Embers of Embers

Chapter 464 Mysteries in the North

Chapter 464 Mysteries in the North
Lorenzo sat on the sofa where Seleu was sitting before, picked up her newspaper, and flipped through the recent news. The old dust in the air was mixed with a sour smell, and Lorenzo seemed to be slowly drifting in a garbage dump. Fermented bad apples.
"So are you sure you don't want to clean up the house?"
Seleu and Lorenzo switched roles. She sat in front of the workbench and stabbed her with the dagger that Lorenzo made for her. The rich life did not make Seleu forget her past. Now she picks up the dagger Come on, it feels familiar.
“Anyway, I’m the only one living here, so I’ll be fine with it.”
Lorenzo said lazily, but actually he was just lazy.
I have to admit that although Mrs. Van Roode did not occupy a large proportion in his life, her presence had a great impact on Lorenzo, such as the living environment.
At that time, Lorenzo was ordered to take action. He locked the door on Cork Street and ran to Gaulonaro. When he came back, he was greeted by a dusty room and food residues in the kitchen full of insects.
To be honest, Lorenzo was disgusted by the scene at that time. He cleaned it up for a while, but within a few days, he would turn it into the mess it is now.
"I don't know how Mrs. Van Rude is doing..."
Lorenzo looked at the mess on the ground and said with some nostalgia.
Finally, Lorenzo gave up, and the originally exquisite house felt like it had been invaded by homeless people.
"But you are going to the Viking countries, which sounds really far away."
Lorenzo couldn't help but sigh.
The world is huge, beyond everyone's imagination. Even with today's technological innovation, human beings still haven't completely filled the map of the world.
On the yellowed sheepskin map, there are still many unknown fogs surrounding the human land. They are like sticky darkness, swallowing up all the light. Every seeker who steps into it will never be able to return. way home.
The farthest place in Lorenzo's mind was Jiuxia on the other side of the ocean, followed by the Viking countries at the end of the far northern sea.
"Yes, but I'm also looking forward to it. After all, everyone in this land looks the same. I'm curious about what the country will look like in this harsh winter."
Seliu was actually looking forward to the next journey.
"Then are you ready for the trip?" Lorenzo asked.
This is not an easy journey. I heard that the seas in the Viking countries are extremely cold, and storms and thunder often pass over them, smashing the ships of those cowards.
"It's not determined yet. The war is coming, and the King of Ice Sea must also have a headache. Let's wait until he is finished."
Seleu has been communicating with envoys from the Viking countries so far, and she has never seen any high-level people who really hold power.
"Those who have been to the Viking countries say that it is a very interesting country, cold and hard, but there is a beautiful aurora under the night... Have you ever seen the aurora?"
Lorenzo shook his head. Like Seleu, he had only heard it from others.
Other people's words can't describe the magnificence of the aurora, and Lorenzo racked his brains and couldn't think of the stunning beauty that people said.
"Viking kingdoms?"
Lorenzo thought of Heibald. If he had known, he would have asked him more about the situation in the Viking countries. Now that this guy has returned to his hometown, he wonders if there will be a chance to meet again.
Over the long years, these marauding Vikings were like bards, bringing war and pain as well as legends from the north.
It is a wonderful land and people. They have a belief that is completely independent of the Western world in a difficult environment. From the perspective of other believers, there are gods in this world, and gods are here to save believers. As long as you are devout enough, When you die, you will be taken to heaven.
But the Vikings have different beliefs. They believe in the god Odin, but Odin will not promise them a beautiful kingdom of heaven. After death, the souls of the dead will be taken to the Hall of Valor by the Valkyrie, where they will fight day and night. Twilight of the gods awaits.
What is even more incredible is that in the belief of the Vikings, the destruction of the world is doomed, neither Odin nor the fighting spirits have the ability to reverse this desperate ending.
Lorenzo's thoughts stopped suddenly, he remembered something, he felt something reminding him, waiting for him to connect the clues together.
The north, the twilight of the gods, the prophesied doomsday...
He remembered the secret keeper that the queen had told him. Ultimately, his trip to Gaul Nalo was to open up a route to the end of the world.
