Embers of Embers

Chapter 447 The advent of darkness

Chapter 447 The advent of darkness
The time for devotion has come.
Hu Ao clenched the twisted steel, his figure swaying, and every time he moved forward, he would pull the wound on his abdomen, and the broken iron pieces cut deeper and deeper into the flesh.
The pain warned him that continuing to move forward would lead to death.
In the past, Hu Ao would retreat in fear, but it is different now. Hu Ao can only do this. He cannot continue to compromise. Behind him are Miguel and Liya, his sacred beliefs and his Light.
There were more footsteps all around, and the choir soldiers were approaching here quickly. Miguel looked at the figures in the sea of ​​fire, and the smile on his face became more and more crazier.
Yes, that's it. As long as Hu Ao can buy him a little time, Miguel knows very well how powerful the choir is. Although they are burdened with secret blood, they cannot compare with the demon hunters, but they are also beyond. Ordinary people exist.
"Quick, do it! Eve!"
Kestrel saw Miguel leaning to the side. This guy was indeed not dead. Although his breath was weak, but thinking of the guy called the epidemic doctor, Kestrel felt that in order to be safe, he still had to give Miguel a few more blows.
"I saw!"
Eve said as she raised the pistol from her arms, with the meteor behind her back. At this close range, Eve felt that there was no need to use this ghost thing anymore.
The light was chaotic and dim, and the only way to judge the location was the flickering firelight. Eve stepped closer and pulled the trigger at the same time.
One gunshot after another.
The bullet landed next to Miguel, splashing smoke and dust, then hit his ankle, and then grazed his arm.
He no longer has the strength to howl, but he can't feel any so-called fear either.
Miguel is a poor man whose soul has been seduced by power, but at the same time, he is fearless for all this, and even says he is willing to risk his life.
Let's take a gamble. There is no need to add any prerequisites. Miguel is betting on whether he can survive and whether there will be a turning point.
Huao roared, and he felt that his furious soul was about to be ripped out of his chest.
He swung the twisted steel and hit Kestrel and Eve who were approaching. This was Huao's first time to kill someone, and he didn't hesitate at all.
At this moment, ordinary cowardly souls also became crazy, just like this twisted world.
A noisy voice sounded in front of him. In the dim light, Kestrel didn't know who the guy in front of him was, but he looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere...
But it doesn't matter anymore, Kestrel is going to kill Miguel, and all the guys who get in the way will be stabbed...or twice, depending on whether they are willing to lie down quietly, or stand up and become his enemy.
Kestrel waved the folding knife with one hand, and the cold edge illuminated his crazy face.
After all, Huao is just a sailor. He has never been on the battlefield, and he has never killed anyone. In this hellish battlefield, he is as pure as a blank sheet of paper.
He is one of the few, the only one who has no sin.
The folding knife caught the steel, blocked it easily, and then deflected it to another angle with the force.
This is a very simple sword fighting technique, so simple that Kestrel has not used it for a long time, because the enemies he faces will not be misled by such tricks.
In the mortal fight, Kestrel is simply the master of the battlefield.
Hu Ao only felt that the direction of his slash was being reversed. He tried his best and failed to hold back his strength. He fell towards the other side and passed by the kestrel.
A hideous wound opened along Hu Ao's arm. While blocking the attack, Kestrel also counterattacked, just like casually trampling an insect to death. Kestrel didn't even look at Hu Ao and continued. Moving forward.
Hu Ao fell heavily to the ground, and after a short breath, he felt heart-piercing pain.
His consciousness gradually blurred, as if he fell from a fishing boat into the sea. The cold water swallowed him bit by bit. It seemed that a voice was saying to himself, "Sleep, sleep, as long as you sleep, you don't have to suffer this pain." ”.
"Do not……"
Huao growled.
He remembered the past. Once, their fishing boat encountered a storm. The world turned gray, the wind and the sea howled. Everyone was enveloped in despair. Some people even gave up hope of living. The only hope was What I hope is that death will not be too painful.
At this time of despair, Hu Ao was the only one who did not give up.
He remembered someone saying to him that as long as you live, there will always be a chance for change. You will see the beauty of this world and find the meaning of your existence.
Huao lived for this illusion.
Now he has found it.
The figure stood up tenaciously, and ran towards the kestrel with a low roar.
He felt like the hero in the story. At the last moment he completed his self-knowledge. He would save everything from danger and everything would become beautiful again.
But this is not a story, it is a cruel and cold reality.
Eve swung the butt of the meteorite's gun and knocked down the shaky figure again. So easily and casually, Huao fell to the ground and could not get up again.
No one cared about him, he could only watch Eve and Kestrel approach Miguel, and then kill him, completely shattering all the beauty.
"Why... shouldn't it be like this?"
No one could answer his question.
The footsteps around him became clearer and clearer, and the cold blade tore through the dust and sparks.
"Look out! Kestrel!"
Eve yelled and fired at the same time. The bullet directly hit the flesh and blood body, but failed to kill him. The body was extremely tough, and it only paused for a moment, and then slashed at the kestrel with the blade.
