Embers of Embers

Chapter 451 Poirot and Hercule

Chapter 451 Poirot and Hercule
"You think I'll be a hindrance? How is that possible!"
Hercule seemed to be trying to ease his nervousness, he grabbed the gun and wiped it repeatedly.
He used to be a police officer, but it doesn't mean that Hercule is very good at fighting. After becoming the breeder of the Rat King, he rarely visits such dangerous places. Now that he has not faced danger for a long time, he feels his heart beating fast .
"No, no, no, I'm not nervous. I really am not. I'm just a little excited, right?"
Hercule was sitting on the shore of the pier, and according to what Heybold said, this was where the Clippers would pick up.
Although he said this, Hercule was already extremely nervous. He was all wet because the impact of the gas explosion not long ago had spread to this place. Although it was extremely weak, it still shocked Hercule. , The whole fell into the sea.
The night was dark, but probably because of the explosion and chaos, the people who lit the lamps hid in fear. Most of the city was shrouded in darkness, and the fire barely illuminated a little, but it only brought panic and wailing.
"Huh, just like I thought before, I'm waiting for Lorenzo and the others on the ship. I can provide some fire support if necessary."
"Aren't these pistols of mine considered fire support?"
"You said it got water in it? Damn it!"
Only then did Hercule realize that his pistol had also been soaked in water. He knocked hard and saw a little more water stains on the ground.
Probably due to the blows coming one after another, coupled with the psychological tension, Hercule seemed a little crazy at the moment.
"Stop it, bastard! I know! I know!"
Hercule was talking to himself, as if he couldn't stand it anymore, he cursed angrily.
"Shut up, you damn rat, you're annoying me!"
Unable to stand the squeaking noise around him, Hercule turned his head and shouted at Poirot.
"But this is a fact. You are very nervous, extremely nervous, and the lives of Lorenzo's guys are all in your hands. If you don't catch them, they will die surrounded by the enemy."
Poirot said expressionlessly... To be precise, Hercule couldn't see any expression on the big mouse's face. It jumped up and down, wandering around Hercule.
"Lorenzo is right, Hercule, you should have left immediately. This situation is not suitable for you. You may have picked up the gun before, but you put it down for too long, and it became extremely strange. "
"But what can I do now? Run away?"
asked Hercule, looking troubled.
"Would you do that?" asked Poirot.
"how could it be possible!"
Even though Hercule rejected Poirot's words, he couldn't help but grip his hair tightly, as if something was squirming in his head, causing a faint pain.
It was a bad trip, a very bad trip.
Hercule was not as gaffey as he is now. In Lorenzo's eyes, he had always looked calm, as if everything was under control.
Yes, that's the case. Among Inverg, Hercule has an extremely detailed information network, countless safe houses and secret passages.
He was like a mouse, hiding in his own fortress. Hercule believed that even if Lorenzo wanted to kill him, it would be difficult for Lorenzo to do so because of his complicated tunnels and information. everything.
But now it is different, he is in this strange Gaulnaro, Hercule finally found the uneasiness he has always had, here he has no information network, and no safe house, after the Lorenzo operation started , the whole of Gaulnaro was his enemy.
A mouse cannot be exposed to sunlight, as the intense light will burn it to ashes.
"Wait a minute... Poirot, you're fucking talking!"
At this time, Hercule suddenly realized this in surprise. Perhaps he was too shocked. He actually forgot about the inexplicable depression in his heart for a moment.
"What's wrong with rats talking?"
Poirot didn't understand why Hercule's reaction was so big. He licked his own fur as he spoke. When Hercule fell into the water, a lot of seawater splashed on it.
"Problem? What a big problem! You are a mouse! A chinchilla! How can something like you talk?"
Hercule felt like his brain was about to explode.
"Then the question is, can you hear me? Hercule." Poirot asked.
"Yes!" replied Hercule.
"Then the problem is solved, mice can talk," said Poirot.
"No, no, wait! Wait!"
Hercule quickly stopped this damn conversation. He suddenly felt a vague sense of familiarity, and there was a breeze blowing, carrying the breath of the ocean.
For a moment Hercule remembered the terrible experience in the past.
Ever since he came back alive from the sea, Hercule has been resisting returning here. Today, many years later, due to Lorenzo and other reasons, he once again set foot on this roaring and rolling ocean.
Because of that nightmarish experience, Hercule had many strange sequelae after he came back alive, such as a frightening memory, seasickness and other strange symptoms as soon as he went to the sea, and of course, his relationship with Poirot. dialogue.
"I remember this isn't the first time I've had a conversation with you."
Hercule calmed down suddenly. During the shipwreck, he also talked to Poirot, but it turned out that it was just his imagination. The mouse had long been sunburned to death on the sea.
"Yes, yes, it's not the first time, but this time it's not bad."
Poirot raised his head as he spoke, and looked at the slightly cold night.
"My fur is too thick, and the temperature is just right. Compared with the strong sun at that time, the rat feels more at ease here."
One person and one mouse sat next to each other, with a burning city behind them and an endless black ocean in front of them. Thinking about it carefully, this scene is quite interesting now.
"How funny! No...no, you are the second generation Poirot. The first generation Poirot has died long ago."
Hercule felt that his mind was starting to get confused. The first Poirot in his memory had died at sea long ago, so where did the memory of the second Poirot in front of him come from.
"Poirot? Poirot is Poirot, Hercule, you are the one with the problem, right?"
Poirot said helplessly.
"my question?"
Hercule thought for a moment, and then was actually moved by Poirot.
"Yes, I'm actually talking to a mouse. I'm the one with a brain problem..."
One person and one mouse fell silent. After an unknown period of time, Poirot suddenly looked at a place on the sea and said.
"I said, Hercule, is that the ship that comes to pick you up?"
Hercule raised his head and saw something squirming at the end of the dark sea. Judging from the distance, the thing was moving very fast, and the blurry outline became bigger and bigger in the blink of an eye.
