Embers of Embers

Chapter 467 Safe House

Chapter 467 Safe House
Just like roaring thunder falling into the quiet city, the tranquil sanctity was broken in an instant. Everyone's expressions became distorted and frightened. At the same time, their flesh and blood bodies were gradually deformed under this instant erosion. Then, as if it could no longer maintain its human form, it began to collapse.
This was a counterattack from Watson. Adren probably didn't expect Watson to have the courage to resist him after seeing the difference in strength. This time, Watson took the lead in the attack.
The collision of wills was triggered, and Watson attacked along the path of his own erosion, slamming into Adren's [gap].
She tried her best, but after a short pause, she only felt that all her strength was poured into the iron wall. Everything was in vain, and it was just the [gap] that could slightly shake Adren.
Blood overflowed from the corners of Adren's eyes. The blow did not hurt him, but it did have some impact.
Watson gasped violently, feeling frightened by what he had just done.
At the moment of attacking Adlon, the [gap] between Watson and Adlon was extremely close. Under the iron wall-like defense, Watson felt the ferocity and violence coming from behind the iron wall. It was an ominous aura. It was as if the iron wall was not a defense, but a cage, tightly binding the dark will behind it.
"What on earth are you...?"
Watson gritted his teeth and looked solemn.
This counterattack was not just to repel Edlen, but more to test him and see if there was any chance of finding his weakness. Obviously Watson didn't find it. Not only that, it seemed to anger him.
Edron is different from all the enemies Watson encountered before. For him, the entity is just a carrier used to carry the will. The real battlefield is a void [gap]. His appearance directly broke Watson's understanding of the battle. Conventional cognition, even if you have a sharp sword in your hand, it is of no use at all.
Edron's expression gradually turned grim. He seemed calm and indifferent, but Watson could vaguely sense it, like the violent breath behind the iron wall. His nature restrains him from doing more crazy things.
Then...all means have been exhausted.
Under Adren's gaze, Watson smiled indifferently, and the next moment his flesh and blood body collapsed, blood gushes out from the sunken scarlet eye sockets, meaningless sobs came out of his throat, and his bones became extremely fragile. The muscles attached to it were easily torn apart, and finally collapsed, collapsing into a blur of flesh and blood.
Watson is dead...no, not yet.
Adren discovered that the will no longer existed in the flesh and blood. In the end, Watson chose to escape, but it was useless. Watson had exhausted her springboards. Now she needed to leave before she could. Eroding the goal, she and Edlen returned to the same starting line, but it was obvious that she could not outrun Edlen.
Adren closed his eyes, and the erosion was like waves on the sea, quickly passing over the land, searching for Watson's location, but this time the waves could not bring any response, only the silence that could not bear to be disturbed.
Watson disappeared.
The place of seven hills, the countryside.
In the messy and desolate countryside, a wooden house was built against a towering tree. It seemed to have been there for a while. The walls were covered with vines and the steps were covered with damp moss.
The man was lying on the bed in the house. He had been suffering from insomnia for several days and still couldn't fall asleep. He thought this was probably the reason why he recognized the bed.
He is a Templar, directly affiliated with the new Pope, and now he is performing a top-secret mission... Well, he doesn't know what this top-secret mission is. Anyway, his records have been deleted from the official, only The new pope knew he existed, and all he wanted to do was live in this little cabin.
The man couldn't figure out what this mission meant. The only clue he could guess was the cellar under the wooden house, which was filled with emergency food and medical supplies, as well as some weapons. It looked like a safe house, but he I can't figure out what kind of safe house would be worth taking so much trouble to protect.
Or...does this just look like a safe house?Is it actually a secret room used by the new pope to entertain his mistress?
He thought so and laughed. Although he was in awe of the new pope, everyone had secretly guessed the face behind the mask more than once.
The man felt a little sleepy. He was about to sleep. His eyelids slowly closed, and then the man's body stiffened.
He vaguely noticed something. It seemed like a pair of cold hands were caressing his body, and it seemed like an invisible wave was swallowing him up. It was so cold that it froze him in an instant, and his soft flesh became like iron. It is so strong that it locks the bones tightly and prevents any reaction.
