Embers of Embers

Chapter 466 Chase

Chapter 466 Chase
In the dark alley, with the demon's roar and disgusting blood, the atmosphere was depressing and shuddering, and then it was completely released.
The ferocious body was torn apart easily, and Watson's body was also torn apart. Bits of blood and flesh erupted on the wall, like a ferocious painting, dripping with blood.
The pupils of her eyes were burning with white fire, and the firelight illuminated Watson's body that had been transformed by erosion, and also illuminated the demon she killed beneath her feet.
After [Sublimation], Watson, who is fully spiritualized, does not have the ability to fight physically. If the will of nothingness wants to interfere with reality, then a carrier must be needed, and the carrier that supports Watson is the young man's body. But this body was obviously too weak to face the monster, so Watson released his power.
Corrosion erupts and spreads from her body, which is the prerequisite for the [Gap] invasion, using erosion to plant beacons in the individual's will, thus opening the door to attack, but this time Watson is not for the attack.
She is very aware of the terrifying nature of the man in front of her. He is a guy who knows the "truth" of the world. Maybe his power and the history of the church have his shadow. Fighting in the "gap", it will be difficult for Watson to gain the upper hand.
So this erosion is for resistance, or escape. Once she loses the support of this body, Watson will fall into danger. In order to delay time, she erodes the young man's body into a demon to fight against the being. Adren's alienated demon.
The hideous and terrifying body was on the verge of collapse. Faced with this crisis, Watson was very calm. He looked at Adren with a quiet gaze. Watson backed away slowly, hiding himself in the shadows.
"I have been thinking about the origin of this [epidemic] called the demon, and who is the [Patient Zero] who caused all this."
Sharp bone spurs pierced out from under both arms, like two sharp arm blades, exuding a dangerous light.Watson did not place her expectations on this kind of thing. She knew very well that nothing at the moment could pose a threat to Adren.
"I'm so stupid. I should have found the answer a long time ago, but I never noticed this."
Watson said with some self-deprecation.
At the moment when the young man's body was alienated, not only did various combat plans flash through her mind, but when she clearly felt that her body was being twisted into an abominable appearance, an extremely huge fear erupted from Watson's body. Her heart rose, and she suddenly guessed the answer.
"We without secret blood, completely separated from matter, can easily cause erosion, just like the invisible god of death."
Watson said in horror.
“We are the source ourselves.”
Everything in the past became a vague guess at this moment. Watson didn't know whether it was right or wrong, but this was the only answer she could think of now.
Facing Watson's words, Edron didn't say yes or no. He was against the light, and Watson couldn't see his face clearly. He could only see eyes like will-o'-the-wisps embedded in the dark shadows. middle.
"The lambs should stay in the pen honestly. Ignorance is the [proof] that you can survive."
The shepherd said indifferently, and after finishing his words, Watson's figure suddenly jumped out of the darkness.
These speculations are only used to influence Aidelun. There are still many loopholes in Watson's speculations, but this is not the time to think about them. The first thing she has to do is to survive.
She didn't know how much disguise the darkness could bring, but as long as it had a little effect, it might give Watson an extra chance of winning.
I saw that the young man's body had completely turned into a ball of deformed flesh and blood, with countless sharp bone spurs piercing out from its joints. It was like a monster holding dozens of swords, moving towards Edlen Strike with sword.
The narrow alleyway should have restricted such sword strikes, but the wall bricks were easily lifted up by Watson, bringing smoke and gravel, and at the same time, the bone spurs slashed at Adren.
The figure passed by, and Adren turned sideways to avoid most of the bone spurs. He was so strong that he stepped up the wall with all his strength, passed over Watson's head, and landed behind her.
Watson turned around suddenly and threw the bone spur, but he easily dodged it and pinned it to the ground.
"Fight of Trapped Beasts."
Adren's words were devoid of any emotion, but after the fight, he staggered a little, as if the body had made movements it normally couldn't do. The violent movement caused the ankle of his right foot to be sprained, not only In this way, some of Watson's bone spurs also scratched him, and blood overflowed from the wound with no sign of healing.
This tentative attack did what it was supposed to do. Judging from these performances, Adren, like Watson, is also a spiritual body. He just temporarily occupies this body. It is not the terrifying thing of the Silent One itself. body.
"Are you thankful for something? This is just a mortal body?"
As if he had guessed all of Watson's thoughts, Adren spoke at the right time, with a mocking tone in his voice.
"In the countless hundreds of years I have been watching, I have hunted many beings like you, or even more powerful than you. I have experienced all kinds of difficult battles. Everything you are doing now is just It’s just one of the battles I repeated before.”
Adren felt nostalgic.
"I won't necessarily kill you. Guys like you may be useful, such as becoming a member of the Watch. Of course, it is similar to the living dead. It is no different from death. It's really a pity to think so. ah."
His expression gradually became ferocious, and Watson could feel that the will under that body had a hint of madness, just like a prisoner who had been imprisoned for a long time and would feel fear when he saw the vast sky.
"However, I will still choose to kill you. Probably, what you call us is quite right, Reticent, this title is also very suitable for us, it is simply too suitable, all we want is to keep quiet, let us Sleeping forever, yet you keep crossing the fence again and again.
Can you feel that feeling?Discordant noises suddenly appeared in the silent world. They were sharp and harsh, constantly echoing in this empty and eternal world, repeatedly tormenting those of us who are sleeping until we can no longer bear it, thus driving us to wake up. To remove the source of these noises. "
These long years have turned Edron into an inhuman appearance. Apart from the responsibilities he should fulfill, his mind is almost filled with eternal sleep.
The next moment came the attack from Adren.
