Embers of Embers

Chapter 452 Another way

Chapter 452 Another Way
Thick steam slowly rose from the other end of the sea level, and under the hot residual temperature, one engine after another woke up.
The battleship regarded as a museum sounded its loud whistle again today. Perhaps its equipment has lagged behind the times, but under the secret transformation of the Iron Law Bureau, it still has the power to fight.
The commander who stayed on the battleship looked at all this with a look of astonishment. He did not give any order to start the battleship, but now everything is waking up one after another as if it has been disturbed by some force.
"Are you crazy! What are you doing!"
The commander rushed into the command room and cursed angrily at the soldiers operating the battleship.
According to the original plan, these warships docked in the port would pretend to be museums until the right time to attack as a surprise force. But now that the commander did not receive any orders, these soldiers activated it without permission.
"Speak! Stop it!"
The officer continued to shout, obviously he was so angry, but these soldiers ignored his existence as if they didn't hear his words, he rushed up and tried to push the soldiers away, but was pushed to the ground by them instead.
His head hit the cold ground hard. After the pain, the officer's anger suddenly dissipated a little, and then the fear of the unknown firmly occupied his heart.
He found that every soldier was staring at him. Their faces were expressionless and their eyes were equally indifferent.
It was as if the souls of these people had been drained out in a certain moment, and what was occupying them at this moment was a thick and crawling darkness.
"You...you will cause a war..."
The chief said tremblingly that his official position was not high, and he did not know the conspiracy and darkness surging in Gaul Naluo. He only knew that Gaul Naluo, as a defeated country, once it was exposed on its own initiative and launched these weapons into the White Tide Strait, then The world will become increasingly tense in the future.
"The war has begun, sir."
The soldiers said in unison, with a strange aura about them. The commander could not accurately describe what it was, but it was like facing a wild beast in the jungle, and he was instinctively afraid.
This is far beyond what Currie expected. Under the operation of the choir, the power of the secret blood has already penetrated every inch of Gaul Naluo. Just like Lawrence said, he wants to hold all the power in his hands, all The power can only obey one will.
Lawrence did not look at the commander, but turned his gaze to the darkness outside the port. He stretched out his hand and put it on the push rod, and then slowly pushed it to the limit.
"Well Lorenzo, prove yourself to me."
Under the red-hot night, the sea water was boiling and rolling. Before people could recover from the successive explosions, they saw the giants advancing on the sea one after another. Due to the emergency, the battleship did not carry much ammunition. , but they don’t need these.
This extremely huge body was like a city wall. They blocked the sea bit by bit, trapping Lorenzo to death in the port.
"What should I do!"
Hercule screamed. He could already see the surrounding ships from the Silver Fish. He didn't think that such a small ship could successfully break through the siege of Lawrence.
"Compared to these, what about Lorenzo and the others?"
Shrike asked, the encirclement was not yet fully formed and they still had time to escape.
"I... I don't know, Lorenzo just told me to obey his voice, and I heard him tell us to run."
As soon as Hercule finished speaking, Poirot answered.
"They're here!"
"Poirot speaks again!" Hercule screamed again.
He pointed at Poirot, grabbed the shrike hard, and asked.
"Did you hear that? This mouse is talking!"
"What's wrong with you? How can a mouse talk!" Shrike pushed Hercule away hard. For some reason, the guys who were stuck with Lorenzo all looked like they had mental problems.
"That's right, Hercule, how can mice talk? You are too stupid!" Poirot also agreed with Shrike's words.
"Sure enough...is it still my problem?"
I don't know if it was because of the sea or something else. Hercule, who was thinking fast before, was now as slow as a fool, but he soon said again.
"It doesn't matter! Poirot said they were coming!"
As Hercule said, he looked into the port, and he saw it amidst the flames.
"Help! I'm almost out of strength!"
Kestrel screamed as he ran. He was out of breath, injured and losing blood. Coupled with being so tired, every step he took felt like he was taking a step closer to hell.
"Hold on!"
Highbold dragged the Kestrel who almost fell down. He and Irene did not encounter many battles. In addition, Hebold himself was not injured much, so his current condition is not bad.
Feeling this sudden help, Kestrel almost burst into tears.
"Oh oh oh! Let's run!"
Kestrel gritted his teeth, but still insisted on talking bad words, but this was probably his last bad word.
