Chapter 454
"Out of ammo!"
Hercule was about to continue moving the warhead, but his hand came up empty.
Looking at Nicholas who was still holding a telescope, Hercule wanted to ask something else, but he suddenly realized something.
Probably due to some mental disorder, under the illumination of the fireworks, Hercule realized that he had no idea who the guy in front of him was.
"Your name is?"
The atmosphere is a little subtle.
"Nikola Tesla."
Nicholas said and stretched out his hand, as if he still wanted to remain elegant despite the landslide in front of him.
"Hercule Christie, nice to meet you."
Hercule's brain was sick, so he also stretched out his hand and shook it with Nicholas, looking like a comrade-in-arms.
"So...we have no ammunition, what should we do!"
Hercule said urgently, without the cover of artillery fire, the last means of resistance was lost.
"What else can we do? Get ready to retreat!"
Nicola put the telescope as he spoke. Several people were already approaching, and Lorenzo's figure also appeared in the field of vision.
It has to be said that after going through so much, Lorenzo has become a reassuring character. Although this man has many shortcomings, as long as he is present, no matter how terrible hell is, there is a glimmer of hope.
"Follow me, Hercule. It takes more than one person to start the Silver Fish."
Nikolai said and ran, jumping directly onto the Silver Fish.
The cabin is very small. As an experimental model, its space is very narrow and there is basically no extra space. Therefore, the Perpetual Pump placed everything in the cabin and made the entire ship into a sword-like shape.
"Does that mean we're standing on top of a steam turbine that could explode at any time?"
After listening to Nikolai's brief introduction to the Silver Fish, Hercule suddenly realized such a cruel reality.
"Trust me, this thing is checked and there's nothing wrong with it. Hand me the bucket."
Nikolai lifted the metal cover, revealing the dark pipes underneath.
"What verification did you do?"
Hercule lifted the heavy bucket, not knowing what it contained.
"Verification, anyway, we drove from the high seas to here, and there were no problems along the way... It's just that sometimes the vibration is too strong, and some screws will loosen."
Nicholas took the bucket, while Hercule covered his face, thinking that land would be safer.
"So...what are you pouring?"
The dark liquid gushes out from the bucket and is poured into the mouth of the pipe. Hercule looks at the liquid and feels uneasy for some reason.
"Lacquer antimony, diluted lacquer antimony, you must have seen this thing, right? It's the fuel Lorenzo used to blow things up into the sky."
Nikolai poured a whole bucket of diluted paint antimony into the mouth of the pipe, and then screwed the metal cap shut.
Paint antimony?Diluting antimony paint?
Hercule remembered that Lorenzo had introduced this thing before, and that he also used this thing to blow up the streets. However, Hercule remembered that the dose at that time was very small, but just a small amount would produce such great destructive power. , and now this guy named Nicholas poured a big bucket into it. Although it was diluted, this...
"Wow, Hercule, you've gone too far this time."
Poirot said inappropriately from the side.
Hercule ignored it. He felt that his head was getting dizzy. Hercule stumbled to the side and asked after a long pause.
"Um...where did you pour them?"
"The combustion chamber, the fuel must match the combustion chamber."
Nicholas looked like he didn't understand why Hercule was so full of questions.
Hercule was silent for a few seconds. This time, he didn't feel any surprise. On the contrary, after being so stimulated, he suddenly felt that this was normal.
"Ready to sail!"
Nicholas said as he started the Silver Fish, the hot steam rose instantly, almost engulfing the entire ship in thick fog. Hercule could clearly feel the increase in the surrounding temperature, and the cabin under his feet also It vibrated with the surge of steam, and the needles on the instrument panel began to fly, with several pointing to the red zone, but judging from Nikolai's indifferent expression... it was not a big problem.
Disturbing shouts continued, and the figure broke through the smoke and ran wildly.
"Yes! That's it! Inlveg, I'm back!"
Kestrel opened his palms and felt the strong wind coming towards him. The sea breeze was baptized by the burning fireworks, and the temperature was slightly warm.
"Shut up! If you yell again I'll throw you down!"