The choir soldiers arrived, and Eve and Kestrel were surrounded in the blink of an eye, obviously only a little distance away from Miguel.
Eve made a decisive decision. She quickly emptied the bullets in her pistol, but the bullet failed to hit Miguel. A choir soldier blocked the path directly, causing a burst of blood mist.
The sound of metal crashing on the side was also heard one after another. Eve's reminder successfully warned Kestrel and made him give an early warning. But unfortunately, he, who was already injured, was too weak to deal with the monsters blessed by the secret blood. Not much advantage.
The folding knife was easily suppressed by the blade. Kestrel raised his injured arm and held the handle of the knife hard, but he still couldn't resist the strange force. His body couldn't help but half-knelt down, and the suppressed blade was cut. Chest.
"So I still win..."
Miguel smiled as he looked at the soldiers rushing to rescue him. Under this heavy protection, Eve and Kestrel had no chance to get close to Miguel, let alone kill him.
Eve was still resisting with that crazy energy, and she didn't care whether it would hurt herself. She directly set up the meteor, and the crosshairs wandered around at will. At this distance, no matter where it hit, the explosion would kill a large area. people.
The soldiers did not give Eve a chance to pull the trigger. The sword blade slashed fiercely on the barrel of the gun. Although the force was so fierce that it failed to cut it off, it also caused a slight arc in it, and the huge force it inspired was also shocking. Eve's wrist hurt and she couldn't hold on to the falling star.
It's over, it's over.
Eve was not worried about her life safety at this moment. The moment Meteor took her hand, she thought that she might not be able to kill Miguel.
No, there is still a chance.
The warrior could only see a flash of silver light shining in Eve's hand, and then a cold feeling emerged along the throat, which penetrated the flesh and blood and hit the spine directly below it.
The lancet pierced through his neck, because the length of the blade was not enough, after piercing, Eve quickly made up a punch, sending it completely into it.
With her heart beating violently, Eve looked around. The action may have failed, but she has not lost yet. She is a natural ranger. She may not be able to compete with these violent secret blood, but she will not die so easily.
More sword lights fell, followed by a dense rainstorm, blocking all Eve's movements. Just when she was about to be cut into pieces, a gunshot rang out, and bullets passed by Eve's side, hitting her one after another. It might not kill the soldiers, but it would create a gap in the cage of death.
Eve pounced forward, touching the ground with one hand, and then bounced herself up vigorously, passing through the crossed sword blades like a dance.
She rolled on the ground and quickly got up again. She touched her lower abdomen and saw blood gushing out.
Eve was injured and she escaped from the sword, but that didn't mean she didn't escape the attack.
There were multiple wounds on his arms, thighs, shoulders, and body, and chaotic pain came from every inch of his body, like a beast gnawing on his own flesh and blood.
"Kestrel, are you still alive?"
In the chaotic battle, she lost Kestrel's vision and didn't know whether he was still alive or not. After all, Kestrel was injured, and his situation was more critical than hers.
There was no response, but then a dark figure passed in front of him. Kestrel pushed a soldier forward, using his body as a shield. Kestrel's hands firmly grasped the folding knife and cut his heart out. Through.
"Still alive... I should say he's about to die."
Kestrel pulled the folding knife out of the flesh and blood, and his hair fell down randomly, stained with the blood on his face.
This feeling was terrible, and it reminded Kestrel of the fight in the Black Mountain Hospital. It was similar to now. He was cutting and cutting in desperate situations, but in the end he survived. But this time it was different.
Now he is in Nalo, Gaul, far away from Yin Erweg's homeland, and there are no thousands of troops to clean up the agency around him, only a damn intern.
"So this is our daily work. We may die at some point."
Kestrel slowly retreated, leaning towards Eve, and the surrounding warriors also approached. They also realized that both of them were at the end of their strength, and as long as they struggled for a while longer, they would fall down helplessly.
"Why, do you want to tell me how you feel now?"
Eve cooperated with Kestrel's bad words as much as possible to calm her inner fear.
"My thoughts, my thoughts are that my vacation is not over yet! This is the saddest thing! I worked so hard just for that precious vacation, and now I am going to die in this hellish place."
Kestrel wiped his face vigorously. Just now, a guy cut open his eye socket with a sword. The blood was flowing non-stop, turning his sight into blood red.
"To be honest, if someone can come to save me now, then I will definitely give my life to him."
Kestrel was a little tired. He held the scarred folding knife and regained his strength as much as possible.
"Do you think this is possible?"
Eve doesn't quite believe these things.
This was an operation that was doomed to fail. It was like being cursed. From the beginning of the operation, everything was moving in the direction of chaos, and all the preparations made in advance were disrupted.
What is waiting here is not a pope waiting to be killed, but troops with secret blood.
"It's possible, how come it's not possible? I'm a lucky kestrel. Maybe the Dawn will appear above us soon, and countless Original Sin Armors will land directly here."
Kestrel started talking nonsense.
"We will all survive, be honored, and then capture Maruri, and together with the Original Sin Armor, fight all the way to the capital of Gaul Naro."
