Embers of Embers

Chapter 448 Poetic ideals and distance

Chapter 448 Poetic ideals and distance
At this moment, the legendary myths and reality overlapped. Those ferocious and abominable things tore apart the barriers of reality and descended into the world.
Lorenzo strolled forward, and as he advanced, the scarred armor fell off one by one, revealing the burning torso underneath. He was like a balrog, and everywhere he walked was filled with light, one after another. Fireworks boiled and danced above the footprints he left.
The cold warriors were instinctively afraid of him. No one gave any orders, but they stood motionless like stone pillars.
Lorenzo's appearance put an end to the battle, and he strode towards the crucified Lawrence.
"You have really changed a lot. I didn't expect that I would lose to you."
Lawrence drooped his head. He had thought that he would lose, but he didn't expect that he would lose so embarrassingly. Under Lorenzo's crazy offensive, he had no room to fight back.
"You haven't lost yet, Lawrence. You and I both know where the real decisive battle is."
Lorenzo was not happy about Lawrence's surrender. He, like himself, had the power of Gabriel. Lorenzo only defeated Lawrence's body, and only by crushing his will could he truly kill him.
"It's been a long time since I've been so happy. From this point of view, my nature is still that of a cowardly mortal, so eager for blood and pain."
Lawrence tried to raise his hand, but his arm was tightly bound by the nail sword, and moving it would only bring a sharp pain.
He was about to die, and this body was shattered at the moment, and the flesh and blood could be seen wriggling with great effort, and the blood-red silk thread was stitching the torso, but it was obvious that its efficiency was much weaker than before.
The Holy Silver suppressed the healing of the wound, thereby suppressing Lawrence's self-healing. He also tried to raise the secret blood and strengthen his self-healing ability through critical breakthroughs, but the successive heavy injuries almost caused him to lose all his blood, and there was no longer any blood in the wound. Blood spilled.
Lawrence felt that his thoughts became a little heavy, and it seemed that the excessive blood loss had begun to affect his brain, and soon, this body would die.
"Ah...did you do all this? How cruel."
Lawrence's eyes moved slowly. He saw the embarrassed Kestrel and Eve, the hatred-filled Hebold and Irene, the dying Miguel, the confused and painful Huao, and countless others. The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, and the believers who were still immersed in the fighting.
As if by fate, everyone gathered together at this moment.
"The night sky was burned red. It reminded me of the night of Holy Advent, when the night sky in the Seven Hills was also like this."
Lawrence said with some nostalgia.
Lorenzo acted as if he had not heard his words and advanced silently, the nailed sword plated with holy silver in his hand emitting a cold light.
The weapon in the cello case had been emptied in the fierce fight just now, and Lorenzo simply left it in the ruins. At this moment, only Nailed Sword and Winchester were left on his body.
"To be honest, you are really outstanding. If these things didn't happen, I would definitely recommend you to become the next dean."
Lawrence knew his fate. In this state, he didn't bother to make any resistance. Instead, he talked about some things to himself.
Just like a dying person confessing himself before death.
"That's great, Lorenzo. I thought I had no one like me... It feels bad sometimes. No one understands me. I sometimes try to tell the doctor this, but he doesn't have the power. , he couldn’t understand me at all, but also, sometimes I couldn’t understand his nonsense.”
Lorenzo knew that he was referring to Power Gabriel, which was the [certificate] that they were [sublimated].
Power Gabriel caused a qualitative change in his will, which allowed him to restrain and control more powers, and also qualified them to glimpse the dark corner of the world.
"Can you understand this feeling? It's like you are about to do something big, but no one shares this joy with you. I was troubled by this for a while, but then you came. It's great. Fortunately, I couldn't kill you at that time, otherwise I would have missed so much beauty."
Lawrence let out a hoarse laugh. Under the flames and scars, the broken mask was completely glued to his face, and the exposed pupils were bloodshot and scarlet.
"I say, Lorenzo, what is the purpose of wielding your sword so tirelessly?"