Reminiscent of the records in the Gospel Church about the "Apocalypse" and "Gospel", Lorenzo faintly felt that if all these mysteries had a source, then it must be the end of the cold north.
Thinking of this, Lorenzo was a little happy, but what followed was the fear of approaching the darkness. He could feel that he was getting closer to the core of the secret. He even said that he had mastered part of the secret, and now only Someone needs to help him connect it all and piece together the complete [truth].
Then this is probably the reason that the queen thinks can convince her.
The only thing that can calm his anger is a deeper secret.
Lorenzo shook his head vigorously, shaking off all these complicated thoughts.
Now is not the time to think about these questions. As time goes by, the answers to all these will be in front of you sooner or later.
What Lorenzo needs right now is rest.
He let out a long sigh, as if he wanted to squeeze all the air out of his lungs. His whole body shrank a bit, and he collapsed comfortably on the sofa.
When he first returned to Erweg, Lorenzo had a gloomy face all day long, and Eve said that he looked bitter and resentful every time she saw him.
It's almost the same.
No matter who learns the cruel truth about the world's collapse when the demon comes, I'm afraid it won't be easy. Lorenzo also thinks that his mentality is relatively good. If it were anyone else, he might be crazy now.
At that time, Lorenzo was extremely anxious. After he recovered from his injury, he began to train himself, frequently going back and forth to the purification agency, asking about the technical progress of Merlin's Original Sin Armor.
Lorenzo didn't know how to deal with that future, he was in a panic, and he couldn't think of any other way except to improve his combat power.
After feeling this panic for a few days, he suddenly felt relieved.
At least the world is safe now, and there is still a lot of time left for yourself. Instead of being so panicked, it is better to think about what to do.
So Lorenzo became what he is now.
Rest and recharge, he was going to say this when he met the queen. Compared with the power of one person, the power of the entire country is the most powerful, and Lorenzo also needs Innervig's full support. To find the cause of this apocalypse.
In short, everything is in place, just waiting for the day when I step into the Platinum Palace again.
The room fell into silence. Lorenzo and Seleu were doing their own things. It looked like they were having a cold war, but in fact, this was how Lorenzo and Seleu got along.
Everyone knew each other well, and there was no need to say bad words to liven up the atmosphere. Lorenzo covered his face with the newspaper. After working for the dagger for several days, he could finally take a good rest.
"Speaking of Lorenzo, are you interested in going to the Viking Kingdoms with me?"
Seryu put down the dagger and asked suddenly.
"No interest, I'm very busy."
Lorenzo directly refused, saying that he was now running to save the world. What was even worse was that he had no way of telling others about the end of the world.
Pulling off the newspaper and looking at Seliu, Lorenzo reaffirmed his thoughts in his mind.
Yes, he couldn't tell anyone else.
How could Lorenzo?Tell the girl in front of her that the world will be destroyed, and that soon the demons will gather into a sea tide and eat everyone up.
Why bother?Tell others that they have no way to deal with it. Some people may think that they are talking nonsense, and some people may believe what they say. Then what?Live in fear until death comes?
Lorenzo didn't think it was necessary. This kind of despair and fear could be reserved only for him and these people who can really change the world.
Just like many times before, the witchers fought with monsters in the dark. When dawn came, people spent a safe night again. There were no witchers or monsters in their world.
That's fine.
"But...it's not impossible."
Lorenzo added.
The rapid ups and downs made Seliu a little curious about what this guy was thinking.
"After a while, I might... no, I will definitely go to the Viking countries. Maybe we can go together."
The secret keeper who exists at the end of the world, no matter what the reason, Lorenzo has to go there once, where he may be able to get the answer he wants.
"Sounds pretty good."
A slight smile appeared on Seleu's indifferent expression.
The doorbell rang, and before Lorenzo could say "come in," the visitor opened the door and walked into the house.
"Are you raising pigs in the house?"
As soon as Shrike entered the room, he was overwhelmed by the complex smell. It reminded him of the bad environment in the lower city, and he hated it.