Highbould couldn't bear Kestrel's screams anymore. At this moment, Kestrel was lying on his strong arms, being carried by Hebold all the way.
"Come on! The Seaborne!"
It may be that too much medicine was injected. Kestrel was so excited that he didn't listen to Hebold's words at all.
Explosions one after another hit behind them, and rising fireworks mixed with flying debris fell everywhere. A group of people started a grand escape against the light of the fire.
"So are you always like this?"
Irene couldn't help but ask. This has been like this since just now. This group of people has no sense of seriousness between life and death. Instead, they are like a group of circus performers who ran on the wrong stage.
Could it be said that this is the corporate culture of the purge agency?
"Life is already terrible, people have to find some fun for now."
Shrike replied as he ran, and from time to time he would draw out the silver revolver and shoot at the black figures behind him.
"Is this what you mean by fun? You should try being a stand-up comedian."
Erin also fell into the rhythm of these people.
"It's not impossible, but I guess I'll have to wait until retirement. According to the regulations of the cleanup agency, this kind of behavior of making extra money is not advisable!"
Shrike continued, and the burning fragments hit his leg. Shrike staggered a few times, and then followed, while not forgetting to curse a few times.
Although everyone seems to be relaxed, everyone's relaxation is different. Kestrel's personality is such that he is born with a missing brain, while Shrike feels like he has fallen into a desperate situation and given up on himself.
What about the assassination?
Look at the messy Maluri Port. This is no longer an assassination, it is simply a war scene, not to mention that Nikolai is still committing atrocities against the city. If the ship of the purification agency is The ship crossed the territorial waters of Gaulnaro, and tonight was literally the opening ceremony of the Second Glorious War.
Shrike's emotions are extremely complicated now. One is that he was actually involved in such a crazy incident, and the other is that maybe many years later, his name will be written into textbooks.
The teacher said to the children below with a smile on the podium.
"It was these brave warriors who kicked off the Second Glorious War decades ago. Please recite some of their names."
Then the children read out the names of this group of people. The teacher looked at the children with satisfaction and then said to the children.
"Then let's go to the cemetery in the afternoon to lay flowers for these brave warriors."
Give me your fart!
A hoarse roar came from behind, as if he had found a place to vent his emotions, the Shrike stopped abruptly, turned around decisively and raised the death knell.
Although it was said that he had joined the management and controlled the lower city area and no longer had to fight and kill, the experience of fighting had always existed in Shrike's blood and had never dissipated.
The heavy bell rang, and the bones and flesh shattered into countless pieces in the air. The bullet hit the enemy's head precisely, and the remaining half of his face still had an indifferent expression. It seemed that death was just a simple matter for him. Just vocabulary.
"We have to hurry up!"
Shrike shouted.
With the blessing of the secret blood, these warriors were like lunatics who were not afraid of death. The sea of ​​fire could not stop their actions at all. They survived the bombardment and rushed towards them with their bodies burning. It could be seen that some warriors had been killed. His legs were broken, but his arms were still moving and he was crawling on the ground.
The intentions of the soldiers changed. As Shrike and others joined in, they realized that they could no longer stop the escape. The soldiers accelerated their speed and forced them further.
"Speaking of which, Shrike, are you willing to die?"
Kestrel looked at the figure coming out of the sea of ​​fire behind him and said sarcastic words.
"Shut up! You scourge!"
Shrike cursed without looking back.
"What is a catastrophe! I am a lucky kestrel, look at this wound, it is not dead!"
Kestrel's mind was a little confused. He didn't regard this place as a battlefield at all, but rather like an outing.
"Yeah, maybe you can survive, but we might all be dead. Isn't this called a disaster?"
The Shrike regretted coming to rescue the Kestrel. He should have stayed with Nicholas at the pier. As long as the situation was not right, he could just sail away, instead of trying to speed up life and death here.
"Wow! They're coming up!"
screamed Kestrel.
Several people were already exhausted. Although Heibald was strong, he couldn't go any faster with a kestrel on his back. Not to mention that the pursuers behind him were not normal people, but a group of people with secret blood. warrior.
