Embers of Embers

Chapter 455 Choice

Chapter 455 Choice
What should you do?Lorenzo Holmes.
The bloodthirsty monsters surrounded this group of people. They were very close to the Silver Fish, so close that they could almost touch it. Lorenzo could even feel the warm wind coming towards him.
What should you do?
The horses galloped around them, and they were like hunted prey. Their exhausted faces were reflected on the sharp sword blades.
If they are dragged on like this, not only will they be left here forever, the Silver Fish will also be unable to escape, and everyone will die here.
This is a difficult choice. Lorenzo knows very well that someone must stay here to stop these pursuers, so who should it be?
No... This kind of thing doesn't require thinking at all. Only Lorenzo can do this. Only he can block the enemy's pursuit and make others escape. This is exactly what Lawrence wants.
For a moment, Lorenzo felt the so-called sense of powerlessness. Even though he was invincible, there were still some things he couldn't do, and there were many such things.
Depressed erosion descends, and new enemies come out after the sea of ​​fire.
His figure was embarrassed and crumbling, but his eyes were extremely clear. Even if he turned into a monster, he still knew his purpose.
"You're all going to die here."
The man's voice was calm and filled with anger. This was his kingdom, his homeland, and now it was set on fire by Lorenzo and others, like hell.
"Cory Ferey."
Lorenzo remembered this guy. He cut off his arm with a sword. Logically speaking, he should have died of blood loss, but now he is still alive and well, but one arm is empty and the other is empty. The hand is dragging a sharp sword, like a swordsman rushing to the battlefield.
There was a familiar and disgusting smell in the air, which was secret blood. Lorenzo could feel it, and Corey was also injected with secret blood. With the gift of this forbidden power, he survived.
"Lawrence, this madman..."
Lorenzo gritted his teeth. For his own justice, Lawrence didn't care about the dangers of the secret blood. This taboo power spread freely, and he wanted to use this to build an invincible army.
A calm voice sounded behind him, which seemed to be magical. The voice calmed Lorenzo a little. He turned his head and saw Irene looking at him.
"Erin...what are you going to do?"
Lorenzo saw something was wrong in Irene's expression, and he realized what this woman seemed to be trying to do.
Irene knew Lorenzo, and Lorenzo also knew Irene. They knew exactly what the other was thinking. Irene stretched out her hand, revealing the secret blood.
"Leave it to me. You leave with them and let me end it with Corey."
This is not a request. Irene's attitude is very firm. She failed to save Ivar. She wants to avenge Ivar and atone for her own crimes.
The enemy is pressing forward step by step, and the team is in dire straits.
In Irene's opinion, this is the perfect time. Soon her life will bloom in value. She will save everyone and complete revenge for herself and Ivar.
For such a mediocre and boring life to be able to do this in the end, in Irene's opinion, her life has gained "value".
"What did you say?"
Lorenzo looked like he couldn't believe it, and his voice became stern.
"You want to use secret blood?"
"But this is the only way. Only in this way can you leave."
Erin responded forcefully, and this time no one else spoke.
Not just Irene, everyone knew very well that someone had to stay to hold the soldiers back, so that others could leave. It seemed cruel, but this was the only hope of survival.
"So... Eileen, you will die."
The confused Kestrel said slowly at this moment. He seemed to be trying hard to think and understand Irene's words, but under the influence of the medicine and injuries, Kestrel's thoughts were extremely slow.
"Death is not terrible."
Erin replied that what was terrible for her was living with guilt. This was her last chance to save herself.
Lorenzo was stunned. He had many words that could be used to persuade Irene, but before he could say them, he realized that there was no need.
He can kill powerful enemies, but he cannot control the will of others. Lorenzo can invade Irene through [Gap] and make her leave obediently, but is this really what Irene wants?
No, killing Corey and letting the others go is what Erin wants.
Erin turned around, turned her back to the others, and walked towards Corey. She slowly raised her hand, preparing to inject the secret blood. The needle was very close to her skin, and it was about to pierce her flesh and blood, and the needle was about to pierce her flesh. Filthy blood is poured into it.
Eve lowered her voice. Although they had not met for a long time, they were more or less dead brothers. Even though Eve was very nervous, she felt sad at the moment, and she could not find the answer to the problem.
Everyone was silent, there was nothing more to say, they didn't know what to say at this moment, but then Kestrel suddenly said.
"But...are you going to die like this? If you die, you won't be able to see the ending of those stories."
