and rub it on his neck.
"So do you usually encounter unexpected situations like this?"
Eve yelled loudly, only in this way could her voice be heard above the chaotic sounds around her.
Now this place is like a carnival party, or like a death ceremony where the evil god comes to the world. The fire and blood are reflected together, and there is a ferocious red color everywhere.
To be honest, there was a familiar feeling at this moment. Eve actually recalled the first time she and Lorenzo met, or to be precise, the first time they fought together.
That bloody dance.
The more Eve thought about it, the more she realized that it was all so similar. People who were addicted to hallucinogens at that time had the same madness and desires as these believers.
"Accidents? For us, accidents are the norm. You never know where a monster will pop out to bite you, or a companion who was chatting just now will grow ferocious horns and become an enemy."
Kestrel looked like an expert, slashing left and right with his folding knife, forcing those blind guys back one by one.
"Experience it, Eve, not everything will go so smoothly. We will encounter all kinds of accidents, and maybe even lose our lives."
Kestrel was obviously in a state of mind, and the various "accidents" he had been experiencing made him feel that his world was absurd.
Although there were many injuries on his body and only one arm was left that could swing, this could not restrain Kestrel.
The one who has always been compared with him in terms of combat power is a monster-level guy like Lorenzo, but now facing these ordinary crazy people, even monsters who are not mortals, Kestrel shows how powerful he is.
He is more or less a senior knight of the purification mechanism. He has experienced hundreds of battles. He is like a ball of flowing water. down their throats.
There is no hesitation, and the folding knife is very stable. Killing people has long been no burden to Kestrel. It is just work, and he is good at handling work.
He is not bound by morals and ethics... It stands to reason that people like him should be locked up in prison for a lifetime, and this is the case for the entire purification agency.
But it's a bit strange to think about it. To a certain extent, people would never imagine that the people protecting the world are actually a group of perverts and lunatics, and these two labels sometimes overlap.
"You have to think about it carefully, Eve." Kestrel said suddenly.
"Considering what?"
Eve followed closely behind him, the crowd was in chaos, two groups of people were killing each other, and the chaos of the explosion just gave them a chance to breathe.
It should be said that she really deserves to be Arthur's daughter. Eve is obviously a newcomer, but like Kestrel, she is very experienced. She strikes steadily and ruthlessly, never giving the enemy any chance to get close to her.
"Consider joining the purification agency."
Kestrel held the folding knife and kept slashing with his hand, but his eyes were cast on the night sky, which was burned red.
Killing someone is a heavy thing, but Kestrel's heart is very relaxed and happy, just like a pervert.
Kestrel was once again immersed in the killing, fighting against these guys who didn't know whether they were enemies or not. He waved his arms vigorously and cut open the tender flesh one after another with his folding knife.
What a familiar feeling.
Smelling the smell of blood on the tip of his nose, Kestrel suddenly felt a strange feeling at this moment. He felt more and more that the beautiful afternoon when he and Irene met was a dream. These things were all false. Only the current killing had no effect on him. it is true.
Only this kind of battle is his life, the previous feeling of difference has disappeared, and Kestrel feels that his life is on the right track at this moment.
Yes, this kind of life is a normal life. There is nothing to do but slash and kill, while spitting on the corpses of the enemy, telling cold jokes, and collecting the corpses for his teammates from time to time.
He continued such a happy and bloody life until one day he became one of the corpses.
Sometimes Kestrel wonders if he is already dead and all that is moving now is just a corpse.
Kestrel longs for peace on the surface, but his heart has long been distorted into something else. He knows very well that he cannot integrate into ordinary people's lives. From the beginning, this has been a broken road with no return.
He would die in battle, not in a warm bed in a peaceful life, and all he was doing now was waiting for that day to come.
Kestrel is a living dead, and this twisted and deformed world is where people like him end up.
"Eve, you have to think about this carefully."
Without the joy and laughter before, Kestrel became rarely serious, and he said with a serious expression.
"Joining the purification agency is not considered an honor. Although we say we are protecting human beings, in fact our hands have long been stained with blood. If there really is a hell after death, then that must be our destination. ”
Kestrel felt a sense of fear, not because he was afraid of what he was thinking, but because he was afraid of Eve. He suddenly understood Arthur's thoughts.
"I think Arthur doesn't let you touch these, not only to protect your life, but more because he wants you to live as a normal person. You don't know any demons, and your hands have never been stained with blood. You will Live a wonderful life and go to heaven when you die.”
He didn’t know if Eve was listening to him, but that wasn’t very important.Kestrel said to himself as if he had an epiphany.
