Embers of Embers

Chapter 456 The Paradise and Survival of Humanity

Chapter 456 The Paradise and Survival of Humanity
The night in Old Dunling is like blue steel, cold and chilly. Every corner of the street is covered with crystal water drops. The tiny mirror reflects the iron whales rolling in the sea of ​​clouds, one after another. The light fell like a lance, staring at the earth.
The guards took a deep breath. This was just an ordinary day in their careers. Standing guard, guarding, and then taking turns. This was an extremely familiar job, but strangely, in such a familiar work and environment, they were vaguely aware of something. , the guards didn’t know what it was specifically, and could only describe it simply as anxiety and uneasiness in their hearts.
Yes, it seems that something is about to happen. Under the peaceful night, something has awakened in the deepest part of the darkness. Its twisted and ferocious body, with a disgusting smell, is trying to crawl out of memory. abyss.
The guard's heart became more and more uneasy. His hand brushed against the cold railing, and the cold touch made him wake up a little.
The iron whales moved their eyes away from the street and advanced slowly. Only then could they notice that the iron whale's gaze was not random. It had been staring at a carriage speeding under the night, coming from high in the sky. Under the watchful eye, the carriage crossed the royal defense line and drove into the Platinum Palace.
"Huh... I haven't been here for a long time. This seems to be my first night visit here."
The man stepped off the carriage. For some reason, the temperature was particularly low tonight, and he could even see the mist he breathed out.
Looking up, under the light, the relief on the building was pulled out into slender shadows. Light and darkness were intertwined, creating another strange painting.
"what is that?"
The man raised his head, and he seemed to see something. Countless black shadows were hovering under the night, like leaves drawn into the sky, cutting the light into countless fragments.
"Crows, they usually rest on the Dunling Tower. I don't know why they suddenly came here."
Another voice sounded behind him, and Arthur also got out of the carriage, looking at the crows under the night, it was impossible to see their appearance clearly under the dim night, only some desolate roar could be heard vaguely.
Arthur remembered the previous rumors among the people and started talking casually.
"Some people said before that if the crows leave Dunling Tower, it will be the end of Yin Erweg."
"What? Could it be that today is the end of Inrwig? Then I think we'd better leave by boat."
The man told a joke.
"No, Yin Erweg will never fall, let alone these nonsense legends... There is a birdcage on Dunling Tower, and we have locked six crows in it, so there is no need to worry about these."
Arthur looked disdainful of this, but after thinking about it, he added something.
The man laughed at this, never expecting that serious Arthur would have such a side.
"Let's go, His Majesty is waiting for you."
Arthur is too lazy to talk to this man. Although he has not been in contact with him for a long time, he has a general understanding of this guy's character. He is like a clown in a circus. It is difficult for you to judge what he wants and what is his purpose? What, he may have been talking to you about his ideals and ambitions just now, and the next second he will beg you to lend him some money to buy wine.
"I know it's not impossible to ask her to wait a little longer. Think about it, I am lucky enough to have Queen Victoria wait for me. This is a great honor."
As expected, the man started talking nonsense again.
"Huh? Won't you follow?"
The man took a few steps, and he suddenly found that he was the only one moving forward, and neither the guards nor Arthur had any intention of moving forward.
"I need to stay here. Only you can see her tonight."
Arthur said, looking at the man's old but stubborn face, he felt very complicated.
To be honest, he rarely misjudged a person, but this time he misjudged the guy in front of him. Arthur never imagined that he had such energy, or... so mysterious.
Just like Lorenzo, wearing an unknown mask, you pull it off with force, and there is just another mask underneath.
Not long ago, he was trembling in front of his eyes, saying something that he had nothing to do with Lorenzo, but now he was standing in front of the Platinum Palace, knowing secrets that he had no right to know.
"Wait a minute, Oscar Wilde, who are you?"
Arthur couldn't help asking.
Oscar stopped in his tracks, and he turned around slowly and said.
"Don't you know? I am a writer, a writer who is not very popular."
Oscar smiled, then stopped as soon as he turned around. He turned around again and added.
"Writers, writers who write history... No, this is a bit inaccurate. History is written by you, and I am just a recorder. Someone must remember all this and tell the latecomers."
Oscar said something that Arthur couldn't understand, this time he strode into the Platinum Palace without stopping.
Arthur's eyes stayed behind him all the time, he thought about Oscar's last words, what did he think of, but he seemed to think of nothing, until he could no longer see Oscar's figure.
The meeting with Queen Victoria was in a small room. It was very secret. It was so secret that only the Queen knew about it. Apart from Oscar and the Queen, there was no other person in the room.
"Long time no see, Your Majesty."
Oscar moved a chair and sat in front of the Queen. This room was not small, but all the lights were candles. Only a few scattered ones were placed on the table, burning quietly, and the light was a little weak. , unable to illuminate everything indoors, and more places are in chaotic darkness.
The queen nodded slightly, her expression cold and serious, as if something big was about to happen.
"According to intelligence, Lorenzo's group's operation has ended and they are now on their way back to Inverg."
Oscar reported on his work, and Nordero kept his eyes on Maluli Port, paying attention to the direction of events at any time.
“Just as we designed, Ivar Lodbrok has died in Maluri Port, and his death will become a trigger for our great cause.
According to our previous agreement with Bjorn Rodbrok, we will join forces with the Viking nations to wage war against Gaulnaro and its Rhine allies in the near future. "
Oscar's voice changed slightly when he said this. Although he always looked casual, Oscar still felt a burst of pressure when these words came out of his mouth.