He gradually lost strength, and although he didn't want to, he slowly sat down.
"Ah...if a miracle is going to happen, hurry up!"
Kestrel shouted, and at this moment the gunshot that had just saved Eve rang out again, the sound was very close, coming from nearby.
Bullets poured out and penetrated the bodies of several soldiers. They still hesitated, but then heads one after another exploded in front of their eyes.
"Let me just say that my marksmanship is very accurate."
A woman's voice sounded.
In such a dark and chaotic situation, it is not easy to shoot a headshot with a gun. If Eve had this level of skill, she would have killed Miguel in the shooting just now.
"So how many people died under your assassination without knowing it?" the man asked.
"I don't know, it's just work anyway."
The woman's voice was somewhat brisk.
"Now that I'm unemployed, all I have to do is kill them all."
Irene and Haybold appeared at the end of the field of vision. The light was a little blurry and Eve couldn't see their appearance clearly. However, judging from the outlines on the edge, they also looked exhausted.
"What a miracle! Kestrel, the turning point has come!"
Eve cheered up a little, and she began to believe that Kestrel was a lucky guy, and someone would come to save them in such a fatal situation.
"What's the turning point! What's the use of them coming? Can they change the situation?"
Kestrel didn't feel the slightest bit happy, but instead felt worried.
That's right, Irene and Haybold can't change the situation at all. Only a monster like Lorenzo can really reverse everything, but Lorenzo is not here.
Lorenzo did not appear with Irene and the others... Did something unexpected happen?
"Run away! Don't come! This is just a way to die!"
Kestrel shouted loudly that Erin and Hebold were not surrounded by soldiers yet, and they still had a chance to survive.
But the two people seemed not to have heard Kestrel's words. They moved closer and the gunshots continued.
"Get ready, Eve, I'll find a way to send you out, and you leave with them."
As if Kestrel had made up his mind, he stood up unsteadily again.
"What do you mean?"
Eve vaguely guessed that she wanted to say something else, but seeing the new and old injuries on Kestrel's body, she still couldn't say anything.
"Let's go," Kestrel said.
This is not a time for small talk. The soldiers swarmed and killed a few people. It was only a matter of time.
Kestrel tightened his grip on the folding knife. At this moment, he had the same strange feeling as Hu Ao.
He felt like a hero, just like he did when he was in Black Mountain Hospital, and he was quite handsome when he thought about it.
In this case……
Kestrel shouted loudly.
There is always a moment when people can face thousands of troops with the power of one person... Well, this is a plot that Kestrel read when he was reading knight novels. From then on, he felt that if he was going to die, he would die like this. situation.
That's why he had no hesitation at Black Mountain Hospital, but the amazing thing is that Kestrel survived in the end, and now he is doing it all again.
The soldiers gradually approached, Kestrel was fearless, and the distance became shorter and shorter. Just when he was about to raise his arms to slash, the roar of thunder penetrated the battlefield.
The blazing white fireworks soared, and accompanied by bursts of thunder, a black shadow fell from the sky and hit the ground hard, causing blood to flow everywhere.
This change caused the situation to come to a strange standstill. Everyone's eyes were fixed on it, and then a figure stood up unsteadily.
There are countless wounds on the body, each of which penetrates deep into the bone marrow. You can see the slowly squirming flesh and blood underneath, and the limbs are twisted at a distorted angle, as if someone has broken all the bones in the body.
The body was shattered, but the man was not dead. He was swaying as if his soul had been drained out.
Miguel's eyes became filled with fear. He recognized the broken man in the smoke. He never imagined that such a powerful man would become like this.
So what kind of monster would he be if he was injured like this?
There was thunder in response to Miguel's question. The dazzling thunder streaked across the battlefield and accurately hit the broken man. With a huge force, he hit the stone pillar standing in the square, followed by more Thunder comes.
One sharp nail sword after another penetrated Lawrence's body, nailing him to the stone pillar, and then blazing flames poured out from it, burning the body.
Its daybreak.
The endless dome of light rose from the end of the darkness, illuminating the desperate battlefield. The light was so dazzling that the soldiers couldn't help but close their eyes, not daring to look at it.
The kestrel was in a daze at first, until the dazzling light made him shed tears, and then he came back to his senses and shouted.
"Oh oh oh!"
Probably because he was so excited, he couldn't even finish a sentence.
The lucky kestrel didn't have to die, the lucky kestrel survived once again.
Along with the light was the erosion of oppression. Hu Ao reluctantly raised his head. He saw the man nailed to the stone pillar. He remembered that the mask was that of the distinguished Reverend Lawrence. He looked at the endless Light.
It was not only light, it was darkness, absolute darkness, the darkness that destroyed Orthodoxy, the darkness that destroyed the beauty of Huo.
"If there had been no Advent Night...if these things had not happened, perhaps you would have been the next Imam, Lorenzo Holmes."
On the stone pillar, such a voice sounded under the broken body.
"Ah...probably, who cares about this kind of thing?"
Lorenzo shook his head as he spoke, and he slowly advanced with his nailed sword, stepping over the burning ruins.
(End of this chapter)

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