Gradually, Haybold noticed that Kestrel's body was getting heavier and heavier. In the end, it was almost him dragging Kestrel away. He turned his eyes. Only then did he realize that Kestrel was already in a trance, and his eyes were in a trance. free.
"Hey! Wake up! Kestrel!"
Haybold shouted anxiously, but Kestrel's response was extremely tired, and he spoke slowly.
"Why don't you let me take a break first?"
Kestrel couldn't hold on anymore, probably due to excessive blood loss. He could no longer feel the pain in his body, as if he was soaking in warm sea water.
"Damn, he's dying! Where's Lorenzo?"
Haybold knew that this was due to the effects of injuries. In the previous fierce battle, Kestrel, a mortal body, was already dying.
"I don't know, it should be still behind!"
Eve said, and at the same time, she turned around carrying the heavy meteor and shot towards the back.
There was another shocking thunder, and the rising fire turned the street into a raging fire. Eve didn't aim at all, and the recoil knocked her away. After rolling a few times, she quickly got up again with the help of a ranger's physique.
"They're here!"
Irene looked back from behind. After Eve's shooting, the choir soldiers were revealed again in the fire. His figure against the firelight was like one dark ghost after another, giving endless pleasure to several people. pressure.
After Lorenzo announced his retreat, an embarrassing escape began. No one knew how many soldiers there were in the choir. They were like endless people. No matter how many people were killed, there would always be more people Coming out of the darkness, and due to the nature of Power Gabriel, wherever a warrior appears, Lawrence will follow him like a shadow.
In order to allow everyone to evacuate safely, Lorenzo blocked most of the pursuers by himself, but a few people still chased them, but even these people were not what a few people could handle now.
This is a disaster.
"Kestrel, wake up!"
Eve covered her shoulders. Under the continuous gunshots, her arms could no longer hold up. They drooped as if they had lost their strength. As for the meteorite, Eve had no bullets to fire, and this damn thing was heavy. Outrageous, she threw it directly into the fire.
Using her arms that could still move, Eve immediately slapped Kestrel twice, and then shook him hard.
"Are you awake?"
Kestrel blushed and said vaguely.
"I think I should get me a Florent potion."
"There are no monsters here, that ghost can't save you!"
Eve shook his shoulders and shouted loudly.
Kestrel was not eroded, he was just injured too much, and this powerful soul was exhausted at the moment.
"We're almost there, Moon. Didn't you say there's still holidays to come?"
Eileen encouraged Kestrel from the side and said, although these verbal encouragements were of no use, Kestrel suddenly felt that the situation at this moment was quite good.
Think about it, after living in such hardship for so long, how could He Dehe be worried about two female friends today... Although these two female friends don't seem to be good people.
Suddenly Kestrel actually wanted to recite a poem, or say something full of atmosphere. This was the case in the novels he read. When awesome people are about to die, they will say some awesome and cruel words.
So what to say?
"Heaven did not give birth to me a kestrel..."
Kestrel immediately raised his head and prepared to roar something, but his vision was confused, and then all his words were suppressed.
Haybold was fed up with this squeaking situation, so he carried the kestrel on his shoulders like a sack. He probably stimulated the kestrel's wound and made him howl like a ghost.
"So is he really about to die? Are dead people still so alive?"
Highbould didn't bother to listen to the second half of Kestrel's sentence. He just marveled at Kestrel's damn vitality.
In his opinion, Kestrel and Lorenzo are very similar but different guys. Although these two guys always give you the look of dying in the next second, Lorenzo gives people the feeling that this guy He may die in the next second, but he can still kill many people before he really dies. As for Kestrel, this guy is obviously going to die, but he still doesn't die after shouting for a long time.
Kestrel was carried on his shoulders like a hungover drunkard. He wanted to say something, but all he could do was make meaningless moans.
He actually feels very tired, but he still has to continue talking nonsense. Kestrel has always felt that life can be regarded as a performance. Even in such a bad place, if he still remains optimistic, the tragedy will probably change. If it becomes a comedy, can it be considered as deceiving oneself?
The headache was so bad that Kestrel couldn't think clearly about these things.
Kestrel raised his head as much as possible, and then he saw everyone running desperately, the fireworks at the end of the street behind him, and the pursuing soldiers. Fortunately, the explosion destroyed the entire street, and the horses and other things could not catch up, but after It's not clear after this street.
