Embers of Embers

Chapter 450 Beyond Good and Evil

Chapter 450 Beyond Good and Evil
Pain, extreme pain.
Endless monsters rushed towards Lorenzo. He tried to lift the nail sword and slash, the sharp steel chopped off one hideous body after another, and blood overflowed.
For a moment, Lorenzo actually contained the tide of demons by himself, but soon more demons came over the corpse, and the sword light flashed crazily, but Lorenzo was unable to stop it, and finally Completely submerged in the hell of flesh and blood.
The strength of one person is so weak. The sharp claws claw at Lorenzo's body, and the fangs repeatedly bite the flesh and blood. The flesh and blood are peeled off from the body, and then the numerous white bones are exposed. The bones are also bitten off, bit by bit. Biting.
The darkness of death has come to an end.
Lorenzo was covered in cold sweat, he was holding a nail sword, and the surroundings were burning with swaying fire.
Lorenzo whispered the forbidden name and raised his head in despair, only to see the broken body half kneeling in front of him.
At the end of the demon wave, he escaped from Lawrence's [gap] and returned to reality.
The dark and desperate future echoed in my mind, and the phantom pain before death still echoed in my mind.
It had been a long time since Lorenzo had felt such deep fear, such despair, as if he had fallen into the cold deep sea, and he could not see a trace of light.
"This is what I do, Lorenzo Holmes, I am the savior of this world."
Lawrence’s voice was hoarse and his body lost its temperature.
"What kind of savior? How could it be someone like you!"
Lorenzo snapped.
"So in the face of this doomed future, what do you think we should do? Maintain humanity and morality, and just rely on the so-called faith to fight? This is ridiculous."
Lawrence retorted.
"You are as naive as Lorenzo Medici. You trust humans too much and underestimate their inferiority. Didn't the incident at Montenegro Hospital wake you up?"
Lorenzo wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.
Lawrence was right, human beings are untrustworthy and people's hearts cannot be guessed. During the Black Mountain Hospital incident, he almost started a war with the purification agency.
His eyes became hesitant. This was the reason why Lawrence did this. He had already told himself that he would never trust anyone or anything. The only thing he could rely on was himself and the sword in his hand.
"No, the purification agency will believe me..."
"What do you believe? They are an organization composed of people. They serve the Victoria royal family, and the royal family corresponds to the entire Inverge. Every decision they make involves countless interests, and interests bring disputes and conflicts. Conflict is like a roaring machine, whose heavy and cumbersome parts make it extremely slow and unable to do anything well.”
Lawrence teased Lorenzo to his heart's content.
"Do you think I haven't tried what you have thought about? There is only one will that can end all of this. An absolute will controls everything, and everyone maintains absolute surrender!"
"This is the only answer. Throw away all the shackles that imprison us. I will use the secret blood to create an extremely powerful army. They will save us all at the end of the world!"
Lawrence is like a madman who has gone to the extreme. Lorenzo has no chance to refute his words, and he has no reason to refute.
This is a very simple question. In Lawrence's [Gap], Lorenzo saw the distant future, where endless demons came to the world and dragged the world into doomsday.
Faced with this problem, what answer can you give, and what can you do?
Lorenzo was confused, as helpless as a lost child.
"Shut up, you lunatic!"
Lorenzo swings his nail sword uncontrollably and tries to kill Lawrence.
"Look at yourself, Lorenzo, how ridiculous you are. You can't find the answer, so you just pour out your anger."
Lawrence looked at Lorenzo mockingly, but just as the blade was about to swing down, a pair of hands grabbed Lorenzo's feet.
"No...don't do it."
The weak voice begged.
Lorenzo stopped swinging his sword. He slowly turned his head and saw the man crawling on the ground.
"Don't kill him, don't."
Hu Ao prayed. He was just an ordinary person, an ordinary sailor. He didn't know what a demon was or what secret blood was. The only thing he knew was that the man in front of him wanted to kill their leader.
"Lo...Mr. Lorenzo Holmes..."
Huao raised his head with difficulty, and he saw the man holding the sword clearly. Huao remembered his name, the traveler who talked to him on the street after the first meeting.
Hu Ao was stunned for a moment. He reluctantly thought of something and tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.
The voice was squeezed out of Lorenzo's throat. He remembered the man at his feet. Lorenzo's memory was not bad and he had not forgotten him.