This is a war, a war driven by the interests and goals of all parties. This time it is not the words depicted in my book, but an extremely real fight. Many people will die, many, many people will die.
"Pope Miguel's life or death is unknown, but according to Lorenzo's dictation, it doesn't matter whether Miguel is dead or alive. He confirmed that Lawrence is still alive, and in his words, the situation is very complicated. After returning, he decided I want to meet you in person."
"Well...I see."
The queen took a long breath. War is also a big pressure for her.
"Then what should we do next? Your Majesty."
asked Oscar.
"Just proceed as designed before, stir up the situation, and drag the whole world into the flames of war. Only in this way can we ensure that more people can survive."
The Queen's voice was extremely firm.
"According to calculations, we need to reduce the total population of Western countries by at least [-]% in this war. The country builders in other countries will get news from us after tonight, and they will secretly influence the political situation in different ways until the end Involving everyone in this world war.”
Oscar trembled slightly. Today... no, in some unknown parliament before this, countless lives had already been destined to end.
"What, are you scared?" the queen asked.
"Of course."
Oscar didn't pretend to be strong. He pinched his forehead hard and tried to smooth out the wrinkles.
"I'm not just afraid, Your Majesty, I'm simply terrified. If I had been any more timid, you would have been able to smell the urine on my body by now."
Oscar teased himself, but there was no smile on his face.
"Unlike the glorious war of the Patriotic Patriots, this war was provoked by us, and it swept the entire Western world. Although it was said to be for more people to survive, for the survival of mankind..."
Oscar said and looked at his old hand. This hand had once held a sword, a gun, and a pen, but now it was covered with blood.
"Although we also have our own reasons, extremely righteous reasons, I will still feel fear. I will see countless dead people seeking revenge on me. Even if I can survive the war, these ghosts will haunt me until Die."
The queen's face was expressionless. She had long been mentally prepared. This kind of thing would not affect her mind. But after hearing this, the queen couldn't help but say.
"Your words remind me of what Bjorn said to me when he left. To be precise, this is what Ivar said to him, and he relayed it to me."
"The words of a dead person?"
Oscar half-jokingly said that he was deeply sorry for the Ivar Lodbrok he had never met, and that even in death, his death would be exploited.
"Well... Ivar is a man who is tired of fighting. Children like him are simply alien among the Vikings. Bjorn couldn't understand him, until one day Ivar told Bjorn his own reasons. .”
The queen's voice became colder, and the candlelight swayed slightly for some reason in the airtight room.
“He said that humans are cursed, and that the Hall of Valor does not exist after death nor during life.
This world, the world where countless of us live, is the 'Hall of Valor'. Countless people are born, fight, and then die, falling into an endless reincarnation with no end in sight. "
The atmosphere fell into sadness, but the Queen's attitude changed and became extremely stern.
"But someone has to do this. If in order for most people to survive, another group of people must be killed. If no one dares to hold the blade and chop away lives, then leave this matter to me. I'm willing to carry this guilt if only more people could survive."
Oscar felt tired, as if he had been in a battle, and he seemed to have aged several years in just a few minutes.
"Then what should you do next? I mean Lorenzo, he is a variable. With his brain, I think our conspiracy to start a war has been completely exposed in his eyes. It is not so much that he wants to meet you. , it would be better to say that he is here to ask for an explanation from you, and if your answer does not satisfy him, he will kill you with one sword."
"You think he would do this? Assassinate a queen?"
The Queen didn't believe it.
"Who knows? He is a variable, a very interesting individual. One person has the ability to change the situation, but the owner of this power is a psychopath. Now he has made mistakes and done evil under our design. It opened the prelude to the war..."
Oscar's head started to hurt as he continued.
"Maybe he won't kill you first, but give me a knife first, then come to you with my head in his hand and say to you, 'This is what will happen to you if you are dishonest.'"
"No matter what, we still need to pay attention to his attitude."
"Then tell him all this, our purpose, our past, and the fighting and wars we have repeated countless times."
The Queen said directly.
"At that time, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes will not have many choices left. He may still kill me in anger, or he may be persuaded by me to join the carnival of this war, or he may Have a psychological breakdown and spend the rest of your life decadently?"
"What do you think? Oscar."
Oscar thought for a while. Based on his understanding of Lorenzo, he really didn't know what the final result would be, so he could only say casually.
"Perhaps he will kill you first, and then join the carnival of war, trying to stop all this, but he will be unable to do so under the tide of the times, and finally become the ridiculous detective in despair."
"But there may be other options." The Queen said suddenly.
"What... are you referring to?"
Oscar asked, feeling that the Queen meant something.
"Another way, a new way, the way to save us from this cycle of despair."
The Queen had thought of everything, she said.
"If Mr. Holmes can be persuaded by me, if I am not killed by him, I will let him see the Keeper and let him see the [truth] of the world. You also said that he is a Variables, maybe he can find a better way to end all this after seeing the [truth]."
"Did you place your hope on him?"
"It's just an investment. If he fails, then the war continues and no one can stop it."
Oscar was silent, took a deep breath, stood up, and then said to the Queen.
"After tonight, I will inform all the nation builders that a new reincarnation has begun."
The Queen stood up with difficulty and extended her hand to Oscar.
"For our Republic, Oscar Wilde."
Oscar nodded, he also stretched out his hand and shook it with the Queen.
"For the paradise and survival of mankind."
(End of this chapter)

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