He also saw figures dancing in the fireworks. Lorenzo jumped out from behind and nailed a soldier to the ground with a sword. It seemed that the situation was quite interesting. Everyone was chased by the soldiers. The soldiers They were chased by Lorenzo, just like a cat chasing a mouse, it depends on which unlucky one is caught first.
Work harder!Lorenzo Holmes!
Kestrel cheered for Lorenzo in his heart, the life and death of this group of people depended entirely on him.
Thinking of this, Kestrel closed his eyes and lowered his head.
Ah...it's really easy to run on someone's back, but being carried by a strong Viking man, it's so strange to think about it, not to mention that he's going to die...If possible, Kestrel would rather die with a woman In the crook of the arm.
So in whose hands will he die?
Recall a few female colleagues who died in action just after they had some good feelings for her... huh?I can’t remember what it looked like, so think about the people around you...
Kestrel seemed to be thinking of someone, but before he could say anything bad, he gradually lost his voice.
Under the high-intensity fighting, the holy silver attached to the nail sword has almost worn away, and the blade itself made of cypress iron is also full of gaps and cracks at this moment.
I don't know how many times he repeated it. Lorenzo thrust out his sword and killed a warrior. He slowly turned his head and saw more warriors stepping on the corpses and walking towards him.
They are endless, and each of them puts on that dark mask. It seems that each of them is Lawrence, and it seems that none of them are.
"That's crazy... maybe you can actually do it, Lawrence."
Lorenzo had mixed emotions and finally said with some respect.
Lawrence said that he might join Lorenzo. Similarly, Lorenzo also felt that at some moment in his past, he might have recognized Lawrence's madness.
This is what Lawrence wants to tell Lorenzo. Lawrence is no longer a person, a separate individual. He is a will, an order that is resolutely executed.
But unfortunately, the two of them will never come together. They are mortal enemies, with different positions and wills, and they will fight until death.
With such a large number of secret blood beings exposed to the dark knowledge under the sun, Lorenzo was not sure what would happen if he continued to let Lawrence pursue the secret blood like this, but he could vaguely feel that it would be a battle that would sweep everyone away. Disaster, perhaps everyone will die in Lawrence's hands before the future predicted by Lawrence arrives.
After all, uncontrollable monsters like witchers should return to dust, and it would be the most perfect ending for him to end it all as the last witcher.
Lorenzo felt that facing that dark future, there must be a better solution.
"Keeper of Secrets."
Lorenzo shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he had to go to the so-called end of the world, but to do this, he first had to leave alive.
"You look terrible, Lorenzo, you could have left alone."
After the sea of ​​​​fire, another group of warriors came out. There were so many casualties, but they were still endless, like a group of human-shaped bodies. They had no so-called souls and wills, and were just tools for Lawrence to temporarily occupy.
"This is the difference between you and me, Lawrence. I can still trust others, and they are willing to trust me, so I will never let them die."
The secret blood was somewhat weakened. Under such a high-intensity battle, Lorenzo's will began to be exhausted. He could no longer restrain his strength, but this tenacious figure still stood between the soldiers and Eve and others.
"These are all burdens, haven't you realized? Emotions make us indecisive, connections with people make us have many weaknesses, beautiful things make us immersed in hypocrisy... These are Lorenzo Mei The reason for Dichi’s failure, I hope this will not be the reason for your failure.”
Lawrence said that he felt that Lorenzo was a stupid and unconvincing guy. He had used himself as an example, but Lorenzo was still so stubborn.
He wants to change Lorenzo, or kill him, after all, he alone is enough to accomplish this great feat.
Lorenzo laughed disdainfully at this, and he looked at those guys who were a little silly running, talking to himself.
"Do you think Lorenzo Medici really failed?"
The images of the past reappeared in front of my eyes again, in that hellish dry well, the two people bathed in blood, and countless demon hunters who died for it.
"Lorenzo Medici believed in me, so I survived, and now I choose to believe in them."
A smile appeared on Lorenzo's embarrassed face.
The secret blood boiled again, and the nail sword struck the ground fiercely, and then the rising glow penetrated the darkness and once again drew a sea of ​​fire on the street.
The raging flames blocked the soldiers' progress.
(End of this chapter)

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