After a brief daze, Hu Ao's mood collapsed.
"Why, Mr. Holmes!"
All these fireworks and ruins, death and pain, by now, even Hu Ao had guessed that this apocalyptic scene was all related to the man in front of him.
Hu Ao couldn't understand. He wanted to kill the man in front of him, but he also knew that he was unable to resist him at all. He could only hold his feet like this and pray humbly.
"Why do you want to do this? Is it just because of different beliefs?"
Tears blurred Hu Ao's vision, and he felt that his body had become cold. A large amount of blood had already overflowed from the wounds left by the kestrel.
"I almost got good things, Mr. Holmes, why did you burn them to the ground?"
The grand enthronement ceremony, the carnival of the believers, Liya's hymn... all were ruined. The theater square turned into a bloody slaughterhouse. The believers died one after another, and Liya's pure white dress also disappeared. Dyeed dark red.
Lorenzo didn't know what to say, just like when faced with Lawrence's questioning, he couldn't say anything, and finally he could only say stiffly.
"Huao, this is a false god, a god of evil people, a god that should not exist."
Yes, this is evil, Lorenzo is deceiving himself like this.
Hu Ao was silent, but then he roared with his last strength.
"I'm different from you, Mr. Holmes. I'm not as strong and powerful as you. I can only try to believe in this kind of thing and deceive myself to escape!"
Huao was like a demon. He stretched out his hand with all his strength, grabbed Lorenzo's leg, grabbed the broken iron piece, crawled on him, and wanted to stab him.
"If he is the god of evil people, then what's wrong with believing in him? In my mediocre life, only the god of evil people has shown mercy to me. If he saves me, I will sacrifice my life for him. If he is Wicked person, then I will go and be a wicked person, even if he is a wicked person, he is also the savior of the wicked people!"
Huao angrily stabbed out the iron piece. This attack should not be able to hurt Lorenzo, but he did not dodge, and stood there blankly, letting the iron piece pierce his chest.
Then the man fell down, and Lorenzo stared blankly at Huao, as if the blow had used up the last of his strength. He fell to the ground helplessly as if he had lost his soul, his eyes filled with unwillingness.
Too close, so close...Huao has seen the beauty of life, and he is so close to it that he can almost touch it.
he died.
The body fell at Lorenzo's feet, body cold.
After all, Huao was just an ordinary person. The blood loss and injuries had already exhausted him. After stabbing Lorenzo, he died unwillingly.
Harsh laughter rang out, and Lawrence mocked Lorenzo.
"Did you see it? Lorenzo, I am the righteous, I am the savior of the world..."
Before Lawrence could finish his words, the cold sword light flashed across, the broken head flew out of the air, and soon after, the broken body also fell.
The secret blood gradually cooled down, and finally the fireworks on his body went out. Lorenzo looked blankly at the messy theater square.
For a moment he wavered.
There is no absolute good and evil, just disputes caused by different positions. Everyone is doing what they think is "just". No one will be convinced by others. Everyone is moving forward on the broken road. Run until you achieve your goal, or die on the way.
Everyone is righteous, everyone is evil, everyone can ascend to heaven, and everyone will enter hell.
Footsteps sounded, and a soldier walked up to Lawrence's severed head. He took off the broken mask from the bloody head. Under the attack of high temperature, the skin was glued to the metal.
He pulled it off hard and put it on his face.
"In the end, I won, Lorenzo. You have all the strength, but you don't have the heart to give up everything."
Lawrence said as he walked slowly towards Lorenzo.
"To shut up!"
Lorenzo roared angrily, only a few twisted light tracks could be seen, and then Lawrence's body was cut into several sections, his heart was crushed, his neck was broken, leaving only a blur of flesh and blood.
Walking to the severed head, Lorenzo raised his foot and stepped on it hard, crushing the disgusting mask to pieces.
Lorenzo thought he would be able to get a short period of peace in this way, but more footsteps came from all directions, surrounding the place.
Countless figures in the darkness slowly approached, until the light illuminated their faces and countless dark masks.
"Lorenzo, the will cannot be killed. No matter how many times you kill me, I will come back."
people said in unison.
The wave of sound penetrated their ears, and everyone was frightened by this strange scene, and then the crowd burst into joking laughter again.
"If you think I'm wrong, then correct me."
Lawrence looked at the absent-minded Lorenzo and said contemptuously.
