Embers of Embers

Chapter 472 Arrival

Chapter 472 Arrival
The erosion stirs up the windless storm, and the wailing ghosts are drawn into it. They are like hundreds of circling crows, playing the ominous sound in everyone's heart.
"William! Tell me the details of your experiment."
After hearing Lorenzo's words, Merlin immediately quickened his pace. He tried to contain his emotions and asked calmly.
"I regard the abnormal erosion that caused all this as a disease, and the demon is the patient affected by the disease. I am thinking about how to cure it... As I said before, find the inhibitory force, the shepherd , but obviously I was wrong."
After learning the truth, this cruel fact almost crushed William.
"The shepherd is for the benefit of the entire flock. In its eyes, we restless lambs are as worthy of death as hungry wolves. It will deal with us. This is what the Red News incident is. A force that we don't understand suddenly comes."
William said and became emotional.
"Just like now, the intensity of erosion continues to rise. They appear out of thin air and destroy the surrounding materials. But it is more like an equivalent exchange. It uses the surrounding materials as the basis, plunders them and constructs its own entity out of thin air. As for more details, I don’t know.”
William took a breath and continued.
"At that time, I was directly exposed to a high-intensity corrosive environment. Many people collapsed and turned into monsters. Some people were still resisting tenaciously, but it was useless. I was one of them. I only had about a few people at the time. I had ten seconds to think about all this, and as for the appearance of those shepherds, I only got a glimpse of them."
"What do they look like?" Merlin asked.
William recalled the past that should not be recalled, with a somewhat sacred expression on his face, but as soon as he confided a little, he was interrupted by Lorenzo.
"They are not considered angels, they only have a sacred appearance. They are similar to a spiritual life and cannot be completely killed. The appearance they see is just a replaceable body for them."
William looked straight at Lorenzo, and Merlin on the side was also stunned. He asked belatedly.
"You already knew all this?"
"It's almost the same, but William made me more sure of this. This is also the reason why I warned you at that time..." Lorenzo said.
"Because you've encountered them and survived."
Merlin felt that the situation was getting more complicated and more interesting.
"Knowledge is cursed, Merlin, you know that, it shouldn't exist within the [fence], and we shouldn't cross the [border]," Lorenzo said, "If it hadn't happened, I'd Still hesitant to tell you this... not everyone can face monsters like that."
"Are you ready?"
At this time, William interrupted the conversation between the two of them. After a brief surprise, he easily accepted it. After all, William was also the chief technical officer, and he had the same rationality as Merlin.
"Although it's hard to believe, judging from the results of my experiment, the shepherd is protecting humans, and the way it protects is to block all information transmission, which means that all those who are aware of it may be affected by it. Kill.
This is also the reason why no one has really understood the demon for so many years. I regard it as a kind of information threshold. When the information you know reaches a certain value, it will cross the [fence] and trigger the shepherd. "
There was no so-called fear on Merlin's expressionless face, only extreme indifference, like a machine.
"That means we could all die now, right?"
"Maybe I'll turn into a lunatic like me...but it doesn't look like I have long to live, doesn't it?"
William coughed a few times as he spoke, and spit out red blood. He looked at his bound arm, and the flesh and blood under it began to squirm slowly, as if he would soon become unable to maintain a human form.
"That's too bad...Lorenzo, you knew these all along, so are you capable of dealing with them?"
Merlin said and looked at the heavily armed Lorenzo. The demon hunter in front of him had known this for a long time, but due to the existence of the information threshold, he could not tell Merlin this and could not assign this disaster to anyone. Until now. Merlin knew this about William's experiment, and he revealed it.
"Probably. Although I can't completely kill those things, I can at least destroy their bodies, but they will always come back. I don't know how things will develop after that."
Lorenzo has some confidence in these.
Lorenzo has always been in a dilemma. He knows too many secrets, and he cannot share these secrets with anyone. That will only drag others into the disaster. He can only do it alone. Enjoy this fear.
But something was different now. He didn't know whether it was gloating or something else. Looking at Merlin, he suddenly felt that he had a comrade-in-arms.
"Then it's up to you, and I will try my best to find a way to pass on this information before being killed, in a way that the shepherds can't peep."
Merlin had no expression, but his current enthusiasm could be heard from his words.
Lorenzo was not surprised by Merlin like this. He was an alchemist and a scholar. Knowledge was extremely precious to him, and the knowledge that could free mankind from the curse was above all else.
Although Merlin looks very cold, under this cold body, there is an extremely passionate heart.
"Think about it carefully, William, do you have any other information to say? Because of you, we may have to suffer another Red News incident. Many people will die. I hope they can die more valuable."
Merlin said as he put his hands on William's shoulders, his voice stern and pleading.
William's pupils dilated slightly. He looked troubled and his expression was ferocious. The disordered memory and erosion were affecting him all the time. He almost ran out of time.
"Victorian Royal Family."
What did he think of.
"Yes, the Victoria royal family! They must also know these things. The reason why I conduct experiments in private is that they continue to veto my proposals. From a profit perspective, my proposals are completely in line with the goals of the purification agency. If I can investigate It would be a great victory for us against the demons, but they did not agree."
William's words trembled and his speed increased.
"Yes, they must know something, so it makes sense. They know the existence of the shepherds, and they also know the knowledge of these curses. In order to prevent the disaster from spreading, they took a step ahead of the shepherds and stopped us.
But why were they not attacked by the shepherds?Or do they just know some vague information that is too vague to trigger the information threshold? "
William laughed wildly, marveling at the ingenuity of all this design.
