Embers of Embers

Chapter 465 The Watcher

Chapter 465 The Watcher
Seleu left, and 121A Cork Street looked rare and peaceful at night. It was like a sleeping old man, nestled peacefully in the corner of the street. Except for the signboard that flickered on and off, everything was simply ordinary.
Lorenzo simply tidied up the room, piled the rubbish into a corner, and wiped clean some hairy and moldy areas. Although it was not tiring, it was troublesome. In Lorenzo's opinion, it was not as easy as killing the monster. Where to go.
After roughly tidying up, Lorenzo returned to his room, stepped up the stairs, and came to the two doors. It may have been too long since he had seen these. Lorenzo was in a very strange mood at this moment.
For a moment, he remembered the past. Another door was ajar, and there was a rumbling sound of sleeping... But it was a pity that he could not go back. Since the storm, Lorenzo had locked Sigg's room. , everything inside is as it was when he left, as if he might suddenly return one day.
Without thinking too much, after such a long time, Lorenzo had accepted what happened at that time. He opened the door of his room, sat by the window, and looked at the dim street.
Turning on the radio, after the loud electric sound, the radio host talked about some things in the neighborhood, picked up a bottle of wine that had been unsealed a long time ago, sniffed the smell, and thought about how the witcher would not because of He died of food poisoning after taking a big bite.
It was just dark, and there were still passers-by walking on the street. Some young people had just come out of the bar, staggering and shouting loudly as they walked. Finally, they leaned against the street lamp, hugged the lamp pole and vomited vigorously.
Seeing this scene, Lorenzo couldn't help laughing. It was like observing the living habits of small animals. After the young man drank and vomited, he lay on the ground. His friends burst into laughter. As a result, one The guy stepped on the sticky vomit, slipped and fell to the roadside.
In fact, from this perspective, the world is quite happy.
Lorenzo withdrew his gaze and looked at the empty room. Only then did Lorenzo realize that he was a somewhat boring person. At this moment, he couldn't think of anything else to do except go to bed. .
With this thought in mind, he climbed into bed and covered himself with a quilt. The street light shone through the window into the dim room, barely illuminating a corner of the ceiling, and he could see some messy posters pasted on it.
Some advertisements for new stores, flyers for tourism, and some strange promotions for rallies were printed at different times, some a few months ago, some a few years ago.
"Ah... it's so fast."
Lorenzo looked at the familiar poster, and all the past memories came to his eyes in a flash. At this time, he had a feeling of hindsight, and when he looked back, he realized that everything had passed so long.
There are some new posts on it, but most of them are cut-out newspapers. Seleu's face is blurred on the black-and-white newspaper. There is a line of large characters on the side that says "Young Duchess". There is also a real-time picture. People sighed and praised that this may be the biggest rainy season in Old Dunling in recent years, and then there was a leaflet, an orthodox leaflet.
These strange things made up Lorenzo's new life. When he saw them, he felt a little incredible. It had been so long since he came to Old Dunling.
If you think about it carefully, your mentality and everything are completely different.
Before, Lorenzo didn't care about the people and things around him. It made no difference to Lorenzo whether the world was destroyed or not. But now he has a rare love for the world. He can't let it all fall into the fire like this. middle.
Slowly closing his eyes, there was a stream of light overflowing from the gaps in the eyelids, secret blood was rising, and his heart was beating violently.
Power Gabriel.
At the end of Maruri Port, in order to escape from Lawrence's pursuit, Lorenzo stepped into the darkness, crossed the [Border], and disturbed the Silent Ones.
Judging from Lorenzo's current understanding, these monsters will not let him go so easily. Lorenzo is thinking about when they will appear. This is a hidden crisis.
But...it's more of a curiosity.
Judging from Shermans's notes and the information that Lorenzo later learned, the truth of the Red News incident has long been obvious. Lorenzo was waiting for Merlin's news just to be sure of it all.
Now Lorenzo is very curious, as if there is an invisible force tempting him. The Silent Ones guard the [Border], so what exactly is behind the [Border]?