At this terrible moment, his mushy mind recalled that pretty good afternoon. Kestrel still remembered his conversation with Irene. They were both looking forward to the sequel of those stories, but if they died, just watch There are no more sequels like these.
Erin smiled and shook her head.
"But this time my story comes to an end, a good ending, the moon."
Eileen walked towards death without looking back.
This is probably the reality, the illogical reality, just now everyone was talking nonsense, but now she died generously, Kestrel seemed to have turned his thoughts, his eyes became frightened.
Erin was dying. She was perhaps the only person in the world who could possibly understand her, and now she was dying.
The wrist was hard, but the needle failed to pierce it. Lorenzo followed, grabbed Irene's hand, and stopped her action. Irene turned her head, but only saw a ferocious face.
Lorenzo Holmes What do you want?How on earth do you do that?
You stick to morality and defend the code, so why do you do this?For your own noble moral character?But you have no moral character to speak of. You have killed people and done evil. You are destined to go to hell. The difference between you and evil people is just the difference in purpose.
There is no difference between you and Lawrence, you are both evil people, you are both self-righteous saviors who uphold your own righteousness.
So what do you do?Is it justice for the sake of justice, or justice and evil for the sake of something more precious?
Lorenzo snatched the secret blood from Irene's hand and crushed it hard. The shards of glass penetrated into the skin. The secret blood mixed with Lorenzo's blood and slowly flowed from the palm of his hand. shed.
Just like Lawrence said, there must be something to fight so hard for. To change something, even to gain strength. Everyone must be doing this for some purpose, rather than fighting for strength, fighting for strength.
"Let me be the last witcher."
Lorenzo looked at the crystal blood in his hand and spoke in a low tone.
The curse of the secret blood should be broken at Lorenzo's hands, and he should be the last one standing.
The golden age is too far away, so far away that it is almost impossible to see it. Lorenzo pursues all this just for the beauty around him. What does it mean to pursue nothingness for the sake of beauty?
If it is for these reasons, Lorenzo is willing to abandon the so-called ethics and morality. He is willing to break away from the shackles of human nature and become the same abominable monster as Lawrence.
"No one will die here tonight."
Lorenzo pushed Irene back, his eyes filled with endless light.
Everyone felt that an invisible force formed a wave and swept everything around with Lorenzo as the origin. The air condensed into iron blocks in an instant, squeezing the lungs and making it hard to breathe.
Great terror has descended here, sadness, pain, guilt, self-blame...
Endless negative emotions rise in their hearts, as if dry hands are scratching them, trying to drag them into hell.
Haybold couldn't hold on for a moment, and he knelt down and retched. Eve had a splitting headache, and she vaguely guessed something.
Power Gabriel.
The secret blood rose to the limit, and Lorenzo's body began to become slightly distorted. Wave-like erosion hit the surroundings heavily, and Lorenzo's consciousness fell into the darkest abyss until it crossed the [Border] 】.
Lorenzo ordered, and with the roar of his order, the most abominable terror in the world descended.
Black thunder appeared out of thin air. They entangled and splashed, hitting the warrior's body. The flesh and blood body quickly disintegrated and collapsed. In an instant, it was like being torn into pieces, and these fragments were held up and convolved by invisible forces. Together, a strong heartbeat sounded from them.
"what is this?"
Erin looked at all this in astonishment. Countless ball lightning appeared out of thin air, dividing the battlefield in an instant. All materials they touched were annihilated and absorbed, and heavy breathing sounded one after another.
"Come on!"
Eve grabbed Irene, and after a brief daze, several people took advantage of this opportunity and began to flee. The soldiers also tried to intercept, but the formation was cut by ball lightning. They tried to get closer but were shattered by the free lightning.
This is the real doomsday. Under the erosion of despair, the thunder gradually dissipates. Behind the silent smoke and dust, pairs of white wings spread out, shaking away the filth, revealing the holy face underneath.
The indifferent pupils stared at the world, and the sharp spiral bone spurs protruded from the palms, and the pure white holy flames ignited on them, and the noble angels pronounced the crimes of mortals.
Lorenzo crossed the [Border] and was exposed to the Silent Ones, and now they are hunting him.
[Usurper. 】
Lorenzo vaguely heard who was saying the word.
"How ridiculous. You are like a desperate desperado, calling one devil to kill another devil...but your soul is destined to be taken away."