"This is an extremely perfect [fence]. Those who know about it cannot tell others about it. Even they themselves are unable to protect themselves. Everything related to it will be worn away bit by bit until no one knows about it anymore."
A perfect closed loop, hiding those ulterior secrets in the darkness.
"What exactly is behind [the fence]?"
William asked.
There was a startling thunder in the void in response to William's question. Alarms sounded one after another, and shocking erosion came. Chaotic electric currents could be seen swimming between the walls of the well, and then black thunderballs emerged out of thin air, and they decomposed instantly. It destroyed the surrounding matter and devoured it like a greedy evil ghost.
"Get ready for battle! Everyone!"
Lorenzo shouted loudly.
"The enemy cannot be killed, but its body can be destroyed. Their main properties are similar to those of demon hunters. To be precise, we demon hunters are similar to them. But these are not important. Don't show mercy and use full firepower!"
Lorenzo had thought about such a day, he led the mortals to fight against these weirdnesses, but he didn't expect it to happen so fast, and he was a little surprised by the speed, but it's not bad to think about it, the end is coming, this is a disaster On the eve of , in any case, there was not much time left for Lorenzo.
The surge of thunder stopped. After the silence, pairs of white iron wings unfolded from it. Under their wrap, the ruthless angel opened his eyes.
shepherd?The silent one?Or some so-called watcher?
It doesn't matter what it is at this moment, they are the enemy, and the only way for the enemy is to be destroyed.
"What the hell is this..."
Above the dome, Shrike could hardly believe what he saw before his eyes. The extremely solid walls of the well were filled with huge holes one after another under the emergence of thunderballs. The metal edges of these holes were burned red, and the materials in them were All disappeared, replaced by those holy angels.
This is a very reliable defense facility of the Perpetual Pump. Neither the Original Sin Armor nor the demons can capture it, but it collapsed the moment the thunderball appeared.
"They are not ghosts, they are enemies, shrike, kill them all."
Percival, who was jumping unusually, calmed down at this moment. She moved the muzzle of her rifle, aimed at an angel who had just walked out of the thunderball, and pulled the trigger.
The roaring gunfire sounded, and the huge steel shell ejected with blazing residual heat. At the same time, a scorching trajectory erupted from the muzzle of the rifle. The heavy warhead tore through the air and made a sharp scream. You can see The dark red light then fell on the angel and completely exploded.
The kinetic energy instantly overturned the angel, and the exploding steel cut into its body like a thousand sharp swords, nailing it to the ground. The entire body was exploded, and the blood-red flesh and broken bones could be seen underneath. Logically speaking, it should be completely torn into pieces, but the countless red threads pulled the pieces of meat together just right, preventing the body from dying completely.
"Get William out of here, Merlin!"
Lorenzo lifted the Winchester and fired at the angels, now a guy like Merlin would die if he stayed here.
"No, I can't leave yet. If this thing is really so harmful, we all have to stay in the workshop."
Merlin knew very well that the people in the workshop were all restless lambs, and now they had to unite all their strengths to kill the shepherd, otherwise they would only kill more innocent people by escaping.
"Then stay away! There isn't enough space here to fight!"
While Lorenzo shouted, violent gunshots came from the dome, and the lancers began to fire continuously. Each shot was so heavy, like throwing an iron spear, and each blow could cause heavy damage to the angel. , but unfortunately cannot kill them completely.
Shrike also realized this, those spider web-like red threads were healing them, so the sword dancer suddenly jumped down from the high platform, and during the fall, he took off the armor and fire gun from the weapon rack.
Pull the trigger and a blazing stream of fire spreads across the battlefield.
The molten molten iron divided the battlefield at the bottom of the workshop, briefly blocking the progress of the angels. The hot molten iron fell on their bodies, and their flesh and blood collapsed and healed. However, they seemed to be unable to feel the pain and performed like a machine. Order.
This can be called a sacred scene. The holy angels came bathed in golden molten iron, like statues coming to life. Spiral spikes pierced out from their palms. But before they could attack, the huge black The shadows fell to the ground, and the sharp giant blade cut them in half.
"Suppress them!"
Lorenzo yelled.
He was like an elusive ghost, walking among the swords lined with angels. The nail sword tore apart one body after another, and there were countless scratches and wounds on the armor.
To be honest, Lorenzo felt that the current situation was not good. They could not leave the workshop until the fighting stopped. There were not only soldiers here, but also many scientific researchers like Merlin. They were very precious and needed priority protection.
As for these enemies, although Lorenzo has fought against them, he has never completely killed them... He may be able to kill them. After all, it is the will of the Silent ones that controls the body, and Lorenzo can try Fight from the [gap].
Such thoughts flashed away, and Watson's warning came to mind again.
Lorenzo hesitated, but at this moment of hesitation, a miserable roar sounded.
A lone medical staff knelt on the ground. He grabbed his head, cried and shouted something. Then his back began to bulge, and then sharp bone spurs protruded from it, tearing the entire body apart. Into a ferocious appearance.In this highly corrosive environment, he was transformed into a demon with the appearance of angels.
This is a perfect closed loop. In order not to leak the danger, they cannot leave the workshop before repelling the angels. This is a line of defense and a prison. The longer they stay here, the easier it is for the will of mortals to be corrupted.
how should I do it?
When he was in Maruri Port, Lorenzo also triggered the arrival of these monsters, but he didn't know the outcome, but he felt that Lawrence should not die in their hands, so they should leave after certain conditions were met. go.
Yes, it should be like this, as if they were attacking Lawrence first, not themselves. Obviously, he was the culprit that caused all this, but Lawrence took on most of the firepower for him.
"Information threshold...priority..."
Lorenzo thought of something, his eyes suddenly turned to the side, and roared.
"Merlin! Stay away from William!"
(End of this chapter)

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