"If you wish to destroy me, replace me with a greater will."
The sound of metal ringing continued one after another, and the fighting around them gradually calmed down. Hundreds of soldiers surrounded the theater square.
At this moment, the defeat of the operation has been determined. Lorenzo lost this time, completely.
Are you going to run away?
Lorenzo had never thought of the word.
So keep fighting?But what is the reason for fighting?
Lorenzo had never been more confused than before. He could hardly hold the nail sword in his hand. He wanted to kill Lawrence, so what was the purpose of killing Lawrence?
Is it for revenge, to prevent the secret blood from being abused, or... to cover up his shame and incompetence.
For a moment Lorenzo felt ridiculous. He hadn't felt this way for a long time.
Lorenzo felt several eyes falling on him, and he turned his head to see others.
Kestrel, Eve, Erin, Highbould...
Everyone is injured and feels uneasy and panicked in this crisis situation. In the near future, everyone will die, one after another, in front of their own eyes.
Lorenzo was afraid, as he had never been before. This was another Advent night, a Advent night where everything had been lost.
Some things can't be solved by just slashing. Lorenzo may be able to survive despair, but others can't, many people can't. He can kill monsters, but he can't kill death.
Lorenzo's eyes were full of anger, and he clenched the nail sword and Winchester.
He failed once, many years ago in Fei Leng Cui, in that dry well filled with corpses and blood.
Lorenzo could not afford to fail again, he would not let this happen before his eyes again.
Absolutely not.
"I will save the world...I will be the new savior."
Lorenzo snapped.
"Then prove it to me, Lorenzo Holmes."
Lawrence replied.
More people appeared around, and they were like an iron curtain, slowly advancing, squeezing the living space of Lorenzo and others.
"Run away."
Lawrence said.
Immediately, the roaring erosion was released with Lorenzo as the starting point, and everyone felt a sickening depression in their hearts. Under this sudden change, even the advancement of the Iron Curtain stalled for a moment.
[Let's run away. 】
Lorenzo's voice echoed in everyone's mind.
The operation failed, the enemy has surrounded... The most important thing is that Lorenzo cannot kill Lawrence. Lawrence is right, the will cannot kill, no matter how brave Lorenzo kills, it is just in vain. .
Run away!Run away!
Lorenzo yelled at the others, the sharp sword light cut a way out among the soldiers, their desire to fight didn't seem strong, everyone's eyes were fixed on Lorenzo all the time, as if It's like laughing at him.
They once fought like heroes, but now they are running away like lost dogs. The boundaries between good and evil are also blurred at this time, and everything has fallen into a painful and turbid gray.
A weak voice sounded, and someone was moaning in pain in the corner of the battlefield.
"Miguel, you look terrible."
A soldier not far from Miguel suddenly turned around and walked to Miguel's side with a smile. The black mask was like an abyss attached to his face.
The darkness was so thick that nothing could be seen clearly.
"Help...save me, Lawrence."
Miguel raised his hand with difficulty and grabbed Lawrence's collar.
"That's not okay, Miguel."
Lawrence looked distressed. He shook his head and knocked Miguel's hand off.
"What did you say?"
Miguel looked like he couldn't believe it.
"I said it's still not possible, Miguel, this is a ritual, and rituals require sacrifices, don't they?"
Lawrence stroked Miguel's dry face affectionately.
"No one is worthy of trust, just like that was what Lorenzo Medici promised you, but you betrayed him in the end, didn't you? You are a monster dominated by power. When the end comes for people like you , there should be no place for you in the paradise of survival."
"Lawrence! Lawrence!"
Miguel's voice became frightened and shrill, but soon he was speechless. Lawrence took off his mask and slowly put it on his face.
His voice weakened, but his body was still struggling, Lawrence said belatedly with a kind smile.
"Is this a kind of revenge? Miguel."
Lawrence muttered to himself, exerting force on his wrist, pressing Miguel's face through the mask. He could hear the sound of bones breaking, and he could hear the wailing of supplication, but these sounds soon disappeared.
Miguel's body no longer moved. No matter what kind of power he had during his lifetime, when death came, these corpses looked the same.
"Let me save this world, for the survival of all mankind."
Lawrence muttered to himself and put on the mask again, blood continuously overflowing from the gaps, like tears from crying.
(End of this chapter)

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