Lorenzo's steps stopped. He had every chance to kill Lawrence quickly and trigger a decisive battle within the [gap], but just like giving Lawrence time to talk nonsense, he walked slowly, listening to his nonsense. It also accumulates strength.
"What did you say?"
Lorenzo didn't understand that this was a very common question, but when it came out of Lawrence's mouth, it seemed to be with magic, and he was interrogating his heart.
"The reason for wielding the sword."
Lawrence said with a smile.
"We take up the sword, kill others, and are not bound by the so-called morality and humanity. We just kill like this crazily. So what are we paying for and doing so many things for?"
Lawrence twisted his body vigorously. His body had already become demonized in the critical breakthrough, and he was freeing himself from the shackles of the nailed sword little by little.
“I thought, this must be to change something.
In order for the people to survive the cold winter, they will wield their swords to plunder, for the sake of the peace of the land, they will declare war and wield their swords, and for their own hatred, they will kill and chase. "
Lawrence broke free from the blockade of the nail sword, but at the same time as he broke free, the sharp blade also completely cut his body into pieces, and he slumped powerlessly under the stone pillar.
"What about you? Just to get revenge on me? This reason is too boring."
Lorenzo looked at him expressionlessly, his voice cold.
"Eradicate the demon."
Eradicate the demons.
The few short words made Lawrence startled. He seemed to have not heard such words for a long time and felt a little nostalgic, but then he burst out laughing at such ridiculous remarks.
"For the so-called golden age? He always mentioned this to me a long time ago. For this purpose, he also supported me to become a cardinal."
For a moment, I felt like I was back many years ago, but unfortunately all the familiar people in my memory were almost dead.
"Remember our conversation on the train? Lorenzo."
Lawrence's voice weakened, the body was dying.
"At that time, I laughed at your ideal of eradicating demons, but you said that this thing is called an ideal because it is out of reach.
To be honest, when I heard this, I was a little reluctant to kill you. After all, people like you are really good, not to mention that I later discovered that you are actually the same type as me. "
Slowly raising his hand, he grabbed a nailed sword inserted into the stone pillar. Lawrence used all his strength to pull it out reluctantly.
"Poetry, ideals and distance, these things sound so hypocritical. In fact, I have had the same idea as you before, but as you said, this thing is too far away. Sometimes people have to be realistic."
Lawrence stood up unsteadily, leaning on the nailed sword, with pieces of flesh and blood falling off his body, like a dead man crawling out of a grave.
"Are you begging me for mercy?"
Listening to Lawrence's words, Lorenzo did not waver at all.
"How could it be? It's just a rare opportunity to have such a peaceful conversation with you. Otherwise, we would start fighting as soon as we meet and we wouldn't be able to talk at all."
"But...if those things hadn't happened, I might really have stayed with you, Lorenzo."
Lawrence's tone suddenly changed, full of joy and then resignation.
"I will try my best to convince you to join me, or to join you, but unfortunately, I am a guy who has a hard time trusting other people. The only thing I can trust is myself...and the sword in my hand."
The stagnant steps started moving again, and Lorenzo walked towards Lawrence. He couldn't understand Lawrence's nonsense, and Lorenzo didn't want to hear it anymore. He wanted to end it all.
"If those things hadn't happened, if I hadn't seen those things..."
Lawrence looked at the murderous Lorenzo and smiled hard.
"Maybe it's not bad to die in your hands like this."
A sharp silver light suddenly appeared and struck Lawrence's neck.
"But... still not, Lorenzo Holmes."
Lawrence whispered.
He obviously looked like a dying person, but at this moment, the secret blood remaining in his body burned, and endless fire gushed out from Lawrence's wound. In a blink of an eye, he was like a punished sinner, Devoured by raging fire.
"If there weren't these damn twists and turns, it would be nice to be killed by you like this, but it still doesn't work! I can't die yet!"
The blocking nail sword was easily shattered by Lorenzo, but just when the sharp blade of death was about to cut off Lawrence's body, a dry palm came out from the burning fire and grabbed Lorenzo's hand. face.