"Yes, maybe this is the life Arthur wants you to live, the person he wants you to be, instead of joining me in this hellish place to kill people for fun."
Kestrel said, turning back to look at Eve.
Just hearing a crisp sound, Eve used the butt of the gun to knock a man away. The movement was very standard. You can clearly see that the man's jaw was a little loose. He was probably smashed to pieces by Eve. pieces.
"What did you say? It's too noisy."
Eve came back to her senses and asked Kestrel.
"Ah...it's okay."
Kestrel shook his head, feeling as if all his thoughts were wasted.
"But if you say so, Kestrel, will you be afraid? After all, if there is a hell, that will be your final destination!"
Eve brought up the conversation again, and no one knew whether she had listened to what Kestrel had just said.
"Are you afraid of going to hell? How can this happen!"
Speaking of this, Kestrel's voice was obviously a little higher.
"How should I put it? Going back to hell feels like going home. After all, my unfortunate colleagues are probably there too... This is called reconnecting!"
Eve looked like she had seen a ghost, and the hell that people were extremely afraid of actually had such a beautiful feeling in Kestrel's mouth.
"And those guys I killed will probably be there too!"
Eve asked, listening to Kestrel's shout.
"What? Are you afraid that they will seek revenge on you?"
"How could it be? I sent them to hell with my own hands. If I can kill them once, I can kill them a second time... It stands to reason that hell should be full of wicked people. If there are really any devils, they should be The savior of the wicked. If a person like me goes to hell, can he be considered a high-end talent? Maybe he will be assigned an official position, right?"
Kestrel's thoughts couldn't stop diverging. Everyone in the purification agency liked Kestrel quite a lot. Although this guy did talk bad things sometimes, the more terrifying the place, Kestrel's sense of joy in suffering, The more precious it is.
The two chatted, but they did not stop what they were doing, and during the gap, he was observing the surroundings.
"Be careful, don't let those guys come too close. I can handle one or two, but if there are too many, we will definitely die."
Kestrel warned.
Eve knew who he was referring to. The choir soldiers were walking through the crowd. Fortunately, the two of them were also moving. Coupled with the chaotic scene, they had not surrounded them yet.
"Is Miguel dead?"
Kestrel asked again, the fire cover everything, they were not sure if Miguel was really dead.
"I don't know. Let's go find his body first. There should be a gap there!"
Eve's thinking also became weird. Since she couldn't break through, it was better to turn back.
"I think so, Eve."
This time, Kestrel's voice was obviously under a little pressure, and the steps under his feet stopped, and he protected Eve.
"As you said, let's go."
There was an obvious countercurrent in the crowded crowd, and several people came against the crowd. This time they no longer made any cover-ups.
"I didn't expect the response to be so quick..."
Kestrel felt that the situation was getting worse.
An icy cold light shone in the darkness. The choir members did not make any cover-up, their weapons were directly displayed and they walked towards the two of them.
Kestrel thought that this chaotic scene would buy them some time, but it seemed that they still underestimated the enemy's reaction.
"Is this operation considered a failure?"
Kestrel thought about this and looked at the Yega Theater. The once magnificent building had collapsed into a burning ruin.
It was obvious that there was something wrong with Lorenzo's actions, and it was unclear whether he was still alive.
Kestrel was a little worried.
According to what was said before, they should all have finished their operations now. Everyone gathered on the dock and took the speedboat back to Inverg.
Irene is promised safety, Heybold gets his best friend back, Eve will pass her internship, Lorenzo will finish his first job at the firm, and he will return to the place where Irene met. That dock, enjoying the balance of the holiday.
But now everything is disrupted.
The conspiracies overlapped and exploded at the same time here in the Theater Square. They mixed together and produced some wonderful reactions, so everyone's plans were disrupted.
Miguel fell to the ground and groaned in pain. He knew Lawrence's plan. Under their conspiracy, the conflict between the Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Church would be intensified to the greatest extent, and he would lead the believers here to fight a beautiful victory. Such battles will then spread throughout Gaul Nalo, and with all their strength, no one can limit their development.
This was expected, but obviously, an unexpected event happened.
Miguel didn't think that the explosion was part of Lawrence's plan. There was a bone-piercing burning pain in his old body, and he felt that he was about to die.
Is it Lawrence?He wants to kill himself?
Do not……
Miguel didn't think it was Lawrence who had done it. He knew very well that he had never seen Lawrence's true face, but Miguel was willing to believe that if Lawrence wanted to die, he would do it directly in front of him. , killed himself with one sword.
I have to admit that Lawrence gave himself an invisible sense of oppression, as if no matter what happened, it would come true under his leadership, and there would be no negligence.