The man opened his eyes suddenly, and a few glimmers of light rose in his eyes in the darkness.
Watson quickly rolled off the bed. She was so nervous that she didn't even dare to take a deep breath. According to the information in her memory, she forcefully opened the cellar's flap, jumped in, and fell hard to the ground, with pain emanating from her knees. clear sound.
There was no time to feel the pain and wailing. Watson struggled to crawl to the corner of the cellar. She held her breath and completely suppressed her power. The spark in her eyes was extremely dim, almost disappearing.
A huge shadow enveloped Watson.
The invisible erosion gathered together, they were like a tsunami from the sea, advancing crazily, nothing could stop them, searching for Watson like a hound.
Walking along the cracks, flowing through every place like a bursting flood, Watson could hear complicated auditory hallucinations, and countless footsteps hurriedly passed above his head. They searched around, but No trace of Watson was found.
Watson lowered her breath. Next to the dark and damp wall, she raised her hand to open the damp wall, revealing the silvery metal underneath.
"Thank you very much, Your Majesty."
The huge pressure disappeared, and Watson couldn't help but take a long breath, and then gasped in pain.
This is indeed a safe house, and it was indeed prepared by the new pope for himself, but it is used to guard against the silent ones. After knowing that Holy Silver can block the invasion of will, the new pope knows very well that he cannot stay here all the time. In the Temple of Stasis, he prayed for the protection of the Well of Ascension, so he set up such safe houses in areas where he might be attacked.
The location of the safe house was informed by the new pope to Watson before leaving. After all, Watson did not have the Well of Ascension as a barrier. It was unclear whether all this was due to a cooperative relationship or past friendship, but at least this time the intelligence saved him. Watson survived.
Watson opened the box according to the information in his memory, pushing away the food and medical supplies. There was a hidden compartment at the bottom of the box. When he opened it, he could see a bright silver headdress, like a crown.
This is a laurel crown made of holy silver. Watson puts it on his head. From the effect of this safe house, it can be seen that although Edron is very powerful, the property of holy silver that shields the will also has an effect on him. Effective, this thing might be able to withstand several attacks from Adren.
After doing all this, Watson paused for a while, probably to calm down his excitement, then picked up the medical supplies and bandaged his injured knee.
Now she didn't dare to use any strength, maybe it would attract Adren's attention. She was the priority target to be eliminated, and he would definitely not let her go.
But this is also a good thing. Adren's attention will not be diverted until he is dealt with, and Lorenzo may be able to survive this.
Of course, blindly escaping is not the solution. Watson thought for a while, and after confirming that it was safe, he opened the weapon rack on the side, took out a nail sword from it, and then slashed hard on the wall, destroying the safe house. .
After simply collecting the holy silver inside and putting it in her pocket, she climbed out of the cellar, opened the door, and saw the endless wilderness in front of her.
Now Watson doesn't dare to use the slightest strength, and he doesn't even dare to take off the holy silver laurel crown on his head. Maybe at some moment Adren will come to him and destroy him.
This battle can be regarded as a success. Watson not only tested Adren's power, but also obtained more useful intelligence. She needs to share this with Lorenzo...perhaps this will bring about a greater crisis. , but she knew very well that neither she nor Lorenzo wanted to be a comfortable lamb in the fence.
The fastest [Gap] shuttle is no longer available, so it seems that there is only one way left.
Watson looked in the direction of Inverg and found that everything was back to where it started.
"I hope Lorenzo can read the message I left."
She said, and then cursed angrily. It was too far away from Yin Erweg. She just walked helplessly. As for returning to the Temple of Stasis...
Watson is doubtful whether the new pope is now alive or dead.
But the current situation is still good. As Watson and others move forward, those guys can no longer hide in the darkness. They have only two choices left, waiting for Watson and others to find the truth of all this. Or kill them all.