Edron was an excellent shepherd. Not only did he know how to hunt lambs, he also knew how to pen them.
The reason why he uses a cowardly mortal body is because he knows that the physical battle is not the end, and the fighting in the [Gap] is his main battlefield.
The attack was invisible. Watson only felt the erosion coming towards his face, followed by a severe pain that almost tore his skull, as if a heavy hammer was hitting his mind, and he was scratching with countless sharp knives. own nerves.
For a moment, Watson's consciousness was blurred by the severe pain. She was half-kneeling on the ground, leaning on the bone spurs to prevent herself from falling completely, panting violently like a wounded beast.
This is an attack from the [Gap]. Adren tried to invade his [Gap], but he failed this time. Watson's will is still strong. This attack is not enough to make Watson surrender. Coming down?
Can she resist once?Or two or three times?
Watson will die here.
Think about it, Watson, what should you do?
Next to this is Lorenzo's residence. Although the time of the battle is very short, it is already very long for the witcher. Maybe Lorenzo has noticed the current erosion and is getting up to look for nails. The sword cuts over.
Drag it to Lorenzo?How can this be?Lorenzo is also one of Adren's hunting targets, but it seems that his priority is higher than him. With the strength of the two of them, they don't know if they can fight against Adren, let alone even now Watson also did not test the full strength of Edron.
Watson could already imagine such a scene. Lorenzo would arrive in a few seconds holding a nail sword, and after a difficult battle, both of them would die in this dark alley.
This battle is not the familiar one before. The body is the barrier of [Gap]. This is a battle destined to happen in [Gap], and the two of them have little experience in [Gap] fighting. Even if they have fought against Lawrence, But Adren’s understanding and control of the [Gap] must be far better than Lawrence’s.
There is not much time left to make a decision. If you delay like this, Lorenzo will sooner or later notice the erosion and come here...
Watson made a decision, and this time Adren launched another attack, but this time the attack failed.
The body of the alienated young man went limp, his scarlet eyeballs exploded instantly, his will was completely destroyed into chaos, and his body also collapsed and decomposed, but Watson hidden inside had long since disappeared.
She escaped.
Watson used the [gap] to shuttle to the next body. On the way to Yin Erweg, in order to speed up, she would erode a target at the extreme distance, using their body as a springboard to move quickly. Now these springboards It became Watson's retreat.
She's running away, she's also trying to lure Edron away from Lorenzo, and one of them needs to survive.
Adren made a corresponding strategy. In such a close battle, his erosion had already covered Watson's [gap]. He didn't know how long the beacon would last, but it was at least enough for him to chase. Shanghua was born.
Closing his eyes, he sensed Watson's position, and then the huge erosion was released with him as the origin. All the large Geiger counters in Old Dunling detected this huge erosion at this moment. Although it was short-lived, It was still recorded, and in this momentary fluctuation, Edlen found his springboard.
The man walked to the balcony to admire the rare moonlight. He was just about to admire something when a faint fire appeared in his eyes. This fire only lasted for a few seconds and then dissipated. The man did not even respond. Come over, but then his eyeballs exploded.
Blood gushed out from his mouth and nose, and he seemed to have lost all strength. He was half-hanging on the railing. The flesh and blood under his skull had turned into a turbid mess. Behind him, his wife walked over slowly. , the eyes are filled with the same turbulent whiteness.
Adren took a step slower. Before he destroyed the man's [gap], Watson had already left quickly. These springboards were all left by Watson before. She did not need secondary erosion, but Adren did. This It will seriously slow down his pursuit.
As repeated before, the huge erosion erupted with Edron as the origin. He searched for Watson's trace and chose the carrier erosion at the position closest to her springboard.
Closing his eyes, Adren appeared dozens of kilometers away. He sensed that the beacon was in front of him and rushed over, but what he saw was a dense crowd. There seemed to be some kind of rally going on here. The crowd interfered with Adren's judgment, but then the erosion broke out.
It was as if a vicious curse had fallen on the crowd. The praying figure froze, and then countless pupils exploded under the attack of this [gap], blood continued to gush out, and people died one after another. .
Watson was not among them, and she escaped again. Adren needed to search for her location, so he was always one step behind Watson during the pursuit.
But he is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time, and Watson's springboard will always be exhausted. At that time, she will be like him, needing to erode and plant the beacon before she can shuttle between carriers.
The erosion breaks out again, searching for Watson's location.
This was a chase that could not be observed. The two moved extremely fast and arrived at the edge of Inverg in the blink of an eye. If there were Geiger counters along the way, based on the numerical feedback, people would It was discovered that the erosion was like footprints on Yin Erweg's map, heading towards the Holy Gospel Papal State.
Watson gritted her teeth. The rapid [gap] shuttle made her exhausted. She could not relax and rest. As long as she took one step slower, she would be overtaken by Edlen.
She increased her speed to an extreme and finally stopped.
Looking up, the magnificent church is at the end of the sight, surrounded by sacred prayers and whispers.
At last she was here again, where she had started, at the end of the plank.
"Cathedral of San Naro..."
Watson looked at this majestic everything. She wanted to seek the new pope's rescue. No, he knew the secret like herself. Maybe the new pope was dead now.
Taking a deep breath, huge erosion surged not far behind him. Looking back, Watson could see a strange man turning his head slowly. He looked at him with a smile, like a hunter chasing his wounded prey.
Watson backed away slowly until there was no way to retreat.
"Do you still want to escape?"
Adren asked from a distance, he found this kind of chase quite interesting.
Watson was silent, but then she smiled the same smile, as if her plot had succeeded.
A blazing storm rolled up in his pupils, and violent erosion descended here.
(End of this chapter)

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