A fallen warrior said to Lorenzo. His lower body was annihilated by the sudden thunder, and the cross section of the wound was extremely clear.
"At least it's not yours, Lawrence."
Lorenzo replied viciously, and then left without looking back.
The Reticent joined the battlefield, opening up a glimmer of life for Lorenzo, and different from what was expected, Lorenzo was ready to fight to the death, but the Reticent did not pay too much attention to himself, but in Fight with soldiers.
No, to be precise, when fighting against Lawrence, it seems that in their eyes, Lawrence is more worthy of being dealt with first.
[Strange will. 】
[Strange will. 】
[Huge will. 】
[Prioritize eradication and start execution. 】
Lorenzo vaguely heard something, as if a group of people were whispering, their voices cold, like machines.
Before he could continue to think, a sharp whistling wind blew up, and the silver spiral spikes fell fiercely. The Silent Man waved his wings and attacked Lorenzo.
"Don't get in the way!"
Lorenzo's anxiety turned into anger and he brandished the nail sword.
The solid body shattered under Lorenzo's slash, and Lorenzo almost chopped off its entire wings. Therefore, the Silent One's movements were slightly affected, and it slowed down a step. Then countless red lines emerged from the flesh and blood. Stab out, they are entangled together, suturing the broken wound and healing the wound.
This scene was firmly remembered in Lorenzo's eyes. It was so similar to Power Yanal that it made him have an uneasy suspicion in his heart.
More sword blades fell, and the warriors swarmed up and hacked the Silent Man to death, but the waving wings drove the iron feathers, cutting the flesh and blood of the warriors, and strangled them into pieces.
Roaring thunder sounded, and more spherical flashes were activated, annihilating and devouring the surrounding buildings, and a new Silent One appeared in the field of vision.
Are they really dead?
Lorenzo witnessed all this and asked himself whether they were dead or "returning" again.
Except for the sound of swords clanging and blood flowing, there was no sound on the battlefield, no screams, no wails, not even roars.
This is a cold war, like a silent hell, death and resurrection, and endless reincarnation.
Lorenzo took one last look at the chaotic battlefield behind him, which reminded him of the Gate of Heaven in the Cathedral of San Naro. A similar scene was carved on the door, with angels descending from the sky, bringing divine punishment and fireworks.
Haybold rushed into the Silver Fish and shouted at Nikolai, who was already ready to push the lever.
The diluted paint antimony released light and heat in the combustion chamber, and the Silver Fish popped up instantly like lightning. The speed was so fast that most of the ship was out of the water and broke through the waves.
In the narrow cabin, everyone breathed a sigh of relief until this moment. Seabold was breathing heavily, Kestrel was drooling with dull eyes, and Eve wiped the wet corners of her eyes. For a moment, she really thought that everyone was going to die. Here it is.
Irene looked above the cabin. A nail sword penetrated the cabin. Lorenzo half-crouched on the cabin to fix his figure so that he would not be thrown off. With his other hand, he raised Wincher St, guarding against any pursuers who might catch up.
The crisis is not over yet. The approaching ships are gathering together at a faster pace. Judging from the moving muzzles, they are preparing to sink the Silver Fish.
He never expected that being so far away from the coast, there would be obstacles here. Nicholas probably saw this as well. The Silver Fish continued to accelerate, and the hull trembled violently, as if it would disintegrate in the next second.
Suddenly it was dawn.
One after another, the flames penetrated the sky and fell on the trajectory of the ship, hindering their closing. The aftermath of the fire also hit the ship, the steel was burned red, and the fragments sank to the bottom of the sea.
Lorenzo remembered the fire, and it was something he could never forget for the rest of his life.
"Our ships crossed the high seas and entered the waters of Nalo, Gaul."
Shrike recognized the fire as Ascalon, the giant cannon they also installed on the ship.
"No, are they going to war?"
Shrike is going crazy. This is an ominous signal. Such a rash move is undoubtedly a provocation. At a small level, it is a military conflict. At a large scale, it is the Second Glorious War.
"The war has already started, Shrike, Inlveg, Gaulnaro, the Viking kingdoms... the war has already started."
Haybold said in a heavy tone, and the firelight across the sky also illuminated his face, and it illuminated everyone's face, the silent face.
After escaping the encirclement, the speed of the Silver Fish slowed down. Lorenzo slowly stood up. He looked very tired and looked towards the burning other shore.
(End of this chapter)

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