Does it mean that the [truth] that I have been chasing is behind the [border]?If it is true, then for what reason do they want to guard all this tightly and not let anyone know?
Lorenzo wanted to try, as he had done in the port of Maruri, he wanted to try again, step into the darker darkness, cross the [border] to spy on the mysterious corner.
The erosion spread from the body, and the will gradually separated from the body. Lorenzo didn't know where he would go. If he had any feeling, he felt that he was diving, constantly falling into the depths of darkness. , like a drowning man, the cold water enveloped him, and looking down there was only despairing darkness.
Yes, just like at Maluri Port, let your will and secret blood go, keep walking into the darkness until you cross the [border] and disturb those sleeping monsters.
In his fully conscious perception, this was a vast dark sea, and Lorenzo felt that there was an ocean current rising from below, bringing a shuddering coldness and death.
He is about to cross, and there are dim stars shining behind the [Border], just like the dim starry sky that Watson showed him in the [Gap].
Lorenzo was about to see all this clearly, getting closer and closer, so close that the sleeping monsters felt Lorenzo's strange visitor. They opened their eyes slightly, revealing their bloodthirsty fangs.
The atmosphere was extremely depressing, and just when Lorenzo was about to explode it all, he suddenly stopped and showed a mean smile that didn't deserve a beating.
The next moment Lorenzo opened his eyes, and the secret blood calmed down in an instant. His head was covered with cold sweat. Without further pause, he rolled over from the bed, grabbed the nail sword in the corner, and observed with vigilance. All around.
To be honest, Lorenzo still can't figure out whether his brain is having a seizure or something else. He actually tried to cross the [border] under such circumstances. Logically speaking, his curiosity should not be so serious... ...Or is it that I have also been seduced, and even my own will will be slightly affected if I am not vigilant?
Of course, these things are not important anymore. Lorenzo is more worried about whether his behavior of repeatedly jumping across the [Border] will offend the Silent Ones. Although he is just passing by the edge this time, they may point out. You will feel that you have been tricked and get angry, and you will fall directly here.
It's okay to be here. Although I feel sorry for the house, if this place is blown up, Lorenzo doesn't seem to have to clean the house.
The more nervous he was, the more random things he was thinking about. He was like a frightened animal, holding a nailed sword and his figure was stiff. He didn't know how long it lasted. Everything was normal. There was no silencer, no monster, what the heck. Didn't happen either.
Lorenzo let out a long sigh, paused for a while, walked to the table, picked up his notes and started recording.
This is a notebook he started writing after returning from Nalo, Gaul. Many inferences about demons, silencers, and [borders] are contained in it. Lorenzo turned to the latest page and started writing.
"When the Silent Ones were triggered at Maluri Port, I was clearly the one who triggered them, but those monsters did not prioritize me as their attack target, but Lawrence. It seemed that Lawrence was more dangerous than me in front of them. Do they think they recognized me?" Zhili, does he have a way of judging threats?"
Lorenzo continued writing from the previous record. He recalled his feelings when he just passed the [border] and wrote.
"I clearly felt that I was on the edge of the [border]. There was only a wall between me and the sticky darkness. I could vaguely hear the breathing of those monsters... Well, this is just a description, conscious. In the world, many things are judged by very metaphysical 'feelings'. I think they must be able to feel me, but the strange thing is that judging from the actions of the Silent Ones, they should eradicate all those who cross the [border] , and those beings who have the ability to cross the [border].
But they still remain silent, as if there are some regulations restricting them. As long as I don't completely cross the [border], they will ignore me even if I stand on the edge in a daze...
This makes me wonder whether the Silent Ones have self-awareness. Are they some kind of unknowable monsters, or are they machines that act according to regulations and codes? "
Lorenzo stopped writing. The young people who were vomiting downstairs all left. Maybe it was because of the secret blood. He felt a little tired. If he continued writing, he didn't know what to write because there were no more experimental records. what's good.
Maybe after tomorrow, he can try to experiment with Merlin. With the current technology and the intelligence he has, Lorenzo has a certain degree of confidence in protecting everyone during the attack of the Silent Ones.