"I'll try!"
Eve showed the lancet again. No one knew how many weapons this girl had hidden on her body.
With silver light shining in her hands, Eve was about to prepare for a painful fight with the pursuers behind her, when she heard a scream of wind.
Almost at the same moment as the sound sounded, a twisted piece of red-hot steel penetrated and nailed a warrior to the ground. The burning figure bounced and flew between the walls. Every time he stood up, he would throw a red-hot weapon. The iron spear, each dark red trajectory will penetrate a warrior.
"Don't look back, keep running!"
Lorenzo yelled at Eve. He fell to the street and grabbed the street lamp. The extreme temperature was released from the fireworks, and the lamp pole was easily broken. As Lorenzo twisted, he was like a craftsman. The gods forge weapons with the fire in their hands.
It was a red-hot spear that had not yet cooled down. It was twisted and had a sharp tip.
"Oh oh oh! The great savior is here! The Highboard is moving at full speed!"
The red-hot iron spear was thrown out amidst Kestrel's laughter, and the dark red trajectory came out of Lorenzo's hand and penetrated several people in a row.
Lorenzo was too lazy to care what was going on with Kestrel's madness. Anyway, this guy never seemed to be normal.
However, something is wrong with the current situation. Lorenzo found that the artillery fire that had been supporting had stopped, and above the pier, Lorenzo could see raging steam rising from the sea, and the moonlight outlined one after another hideous shadows.
"Lorenzo! Follow me!"
Eve shouted from the front. Lorenzo always blocked like this, causing a distance between him and the team. Eve was afraid that Lorenzo would not be able to board the ship because of the blocking. No matter how strong he was, there was no way out. Even under such circumstances, death is inevitable.
"I know... Eve!"
Lorenzo turned around and was about to respond to Eve's words when his voice was interrupted. He saw something. Without any hesitation, Lorenzo threw the iron spear in his hand and accelerated forward.
The scorching steel came with the intent of death, barely giving Eve time to think. It passed by Eve, bringing blood and pain.
The iron spear directly pierced and nailed the galloping horse to the ground, abruptly stopping its sprint, and the warrior on it fell as a result, being crushed by the heavy horse.
Eve issued a warning to others, and Lawrence changed his strategy. Since Eve and others could not be held back, the final massacre began. Under this indiscriminate attack, Lorenzo would always be divided because of protecting others. Heart.
The war horses that followed rushed out of the shadows of the nearby streets. The war horses were blindfolded. They could not see what was ahead and could only follow the orders and move forward.
"Don't get in the way!"
Heibald was fed up with all this. He stopped and waved his folding knife. The horse passed in front of him, and the sword blades crossed. Heibald had an extra wound on his body, and the warrior was cut off completely. arm.
"Don't stop!"
Seeing this, Lorenzo roared angrily, the current situation is so depressing, Lorenzo has almost no way to solve it all.
Lawrence's words echoed in his ears like a curse.
Lorenzo is different from Lawrence. For the lofty ideal, Lawrence can sacrifice anyone, and even said that he himself became a monster under this crazy ideal.
But Lorenzo couldn't do it. He might be able to sacrifice himself, but he didn't want to see his friends die.
The melodious whistle sounded, dazzling lights lit up on the sea, and the battleships walked out of the fog, completely displayed in front of everyone's eyes.
Lorenzo remembered these things. They were originally museums, but now they were full of power. He guessed that the barrel of the gun was pointing here now.
The situation is getting worse and worse, and Lorenzo can't think of a solution...
The invincible Mr. Holmes may not be able to fall, but his friends are not invincible. They will suffer pain and death, and will be hacked into cold corpses by random knives.
No... there is a way, but is it really necessary?
Do you use any means, abandon all ethics and morals, and trample under your feet the humanity that binds you?
The situation did not give Lorenzo much time to think. He rushed to Eve's side and reunited with the escape team. Unfortunately, they were now unable to move forward. The soldiers had already blocked the road with the speed of their horses.
Just that little distance away, survival is so close.
(End of this chapter)

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