It was dark at night, and footsteps sounded in the loneliness. A man stepped through the stagnant water in slippers. Looking up, he saw a pair of hairy thighs, then a pair of shorts, a long pajamas on his upper body, and a funny nightcap on his head. , the whole person is like a homeless man who just crawled out of the garbage dump.
Although the homeless man looked miserable, he was filled with murderous intent. Those who didn't know better thought that this guy was extremely angry after getting up.
Holding the nail sword in one hand, dragging Winchester with the other hand, with blazing eyes, he finally stopped at the end of the alley, smelling the familiar blood smell in the air, Lorenzo felt a little uneasy.
Everything started a few minutes ago. Lorenzo was sleeping soundly, but suddenly he felt a sickening malice in his sleep. As a demon hunter, Lorenzo knew exactly what it was, and he had been training for many years. It gave him an almost perverted vigilance.
He woke up from his dream almost instantly, then picked up the weapon, searched for the demon's location, and finally stopped at this location.
The night wind blew through the shadows of the alley, bringing the warm smell of blood. Lorenzo walked slowly into it. There were still several corpses on the ground, as well as a few demons that were not yet dead. Their flesh and blood It was as if the body had suffered some kind of blow. Even this deformed body could no longer support it and kept collapsing.
Lorenzo couldn't help but cover his nose. The demons were still whimpering. As their bodies collapsed, their respiratory tracts were completely squeezed. Even breathing was extremely painful, let alone making a sound. thing.
There wasn't much trauma. This kind of collapse happened inside the body, a force that Lorenzo didn't even understand...
Lorenzo thought this way, and suddenly a memory flashed before his eyes.
The flaming demon formerly named Horner.
Lorenzo once unconsciously triggered the [Gap] invasion. He used this method to destroy Horner's [Gap] and kill the monster. At that time, the monster's death was similar to these. Very similar, collapse and collapse began from within.
"How is this going?"
Lorenzo looked at the scene in confusion, his hand gently stroking the wall. The traces of the battle were still fresh, as if the battle had just ended a few minutes ago and he was just a step late.
So who is fighting the demon here?Judging from the damaged scratches on the wall, it was not caused by the sword blade. The marks caused by the sword blade would be thinner and flatter. There were no wounds left by the sword blade or bullets on the demon's body.
Where are the guys who fought the monsters now?Lorenzo didn't hear any sound of escaping along the way, and looking at the scene, he couldn't find any trace of the second person, and even said that the second person was a member of the demon.
Two monsters fighting here?Do demons also fight among themselves?
Lorenzo was even more confused. He thought about whether [Gap] should invade the demons. Maybe he could find some answers from their turbid consciousness.
He hesitated.
After facing Lawrence, for some reason, Lorenzo always had an inexplicable fear of invading other people's [gaps]. No matter whether the target was a human or a demon, he didn't want to do it.
In Irene's [gap], she shared her memories with herself to prove her trustworthiness, but Lorenzo also experienced all her experiences and emotions, countless memories and emotions, strong emotions Lorenzo almost lost himself. For a moment, he felt that he was Irene...
The same was true for Lawrence. When Lawrence showed him the prophecy of doomsday, Lorenzo felt great fear, as if a black ocean had swallowed him completely, and he could not see a trace of light.
Looking back now, Lorenzo couldn't tell whether the extremely strong fear came from himself, or was it from his memory, the emotion of Lawrence when he knew the prophecy?
He couldn't figure it out.
Just when he was hesitating, Lorenzo saw something. His eyes became solemn and he crouched down. He saw a line of words written in blood in the pool of blood. The words were short and scrawled. It looked like the person who wrote it The situation we faced at that time was very critical... like a confrontation with a demon, or something even more terrifying.
"Don't use Gabriel, he'll find out..."
Lorenzo slowly read out the vague handwriting. The thing was so strange that Lorenzo had to think carefully. Then he discovered that there were numbers in the corners of the handwriting.
Lorenzo's expression froze. He knew very well who else in the world knew the meaning of this number, and he also knew who had left this sentence to him.
"What happened? Watson."
Lorenzo looked at the mess in this place, thought clearly about what happened, and said worriedly.
"'who is it?"
(End of this chapter)

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