This feeling was quite embarrassing, and Lorenzo was wondering whether to hire a cleaner.
"Shrike, why are you here?"
Lorenzo then asked, Shrike would never come to him when he had nothing to do. In Shrike's eyes, he was just an extremely troublesome guy. Outside of work, this guy would never want to have anything to do with him.
"Regarding the Red News incident, judging from the intelligence from the Black Mountain Hospital incident at that time, under the influence of a certain amount of erosion, these people who were eroded and went crazy will temporarily regain their senses."
Shrike found a chair and sat down with a look of disgust on his face, and said to Lorenzo.
"Merlin has done many experiments and found that this behavior actually restarts the erosion that has been interrupted... Can you understand what I mean?"
"It is probably clear that you are allowing these patients to be corroded and their brains to be further contaminated."
"Yes, although this sounds a bit cruel, a new discovery has indeed been made. After the interrupted erosion is pushed forward again, these patients will briefly regain their sanity. It seems that madness is more like a self-protection mechanism... …”
Shrike was interrupted by Lorenzo, who thought of something.
"Protect your own cognition, how old will your mind be before it degrades, and protect yourself from being polluted further?"
Lorenzo found things interesting.
"Basically, we don't have enough data to support the conjecture, but it's not impossible to use it as the reason for the time being," Shrike continued. "The time to recover is very short, but we have gradually restored the general history of the Hongxun incident."
"So what exactly happened?" Lorenzo asked.
"I do not know."
Shrike spread his hands and answered simply.
"I'm just the one responsible for delivering the message. The confidentiality level of this experiment is very high, probably due to the erosion of demons, so you need to ask Merlin in person for the details."
Shrike said as he rubbed his temples. The fatigue of the past few days had made him a little overwhelmed.
After the Viking countries united with Yin Erweg, I don’t know what the Vikings in the lower city thought. They actually thought that they had legal status in Yin Erweg. Each one became more arrogant than the other. Shrike led the team to suppress them. several times.
"I'm here this time to inform you that Merlin is going to corrupt the previous chief technical officer to restore his sanity for a short time, so as to get a full picture of the Hongxun incident."
Shrike was a little confused when he said this. Lorenzo obviously had nothing to do with scientific experiments, but Merlin emphasized that Lorenzo must be present, otherwise the experiment could not be carried out. He couldn't figure out the reason, so he could only do this. .
Lorenzo nodded at this. He knew very well why Merlin did this. During the storm at Black Mountain Hospital, Lorenzo had warned Merlin about the unknown existences, and Merlin actually controlled his thirst for knowledge. Wait until you come back before starting this final step.
"I see."
Lorenzo took a deep breath, the rest was over, he wanted to save the world, starting from figuring out the mystery of it all.
"Hmm...sounds pretty important."
At this time, a discordant voice sounded, and Seleu turned to look at Shrike, then at Lorenzo, still holding the delicate dagger in his hand.
"S... Duke Stuart?"
Shrike was startled. Before Seliu made a sound, he didn't even notice that there was a third person in the room. Judging from Seliu's position, she didn't hide herself deliberately. It was completely because Shrike didn't notice.
"Also...please keep it a secret!"
Shrike thought a lot in his mind in an instant, but in the end he could only say this sentence. After all, he was a duke. He couldn't imprison her in Montenegro Hospital for revealing this information, right?
"Oh oh oh, it's okay. I am also one of the shareholders. Listening to the development of the industry is what a shareholder should do."
Seliu didn't notice Shrike's impatience at all. She easily accepted the business of killing monsters, and she didn't know how the other members of the group would react if they knew about this.
Perhaps it was due to the hacking and slashing with the Vikings in the past few days, or the aftereffects of Gaul Naluo's escape, that Shrike felt that his mind was muddled.
"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow. Let's do this for now."
Shrike said and fled the fermenting room without looking back. Looking at his appearance, Lorenzo pulled up his collar and sniffed.
"Is it really...that bad?"
Seliu's face was expressionless, but he nodded very seriously.
Lorenzo felt a little ashamed for a moment.
Well, before you save the world, let’s get the house in order.
(End of this chapter)

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