Just like the explosion just now, if Lawrence came to kill him, then he must be a corpse now, instead of thinking about who came to kill him.
"Then who would it be?"
Miguel murmured in a low voice, and he tried to stand up, but the successive injuries had made him lose all his strength.
In the chaotic sight, someone slowly stood up and looked left and right.
Hu Ao saw everything burning quietly. The impact of the bullet coming out of the barrel caused Eve to deviate from the target, but even so, the explosion caused great damage.
Slowly raising his hand, Hu Ao's hand was full of blood. He lowered his head and found that the clothes he was wearing when he came were stained with blood. There was cramping pain in his abdomen, and it looked like broken steel had been pierced into it. .
Huao could still move, and he was breathing hard. It felt like this was not a fatal injury.
"Mian...Your Majesty!"
Hu Ao saw the fallen figure. The explosion flames burned most of Miguel's body, and the charred clothes and flesh were stuck together.
Fortunately, the high temperature also scorched the wounds together, so he didn't lose too much blood.
"Your Majesty, are you alright?"
Huao hurriedly walked over. He helped Miguel up and leaned to the side.
Miguel had no strength at all. He tried to say something, but the severe pain in his body made his voice broken.
"protect me……"
There was a strong order in Miguel's voice.
Even though his body was in so much pain, he still raised his hand vigorously, reaching over his head as if stroking something.
He touched it.
Icy, cold, with a winter-like chill on the metal.
An evil smile appeared on Miguel's face. His crown was still there and had not been lost. It was like a growing thorn, piercing deeply under his scalp and connecting with him.
He has been chasing power for so long, so long that he is willing to give everything for it. Now that Miguel is so close to him, he does not want to die, and he absolutely cannot die. He has finally touched this noble authority, and he absolutely cannot die like this. .
"Protect me! Huao!"
The sound came out of his throat like a lion's roar.
Hu Ao was stunned. He had never seen such a pope. The previous holiness and nobility were gone at this moment. He was like a madman seduced by the devil, and the smile on his face had been twisted into a ferocious look.
Before Hu Ao could say anything else, subtle footsteps sounded, and Hu Ao turned his head stiffly.
Liya stood up staggeringly. She was already very thin. The impact of the explosion knocked her over several meters. The white dress prepared for the hymn was also torn at this moment. The fireworks scorched it and the blood solidified on it. Together, it shows a deep dark red.
Large areas of skin were also exposed, but this was not a touching scene. It was covered with scratches, and the skin and clothes were stuck together. Every time Liya moved, it caused severe pain.
Tears were streaming down her dirty face, and Liya's eyes were a little dull.
There are too many things that people cannot understand today. According to predictions, everything is so beautiful. The Pope will wear the holy crown, he will open the Holy Communion, and the church will no longer set any thresholds, like Liya This bottom finally saw the light, but this light was shrouded in endless darkness.
why?Why do some people hate light?
Liya had no strength left, she knelt down weakly, no longer making any sound, like a dead doll.
Huao's hands trembled. He stood up from Miguel's side, and then his whole body trembled with fear.
Only then did Hu Ao feel such a sense of distortion. He had been mediocre for decades. In his estimation, he might continue to be mediocre for many more years and eventually die.
But he met the light. Although it was short-lived, the life he had experienced in these few days was something he had never experienced before. He was recognized, and no one disliked the fishy smell that penetrated his bones. He was treated as a living person... ...This life would have continued until this dark night fell.
The ceremony that Huao expected was destroyed, the awe-inspiring Pope was seriously injured, and even the girl he loved became like this...
He grabbed the twisted and charred steel on the side. It was like a twisted sword blade, and the twisted arc reflected Huao's twisted face.
Hu Ao is not a strong person. On the contrary, he is actually very cowardly. He is very afraid of conflict with others on the boat. No matter what he does, he remains silent. Even when eating, he sits in a corner.
This moment is different. The cowardice before was because Hu Ao felt that it was not worth it and there was no need to conflict with others over such things. But this time it was different. Those guys took away Hu Ao's future, a beautiful future.
This was the only thing Huo had, the only thing of value, and he would kill anyone who tried to take it away.
Anger brought strength, almost filling his chest. He looked at the smoke and dust in the distance that gradually became silent. After the smoke and dust, the figures of the demons were revealed.
Armed with guns and pocket knives, they slashed and killed Orthodox believers all the way. They strode forward, vowing to destroy all the beauty of Huo.
"God, please take care of me..."
He prayed devoutly and clenched the steel tightly, blood flowing down the sharp edge.
(End of this chapter)

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