Lorenzo closed the note and crawled back into bed. Probably still afraid of the Silent Man, after thinking for a while, he put the nail sword and Winchester on his pillow. It seemed that this was the only way he could force himself. fell asleep.
The young man stopped vomiting. He stumbled and finally entered an alley on the street. He sat down weakly against the wall and stayed with the garbage.
Alcohol made his consciousness extremely blurred, the world in front of his eyes was spinning, and the friends around him laughed at his alcohol consumption, and his face distorted a little bit into the appearance of a monster.
"Get up and let's go."
Someone reached out and tried to pull him up, but the young man refused. He was so sleepy that he shook his head and slept with the garbage. His friends looked at him helplessly, probably because alcohol was also playing a role in their minds. , They also staggered, and finally fell beside the young man.
A few drunken young people in the alley lay on the ground and snored to sleep. This scene is very common among young people. Everyone wakes up on the street after being hungover to let their souls be free... I guess so.
The young man fell asleep soundly, but after a while he slowly opened his eyes, with a little gleam in his eyes, no longer clouded by drunkenness.
Watson stood up slowly, her will dominated this body, but the physiological reaction caused by alcohol made her, the controller, a little uncomfortable, but this is not the time to entangle these things, she is going to see Lorenzo , communicate this damn information with him.
Ever since she left the Stasis Temple, Watson had a strange feeling. She felt like she was being stared at by something. They were like hounds in the shadows hunting her... just like the Silent One.
The scary thing is not these monsters, but the peeping eyes. Watson has the courage to face these weirdness, but the endless coldness makes her feel uneasy.
Outside the alley is 121A Cork Street. Watson finally arrived here through continuous [gaps]. She held on to the wall and was about to walk out of the alley. But when she raised her head, she found a man standing at the end of the alley. Blurred shadows.
In the blurry black shadow, the same bright eyes lit up, and he blocked Watson's way.
No words were needed to explain, Watson understood the other party's intention in an instant. When she dug out the information from the old pope's mind, Watson had already had a premonition of all this, but she didn't expect it to come so soon. , so fast that she had no time to contact Lorenzo.
She still has a chance. This place is so close. Watson is confident that he can find Lorenzo under the enemy's offensive. She and Lorenzo may have a slight chance of winning together.
Watson thought this, but then she smelled a disgusting stench.
Fear, terror, sadness, rage, complex emotions are tangled together, turning into an extremely depressing force. It is like erosion, constantly overflowing from the shadow's body and pressing on Watson's body.
Not only that, Watson slowly raised her hand, and she was surprised to find that her palm began to deform, and the body was eroded. The intensity of the erosion was frightening, and the body was transformed in just a few breaths.
"What...are you? The Silent One?"
Watson asked indifferently, this intensity of erosion is almost as powerful as the Holy Night, and the human body will be alienated in an instant.
"The Reticent? Is that what you call us?"
Adren asked, and then he shook his head, denying the title.
"We are the watchmen."
"Watchers? What are you watching for?"
Watson continued to ask. She realized that she had no ability to defeat the enemy in front of her. All she could do was to obtain more information and find a way to pass it on.
In front of her eyes was a brand new Reticent...or Watcher, with independent self-awareness, different from those machine-like existences, and he must have some specific purpose because of it.
"Watch this stable world."
"You are different from the other...Watchers," Watson said.
"Indeed, they are just a group of living dead. Logically speaking, I should not exist. My awakening will affect the stability of this world, but because of you," Edron said, pointing to Watson, "people like you Mistakes have been made one after another, some of which the Watchers can fix, but some, like existences like you, they cannot completely kill."
"Such errors keep accumulating until a certain value is reached and I will appear and correct everything."
Adren pressed forward step by step. Before he could launch any offensive, a low roar sounded. The hungover young people beside Watson suddenly jumped up. They had lost their human form and were high. The intense erosion transformed into a demon, and its ferocious claws swung out, slashing at Watson.
(End of this chapter)

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