"Lorenzo Holmes, come and see why I swing my sword."
The eyes burning with anger and Lorenzo looked at each other, and in an instant the erosion was like a flood that broke a bank, dragging everyone into a depressing and terrifying hell.
Power Gabriel.
The world in my eyes began to collapse, and everyone was like a solidified mural, with countless cracks running through their appearance, and a warm glow lit up in the broken cracks, and then completely tore all the obstacles to pieces.
As if his thoughts were torn apart and then recast, Lorenzo gasped for breath and wanted to do something, but found that he was no longer in the theater square.
Lorenzo slowly raised his head, his figure stiffened.
This is an extremely vast wilderness with almost no end in sight. Swaying fireworks are burning in this wilderness, ignited hay is blowing in the wind, countless corpses are scattered around, and blood and weeds are mixed together.
Lorenzo has been here, this is Lawrence's [gap].
At the far end of the field of vision is the setting sun, which is hidden behind the thick clouds and paints the entire sky bloody.
Just like he had seen before, Lorenzo looked under the setting sun and saw Lawrence who looked like he was carrying the scorching sun on his back.
"Many years ago, Lorenzo Medici mentioned to me his vision of the Golden Age. He wanted to witness that great era, and for this he gave everything."
Lawrence was not in a hurry to attack. He looked at the burning wilderness and said calmly.
"Lorenzo, what do you think is the most fearful thing in this world? What is the most difficult to guess? Is it death? Or a demon? Or something else?"
Lawrence turned around. He faced the light, and his shadow was stretched extremely thin, covering Lorenzo.
Lorenzo did not respond. He had almost no experience in [gap] combat. Facing Lawrence here, Lorenzo was full of vigilance.
Demons, death, the silent...
For a moment, many answers flashed through Lorenzo's mind, but he only heard Lawrence speak slowly.
"It's actually the human heart, Lorenzo."
Lawrence smiled at him and walked toward Lorenzo.
"Do you know the nature of [the gap]?"
Lorenzo replied that he was relatively clear about the formation of the [gap], but after answering this question, Lorenzo realized the implication of Lawrence's words.
This is Lawrence's [gap], this is a place that Lawrence will never forget, so what happened in this burning wilderness at a certain moment in the past is actually worth remembering by Lawrence forever.
"This...this is..."
After realizing this, Lorenzo came back to his senses and looked at the wilderness carefully.
This is a battlefield, with corpses and fireworks everywhere, and countless weapons stuck on the ground. Lorenzo came here before, but it was to fight Lawrence at that time, and he didn't have the extra energy to look around. everything of.
But things are different now. Lawrence is not eager to fight with him. After realizing that he has the power Gabriel, his attitude towards himself has undergone some subtle changes, and now Lorenzo can clearly feel that, Lawrence was guiding himself.
Lawrence wanted to see something.
"The reason for wielding the sword..."
Lorenzo repeated what Lawrence had said before.
Suddenly Lorenzo realized one thing. He had never known Lawrence's purpose, whether it was to usurp the Book of Revelation, or to corrupt the crowd and establish a choir... From the beginning to the end, he had never truly understood the enemy in front of him.
He obviously wanted to kill Lawrence so much, but in fact, all Lorenzo knew about Lawrence was nothingness, and he couldn't even peek into his true face under the mask.
As he walked in the burning wilderness, Lorenzo's eyes wandered randomly, and then his wandering eyes froze.
It's a nail sword. The weapons that fill this wilderness are nail swords, one after another, mottled and full of gaps.
Lorenzo quickly looked at the scattered corpses. As expected, they were witchers, dead witchers one after another. He ran quickly, and more corpses came into view. Without exception, all of them were dead. It's the witchers.
The loess and weeds were lifted up by the strong wind, revealing the rotting corpses underneath, as if the entire wilderness was made up of countless corpses of demon hunters.
"Human heart, human desires, human malice, human despicability and filth."
Lawrence's voice rang in my ears like a ghost.
"This thing is more terrifying than a monster, Lorenzo Holmes."
(End of this chapter)

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