Hercule said with some uncertainty.
"You look quite changed, Hercule," Poirot added.
"Why do you say that?" Hercule asked.
"After so many years, you finally climbed out of the dark sewer and risked yourself to death," Poirot said. "This is something you would never have done before. That shipwreck made you Be cautious and wish you could hide in the shadows all your life.”
"What made you change?"
Faced with this question, Hercule was stunned. He thought for a while and didn't know what the answer was. After a long time, he spoke slowly.
"I used to long for secrets, all the information, and having everything in my hands. Although I also long for these now, I suddenly feel that the process of discovering the secrets is more exciting than knowing the secrets."
Hercule's voice became strange as he spoke.
"Break out the cocoon little by little, and knock on those dusty doors little by little. Sometimes I feel that the secret is not important. At the moment of discovery, that is the greatest joy... Just like this damn action."
"So you're here and you still don't want to leave?"
"Because I want to see it until the end."
"Is that so?"
The conversation was interrupted again, and after one person and one mouse were silent again for a long time, the vague outline gradually became clear. It was a strange-shaped ship, most of which was hidden in the dimness, and Hercule could not see clearly. But he could clearly see the livery on the ship.
It is a snake, a snake that bites its own tail in an infinite loop.
"So...Hercule, how do you overcome your fear of the sea?" Poirot finally asked.
"Rely on this!"
Hercule's voice was a little relieved, and he took out a bottle of seasickness pills from the doctor, and then swallowed a big handful under Poirot's watchful eyes, because there was no water, He swallowed it abruptly, with saliva splashing around and a grim expression on his face.
"Oh oh oh! Let's do it!"
Hercule screamed.
"Who is that guy?"
On the Silverfish, the captain looked at the weird guy on the pier and asked a question.
He discovered the existence of Hercule early in the morning, because this guy behaved very strangely. He was like a patient who had escaped from a mental hospital, holding a mouse and talking to himself, with a very rich expression. , just like in role play.
"Hercule Christie, one of Lorenzo's friends and a member of this operation, seems to be the one in charge."
The sound came from the back of the narrow cabin. The design of the Silver Fish is different from that of conventional ships. The overall shape is like a slender sword. Because of this design, its cabin is extremely narrow and its capacity is also very small. , apart from the captain, there was only this guy accompanying him on the whole ship.
"Hebold reported to us before, but after leaving Yin Erweg, we no longer received information from him."
The guy at the back rolled up his sleeves and was covered in sweat. It was still too difficult for the two of them to launch the ship, but in order to accommodate these evacuating guys, they had to leave room.
"Is that so? Then I will dock. I hope they will move faster. If they are discovered, it will be very difficult for us to escape from the Gallonalo Sea."
the captain said worriedly.
"I know, I know, don't worry, this thing is the latest work of the Eternal Pump, I have full confidence in it."
He just heard a clanking sound and had no idea what the guy behind him was doing. Due to the narrow space, it was very difficult for the captain to turn around.
"But I really didn't expect that you can actually sail a boat. I always thought you were only good at playing cards and robbing."
The guy behind said.
"There is no way to be a gangster boss. As for sailing, it happened earlier, but it is full of bad memories. I almost died at sea."
The captain's voice actually weakened as he spoke. Probably because he had been under pressure for too long, his voice suddenly became angry.
"Fuck! Fuck! What kind of bullshit mission is this? I feel like I might really die at sea this time."
"Don't worry, this is equipped with our new engine. It runs very fast. Gaul Naluo's ship will never be able to catch up with us."
Nikolai tried his best to comfort the shrike.
"You fart, I almost died in your original sin armor last time!"
Shrike howled. He was really fed up with the crazy things like the Perpetual Pump, not to mention that it was Nikolai who came this time.
To be honest, it is outrageous that Nikolai is allowed to join such a fatal job. The risk for a scientific researcher like him to go deep into the front line is very high. If he dies here, it will be a heavy blow to the perpetual pump.
At first, when Shrike was appointed and cooperated with Nikolai, he felt that the superiors really valued this operation and sent such a valuable Nikolai, but he didn't know why until the operation started.
Because the Silver Fish is a complete experiment, no one except Nikolai understands it at all. Nikolai has been banging on the equipment behind him along the way, and even asked Shrike to hand over the screws.
"Okay, okay, in the process of science, there will always be some sacrifices."
Nicholas continued to speak, but as he said this, he did not care at all about the victim's mood.
The Silver Fish slowly docked, but before it could reach a stable position, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the boat, and Hercule's somewhat panicked face could be seen behind the glass.
Shrike was about to say something, but was sharply interrupted by Hercule.
"Get ready to evacuate! They're coming here!"
Hercule's eyes were filled with horror. He heard it. Just now he heard Lorenzo's voice, the voice that echoed directly in his mind.
Perhaps because the information carried by the words was so shocking, for a moment he didn't even think about why Lorenzo's voice sounded directly in his mind. Without hesitation, he rushed directly to the Silver Fish.
Hercule has known Lorenzo for so long, but he has never heard such a tone, fear, anger, confusion...
he was saying to himself.
"Escape! Escape!"
The melodious whistle sounded in the night, one after another, like monsters waking up together, and thick smoke rose from the end of the sea level.
 In the beginning, the setting of the first generation and second generation of Poirot actually came from the hamster I raised. During college, I took in a friend’s hamster, which I named Jojo. Later, during the epidemic, JOJO unfortunately disappeared. Then I raised the second jojo, the second generation.
(End of this chapter)

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